Chapter 25

To Hide

"Where is she? I asked you to bring her here alive," a loud voice boomed through the room scaring the other whose head was bowed down too ashamed to look at the leader.

"I'm sorry sir, I-I don't know what happened, she swerved to the right sharply and got me of guard," his knees shook with fear.

"You don't know? You don't know what happened? You make me laugh," his laughter filled the intense atmosphere making it tenser for the feared one.

"Bring her to me by tomorrow. - No I want her as early as possible so bring her here by tonight," he ordered as he turned his back against him.

"B-by tonight?"

"Why? If you want to see the sunlight tomorrow then you better hurry,"

"Y-yes sir!" Without another word he quickly left the room.



"She knew that she would get hit that's why she was at the passenger seat instead of the driver seat," Jaebeom explained. Chansung stared at him with wide eyes wondering how she knew that she was going to get hit.

"H-how did she know?" Words finally came out of his mouth when he finally overcame the shock of Sophie trying to avoid the hit.

"That's not the only problem, from the tire marks she made a sharp right turn like she tried to avoid something or aimed for something," Jaebeom pointed out.

"That's weird why would she do that,"

"There are many things you have yet to remember Chansung-ah," Jaebeom patted Chansung on the shoulder and gave a small smile.

"I'll get some food for you. You must be starving," he gave a small wave before leaving the room.

Chansung smiled as he grabbed Sophie's hands rubbing it against his hands. He gave a small frown when he realized that it wasn't warm as usual, it was cold and pale.

"Sophie, it's time for you to wake up. That's enough punishment for now, you can punish me more after," letting go of her hand he placed his on her face trailing it along her jaw line.

"You need to eat too, you losing too much weight," he sighed before resting his head on the bed.



A lonely, shaky shadow walked through the main entrance trying to find the reception, when he finally found it he made his way to it. He tried to keep his still not wanting to show any weakness when the nurse looked up at him.

"Yes, is there anything I could you sir," her soft voice almost sweat making it more difficult to continue his task.

"I'm looking for Park Sophie," he shakily asked the nurse at the reception table. The nurse gave him a stare as if she was trying to find something from him.

"I'm sorry what’s your relation with the patient, Park Sophie-shi?" The nurse asked with the same soft voice like before. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he tried not to show any nervousness in front of her that would cause more suspicious.

"I'm her friend from Busan, I heard that she had an accident so I want to see her," he tried to make it sound as natural as he could with one of his soft smile, the nurse frowned for a second before giving him a nod.

"Please wait for a moment," her focus was now on the screen that was in front of her.

"Her room is on the fifth floor, room number 601," he nodded before swiftly walking towards the elevator. When he finally reached the fifth floor he was surprised to see a figure he didn't want to see at the moment, afraid he might get caught he quickly walked pass him to Sophie's room.


Jaebeom raised an eyebrow when he noticed the figure jumped when he met eyes with him. Shrugging it off as he pressed the ground floor button watching the door close. Before he could reach the main entrance of the hospital he was stopped by the nurse at the reception.

"Jaebeom-shi, Annyeong!" The young nurse bowed and shyly smiled at him trying not to blush at the sight of the young leader in front of him.

"Ah! Annyeonghasaeyo!" He bowed at her giving her a polite smile.

"How is your sister doing? I heard that her condition is improving," she asked him.

"Yes the doctor said that her health is stabilizing but she's still the same to me. Wish I could something for her," he gave a sad smile.

"There is nothing you can do, Jaebeom-shi. It all depends on her," Jaebeom gave her a small smile.

"Ah! Where are you going?" The young nurse asked him remembering that he hardly walks out of the hospital.

"Going to get some food for Chansung and me," he rubbed his stomach indicating his hungry stomach making the nurse giggle at his antic.

"Ahhh... I almost forgot, someone came to see Sophie did you meet anyone on your way here?" Jaebeom furrowed his eyebrows trying to remember if he met any members on the way, shaking his head no.

"I didn't see any of the boys," he replied.

"It's not Junsu and them, this is the first time I have seen him. He said he's from Busan," she informed him.

"Busan?" Jaebeom asked, there wasn't anyone from Busan he knew except for Wooyoung. If she said she said it's not Wooyoung then who could it be? His eyes widen with surprise when he realized that it was the guy he met at the elevator.

'! He mentally cursed before turning his body back to where he came from.

