Chapter Twenty-Seven

Ferly (Something unusual)


Comments of comments


RealJemelle- Donghae is wonderful^^

I wonder who she'll end up with as well^^


Mary517- you make me weep with joy that you choose to read on^^ I don't mean to make you root for them, they just kinda snuck up on me -.- I do very much love Myungber but I have this terrible tendency of not being able to write couples that I start with, I mean in all my stories I always seem to switch parties half way through -.- you think writing romance would be pretty straight forward, that there would be some kind of creative method to it or something but it's always these pairs that pop outta no where that I find my self doing really well at writing even when I try so hard to write pairs that people actually want to read -.-

this is why I'm an AnyBer writer, it gives me the excuse to through pairings into the air with out giving the reader an idea of what they'll be getting into...

more Donghae in the future, I've been dying to have him in since chapter one^^


Thanks again to everyone who's been reading and subbing and commenting (especially commenting, they bring flowers and other happy things into my heart^^) love you and I hope you keep reading after this chapter as well^-^




“Come on Soyeon, eat up.” Amber smiled and held the spoon up to her friends stubborn line of a mouth. Soyeon gave a a little “uh uh” while shaking her head, making her resemble a child even more then normal.


“Come on Soyeon, you have to eat.” Seungho sighed from beside Amber.


Soyeon pushed the spoon away and stuck out her tongue, “this food is crap though, I could get better stuff in the dumpsters outside, I demand real food!”


“If you want I can get some food from the dumpsters for you.” the three looked up at GO who stood in the door way flashing a smile.


“What're you doing here, I specified who was allowed to visit and you didn't even come close to making the list.” Soyeon growled in annoyance, glaring daggers at GO.


“Just came by to see if Amber needed a ride home- and for you information I'm allowed to go anywhere in this place, my dad is the best doctor they have.” GO grinned- it wasn't a secret that he enjoyed being the thorn in Soyeon's side, it was something he'd always gotten kicks out of.


“I just want to make sure she eats then I'll be right down.” Amber spoke up before Soyeon could utter a word of displeasure.


“ok, see you in a bit.” GO grinning then headed out the door.


“Seungie can you go get me something else to drink.” Soyeon held up her can of soda then dumped it's contents into a potted plants, not acting in the least bit sorry for the poor daisy she was practically suffocating on the spot.


“er, I guess so...” Seungho hesitated for a second, wondering if he should bring the ruined daisy as well, but decided against it and quickly went on his way.


Amber turned back to Soyeon and raised an eyebrow, “daisy murderer, why'd you do that?”


“just wanted to talk to you alone.” Soyeon placed her empty can down next to the plant and crossed her arms, “You and Casanova down there are looking pretty tight, what's going on?”


“huh, nothing...” probably, probably nothing was going on, or at least, Amber figured nothing was going on... how could anything happen, things just didn't work like that, not when Amber was actually attracted to a guy... he probably was just going to tell her he thought of her as a little sister or something like any other guy out there that she found her self liking.


“uh huh, dear, I know these things, you're into him, aren't you?” Soyeon raised an eyebrow, daring Amber to say otherwise.


“it's silly-”


“You're right there, it'd never work.”




“Amber dearest,” Soyeon hummed and began playing with her food, “Dearest do you know just how many girls have fallen pray to his... his niceness?” Soyeon looked back, pure ice was now dripping from her tongue, “Dearest, he does this, he acts nice and pleasant then when he gets what he wants he'll drop you like a sack of potatoes... I know, I sound harsh but I just don't want to see you hurt Dear~” Soyeon smiled and squeezed Amber's hand, “now Seungho, isn't he such a catch, you should really hold onto him.”


Hold onto him... did she actually believe that Amber and Seungho were actually still going out? Were they still going out? She'd figured it was a mutual unstated agreement between all three of them that this thing was over, that there was no dating going on between the two of them, “Seungho isn't interested in me Soyeon, I thought you knew that... I mean it's pretty obvious he's interested in you...” Amber looked away, feeling awkward to be having to talk about this.


Soyeon smiled and placed her hand on Amber's check and made her look in her direction, “You don't really take his little crush on me seriously, do you.” Soyeon chuckled and patted Amber on the cheek, “Just give him a while, he really is perfect for you.”


Amber paused, wondering how she should address this, but gave up, perhaps Soyeon will learn over time that Seungho really wasn't right for her... in the mean time though, Soyeon didn't need any added stress, “I'm sure he is Soyeon, I should get going though.”


