Chapter 24

To Hide



"I got the news that the leader's daughter has taken Jaebeom's car, sir,"

"Good! This has become easier for me, I want you to bring her here alive,"

"Yes, sir,"



Chansung stared at Junho shocked with all the details that he had to digest. He didn't know whether it was because that he had lost all his memory it hurts him more to know all Sophie's past. Junho could only spare the memories of them together, he didn't want to tell him about the two of them used to be in love it could only bring more confusion and it will make things more worst instead. Junho stood up ready to leave after two hours session of talking about memories and the past. Before he could leave his phone rang.


Wooyoung and the rest of the members were busy lazy around the apartment not sure what to do since they have no mission. Jaebeom was staring off into space worried for his younger sibling that was suffering the past two days. He hated how the history repeated itself. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone. Abruptly, he stood up from his seat, anger and shocked was filled in every part of him.

"Sophie," without another word he ran out of the apartment, the others followed without any questions knowing that something was not right.     

'What was I thinking lending my car to her?' He didn't know what to do but to blame himself for the danger of his sister. The others could only stare at their poor leader who they knew were mentally blaming him for something he had not done.


"Hospital, please and make it fast," somehow the rest of them weren't shock but they were scared, scared of what they might have to face when they reach there.

Running through the hallway of the hospital all of them looked for directions to the emergency room, they were surprised that both Junho and Chansung were there already. They looked up and saw that the light was still red and knew that they were still inside having a surgery.

"How did they know that you were not with us?" Wooyoung panted while asking Junho.

"They didn't, it wasn't the hospital that had called me. It was them, they have witnessed the accident and they knew I was not with you guys because they have seen me talking with Chansung so they knew," Junho shook his head hating the fact they they are everywhere.

"How come he's with you now? Does he ..." Junho shook his head in reply knowing what he was heading to.

"He was with me when I received the phone call and he wanted to come with me," Chansung stood still by the wall not sayin anything, he didn't know why but he felt as if he has been here before. It was like the same scenerio was repeating itself, was he remembering something? Were his memories slowly coming back to him? He didn't know who to ask.

"Chansung-ah? Is something wrong?" Junsu looked at him and knew he had a lot of questions in his mind at the moment.

"Have I been here before?" Chansung stared at Junsu hoping that he would tell him something. The others stared at him in shock, are his memories returning? They all asked themselves. Junsu looked at Jaebeom unsure of how he should answer him.

"Yes. Yes, you did. And you waited with us here for her too," Jaebeom cautiously reply, he didn't want to go back to that memory, the memory where Chansung stood there crying for hours waiting for her to come out.

"For her? Was I close with her?" Everyone looked away all knowing the answer.

"No, you weren't close with her. You were just her classmate," Jaebeom lied so that he could stop asking more questions. Junho's head shot up when he heard his leader gave that reply.

"You're lying," Chansung said sternly, he knew that he was lying. Everyone except Junho stared at him shock.

"And how would you know if I'm lying? You don't know anything," Jaebeom snapped at him.

"Why do you keep lying as if I don't know anything? Why do you all think like I'm dumb?" Chansung growled back at the leader not caring anything about respect. Of all things he hates, he hates being lied to the most. The others could only stare at the two bickering at each other.

"Stop acting like you're her boyfriend because you're not anymore!" Everyone starred with wide eyes at Jaebeom who just slip those words but it didn't affect him at all as he continued glaring at Chansung.

"Hyung! This is a hospital and Sophie is in there, stop shouting," Taecyeon tried to calm the angered Jaebeom and the confused Chansung.

"And what made you think because of that I would stop loving her?" Tears slowly welled in his eyes filling it with pain and sadness. Now all eyes was on him with shock even Jaebeom.

Chansung slid down leaning onto the wall as support as he placed his hand on his face crying.

"The drug is fading," Chansung clenched his head in pain as he slowly remembers every single detail. From the day he first saw her to the last but still there some missing pieces.

"Why did you all lie to me? I could have stopped her, I could've prevented everything," he continued crying.

Before anyone could go and comfort Chansung, the light went off indicating that surgery has been finished. The doctor walked out of the door looking for someone that was related to the patient's guardian. Jaebeom and the others quickly ran to the doctor hoping for a good result.

"Doctor! How is my sister? Please tell me that she's okay!" Jaebeom's face paled when he saw the doctor shook his head.

"She had lost a lot of blood and broke her ribs. She also injured her head but she survived the surgery. However," Jaebeom never liked where the doctor was heading to.

"She's in a coma and we don't know when will she wake up because she merely survived from the amount of blood she had lost," before the doctor could make his way, Jaebeom grabbed his collar, the others were alarmed by his actions and tried to pull him back before he could create more damages.

"What do you mean that she's in a coma? You said that she survived! Do you think being in a coma is surviving!?" Jaebeom shook the doctor by his collar causing the doctor to shake.

"Jaebeom-hyung, stop! This will not help Sophie at all!" Nichkhun tried to calm Jaebeom or else he would be charged with murder.

