Code 20 : I Know.

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1st of August came really fast.At least faster than expected by Kyungsoo.It was Wednesday and His parents were coming at 3 in the afternoon.It was still 2:50 and of course he was in the school.Taking a big bite of his burger he glances at the table.No one is free to look at Kyungsoo and no one even cared to because the couples are busy themselves,Jongin had some -as he had informed to Kynugsoo- work.So that's the reason this lover boy is all alone 'Where are you Jongin?!' Kyungsoo frowns and finishes his food as fast as he could.Leaving the Cafeteria Kyungsoo,currently has nothing to do but to sit in his class and do something for time pass.


Jongin,waits for them.He looks at his watch and reads '2:58' 2 more minutes!?He had already waited for like 2 whole hour!'Aish....just come fast!' he beats time with his foot whining -internally- for them to come fast,as if it was going to work."Jongin!!!" He turns around only to be enveloped into a tight bear hug by his 2 sisters and his mother "Noona,Dongsage~Omma!!" He chuckles and they let him go "Come on~~~I'm hungry~~" His small sister whines clinging to his sister's and his arm "She's never going to change." Kai and his noona say in unison and laugh "Yah!I'm hungry~" His mom joins the sister in whining " i the only adult here?" He asks starching his head "Yes Mr.'Adult' you are going to pay for our lunch!" His sister folds her arms and drags the 3 to a restaurant.

"I don't have that much of money noona!I just skipped the school's last 2 classes!!" His hand slaps his mouth in realization "You what?!!!" 3 ask in unison,oh boy he's getting a good long 3 hours lecture from 3 of them now."You mister are going to the school right now.!" His mom orders before shoo'ing him away,but kai stood -near the door- there looking at his mom in disbelief "Mom!The school will end in 2 or more mins!!" Kai smirks thinking of Kyungsoo and walks out "What was with that smirk??" 3 of them look at each other with a mischievous grin "Why not?"


Kyungsoo at last keeps his books in his locker,finally his hands were free from those heavy books "!Luhan!" His hands were lazily dragged down his face "Ugh!!" He had to help Luhan for his 'Project' which was actually imposition "Kyungie!~" He'll live 100 years "Coming Luhan hyung." He lazily walks to him and puffs his cheeks "Why are you lazy to day?" Luahn grabs his arms dragging him to library "Chemistry isn't easy you know..." Kyungsoo finally reaching the library and "...that too when you have to do with those precious test tubes.." Luhan passes his book "...I nearly broke one and one actually busted!" Luhan not interested in his talk just glances at the book in Kyungsoo

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