Chapter 8

To Hide

He knew that she would come with him into the kitchen to ask and with this opportunity he let the others explain everything properly to Chansung. Sophie stared at Jaebeom trying to know what his main scheme was but she knew she was pushing too far. She knew that they couldn't share secrets anymore after all they were no longer 6 and 10 years old. She creased her eyebrows trying to rid her migraine of hers which was slowly rising again.

"It's something that..." he paused before looking at her. She leaned closer waiting for his answer. Clearing his throat he smiled at her knowing that she would not fall for any type of excuses he'll give.

"Something that might affect our appetite," Sophie nearly fell off her feet when she heard his answer, ‘Men and their stomach’. Straightening up, she brought her hand up to massage her temple. She gave a weak cough waving her hand at him as if telling him not go on which she knew he will give much more lame excuses.

“Sophie, come on. You should believe your Oppa, you know that we hardly eat when we live alone. You know that ‘that’ would disturb our appetite so we hardly kill,” she just shook her head at his excuses that was pouring out of his mouth, heading towards the cupboard looking for food to feed the hungry men outside her kitchen. Again shaking her head, she found nothing suitable to feed all of them, turning to face Jaebeom she gave him one of her famous smiles. Jaebeom only shook his head in return knowing that she was up to no good.

Meanwhile outside the kitchen, the other six men in the living room were busy discussing about the mission.

“Jaebeom-hyung is really trying to hide it from Sophie right?” Wooyoung asked his other hyungs in the living room later received a nod from everybody else but Chansung who had no idea what was really happening. They all looked at him before looking at each other. They knew they should tell him to prevent further damages that had already had happened. Clearly his throat, Junsu looked straight at Chansung telling him that he was serious.

“Okay, Chansung-shi we are going to tell you the truth now but please don’t tell Sophie. Jaebeom is trying real hard trying to protect his sister from getting involved with his business with the Num Yoks,” stretching his head he looked at the others as if asking them to help in this conversation.

“The story that we told you before was a bit made up and the truth is that the boss was not involved in a fight with the Breakers, someone inside the Num Yoks is trying to cause a stir. The guy who assigned us this mission used the boss’s name but what he didn’t know is that Jaebeom hyung was with the boss that night of the event,” Junho helped Junsu with his explanation.

Chansung’s eyes widened, why did he get involved with this again? He didn’t do anything wrong and got accused for nothing. He let out a nervous cough when he thought how complicated it got.

“Even though we lied to Sophie but the truth is that someone is trying to kill you and he assigned it to the wrong group the moment he tried to use the boss’s name. He didn’t know the relationship between the boss and Jaebeom-,” before Wooyoung could continue, Nichkhun jabbed with his elbow stopping him from doing so. He received a ‘that’s too much information,’ look and he knew that he had spoke too much. He looked up at others and received more looks.

“What’s the relationship between them?” Chansung sat up straight when he had heard what Wooyoung was about to tell him. He saw that the rest of the guys were giving Wooyoung the looks and knew that they were hiding even more.

“Don’t worry about what he had said, it’s something not important. Basically you don’t have to worry. We will take this matter seriously but for the time being don’t go out of this apartment until we tell you so,” Taecyeon had the ‘you-better-listen’ look trying to convince him that he is serious despite his goofy personality. Chansung gave him one weak nod before letting his eyes wonder to the kitchen door.

“If she’s not with the group, how does she know so much?” he asked pointing at the kitchen door where both the Park siblings were hidden.

“I don’t think we can answer that,” Nichkhun shook his head while grabbing Chansung’s folder which was lying on the coffee table. Flipping through the pages, he scanned his eyes through all sort of information and details about him.

“Hmmmm, are you part Italian?” Wooyoung asked causing Chansung to choke on his own saliva. ‘What gave him the thought that I’m Italian?’ while the others laughed at his question. He looked at the others and laughed with them thinking again what a stupid question he had asked. Wooyoung opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by the kitchen door which was slammed opened. Every one stopped laughing as they drew their eyes to the door watching the eldest member running out of it.

Chansung stared at the scared figure running across the living room. ‘How can he be the leader of a gang?’ he asked himself only to receive no reply.

“Why are you asking me? Go ask Nichkhun!” Jaebeom ran away from the kitchen the moment he heard her ask for money to buy food. Though the job she’s got could give her enough to pay for ten more people’s food but he knew that giving his credit card for her to use would make him pay much more than what she had spent. This is always the punishment for making her apartment messy which they did twice. 

“No, I’m going to use yours since you brought him here and extra six more so you pay for their meals and stuffs,” she stumped her feet when she saw that he went behind Taecyeon who looked annoyed with his hyung’s childishness.

“Yah! Taecyeon protect me for that crazy monkey,” Sophie’s face turned red with anger when she heard her Oppa calling her money and on top of that a crazy one too. Jaebeom knew that he over did it when he called her that but it was too late to go back now and the only thing he could do right now was to run. Holding onto Taecyeon’s green t-shirt he turned his body forty five degrees to the left and headed towards the door. The others could only shake their head at the Park sibling’s childish arguments.

“Come back here!” Sophie shouted as she grabbed hold of his shirt. Jaebeom gulped knowing that it’s was too late to run but he tried to struggle from her hold. A force from Jaebeom’s struggled had pulled Sophie to tripping onto her own feet causing her to fall onto the nearest couch which was already occupied by someone. All movement stopped in the living room even Jaebeom stopped his struggles when he saw Sophie fell and where or whom she landed on.

With a small ‘Uft’ she landed on something soft and warm at the same time. She looked up from her spot and her face immediately turned red not from anger but from embarrassment when she saw where or on whom she landed on. Chansung’s eyes widen when he saw her fall onto him like her his face turned red from the close proximity. He felt her hands on his chest trying to push herself up. The rest finally came back to reality and helped her up, Jaebeom ran to her and checked if she was alright. Brushing the invisible dust on her shorts, she coughed and said that she was okay. 

“Did he do anything to you?” Jaebeom asked again only to receive a hit on his arms.

“That wouldn’t have happened if you had just gave me your credit card,” she folded her arms across her chest pretending that it never had happened. Reluctantly, he gave her his credit card knowing that it was partially his fault that she tripped. He watched her beamed with happiness as if she had won a lottery whereas he slumped with sadness watching his money going down the drain again.

“Alright! Time to go shopping,” she smiled at the others before going to her room to change. The others laughed at her sudden mood change while her Oppa slumped in one corner.

“I don’t get it, she’s got a part time job where she earns lots and she’s asking me for my credit card. It’s so unfair,” Jaebeom cried before facing the laughing crowd.

“It’s all your gangs’ fault, if you didn’t mess her apartment before I wouldn’t have to face this mess on my own. Its conspiracy!” he slumped even more when the others laughed harder. The laughter ceased when Sophie walked out her room with a simple white shirt and knee length pants.

“Sophie, we’re coming with you,” Sophie shook her head telling them there’s no need to but all she got was, “Let us carry the groceries for you especially when you’re buying for all of us,” she couldn’t turn down the offer from gentleman Nichkhun. She smiled and nodded leaving her apartment while the rest said goodbye.

While walking towards the shopping mart that was not far from her apartment, sounds of clicking came from the other side of the street.

“The girl just left her apartment with two guys by her side,”

“Okay, stay there and report back if anything happens,”

“Yes, sir”



Hey guys hows it!! Sorry for the long wait, I had 2 papers and another one coming this Wednesday. I typed so many drafts for this chapter but my pc couldn't work so I couldn't upload i'm sorry!!!!


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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(