Soyeon nodded, “ah, yes, you should hurry and explain to GO that you just want to be friends, it's really for the best, I mean he plans to move away at the end of summer anyways and long distance relationships never work.”




“He didn't tell you Dearest, he's known since last September- our GO's been excepted into one of the best med schools in Korea.”


“Ah... I guess it just never came up.” Amber gave a half attempt at a smile and stood to her feet, “Make sure you eat Soyeon, I'll come to see you tomorrow at the same time.”


“alright, good bye Amber Dear~”


Amber gave a little wave before leaving, almost knocking into Seungho who was holding about a dozen drinks in his hand, having had a difficult time deciding what Soyeon had wanted, “ah, excuse me Seungho.” Amber side stepped the boy and headed down the hall in a hurry.


Ok, so she got it, GO and her couldn't really even be considered friends, really they barely knew anything about each other... but why hadn't he told her about this? If she had known maybe she wouldn't have allowed her self to be so attracted to him... she laughed, knowing that was a lie, she couldn't control something like that, not when GO was so good at being attractive.


She found him leaning against a shiny knew black sports car that looked like it hadn't been on the road for more then a day, “Hey Amber, like her, dad got her for me for graduating.”


“Ah yeah, she's cool man, what year is she?” Amber put on an excited smile, ignoring what she'd just learned.


“2013, she's not even on the market yet, runs like a dream.” GO grinned and held up his keys, “wanna try her out?”


“I don't have my license and I don't really know how to drive...” she really wanted to, ever since Jjong got his truck she'd begged him to let her drive but he'd always say no, claiming she'd crash it the second she the ignition.


“I'll drive us away from town and I can teach you, come on, it'll be fun.” GO grinned and jingled the keys enticingly.


Amber probably should have said no, if her grandmother found out she'd driven she'd be dead, but at the moment all she could thinking about was how beautiful GO's smile was and how exciting it would be to drive a brand new car with him there to show her what to do.


He took her pretty far from town where there was very little traffic. When he stopped the car and unbuckled his seat belt Amber found her self frozen in her seat- was she really going to do this? What if she drove them off the road or into another car... sure she hadn't seen a single car for about five miles, it still could happen though...


“Hey,” He squeezed her hand, making Amber looking up from her hands, “You're gonna do great, just pretend you're the best and you'll live up to it,” he flashed her a grin, “I know you will.”


“eh, you really have no idea as to what you're talking about.” Amber hummed, to distracted by the warmth of his hand and the crookedness of his grin.


“I've been under the impression I know about you more then you do- now, get over her and drive.” After nodding dumbly they switched seats and Amber found her self completely lost as she looking at the practically alien looking device infront of her, “now you see, right now we're parked, just take it outta park and put your foot down on that peddle down there and we can go.” GO chuckled the panicked look in Amber eyes and squeezed her hand once more, “just take it in slow.”


Amber looked away, felling embarrassed, “I some how feel like there was a reference in there somewhere.”


“You know it! Now let's go!”


they barely got over twenty, if anything they spent most of the time either stopped on the side of the road while Amber sat like a dear in head lights or at ten Miles an hour which still caused the young girl to panic. After an hour and a half GO finally said they should call it good and directed her to park on the side of the road and grinned over at Amber when she just sat there staring ahead of her, “now that wasn't so bad, was it.”


“I almost ran over a bunny, that thing was inches from us!” Amber gasped and finally turned towards GO amd waved her arms in an exaggerated manner, “I coulda ran that little guy over, he might have a family he has to support.”


“Amber?” GO couldn't help laughing, “You didn't even get close to it, that and he was on the other side of the road, unless you went out of your way to run him over you wouldn't have.” GO grinned and rubbed her shoulders, “loosen up Liu, you did good for your first time.”


Amber chuckled, “yeah yeah, just drive us back home, I'm hopelessly lost out here.”


“really, I was thinking we'd stay out here a while, it's nice to be away from civilization for a while.”


“no, I mean, we should really get back, I mean-”


“come on.” GO grinned and got out of his seat and walked out to the front of his car, beckoning Amber to fallow. Amber sighed and got out, feeling more nervous about the prospect of being alone with GO then even driving at that moment... maybe Soyeon was right, maybe he was just trying to get into her pants? With all that in her head, Amber unbuckled and soon stood next to GO who looked out at the corn fields that shot out from the ground on either side of the road they were currently parked on.


