Christmas Special

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Silently, he walked through the aisle trying to find the book he was looking for sighing in frustration he continued to search through the shelves. When he was about to give up looking for his book he saw a dark blob through the gap of the books. He looked carefully at the blob that was on the other side of the book shelf and noticed that it was young girl with dark long hair and a bit tanned complexion and she had this huge glasses which had already covered her whole face. If someone looks from a far they would probably think she’s old fashion or ugly but seeing her that close would cause them to think twice because beneath the huge frames he could see that she had nice almond eyes along with beautiful sharp nose and kissable lips even though she has nice features it was something he couldn’t understand but he could tell she was a bit mysterious. ‘I want to kiss...’ Shaking his head he tried to shake the thoughts off thinking that he should be concentrating on his book hunt more than the stranger in front of him. But it was something in her that had attracted him to look at her once more however he found nothing but the other end of the book shelf. Running to the aisle he found no one there except for him, frowning with his discovery he planned to ask for assistance.

Before reaching the table where he was heading to he saw his ‘mysterious girl’ sitting far in another corner alone reading her book. ‘Mysterious girl? She’s not my mysterious girl, how can she be distracting me when I just saw her a few seconds ago and I don’t even know her name,’ he snorted before asking the assistance where he could find his book. His frustration increased when the assistance informed him that the book that he was looking for was out of stock. Not wanting to cause trouble he bowed and left but not before glancing at the girl in the far right corner of the book café.

“No book then what do I do now?” he wanted to stomp on the ground at the moment but he didn’t want others to think that he’s nuts. He wanted to grabbed something and hit it against the ground trying to release his frustration but he just stood there fighting with himself mentally.

“Try again next time,” he shrugged before getting into his bus as if nothing had happened well nothing had happened but his frustration flew out of the window when he thought of dinner.

After a week pass, he planned to check the store again hoping that there are new stock available this time. Walking towards the counter again he asked for the book wishing and hoping that they have it in stock and lucky for him they did. Just when he was about to pay for the book, he found out that he did not have sufficient to pay for it. Trying to laugh off the awkward situation he mentally cursed his luck for not checking his wallet. Again slapping himself mentally he had just used a great amount on dukbokki and his lunch.

“Can you keep one copy of it for me? I’ll come back tomorrow,” he gave an apologizing smile. Combing his hair with his hand he turned and to his surprise his body turned at an angle where he could spot where the girl he saw last week it was like a magnet that had attracted him to her. He was shock to see that she was there again at the same place that she was sitting the last time he saw her and he had noticed that she had tied her hair this time.

“She looks different this time but she should take her glasses off, why hide those eyes,” he murmured to himself.

“Excuse me what did you just say? Do you need anything else,” he slightly jumped shocked forgetting that he was still inside the book café, shaking his head he left the store. Just outside the store, he looked back at it like he was seeing through the tinted glass to where the girl was sitting, ‘Ah, what was I think? This girl is really a distraction. But she’s got nice eyes beneath those huge frames,’ he somehow relaxed when he heard his own statement as if he could see those pair of eyes again. Shaking his head furiously, ‘Seriously I think I’m dying with her in my mind,’ he stalked his way to the bus stop waiting for his bus again just like last week.

Like he said, the next day he walked into the same store again remembering and making sure that he didn’t spend all his money on food. Finally paying for his book he quickly turned to leave the store but again he turned towards the spot where he would always find her seated. Never failed at surprising him, he saw her there again like yesterday she had tied her hair up. Thumping he could feel his heartbeat against his chest, should he or should he not approach her, he didn’t know why he felt shy to ask her for her name.

“Does she always come here?” he turned to the guy at the counter receiving a nod.

“She comes here everyday to read and study and she’s usually alone in that corner,” he pointed at her who was busy flipping through the pages of her book telling him all he knows. Chansung could only nod at his reply. He didn’t know why after his purchase of his book he would frequently visit the book shop just to steal glance at her. He would unknowingly smile whenever he spots her when her forehead crinkle like she didn’t like what she was reading or when she couldn’t focus on her homework. Each day he would try to gather the courage to talk to her but no matter how hard he tries all attempts would fail as he scatters away whenever she look at his direction.

“Ah! She’s there again but if only she remove those pair of huge frames, I bumped into her once and I saw these pair of beautiful eyes. I tell you she is like another person really beautiful like an angel,” Chansung turned to this group of boys who were busy eyeing at her. He knew what they were talking because he had already seen it but he felt this rage heating up as he continued listening to their useless conversation. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore he followed them as they headed out the store stalking towards the guy grabbing his collar not caring the passerby’s curious stare.

“What do you know about that girl?” if looks could kill Chansung would have killed him already.

“I du-nno anything,” he stuttered scared of Chansung’s stare. Letting go of his collar he glared at the rest of the boys who stood there looking look not sure what had just happened.

“Don’t go near her, understood,” without knowledge that he had threatened the guys who scattered scared at his glare and huge built. He let out a small breath proud of his achievement as he walked off. This had happened for a month yet he still don’t have the enough courage to confess only staring a far wishing that he was sitting there beside her laughing and talking about whatever that comes to his mind. Letting out a huff he hated himself for being so coward when he himself threaten a group of boys not to go near her.

‘Tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll talk to her and tell her,’ he kept telling himself that every time he walks closer but he would never do it. He kept procrastinating until one day she was not there in her usual seat, shocked with her absence he sat somewhere near her seat as if keeping her seat for her incase she walked in the store but she never came. The next day was the same she didn’t come and his disappointment increased when it continue for a week. It was like the beginning when he came here looking for his book but this time she never came back. Each day he waits to spot a dark blob with a mysterious feeling but he would find nothing only to find disappointment. After two months he gave up looking for her just hoping that one day she would appear all of the sudden but nothing. Life used to be filled with excitement, he used to be excited to see her everyday but after the event passed his life was normal until two years later a group of six boys knocked him out of the blue kidnapping him making his life interesting once again.

Hi! Sorry this is not a chapter more like a Christmas special to my subscribers and readers well its linked to the story more like a flashback and its important. Well sorry for the late update and I'm still working on the next chapter but will update late cause I have been moving a lot so sorry and one more thing

Merry Christmas

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(