Money Maker?

I LOVE YOU..r money


Victoria’s mind shut down as soon as those ridiculously y lips touched hers. She resisted the urge the first time, the second time she was barely holding on and the third time, she let go. 
Truth be told, it was wayyy better than the one in the shower. It felt more real and vibrant. Alive. Victoria could feel the temperature rise in the room, the sound of their panting breathing. Victoria was the first one to break away; breathing loudly as she tilted her head up, Nichkhun left and kissed his way down her neck, nibbing her ear teasingly. Victoria whined, flattening her hand on the wall behind her as her other hand grab at his hair. She could feel him smiling. 
Nichkhun kissed his way down, stopping at her collarbone. He on it hungrily; his tongue on her was like fire. She felt him bit her a few times lightly. Feeling impatient, Victoria grabs a handful of his hair and brought it back to her lips. Nichkhun chuckled softly as he pulled her closer, if that was even possible. 
“Shut up” Victoria muttered against his lips. They were kissing hungrily now; there was a sense of urgency in the air, so thick you can cut a knife through it. Nichkhun’s hand trailed down from her waist to your hips, he pulled a little at her shirt and tugged it up. 
His cold hand against her hot skin made Victoria gasp. Nichkhun took the opportunity, slipping his tongue in. They fought for dominance, it was wild. 
“Take your shirt off” Nichkhun panted, Victoria just nodded her head and raised her arms, and Nichkhun pulled the shirt over her head with ease before throwing the piece of material carelessly away. Victoria felt her insides turning into liquid fire. She could hear the sizzling of her skin when his hand touched it. 
“take your shirt off” she panted, Nichkhun pulled back and roughly took his off, revealing his hard sculptured chest, but what cracked Victoria up was blue.
“That’s just a big turn off” Victoria whispered, looking up and down his blue body.
“Are you turned off?” Nichkhun asked, even though he knew the answer just by looking at her. Victoria shook her head and threw herself at him. Nichkhun swiftly laid her on the bed and went on top of her without putting an ounce of his weight on her. 
Victoria gripped his shoulders and lifted herself off the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist. Nichkhun groaned softly at the feeling of her skin on his. 
Nichkhun hugged her to him, holding her to him with one strong blue arm. Victoria moaned and rested her head on the nape of his shoulder and bit down. 
“Ah, damn” Nichkhun yelled before going back to kissing her neck. Victoria knew to stop, her brain was basically yelling at her to stop. To snap out of it, she shook the thought away. But isn’t this a game? A voice inside her said. If you let yourself get carried away, won’t that give him the power and you’ll have to stick with him? If you give in, he’ll win. 
That snapped her out of it, Victoria pushed at him with her hands, when he didn’t let go, Victoria unhooked her legs and let herself dropped on the bed, making space between them. Nichkhun looked at her with confusion for a split second before going for her lips again when Victoria brought her hand and pushed against his face. 
“What’s the problem?” Nichkhun panted.
“Losing at your own game Nick” Victoria smiled at him mischievously and rolled off from under him. 
“This was part of a plan?” Nichkhun asked, disbelief was in his voice. Victoria played it off with a smile.
“You are an evil little person” Nichkhun said as he shook his head but she could see a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“Divorce?” she asked, tugging down her shirt she grabbed from the ground.
“Only when hell freezes over” 
“Where are you going green monster?” Nichkhun called after Victoria as she ran down stairs early the next morning. 
“Get some hair die, I don’t want to look like a freak and embarrass your family by having green hair and...You should do something about...” Victoria pointed to the areas around her face before bursting out in laughter. 
“Ha, ha” Nichkhun mocked. 
“Sorry, but it’s too funny avatar. I’ll buy some foundation, fix you up” at that, Victoria grabbed Nichkhun’s car keys since her car is still at Amber’s and went straight to the shop wearing a beanie. 
2 hours later, Victoria came back with a bag of foundation and some concealer since she went to the salon and made them dye her hair back. They looked at her all funny but didn’t mention it, thank god. 
“The dress came” Nichkhun said from his seat near the TV. 
“Alright” Victoria said loosely as she poured out the content in the clear plastic bag. 
“What do think of the kiss?” Nichkhun asked suddenly, making Victoria stop in her tracks.
“What do you mean?” she tried to play it off coolly but her voice shook.
“Do you...I don’t it?” Victoria could still remember the lust and passion inside of her at that moment, thinking about it brought back all the feelings over again...which is a bad sign.
“It’s alright” she brushed it off and changed the subject before he got into more details.
“Your hair is back” Nichkhun noted as he got up from the couch and came around the small island in the kitchen.
“Yep. Now I need to fix your face, so go get ready and dress...or suit up...something...” Victoria waved her hand in the hair. Nichkhun gave her a lazy smiles that she....that Victoria scolded herself. 
“You too” he said as he pointed towards the coat hanger with a black clothes case hanging by the toilet door.
Victoria took 1 hour to get ready, kicking Nichkhun out of the room in the process, leaving him to use to bathroom downstairs to do his hair. 
“Victoria! You ready yet? My face still need to be fixed” Nichkhun called from downstairs. Applying the last bits of her makeup on, Victoria muttered under her breath, “not that it can be fixed” before slipping into her shoes and grabs her clutch.