The words didn't enter Jaebeom at all, his grip onto the collar tightens even more and the shake was more intense causing the doctor to get dizzy.

"Stop!" Chansung stood up and pulled Jaebeom's hand away from the doctor. Among all the guys, Chansung was the only who could stop Jaebeom from killing.

"Hyung, stop. Sophie will not like it if she finds her brother behind the bars the moment she wakes up. Who will look after her then?" the old Chansung was back, everyone knew that. They didn't know whether to be happy or sad at the moment like this.

"Chansung-ah, you're back," Wooyoung went to him and hugged him and the rest slowly joined.

"I never left, I'm just slow that's all," Chansung muttered as he tried to hug everyone including Jaebeom.

"You shouldn't have taken that drug you idiot," Junho growled at him.

"We missed you," Junsu tried not to cry infront of them but tears slowly trailed across his cheeks.

"Now is not the time to give small speeches, Sophie is in a coma," Taecyeon walked back as he saw the nurses wheel Sophie out of the emergency room. They looked at the injured and comatose Sophie.

'She looked so pale and she must have been hurt a lot,' Chansung stared her broken body to her designated room.

Jaebeom couldn't move when he saw the state of his sister's body wheel pass him. One nurse slowly walked up to them and asked who was related to Sophie, Jaebeom looked at the nurse as a sign the he was the one she was looking for.

"Please follow me, we have to fill a form for the patient," He could only nod in reply and follow the nurse while the others would stay and wait for them. When Jaebeom disappeared from their sight, they turned to each other and frown as they thought that it must have been hard for him.

"Jaebeom is taking it too hard," Junho spoke out breaking the silence, the others nodded agreeing with him.

"Remember the last time she was hospitalized? He went crazy and he almost killed the doctor," they all thought back to the last time they were at the hospital with Sophie behind those same doors.

"Any brother would go crazy if their sister is Sophie," Nichkhun said as he shook his head. Wooyoung looked around and noticed that apart from Jaebeom someone else was also missing.

"Where's Chansung?" He asked when he noticed that it was Chansung that was missing from the group. Everyone looked around trying the spot a tall red haired boy.

"He went with the nurses when they wheeled her to her room," Junsu said, stopping them from their search.

"Does he really remember? When did he remember?" Taecyeon asked the others hoping to find an answer.

"I believe he just found out his memories now. Because he was still lost when I was with him," Junho told them and the others nodded in understanding.

"Why were you with him?" Wooyoung asked eyeing him.

"Hey! He called me and asked me about his past- And I didn't over do it this time," he backed away from the others afraid that they might attack him any time soon.


Chansung walked to where Sophie was sleeping or laying, just by glimpsing at her bandaged head hurts him a lot. Running his fingers across her smooth pale cheeks, he wished she would wake up from her coma. His finger rubbed against her cheeks as if he were to wipe her tears away, he bent down and kissed her on her bandaged forehead.

"Wake up, Sophie. I finally remember everything. It’s all my fault that you have to suffer this much. Why didn't you tell me that you knew me? Why didn't you tell me that I used to love you?-- No, I still love you now maybe more but not less than before," Chansung gave her a sad smile as he trailed his fingers across her pale, chapped lips.

"Forgive me for being so late. I'll let you punish me when you wake up, so please punish me," Chansung choked on his own tears as he tried to contain his cry.

"If only I was a little more selfish, a little more so that I could hold onto you and fight for you," his voice was muffled since he was holding her hand against his lips.




Days went pass, everyone was happy that Chansung finally had remembered his memories but Sophie remained asleep on the same bed on the day she first came. Chansung had never left her side except when he needed the bathroom to freshen up. Each time he was by her side, he would talk to her of the fresh memories that he had just retrieved. In between each story he had shared he would ask her to wake up almost pleading her. Jaebeom could only watch by the sideline as the two of his closest people were hurt. The rest of the guys would visit Sophie and would make noise that almost every day nurses have to remain them that they were at a hospital not a playground. Most of the time they would listen and be quiet but it only lasted for at least 10 minutes and they would return to their normal noisy self.

There was something that was bugging Chansung the whole time he was there at the hospital, how did she get into an accident?

"Hyung, did they inform you of how Sophie got injured?" Chansung looked at the direction where his hyung was standing. Jaebeom nodded but he hesitantly replied saying that she went over the speed limit.

"That's impossible, she never went over the speed limit before," Chansung pointed out but Jaebeom could only nod.

"Junsu and them are trying to find the real reason but they couldn't if this involves the police," there' one flaw of being part of the gang was that never get involved with the police.

"But they had found some new findings. They found out through some witnesses that Sophie hit by another car. They suspect that they were paid to do so," Chansung clenched his fist after Jaebeom had told him.

"Now the others are trying to find the mastermind behind thing, and nurses had told us that Sophie was the passenger seat instead of the driver's seat and I suspect that she knew that she was going to get hit ...."

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(