Chapter 10

To Hide


He looked at himself in the mirror to see if there are anymore markings, he scowl when he finds that there are still markings on his left side of his face. He squeezed some more face wash and scrubbed his already sore face again.  

“Ahhh….,” Sophie’s scream echoed through the hallway into the bathroom, Chansung jumped at the volume. He stopped his action and looked towards the direction at where the sound was coming from. Without another thought, he left his spot and ran towards it. Passing the living room which he noticed that it was empty and cleaning up were stopped half way. Running into the kitchen, he noticed that it was already crowed, passing through the guys he nearly fell at the scene. He gave a frustrated sigh as he ran his fingers through his reddish brown hair. Taecyeon and Junho were trying to stop Sophie from attacking Jaebeom who looked like he was busy frying eggs.

“What happened to you?” Junsu turns and saw that Chansung was standing next to him with foams unwashed from his face. Looking at Junsu he quickly looked away embarrassed that he ran all the way to the kitchen for nothing. He should have known that these siblings were no different from the others except for the fact that one of them is from an underground group still they would bicker over small matters.

“Hyung, don’t use too much sesame oil!” Wooyoung stood beside Jaebeom trying to grab the bottle of sesame oil from Jaebeom.

“You eat whatever the leader makes,” Jaebeom continued to add his own ingredients into his fried eggs while Taecyeon and Junho tried to stop Sophie from hurting their leader.

“Oppa, you eat whatever you make. I won’t let you poison the rest of the group with your sesame oil,” she felt Taecyeon and Junho grip loosen when they heard what she has said, taking the opportunity she walked towards Jaebeom and grabbed the spatula. Scoping the eggs that were already overcooked onto a plate and she gave it Jaebeom. 

“Oppa, you eat this yourself,” she turned and washed the frying pan before making lunch for the rest of the group.

“Sophie, you don’t want your Oppa to get sick, do you?” Jaebeom pouted when he saw what she was making for the rest of the group.

Chansung could do nothing more but to stare at the Park siblings as they continue their bickering. He quickly turned back and walked into the bathroom, washing the rest of the foam that was on his face. He gulped remembering his reason for his stay here in this apartment, a part of him felt as if it was safe for him to stay but the other part felt that it was already dangerous, too dangerous. He knew it was best to escape before it was too late, he was innocent and he knew it. Chansung thought about his mother outside this apartment, he wanted to be by her side right now hoping that she was safe; safe from them. He gathered his reasons before coming up with his conclusion, letting an angry sigh he knew what he had to do.


Night after night, Chansung would try and escape but every night his escape plan would fail knowing that it was difficult to pass a sleeping member in the living room. Once he thought that he had been caught by Sophie who came out all of a sudden for a glass of water.

Two weeks had already passed, and it was Saturday the most difficult night to escape especially when all the members would come to stay the night, he could feel that his hopes went down the drain. However lucky for him with his high tolerance for alcohol the members brought alcohol to let out their stress from all the tiring missions they had for the week. Somehow he felt relaxed and knew that that night was the night he’s going to succeed with his plan and all he needed was time.

“Well I should enjoy this as much as I can,” he accidentally spoke out loud causing Sophie to laugh at him.

“Of course you should but no need to hurry there’s lots and I don’t think you can finish it,” she handed him a can of beer before reaching one for herself.

“You need to wait for Nichkhun to get drunk, it’s funny especially when you don’t know what’s he’s saying,” she giggled at the thought of Nichkhun drunk and rapping in his own style. Chansung laughed with her as she told him all the stories of them together when they were drunk. Deep inside his heart, he felt pain and guilt as he thought of Sophie though the time they spent together were short they managed to know each other and got closer. He remembered the two weeks he spent with her especially while she’s making breakfast, lunch and dinner she would always try to chase him away to prevent him from stealing more food but he would manage to steal another bite or two. He didn’t know whether it was because of the small between them or was it because she cared for him as if they had known each other for a long time, he knew he would definitely miss her presence once he leaves here. 

