Chapter 12

To Hide

Somewhere far in a place filled with nothing but darkness stood two figures though they were facing towards each other they both shared opposite emotions; both anger and fear.

“How could you let him run away like that? Did I pay you for nothing?” his voice roared through the room.

“Sor-ry,” the reply was weak when compared to the other knowing his failure he couldn’t face the man that was standing in front of him with fury. He could only bow his head scared of what would happen to him.

“What happened? You could have kidnapped him right there on the spot!” with the increase in volume, he fell onto his knees scared.

“I was interrupted by-” before he could further explained his situation he was stopped by his boss.

“Enough I don’t want to hear anymore nonsense from you. I’m giving you one last chance and if you fail to satisfy me then,” his eyes glowed with anger and evilness letting out a low chuckle he faced him again. Even without completing his sentence the other knew where his future would head to if he fails once more giving a short and fast nod he quickly stood up and left. Letting out another of his evil laugh somewhere behind him a figure stood out of its shadow showing it’s true self in front of him. Turning his head towards the dark figure he clapped his hands as if he was welcoming the hidden shadow.

“You did well my child and if this continues everything will belong to me,” once again his voice roared through the dark room echoing through the empty hallway of their underground base.



Turning on the shower she let the cold water running through the strands of her hair before reaching her face, slowly she hit her head against the wall angry at Chansung with his escape and at herself for this silly thinking and questions. That moment he left the apartment she knew that he had escape as she was waiting outside hidden in the shadows like the ‘others’. Lucky for her she was well trained by Jaebeom of staying hidden but she laughed at reason why he wanted to train her ‘staying hidden in the shadow’ was ‘Don’t let the person you’re stalking know that you’re stalking him.’ When she saw another shadow she knew that there were more than the two of them hiding waiting to attack. Another thing that had been disturbing her that night Chansung’s savior who had got him love struck also, upset with the fact that she wasn’t the one who had saved him but she herself didn’t learn the ‘kick ’ actions from Jaebeom and them. To add to her container of frustration Chansung lied to her making her question herself about their trust and friendship. ‘Some friendship, who would want to be friends with the people who kidnapped you?’ running her hands through her already wet hair she gave up worrying about this stupid incident knowing that she was one who was wrong to stay angry at him.

“Go and apologies,” she lectured herself out loud while squeezing a bottle of shampoo onto her palm unconsciously her gripped was too tight accidentally squeezing out more than the amount she originally used.

“Man, give me a break,” she cried trying to put back some shampoo inside its bottle.

Walking out of the bathroom she realize that she was already late for her first class, quickly walking towards her closet she changed into a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Rushing to the door again she quickly grabbed her shoes and left the apartment forgetting about breakfast and her ... bag? Realizing that she had left her bag on her bed the moment she locked the door she smacked herself against the door, quickly she rushed back into her apartment then into her room and zoom out of the apartment again not looking anywhere else but the door. 


Chansung lay awake on his bed as he began thinking what to do or to say to her, should he apologize but if he did then won’t the guys ask millions of questions like the first time they met. Smacking his own face, ‘Why should I apologize all I wanted was freedom!’ his fist punched the air as he thought of his freedom, ‘But I have to stay to be save my own life,’ he groaned thinking how stupid he was again why didn’t he think about it wait he did but the situation that made him want to escape was his mother. Sitting up straight he just remembered something, someone told him something last night. Trying to scrub his brain for the answer ...



Chansung sat down with Jaebeom busy playing his drunk games while the others were busy minding their own business. In the middle of their game, he realized that Nichkhun sat next to him staring at what they were playing. Suddenly Nichkhun shot up as if he had remembered something quickly he poked Chansung trying to pull his attention away from their game telling him that it was important. Chansung looked at him in annoyance as if he were disturbing their game breaking his concentration.

“YourUmmaisokay, shessafe, (Your Umma is okay, she is safe)” Chansung raised his eyebrows trying to decipher what Nichkhun had just told him more like rapped a couple of languages together but he knew it was mostly Korean or was it English? Since he was a bit drunk he knew he will start talking gibberish remembering what Sophie had just told him before joining Jaebeom and his games. Shrugging off the worries he got a bigger burden on shoulder now and that was to escape.


End of flashback


“Aish...,” he ran his fingers through his hair hating that he had tried to escape and made Sophie angry but at least he get to meet her, his savior and now he was sure that his umma was alright. Somehow the thoughts about her made him loose all his tension but his trail of thoughts were broken by the sound of his hungry stomach. Quickly getting off the bed his first thought was to clean up and go wake Sophie up to make breakfast cause every Sunday she would wake up extremely late. After washing up he realized that he had forgotten that Sophie might be angry at him for trying to escape last night. He groaned in frustration stomping on the floor like a small kid but he couldn’t give up could he?

Walking quietly into the living he looked and saw that the others were still sleeping in different positions, swiftly he walked towards Sophie’s room knocking on it knowing that she would not respond. Hastily he turned the doorknob but to his surprise Sophie already woke up.

“Where the?”


Sophie rushed through the crowds trying to get into the bus somehow she had this weird feeling telling her that its not right. Looking to her left and right she noticed something really wrong knowing that usually at this hour on her school days there would be a lot of students walking here and there with their uniform but now there’s none, she almost pulled all her hair out when she thought how late she already was.

‘Please give me my knight in shinning armor here to save me from the burning professor, I’m already so late that and I bet all the students are having their classes now,’ she was now silently praying that her professor going to be late or at least step on a banana peel if she’s lucky. All she could think was about her frustration when suddenly a guy sat next to her.

“Excuse me, may I know what time is it now?” without turning to see who had asked she used her phone to check the time and to her horror she also saw the day making her want to hit her head against the window so hard that it breaks. She forgot to answer the stranger who was sitting beside her as she was too busy trying not to scream at herself.

“Sorry, it’s ten o’clock and it’s a Sunday,” she said as she turned to face the stranger giving him a weak smile. To her surprise the stranger was utterly handsome she could not help and blush remembering that she had also said the day when he only asked for the time. Her face went deeper when she heard him chuckle ‘probably from my silliness,’ she inwardly groaned at her own thought. It was like he was her knight in shinning armor and the only thing missing was a horse, ‘Heck there’s no need to ride a horse when we’re in the bus,’ she took another sneak peek at him trying to see all his features and remembering how neat he looked. She was lucky that he had asked for the time or else she would have walked into the campus and embarrasses herself in front of the security guard. 

“Thanks,” she uttered all of a sudden she was surprised at her sudden courage to speak up. She looked at him despite being red all over her face he too shock wondering what she was thanking him for. Scratching the back of her head she quickly tried to look for an excuse but her brain felt to energized to find one at the moment.

“Thanks for what? I think I should thank you instead,” he chuckled continuing embarrassing her further.

“Well I thought today was Monday- hehehehe,” she let out an embarrassed laugh trying to look away. ‘This is too embarrassing especially in front of this guy here,’ looking outside the window she tried to calm herself down from embarrassment but what she was about to discover would increase its level.


Hey here's an update finally lol! I had to type slowly cause it hurts to type with my injured finger and I had noticed each time I update there is always an excuse why I'm late hahahaha sorry but this time typing with an injured finger almost make go have a writer's block because of the pain I forgot what I want to type hahahaha.....

Oh Yeah! Please Comment.... pretty please!!!!!

love yah!

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(