"Thank you HeeYoung-shi," he quickly said before making his way back to Sophie's room. After a series of running of stairs he reached the room panting, his heart almost stopped when he noticed the door was opened which he remembered he closed it before he left. Uncertainly he pushed the door open and he noticed pieces of broken glass were on the floor.

"Sophie," he cried before fully pushed open the door. The first thing he had noticed was the room was turned upside down and Sophie was not in her bed. Before he could rush out to find the culprit he noticed that Chansung was laying on the floor unconscious.

"Chansung," he quickly pulled him up as he slowly groaned in pain.

"What happened?" Jaebeom quickly asked.

"Someone took Sophie, I tried to stop him but he hit me against the head with a rod," Chansung rubbed the spot where he have been hit.

"Stay here, I'm going to find him,"

"No, I'm coming with you," Chansung refused to stay and do nothing because of a small injury, Jaebeom didn't reject his idea because he knew Chansung can handle the pain.



Heeyoung the nurse at the reception area noticed a figure holding someone who looked like she was unconscious. Something clicked in her mind when she realized that it was the same man that asked for Sophie's room, the face on Jaebeom's face replayed when she informed him about this man. 'Where did that woman come from? He came alone didn't he?' Quickly off her seat she ran towards the man trying to stop him from leaving.

"Excuse me, is your friend okay? Do you need any assistance?" She noticed that the woman she was holding was no other than Sophie who should be in her bed on life support.

"Stop! That's one of our patients," she shouted causing everyone to look at her. The figure panicked when he got caught but he didn't care he continued to walk with Sophie in his arms or else he wouldn't be able to see the sunlight tomorrow. Heeyoung grabbed his arms stopping him from further movements, she didn't care if this could her job but she needs to save her, she's Jaebeom's younger sister and one of the patients.

"Stop, I'm calling the police," she shouted causing the people to jump by the volume of her voice. Some people had already called the security and doctors and nurses rushed to their side trying to see what the commotion was about.

By then Jaebeom had already reached the ground floor with Chansung who was holding the pain. Both of them noticed the crowd close to the main entrance.

"Hyung! He's got Sophie!" Chansung pointed at the familiar figure that was holding Sophie. Pushing through the crowd they tried to reach Sophie. Chansung quickly grabbed Sophie away from his hold as Jaebeom punched his face causing him to fall to the side. Chansung quickly carried Sophie lifeless body to the emergency room calling for help. Before the security could get to him he scattered his way out of the hospital. Jaebeom wanted to catch him and ask who he had worked for but that would reveal his identity too. Walking out of the crowd he dialed a number.

"Taecyeon-ah, I want you and the rest to come to the hospital immediately. Sophie almost got kidnapped and was forcefully pulled out of her life support," he mumbled the information to the person on the phone trying to put his emotions on hold.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later," his heart hurt so much from image of his sister's lifeless body being pulled away from the kidnapper's hold.

"Jaebeom-shi," his thoughts were broken by a soft voice; turning to the direction of it he saw Heeyoung worried look. Somehow he felt relieved to see her worried eyes and he was thankful for her stopping Sophie from being kidnapped.

"Are you ---," she wasn't able to complete her sentence as she was pulled into his arms.

"Thank you so much, if it wasn't for you my sister would've got kidnapped," he mumbled through her hair taking in the scent of her shampoo. Heeyoung blushed at the contact with the short team leader of the Num Yoks, she couldn't say anything in reply as her mind had gone completely blank.

"It was nothing. Jaebeom-shi you should go to the emergency room to see your sister. Her life is probably in danger if she's been pulled out of her life support," she reminded him reluctantly as she didn't want to leave his arms but she knew that his sister's life is more important now than thanking her. Jaebeom pulled away from the hug but something in him groaned with the loss of her warmth that was in his arms. He nodded and left without another word, looking for the emergency room.

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ichalibel #1
Still looking for ur update
When are you going to update??
Was he dreaming?? O___o
ichalibel #3
update soon, please...
NO SOPHIE~~~~~~<br />
Update soon!!
ichalibel #5
finally updated! :)
ichalibel #6
love this story. update soon!
Will Chansung remember if I whacked him over the head?<br />
LOL jk XD But he needs to remember soon!!<br />
Update soon please~!!
0mahsa0 #8
0_0<br />
wow.<br />
chansung you should remember!
syirasapphire #9
it has been more than a month right??<br />
finally!! this is getting more interesting..<br />
cant wait to see what are they going to do to help sophie.. by making chansung remember i think?<br />
anyway please update fast..<br />
i cant wait another month :(