“Chansungie, wanna play with us?” Jaebeom called as he took another sip from his fourth can. Chansung dreaded with the thought of their last game, he didn’t want to face the same consequences the last time he was forced to play with them or particularly with Jaebeom and his wild ideas. He looked at others who were busy in their own world, Wooyoung was nagging at Nichkhun to stop drinking because he was rapping in Thai and he couldn’t understand a thing, while Junho and Taecyeon were having a drinking competition and the two elder one of the group were busy playing with their own games. He smiled knowing that luck was on his side that night, he turned to look at the only female in the household hoping to find her a bit tipsy from the amount that she had drank but he was shocked to find her wide awake opening another can.

“Want another one?” she asked giving him her can which she had just opened. Taking it from her hands he shouldn’t be shocked or surprise whenever she does something new to him but it always did.

“What?” she noticed that he was staring at her as she grabbed another can. He could only shake his head before looking somewhere else.

“Are you gonna be okay? I mean you drank a lot already,” he pointed at the cans that were on the table in front of them. He only received a nod from her before proceeding with her drink. Before he could ask another question he was dragged by already drunk Jaebeom who needed another game partner to play with. Thinking that it was the last time, he agreed just hoping that there is no embarrassing punishment like the last time they played.

Finally everyone was knocked out all over the floor and the couch Chansung counted to make sure that it was safe for him to leave. Looking at Sophie’s bedroom door, he wanted to knock and say goodbye but it wouldn’t be an escape plan if he did that. Still staring at the door, he closed his eyes as he imagined her smiling face.


He walked towards the kitchen when he could smell the scent from the food that she was making. Walking food that was placed on the counter, reaching out for a piece he tried to steal one. Suddenly he felt Sophie’s soft hand smacking his hand away trying to prevent him from eating everything. Looking back at her, he gave a sheepish smile as he scratched his head.

“Yah! Oppa, you shouldn’t be stealing food when there are already not enough to feed all of us including you,” she pointed her spatula at him trying to threaten him.

“Sorry, but I’m hungry,” he rubbed both of his hands together in an apologizing manner. Sophie sighed and knew it was getting no where since she knew about his appetite.

“Fine only one piece,” he smiled at her after seeing her bright smile when she told him to take one piece. 


Shaking his head he quickly walked towards the door, he grabbed the door knob and opened it. Without taking a look back, he left the apartment as quickly and quietly as he could.




Every night, Sophie would hear Chansung’s soft footsteps walking pass her room knowing that he was trying to escape. She didn’t know why but she would worry that she might hear the door open and close but lucky for her it didn’t. She closed her eyes trying to go back to sleep but it quickly opened when she heard his footsteps again. Tensely, she walked up close to her door trying to hear any sound from the door. Few minutes passed nothing happened only retreating footsteps sounded through her door. She slowly opened the door and pretended to yawned when she saw his figure. She could tell that he was shocked and scared that he might have been caught looking up at him she gave him one lazy smile.

“Oh, what are you doing here so late?” she asked even if she knew the answer.

“Are you thirsty?” she asked again as she walked slowly into the kitchen, without waiting for his answer she poured two glass of water and gave one to him. She watched him nervously taking the cup from her, she smiled again pretending that she didn’t know anything.

“Well, go back to sleep,” she said before walking back to her room. The next day she woke up, she had to get ready for class in the morning before heading towards her part time job which was to clean up the household for this old couple who lived down the street. At first she was surprised at the amount she would receive from them later she found out that they were rich and willing to pay her at that rate. She was thankful for them knowing that it would help her a lot in her daily necessities. The only thing she couldn’t understand was why they didn’t tell her their names but she gave up the thought of asking thinking that it would invade their privacy.

Walking towards the kitchen she found a figure already inside searching for food inorder to fill his stomach. Quietly she walked behind him she whacked his head earning a groan from him. She laughed before rubbing the spot where she had hit him.

“Didn’t I tell you to wake me up when you’re hungry? Why are you searching my fridge again?” other hand on the hips as she tried to get him to remember what she had told him.

