Code 4 : Without Invitation.

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Kyungsoo couldn't erase the dancing moment from his mind for pete's sake!It was embarrassing!The way his friends saw both of them dancing was just too much!It wasn't about dance,it was about what they think!"Kyungsoo!"The robot snapped his fingers in front of the short "what's wrong with you?You've been in front of the book for the past 4 hours and your page hasn't changed!Like what the hell?!"The robot scolds like his father.The fact that Kyungsoo didn't know that his mind was occupied with things related to the tanned younger and about the dance he hadn't noticed the time."I was just.....thinking"The latter sighs "You okay?" the robot sits next to his master and places his hands on his back "Yeah.I'm cool just-" The door bell rings before his sentence could end "I'll get it."the robot scuds to the door and opens finding 11 smiling faces "Hello."They all bow and the robot bows back "Kyungsoo is there?" asks Lay "Yeah,Come in" the robot welcomes them.

"You guys sit here i'll call him."they nod and the robot goes to kyungsoo's room who was in some other sphere "Kyungsoo!Your friends are here."He informs and the latter nods closing his book.Kyungsoo jogs out and looks at the room filled with his new friends "Hi guys.What brings you here?" He sits on the arm of the chair where suho is sitting " ourselves."Jogin says and the other nods "You children need something?" the robot/Xel asks "Xel,we're not your children."Kyungsoo giggles and tells him to make snacks "Who's that?" Lay asks "Xel,robot made by my father's company.He's taking care of me."Kyungsoo shrugs while the others gasp "Its also called Baby sitting Kyungie!","Who the hell told you to interfere Xel?!!I'M NOT A BABY! Don't call me that!!" He yells at Xel and looks at his friends like nothing happend "Kyungie.Cute!"Jogin whispers to himself.

Kyungsoo was actually expecting it to be awkward with Jogin but it was complete opposite!Only Jogin was the one to understand Kyungsoo's jokes and was laughing loudly on it with Kyungsoo.Every awesome joke they'd high five each other and laugh "Hyung hahaha Stop!hahaha my hahaha stomach hurts!"Jogin stopped laughing and caught his breath looking at the others the younger realized that he was the only one to understand it again "you guys really didn't understand?????"He hunches expecting at least one to say 'yes' or laugh! "Nobody understands us hyung!"Kyungsoo gives a high five in agreement "Hyung."Sehun calls "Why there were many kids in olden times??"He questions looking at them "Unemployment?" Luhan gives him a 'Maybe' face and suddenly Kyungsoo and Jogin start laughing again "Yah!You need medicine or something?!" Xel shouts making them stop laughing "Seriously!You guys!"Kyungsoo rolls his eyes "If you take it pratically it means...","....Because of unemployment there where many children!"Kai finishes the older's sentence,everyone started laughing loudly while lay starches his head "It means because they were jobless they had many times and they had many children babe!"Suho chuckles and Lay just giggles.

 After whole 4 hours of laugh and discussion they leave and Kyungsoo sighs "Was that tanned boy Jog-in?Jogin your boyfriend?"Xel asks out of blue making Kyungsoo's eyes go wide "W-What?No!" He defends "you both understood each other perfectly."Xel shrugs and walks inside.

We both understand each other perfectly....?Really...?

Kyungsoo shrugs off the thought and opens his phone finding 3 new texts.1 from Lay,2 in group.

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