“You know, I used to live out here before I met Seungho and the rest, back in the day when Mom and dad almost got a divorce.” Amber stared at him as he leaned against his new car, he looked like a model, “I like a country life better then the city life, it's quieter and not nearly as superficial.”


“GO... I'm sorry to change the subject, but... but what is it that we... have... are we dating?” she hadn't wanted to ask, part of her had wanted to push that question back and just enjoy the attention she was getting from him... but she knew she wasn't like that kind of girl, she had to know what GO wanted from her, even if it meant that she had to end what ever this was.


GO looked up at her, his eyebrow raised, “I figured it was obvious.”


“stop dancing around the subject Jung Byunghee.” Amber groaned and began to pace back and forth, “I gotta know what's going on, I need to know if I'm... If I'm the only one feeling this.” she nervously played with the hem of her shirt and looked everywhere but at GO who'd stood to his feet and was making his way towards her.


“Hey, I like you Amber...”


“Don't talk to me like I'm just another girl you can get with in the back of your car, I'm not that kind of girl.” Amber growled and crossed her arms over her chest, “I'm new to this, playing around with me is just cruel.”


GO's playful smile vanished, he turned her around and placed his hands on her waist, “truth is Amber, I'm kinda new to this too.”


“psh, even I'm not that innocent to believe that, you've dated just about-”


“yeah yeah, I dated a bunch of girls... I never really cared about them though... you though, you make me fell... strange...”


“strange?” Amber's eyebrow raised.


“I don't know how to say it with out sounding like a complete idiot, or a player cause I know you're just gonna think I'm trying to get you to have with me... though to be honest I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in , and I mean, with you-”


“can you say that over there, I'm barely even able to think of... that... with out blushing.”


GO chuckled and kissed the top of her head, “I've never been with a girl like you, you're different Amber.”


“Everyone keeps telling me that... but, but what does that actually have to do with anything, why should it matter if I'm different or not... when it all boils down to it I'm still just a girl with short hair, nothing more, nothing less... Why do people care that I'm different?”


GO chuckled, combing his fingers through her hair that was already reaching below her chin, “the truth? You weren't my type when you first came along, I'm just not into tomboys... no, the thing that I like that's different about you is your ability to forgive a witch like Soyeon or a creep like me... that's what's makes you different, you'd take us on even when no one else would.”


“It's not that easy, I mean you guys make it pretty hard.” she smile and bit her lip nervously.


“yeah, we're pretty difficult.” he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers before pulling away and began to pace, “this wasn't supposed to happen, you know. You have this wonderful ability of screwing up the very fiber of the universe.”


“You're going to Med school in the fall...”


GO nodded and kept his head turned up to the sky, “I think God's punishing me, I mean I finally... I finally feel it, finally find someone I can actually talk to but it can't last because I gotta go run off and be a doctor.” he stuffed his hands in his pocket out of irritation and set his jaw in a firm line then turned and looked Amber in the eyes, trying to etch in his mind how round they were, how deep and warm they were, “And you know what's the worst part is, I'd actually wanted this, I'd wanted to go on and be a doctor before you happened.”


Amber looked down, her finger instinctively tugging at the hem of her shirt, it'd always been a habit that he'd loved, now though it just made him miss her already. The first time he'd seen it he'd laughed at how childish she looked while doing it, it was something only kids did, but now... now he'd miss it, he'd miss everything about this girl who'd turned everything in his life around.


At that moment all he wanted to do was gather her up in his arms and tell her he loved her. He'd ran it through it minds a dozen times- they run off, she didn't need to finish high school and who needed med school... he knew that scenario wasn't real though, he'd be a fool to believe that Amber would want that for them, she'd beat her self up if he didn't go to med school just for her and he wanted her to still experience her last year of childhood...


“It-it sounds like we're breaking up before we even started dating.” she gave a hallow laugh and looked at him, “I think that's some kinda record, we should get a trophy or something.”


he let go of all reason and closed the distance between them, his arms pulling her to him and his lips finding hers. He hadn't wanted this, less then a year ago he'd been all set to leave for Seoul then she shows up with that blinding light inside her and makes him crazy... He didn't want this anymore, he wanted to stay here at that moment with his arms wrapped around her... at that moment he would've given anything to just stop time, he'd give up his soul just so this strange unique girl could always be there with him.


Life couldn't stop though, they both had a future they had to live through.