“But I’m too hungry to wake you up and wait for you to get ready,” he unintentionally placed his hand on top of her hand as he was trying to touch his sore spot. She felt her face getting hot from the contact quickly she opened the fridge removing her hand from his.

“Ah,” was the only reply she could give as she pretended to search for food to cook while letting the coolness from the fridge cool down the heat from her face. Finally figuring out what to make for breakfast, she began her cooking while Chansung sat near the counter where she usually sits when she’s alone in her apartment. She looked up at him and she could tell that he was troubled and had a lot to ask but didn’t want to.

“What’s the matter? Got a lot of questions to ask?” she chuckled when she saw his eyes widen as she had hit the jackpot. At times he was like an open book, easy to read what’s he’s thinking but there is at times where she found out that it was really difficult to read his thoughts. She looked at him and knew he wanted to ask some questions which were related to her. Smiling, she told him to go ahead and ask.

“What were your feelings when Jaebeom-hyung told you that he was part of the Num Yoks?” she stared at him wondering how she should answer his question, looking up at the ceiling she couldn’t think of a proper answer to respond.

“Don’t worry, if you don’t want to answer then don’t. I’m just wondering.”

“Ah, that’s not it. I just can’t remember that’s all,” she smiled as she flipped the eggs.

“Well I was scared not only because I thought it was dangerous but I was scared that I might get white hair earlier than everyone else’s because this constant worrying for his safety,” she joked but part of it was true, she knew it would happen soon but she’s a type of person who would worry a lot for people who are close to her particularly Jaebeom and the others involved in it.

“Why did you run away from home then?” she knew that question would pop up soon, a topic which she wish that would disappear. She looked hard at the eggs that she was frying as if they were the ones who had asked the question.

“Sorry that I asked. Then what do you hate the most,” Chansung saw the pain in her eyes he blurted whatever that was in his mind trying to change the question. Sophie laughed when she saw how hard he tried to change the atmosphere.

“I hate the cold, that’s all I hate. No slash that, I hate waiting for someone in the cold because,” she laughed bitterly when she remembered something she wished to forget.

“It’s basically cold and unhealthy for human beings,” she placed the eggs on the plate giving it to Chansung as she proceeds with the other’s breakfast. After that no more questions came because he was busy filling his stomach for the time being.


Every morning she would find him knocking on her door or in the kitchen munching on the snacks she bought on the other day. Days passed, she noticed how close they had got when they used to be just strangers. Unaware of how their relationship was building, it was slowly creating its way to her heart becoming a part of puzzle completing it as a whole. Weekend came so fast that she felt as if the day Jaebeom brought Chansung to her apartment was yesterday. She saw that Jaebeom and the rest had brought some can beer and soju she smiled knowing that they wanted to relieve their stress from the entire mission they did. Stretching she thought she too should join them since the past week she stayed up the whole night completing her assignments and listening to his soft footsteps and hoping that he would not open the main door.

She laughed with them as she continued drinking her second can beer, she liked the bitter liquid washing away everything she detested; her memories she wished to forget, her feelings too. She slowly walked towards the washroom while Jaebeom took away her talking companion as the others ignored him and his games. Washing her face she thought of something, something that struck her like a lightning. She grasped onto the edge of the sink till her knuckles turned white, she hated it but she knew what she wanted.


Everyone was knocked out from the amount of alcohol that they had drank but one stood there counting as if he was making sure that everyone was present. She closed her eyes as she listened to his soft footsteps again, somehow this made her realize that she memorized the sound of his footsteps through listening it every night making sure that he doesn’t run off. She held her breath hoping that it would not happened but everything crashed when she heard the smallest sound make by the main door to her apartment.


Hello!!!! Here's the new Chappie and I would like to thank the new subscribers to subscribing and sorry I've been too busy and too upset lately so my updates are slow.... anyway love you guys for reading

One more thing.... Please comment....... I will love you guys even more okay just kidding... I love you guys more for reading my story already!!!!!!!

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(