Chapter 5

To Hide

Hey! Guys here is chapter 5 and its quite lengthy hope you guys enjoy!


Taecyeon stayed back near the door frame while the others went to interrogate Sophie again. He silently laughed at the sight of the guys looking serious trying to force answers from Sophie while she's getting annoyed with them. His eyes shifted to the sleeping beauty and noticed that he's not a sleeping beauty anymore. He saw his eyes peeking as if to check whether there is no one in the room.


"So you were awake all this time," he saw him stiffened by his voice, he grinned at him. He turned to the guys and shook his head, they were still interrogating Sophie.


"Guys! He's awake," the others looked at him before running. 'Finally! Peace and quiet,' she smiled when she joined them after. Crowding near the bed, the boys stared at Chansung not sure how to start.


"So, what are we going to do now?" Junho asked looking at Jaebeom who just stood there looking absent minded.


"If you guys are not saying anything then I suggest that you guys bath him first," Sophie suggested not wanting to have him being dirty in her apartment for who knows how long. Everyone in the room stared at her disbelieve. Chansung struggled more against the ropes with fear of having males bath him. Sophie took a step back with all the staring that she received from the boys.


"You guys bath together sometimes don't you?" she asked them only to make Chansung eyes widen even more.


"Hey! Who told you that?" Junsu asked Sophie even though he knows the answer.


"No! My brain, No! I mean Sophie's brain! Who damaged your brain?" Wooyoung gave his crying look and hugged Nichkhun.


"Sophie, what gave you the state to suggest that?" Nichkhun stared at her hoping that she was just joking with them.


"No! NO! No!" Chansung shouted and glared at Sophie for giving out a weird suggestion. ‘Is she crazy? She wants them to bath me? Someone save me from here,’ he cried while still trying his best to glare at her.  


"Fine then I will bath him," without another second pass, Jaebeom went to Sophie hugging her as if stopping her from doing so. Chansung’s heartbeat quicken when he heard her say that. “Is she out of her mind? Bath a guy you don’t know? She is crazy!” he shouted out loud.


"It's conspiracy! No way I'm letting my sister to touch no bath another guy!" he retorted as he still not letting her go. Others just shook their head at his childishness.


"Okay, how about we untie him and let him do by himself and we tie him back?" Taecyeon suggested looking at rest of the guys as well as Chansung knowing that everyone would agree with it. They all nodded, and this suggestion gave Chansung more hope to escape and less be scared of being bath by them.


"I don't think you can escape against all six of us," Taecyeon informed him as if he read his thoughts. Chansung hopes died when he reminded him that he had to go against six of them. He knew he couldn't go against them he gave up his means of escape and prepared himself for whats going to happen next.


"Alright then, let’s untie him and since Sophie who doesn't like her apartment from smelling let him freshen up before starting our business," Jaebeom clapped his hands telling the others to start. Junsu went to untie the ropes on his wrist while Wooyoung untie the ropes on his ankles. Before continuing untying the ropes both of them thought the same question. The scent coming from his wrists and ankles smelt like something very familiar. It smelt like something Sophie uses.


"Do you smell?" both asked each other, then Junsu turned to see a bottle of nourishing exotic oil that Sophie always use when one of them sprained or injured.


"Hey! Why did you guys stop? Hurry up I don't want to be tied anymore," Chansung whined not sure what was happening; he wanted them to untie the ropes. Nichkhun looked at the both of them wondering why they stopped, following their gaze to the bottle of nourishing exotic oil. 'Okay why are they both staring at the bottle?' he thought. He walked towards Chansung untying the ropes himself but stopped for the same reasons they stopped. Chansung grew frustrated wondering what was wrong with them; well he didn't smell that bad. Sophie looked at the three of them and sighed, 'What are they doing? Is Oppa's rope that hard to untie?'