Butterflies started to form when Victoria looked down the stairs. Why am I so nervous? She thought to herself. The thought of Nichkhun seeing her made her nervous. She wanted to please him and want him to admire her, see her in her pretty form. But you don’t want that, her conscious told her. 
“Right” she answered herself, took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. 
Nichkhun was in a black and silver suit which looked very sharp on him. It framed his muscular arms and squared his shoulders, making him look big and imitating yet super, super attractive and hot. Victoria fisted her hands and wiped the bits of sweat on her dress. 
When Nichkhun saw her, she couldn’t place what was going through him. His eyes are smiling at her and his mouth was slightly open and Victoria could see him swallow once before breaking into a wide smile. 
“How do I look?” she asked him nervously as she gave him a little twirl. Her dress was tight fitted, gold/cream colour that flares at the bottom, Victoria wore gold heels and matching clutch while she let her hair down, curling it big to make it flirtatious. 
“’s alright” Nichkhun said, crossing his arms. Victoria heart dropped disappointingly but she didn’t show.
“Well, you better compliment me if you don’t want to go to the ceremony blue” Victoria grabbed his arm and sat him down on the couch, opened her makeup box and got to work. She did his face, neck and hands since the rest of his body were covered. She did his face last, so when she finished, her face was inches from his, which made her squirm on the inside. 
“The makeup is long lasting so it would stay. Thank me now” she demanded. Nichkhun started to lean in when Victoria moved back suddenly and stood up.
“I’ll clean this mess” she said hurriedly, gathering tissues and quickly making her escape to the kitchen, she could hear Nichkhun laughing after her.
“I make you nervous” she heard him say. Damn, Victoria cursed silently. 
“Whatever, let’s get going avatar” Victoria said when she came out from the kitchen and headed straight for the door, not sparing him a look.
“Victoria! You look fabulous darling” Nichkhun’s mother came up to them when they enter the elegant room filled with chandeliers and candles light. 
“Thank you, you too” Victoria replied as she gave his mum a kiss on the cheek. Nichkhun’s mum gave her son a tight hug before she introduced them to the vice president of the multi-million dollars company that was interested in becoming partners with them. 
Victoria stood there by Nichkhun side, with her arm through his and played a good girl while he talked business with big people with big money. When one walks away, Nichkhun would take a deep breath and cleared his throat, as if these people made him nervous. She wasn’t sure if she heard right but she thought at one stage he said “I'm glad you’re here”
After a torturing an hour and a half, Victoria and Nichkhun were left alone.
“Bored yet?” Nichkhun leaned down and whispered into her ear. Victoria smiled up at him and shook her head.
“No, I'm entertaining myself with all these eye candy walking around” Victoria said as she looked at woo young, the son of the biggest car making company in the world. Nichkhun saw who she was looking at and laughed.
“What so funny?” Victoria asked.
“You can flirt all you want with him but he won’t be persuaded” Nichkhun said as he moved his arm around and took hold of her waist. Victoria wanted to shake him off but there were too many people around and flashes of cameras were everywhere, the last thing she needed was making the head line saying “problem in a relationship”
“Because he’s gay” Nichkhun said matter of factly.
“You don’t say” Victoria said in amazement.
“You’ll be surprised at how many gay men are in this industry” Nichkhun whispered in her ear.
“Hopefully you’re not one” Victoria muttered.
Victoria couldn’t help herself but laugh out loud at his comment. Nichkhun follow suit and laughed softly, the mood was however interrupted when someone cleared their throat.
“Having fun?” the sound of Luna’s voice made Victoria clenches her teeth. 
“Luna” Nichkhun acknowledge her.
“Care to dance?” Luna asked as she stepped closer towards them. 
“Uh, su—” Nichkhun was about to answer when Victoria cut in.
“but oppa~, I want you to dance with me” Victoria hated herself to sound but she would rather swallow daggers then see Luna all over maker?
Nichkhun looked rather taken back with her sudden reaction but he broke into a big smile and hooks his arm around her waist tighter and looked apologetically at Luna.
“sorry, the wife wants a dance” before he could finish the sentence, Victoria pulled Nichkhun into the centre of the dance floor amongst other dancing couples and allowed him to take one of her hands in his and pulled her closer to him by her waist.
“What was that?” he murmured, their faces were inches apart so he didn’t really have to say it loud. 
“I don’t like her” Victoria said with a fake smile to show that they are happily in love and are lost in each other’s eyes. Nichkhun picked up what she was getting at and broke into a bright smile and started to laugh.
“What the frig are you laughing at?” Victoria asked with a smile, holding onto his hand a little tighter.
Nichkhun smile suddenly disappear and she felt Nichkhun pulling her in closer, his face turned dark and the atmosphere between them plummet.
“Care to dance Victoria?” Donghae said from behind her. 
Another Chapter on time, aren't you guys proud of me :D
Hot makeout session, you like it?
I figured it's time for Luna to enter the game, stir up some things ;)
i heart comments and subscribe!
thanks for you readers who commented! i really appriciated it <3 
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I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe