Chapter 11

To Hide

It was dark and cold and he was alone in the streets trying to find his way back home but the moment he left the doorsteps, he knew he was lost. Already an hour passed and he was cold still trying to find his way home yet thinking that he was alone in the middle of the streets, a lone shadow followed him. To turn left or to turn right, he stood there in the middle of a junction still trying to figure out which way to turn. Finally he made up his mind where to turn suddenly he felt a cold sharp surface against his neck. His back straightened scared of what the blade might do to him.

“Don’t move, Hwang Chansung. All you need to do is follow me,” with the blade against his neck all he could do was nod letting him drag him to where he wants him to be. Before his capturer could make another step, he was stopped by another figure with a dagger pointing towards his chest. Swallowing his saliva hard, Chansung didn’t know what to do but silently cry regretting coming out at this time.

“Drop your weapon or I’ll stab this dagger straight to your heart,” before he could even retreat his hands, the dagger had already whoosh across his face making a small cut across his cheeks. Dropping his own, he fled away leaving Chansung standing there staring in awe. He suddenly remembered that the voice of his savior was feminine, quickly he turned towards her face he was stunned by her beauty but somehow there was a little disappointment as if hoping that it was somebody else.

‘Why should I be disappointed when this beautiful lady is standing in front?’ he mentally smacked himself as he continued to gawk at his savior who had dark midnight hair and tanned complexion, he felt like he was describing ‘Snow White’ except the tanned complexion part. The sound of her sigh woke him up from him stare, shaking his head slightly he faced her again. It was like meeting her again, her long fine dark hair and complexion, ‘Is it her?’ he asked himself hoping that it was really her that he was staring at.

“Thank you for saving me,” he bowed with a bit of embarrassment from letting a female saving a man like him. The whole kidnap thing had made him loose his manliness. He watched her seriousness as she waved at him telling him that it was okay.

“Why are you alone at this time of the night?” he heard her ask with seriousness, looking at her he thought shouldn’t he be asking the same question but the thought flew away when something had caught his eyes. Partially hidden by her sleeves he spotted black ink inked onto her skin. He took a step back sensing that she’s from a group that he does not want to interfere with.

“Hwang Chansung, right?” he looked at her in cautious unsure why she knew who he was. It was like she had read his mind, she lifted her sleeves to show her tattoo and he didn’t need another word when he had spotted the jade color with it.

“You’re with them?” he questioned even if he had already knew the answer.

“You should be with them not here,” she didn’t answer his question and turned to leave, leaving him there standing alone in the middle of the street. Realizing where he was he quickly ran towards her grabbing onto her arm. Within a second his arm was back to his side as she threw his hand not back glaring at him.

“Sorry but you see I’m lost,” he bowed his head with embarrassment while she continue to stare him down.

“That happens when you want to escape,” she turned around and walked the other way guiding him back to Sophie’s apartment. While they were walking, she stopped in the middle as if she had sensed something turning around quickly she looked at him with a glare.

“You, don’t tell anyone about me, I’m not supposed to be part of this mission. Don’t tell anyone and remember you should not try to escape,” Chansung continued to stare at her enjoying the close distance. He could see her brown eyes that were filled with secrets just like ‘her.’ He nodded at her telling him that he had understood and not to tell anyone that they had met but to his surprise she had already left him again in the middle of the streets.

“Hey,” he nearly shouted as his hand reached out for her but it was too late she was already out of his reach. Withdrawing his arms back, he scratched his head in embarrassment remembering that he was saved by a female.

“Hwang Chansung, I knew that you would try to escape tonight. But why come back?” a voice called out at him making him jump out of his spot. He gulped out loud recognizing the voice and he knew that he was caught again, turning around to face the owner of the voice the back of his neck hair all stood up following with the beat of his heart beat.

“Hi,” he waved his arms at the owner awkwardly trying to remove the seriousness between the two of them. It seems like he failed when the other just looked down with disappointment.

“I know that you want to escape and be with your family but I think we had already told you that we’re taking this mission with seriousness even making sure that your Omma is safe. They won’t attack your Omma,” with that the owner turned around knowing that he would follow back to the apartment. Chansung’s mind was filled with guilt when he saw how much disappointment he had brought to her he had also felt that she would not trust him as much as before.

“Sophie,” he called out her name hoping that she would understand his feelings, hoping that she would not get angry at him for his actions.

“Stop the talking just follow me,” he was stunned with her words that he felt like it was filled with venom stabbing his heart. He knew he had blown it, their friendship would not be the same again and he knew it. He had never felt such pain since he was small always giving his mother trouble making his mother angry, he remembered the day his mother scolded him that’s when he knew he had hurt his mother’s heart. Shaking his head trying to shake the thought he was already happy that she would not tell Jaebeom and them but he couldn’t shake off the small feeling of guilt and pain.

He looked back to where the mystery girl had left and wondered if he should tell Sophie about it but he remembered about her warning, he rejected the idea straight away. He remembered the same similarities between her and the girl in the store two years ago, the dark hair and the mysterious feelings surrounding her. ‘Are they the same person?’ he thought to himself as he walked back into the apartment. He looked at Sophie’s back when he had thought about the mysterious aura that surrounds the girl, she too had the same feeling but she had brown hair unlike his ‘mysterious girl’ who had black. His thoughts were halted when he saw Sophie turning around to face him, scared he too stopped in front of her apartment. He could not tell what was she hiding but he knew he had really disappointed her.

“Did something happen when you left the apartment?” she asked with a straight face not showing any emotions that she had used to express when she was with him.

“No,” without another thought he had kept his secret with the girl who had saved him earlier. He saw her raise her eyebrows and knew that she knew that he was lying, he waited for her to ask more questions but was surprised when he heard the door open.

“I’ll pretend that this had never happened,” was her last words before the night ended. He looked back at the living room and noticed that it was the same before he had left the apartment the boys were still knocked out from the alcohol they had had that night. Sighing, he too left the living room into his room slow footsteps that were filled with guilt and pain from what had just happened.

Hey!! Chapter 11 is up!! Please enjoy this chapter and Comment pliz. I don't mind bad comments too as long as you comment it will motivate me to write better!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!

P.S. Comment!!!!!!!! please lol!!!!!

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(