"What is it? Is the ropes that hard to untie?" the rest came to untie as they couldn't stand watching them standing there staring at the bottle of oil. Chansung looked at Wooyoung who was walking towards the nightstand and saw the bottle the three of them were staring. 'Okay, what's so special about that bottle of massaging oil? Hurry up and untie me!' He grew more frustrated when the rest of them did the same and stared at the bottle. He jumped when they gave him a glare before looking at Sophie who had already untied the ropes on his wrist.


“Sophie! Why did you use that on him?” Wooyoung whined at Sophie for using something so special to them with someone who she had just met. Sophie just stared at him not comprehend what he was talking about. Looking at the bottle, she remembered the star fruit scented oil was special because her mother bought it for her. She would hardly use it unless they beg for it. They all looked at Jaebeom waiting for him to say something but all he could do was smile softly at her.


“Come on, Sophie. We would beg for a thousand times for you to use it but but…” Junho gave her a pout when he couldn’t continue but he thought it was unfair to them.


“Sophie, I bruised my wrist too. So can you massage it?” Nichkhun showed her his so called bruised wrist teasing her.


“Guys! We don’t a whole day on interrogating me, so why don’t we start already?” Sophie sat on the floor waiting for them to finish staring angrily at her. ‘Okay it was my fault but…’ she was too tired to argue with herself.


“She’s right and she’s got classes in the afternoon. So let’s go!” Junho said as he pulled Chansung out of the bed towards the washroom.


“Go go go, do your business,” he said before closing the door. Chansung sighed seeing that luck and hope was not his side anymore, he just obediently followed orders. Before he could bath he realized that he didn’t have any clothes with him to change into. Slowly opening the door, he noticed that all six of them were still standing in the room looking at him.


“Don’t worry, I won’t try to run away. I don’t have any clothes to wear after I bath,” he muttered calming the others who were thinking that he was planning for an escape. Jaebeom smirked when he thought of something.


“Don’t worry, you can walk around for all I care,” he laughed forgetting that Sophie was still in the room.


“Hyung,” all the guys shouted at him stating that his jokes were not funny. Wooyoung and Nichkhun covered each side of Sophie’s ears preventing her from listening to Jaebeom’s dirty jokes. Sophie just slapped Jaebeom’s arm hard but it didn’t affect him at all.


“Okay, I was joking,” he raised his hands up in surrender. Junho wanted to tell him to act his age but it would be the sixty seventh time so he gave up doing so knowing that he won’t listen. Taecyeon and Junsu just rolled their eyes at his immaturity and laughed it off.


“Here, I just went to buy some of his clothes before getting here,” Jaebeom brought out a bag she didn’t realize that he had brought in earlier. Grabbing the clothes he went back inside the bathroom. ‘This will be so difficult for me’ Chansung mentally sighed as he did his business.


Meanwhile, the others stood where they were afraid he might escape. Sophie sighed at their seriousness, looking at her brother she wondered why he kidnapped and why the others were here.


“Oppa, can you tell me why now? And why Junsu-Oppa, Nichkhun-Oppa, Taecyeon-Oppa, Wooyoung-Oppa and Junho-Oppa are here?” she plead hoping that he would answer her questions. Jaebeom ruffled her hair and shook his head.


“For the first one, lets wait for him to finish up and for the second one,” he paused and looked at the rest of the boys as they nodded. “They will be staying here for a while.” He concluded. Sophie’s mouth was wide opened when she heard her brother.

“Don’t worry, not all of them. We will have missions from time to time so, probably Wooyoung and Junho will stay here most, no all the time and others will make surprise visits,” he said seriously. She shook her head as she does not like where this lead to. Everyone’s eyes headed towards the door when they saw it open, Chansung walked out of the bathroom with his hair still wet from the bath. Sophie’s heart beat quicken when she saw him walking out the bathroom.


“Okay let’s get to business,” Jaebeom clapped his hands before continuing……….




sorry if its lengthy and if there are some errors, its quite late like 2 o'clock in the morning so I'm sorry for my mistakes.

oh yeah I just got my poster!!! so happy!

Credit:  mariaakim_bumchi for the lovely poster you've created for me!!!!

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(