Chapter 19

To Hide

Chapter 19


"Chansung..." it was the first time she called out his name like that, and he could feel his heart beating to the sound of her voice. It was like the time he saw the girl in the cafe, the exact feeling of mystery and happiness. He was hoping that she too like him just like he likes her now. Yes he had finally found out his answer to the reason of his quicken heart beat, the reason for the blushing whenever she smiles at him.

"Chansung-shi," he frowned with the use of that word after his name. Why can't she just call him Oppa like how she call the others. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion when he saw her shake her head like she was rejecting his confession.

'Please don't say sorry,' he mentally begged her hoping that she would hear his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Chansung-shi. I can't," he couldn't hear anything more than the sound of his heartbreak.



She turned around hoping he didn't try to ask anything more cause she knew she would blurt it out the moment she sees his sad, heartbroken eyes. She hated it when her secrets would always get in between her life. She had always wanted to be loved but no matter who she's with, her secrets would always break them apart. Before she could walk into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the others, Chansung pulled her back turning her around to face him again. She couldn't look at him in the eyes after she had hurt him with a simple sentence.

"What do you mean you can't?" He didn't know why but he felt desperate to find out the reason why, why she couldn't be with him. Despite the short time they had spent together he knew he haven't felt the same to the other girls he had been with. This was different, he didn't want to let her go, it was like it had happened before but this time he didn't want to fail.

Sophie knew that this was coming but she couldn't let anything get in her way now. Slowly she placed her hands on top on his trying to release his hold but his grip only tightens.

"Chansung-shi, we are from two different worlds. You live in a world with no worries but my life is filled with lies and secrets. No one can be trusted in my world," the words that came out of didn't make any sense to him. Both of them stared in awkward silence, in their own thoughts. 'Why is she comparing? Does she always think that way? No worries? Secrets?' The more he thought the more he got angry.

"So you think that my life is perfect, no worries? Well then you're right! It was perfect before I came here, before you guys kidnapped me here. And you all say it was for my safety' that's all crap! If it was for my safety there would be no threats, there would be more information on where's my mum," words struck Sophie's heart like a knife, each one of them cut deeper into her wound. Glaring angrily at him, with force she pulled her hand away from his grip.

"Well I see we had made your life a hard," she didn't have the strength to fight further, it was already hurting her. Before the two could continue their inner conflict, Jaebeom strode past them into the kitchen still unaware of the tension between them.

"Oh! Before I forget, Chansung the mission was a success. You're a free man," Jaebeom patted his shoulder before going back to his food hunting in the kitchen. Sophie gave Chansung one of her infamous smirks despite being emotional wounded.

"I see your life in hell is over," she left the room into her own.

'Yes, you're right I'm finally free. But why am I not happy.' Walking towards his own room, he packed his clothes ready to leave this place which held him as a prisoner or if he had thought so.

"Have you heard? You are finally free, I guess SooHyun helped you somehow," Chansung turned to see Wooyoung walking towards him.

"You can say that, thank you." Chansung held his hand out for a handshake. Wooyoung shook head before shaking his hand.

"You should thank Sophie instead; she's the one who paid for your expenses. It's her house that you're living in," Chansung felt a pit guilt growing in him when he heard Wooyoung's words.

"But didn't you say you guys paid for the house too?" He turned around and asked him. Wooyoung nodded remembering that he was the one who had told him that.

"Hmmm... I did, didn't I? Well basically it was a lie, there are many things you have yet to learn or ... remember," Wooyoung muttered the last part hoping that he would have heard it.

"Remember?" Chansung didn't ask for more, he was fuming; all this time he has been living here were all based on lies. Storming into his room, he didn't care anymore he didn't another reason for him to stay behind any longer.

"Lies, whole of this time were based on lies," he stuffed his clothes inside his bag not caring if it gets all wrinkled up.

'If you don't trust them, then trust me' he tried to shake your voice out his mind now that he realized it was to trick him.

"And I thought you were the one, but I guess you're not," he spoke out loud even if she's not in the same room as him.



Sophie slumped onto the floor the moment she stepped her foot into the kitchen. 'Why does it have to happen twice? Why it that he’s in my life again and he is always have to leave me? Why?' She gripped onto her shirt hard that it was turning white. Jaebeom could only stare at his sister with pity knowing how she felt.

"Don't sit on the floor, it's dirty," he walked towards her trying to pull her up from her seat but his hands were only to be yanked away.

"Nothing will happen if you just sit there. Sophie, I know that you tried to help him remember but it won't work against the drug," he tried to reason with her.

"No! He won't remember because I'm not trying. No matter how much I want to tell him, how much I want him to remember I can't let it happen. Why of all people it have to be me? Why does it have to hold my life like this again?"




"Chansung-oppa! Come over here!" A younger version of Sophie waved her hands over calling the other younger version of Chansung. Chansung ran to Sophie and carried her bridal style as he raced towards the picnic area under the shade. All he could hear was her voice squealing with delight as the wind brushes against their skin. Placing her on the mat, he stayed in his position hovering on top of her.  Looking up at his face, she blushed at the close distance. Caught trying to look away, Chansung sat up chuckling at her cute red face.

"Oppa, stop laughing," she lightly punched him in the arms joining him with his laugh.

Both of them just sat in silence enjoying each other's presence, once in a while they would be catching each other's stare which would result with both of them giggling at each other.

Despite the close relationship the two had, they were yet to be boy/girlfriend. Chansung knew that she had lots in mind but he couldn't wait, he knew that he had to do it now. Trying to catch her attention by clearing his throat, he smiled shyly thinking of what to say.

"Sophie-" "Sophie, Appa is looking for you," Chansung wasn't able to say what he had wanted to because he was interrupted by his hyung. Sophie looked at him with a soft smile before nodding towards Jaebeom; she patted his hand before she stood up and left to her father.

"Chansung-ah, you have to be prepared. The worst has yet to happen," Chansung tilted his head in confusion but nodded to his hyung's words.



Walking towards his office, she knocked on the door before entering the room. She smiled when she saw her father behind the huge desk filled with paperwork.

"That is wrong, Appa. A man like you shouldn't be doing all the paper work," she shook her head and smiled at the man hidden.

"You called me, Appa?"

"SoHee," she tensed when she heard her Korean name, she knew something was important whenever he calls her by her Korean name.

"Yes, Appa," she stood straight with a hint of fear in her tone.

"I heard about you and Chansung. I know the moment the two of you first saw each other there was spark," she looked away trying to deny the fact that they both had a thing for each other. She looked at her father hoping it’s not going to what she was thinking of.

"You do know that it's impossible for the two of you together. Especially him as one of us and you, my daughter, the leader of Num Yoks."

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(