Hours later it was nearing morning and neither could bring them selves to tell the other that they should head back. They sat in worried silence, both believing that they very thought of ruining the silence might finally force them to acknowledge that the sun would be here soon and they'd have to go back to their lives. Dawn had always been Amber's favorite time of the day, it symbolized a new beginning... but now, now she didn't want a new beginning, she wanted to sit there on the side of the road forever and just be at peace with GO's warmth blanketing her.


“I'm sorry.”


“It's not your fault you're going off to Med school... it's a good thing.”


“no... I'm sorry that I let this happen... I shouldn't have allowed my self to-”


“to what, make me fall in love with you? You seriously didn't have to do anything, you just being you made me fall... it's a mutual mistake, we'd both been silly.” Amber sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder, she'd miss that, GO always had the comfiest shoulder.


“Ah, well, it's my favorite mistake.” he placed his hand over hers, allowing himself a few more moments of her comfort before their lives had to start up again.


Amber smiled, trying to remember everything that has happened the last few month. She'd been into Soyeon schemes, she'd faced heart break and the unending diversity that claimed she was a freak because of the way she chose to dress and act. She'd watched her parents leave her behind and had to start a new life here with out the two people she'd always relied on, Kevin and Eli, who she couldn't think about with out wanted to cry. In the last few months she'd been told how to dress and who to like when all she really wanted was to be her even when that was a truly foolish ideal.


All of it though, if it hadn't happened she wouldn't be there clinging to GO's hand and wishing for once that God would let her have this. She wouldn't take back any of the things she'd had to go through because this truly was both the greatest and worst moment of her short life so far.


“It's been the best for me too.”


she sighed and closed her eyes, not wanted to see that the sky was beginning to get lighter. She felt GO rub her shoulder and heard him whisper, “We should do this right, we gotta face this... even if it hurts.” She peeked her eyes open and marveled at how beautiful the sky was, all orange and pink. Birds flew through the air, singing happily as though the world hadn't ended and Amber soon found her self wondering if this really was the end... perhaps this wasn't good bye?


“You, you gotta promise you'll call, you should know I'll need my voice of reason every now and then.”


“every now and then, please, you're gonna need me on the phone twenty four seven.”


“Don't be cocky, I can replace you with a new voice of reason.”


“Are you trying to make me jealous Liu?”


“You know it.” It was probably a silly naive thought, but maybe one day, after they were both done with their responsibilities, they'd be able to be together, that perhaps this really wasn't the end to their story.


Perhaps some day...




(AN-... I didn't want to write this... I almost kinda feel betrayed by my self for writing this, like I owe my self an explanation or something but I've known from the start that I wanted to give you readers justice even when I don't want this to happen. It all boils down to the fact that with graduating comes departure and with departure comes sadness...


I hate this chapter so much -.-


It's not the last we see of GO of course, we have until he leaves for Seoul and he'll definitely be appearing every now and then in the second part of this story...


I still hate it though...


I'm sorry that I couldn't write this happily, in my head I kept trying to find ways that they could be together but found my self having to acknowledge that it would go against everything that this story stood for- that we should do things because it's the right thing to do and not just because we want to, that we write our own stories that will have bumps and thorns but we have to keep writing for that one blissful moment of happiness.


I knew writing them going off to be happily ever after would be going against everything that made me write this story to begin with... this was for you guys, this story that I hope embodies the joys and heartache of growing up and dealing with diversity and love...


In the end though, while it's sad and I hate it, there's always hope, there'll always be something to hold onto even when things get dark...


I still ing hate it though -.-)

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The end of Part 1.... it's been such a long road 0.0


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Amorphous #1
Chapter 30: Wow~ just finish it just now & how come i never read this before? It's a pretty good fic of AnyBer that im drowned with the twists & emotions on the storyline! :) i'm loving GoBer's character & specially love chapter 27, you ready got me hooked by their character only to find out it was nearly the ending they weren't the main pair. Yayyy thanks btw~~ a read at 2016 ^^ definitely gonna read Ferly 2
Chapter 12: i starting to love seoyeon here :)
Chapter 5: this is freaking adorableeeeeee authornimmmmm ^^
Ambertastic_baby #4
Chapter 30: oh my gosh, I am really anticipating the next one^^
Mary517 #5
Chapter 30: can't wait for you to start the next one <3
partiallystars #6
Chapter 30: let me love you <3
Chapter 29: What G.O.Ber instead of MyungBer? TT TT
Chapter 29: wow :) i got mess up at th last part.. so is soyeon out of hospital? haha. From chpt28, she looks like she is, but chpt29, hospital bed? Haha. Anyway, hope that soyeon and seungho will still appear in part2? Its a nice story.