Happy Holidays, ChainedToKpop

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015


Gift for ChainedToKpop

Gift from ???

Title of the gift- Summer Love at the Winter Ball

Paring- Yugyeom x OC

Word count:4447

Rating:mildly suggestive


Note to my giftee: Hello Emily-Anne! I hope you enjoyed my one shot! It was inspired by Natasha Bedingfield's song, "Touch". Happy Holidays and please reach out to me after the final reveal to tell me what you think! <3



Dear lovely Winter Ball attendee,


Twas the night before the ‘Blossom Annual Winter Ball’ and not a single preparation has been left out!

Made all the list and definitely checked them more than twice!


(All the Sugar Plum Elves have been working overtime to make sure of it!)


Just a Friendly reminder that our festivities start tomorrow evening so can we bring in the joy of winter together with merry music, abstract art, warm drinks, and thoughtful conversations!



Sweet Cherry Korean Dance Team

Official Broadway Modern Nutcracker Line-up (including Majorette Blossom Choi)

The New York Jingles Jazz Band

……..Also a Special guest (That the host of the party doesn’t...even Know. But! It will be great!)


*Of course as always Plus one is guaranteed IF you donate a toy before entering the ball :)*


Formal attire (suit and tie)

Thank you for everyone’s hard work this time around and I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!

59 Franklin St, New York, NY 10013 -Sweet Cherry Art Studio Ste. 14 (Doors open around 6pm)

your event Host,

Blossom Choi


“And...Done! Whew...ugh. Now I just have to email all the attendees...”

     I secure my face mask around my temples and start to check mark all the names on the list.

“Alright that does it!”

     I pressed the send button and sat back in my white faux leather rollie chair in my office with a big smile of relief...


Even though my family throws a Winter Festival every year, this has to be one the MOST stressful planning times ever!

Maybe it has to do with the fact that my Mom (Family Defense Lawyer, Sara Lee Moretti Choi) is usually in charge of leading the arrangements and planning. Doing all the calling. Scheduling the caterers. Picking decorations, printing out invitations. Being all artsy fartsy with glitter glue guns and Christmas themed stencils...ugh.


This year she decided that since I’m now an adult (in Korean age), I should lead the planning and host it alone to show my...umm coming of age I think that’s what she said? Also due to the fact that the whole Ball has always been named after me since we moved to the states with my American Grandparents when I was about three years old.


My Dad(Eun-Sang Choi), being one of the city Councilmen, usually schmoozes and gets the word out about the rather popular festivals every year on our weekly news tv station and with his long list of politician, golf club buddies.


I usually just take part in the dance performances each year with all my dancer friends, but this winter…*sigh*, I have accepted the role as the lead arranger and Host of the most! However. I decided that would take on this role only on one condition. I and ONLY I...get to decide the location...the food...the performances….and most importantly the decorations. My Mom almost had a fit when I told her I would be switching the style to a more modern take on Christmas. So I had to keep some corny, jolly bits in the planning to compromise….including the e-vite I just sent.

And I made sure MommyChoi was at the first receiver!

I wanted this ball to be refreshing and modern. How my generation of Upper East Side Kids of Manhattan celebrate Winter Festivities ;)



    I pulled off my face mask and rinsed my face. I reached for my cream colored face towel with     my left hand as I grabbed my (never ending) ringing phone with my right.

  I accepted the call and put the phone on speaker as I patted my face.

“So I see you got my e-vite huh?” I said in the direction of my phone while still facing my reflection in the mirror.


“So fancy now! We get e-vites. Niiiiice LittleChoi”, my childhood best friend (Erin Lee) spoke into the receiver.


“So I guess the invitations are the only actual Christmas-y feeling we can predict?” Erin sarcastically yelled around a noisy background.


I giggled as I applied my nightly face cream

“Yeah Little Lee the change is official! Can you imagine tomorrow we will be sipping hot chocolate while studying art hanging on the walls JUST as my favorite Jazz band plays their sweet melodies to gently rock us into a calm, joyful mood!? It’s going to be the best.


“No for sure it’s going to be rad! And everyone from our University is going to dub you as the Queen of parties!”


“WAIT!..I thought I already had that title??”, I looked up dramatically from face mirror.


Erin laughs,” Ok ok, Yes LittleChoi. Queen of Parties! So the party starts at 6 buuut what time do you want me to come since I am your assistant and all?”


I turned off my face mirror in my bathroom and headed to my bed, “Well I have my last morning class and I also have some minor decor to get afterwards so maybe-”

I stopped and put my silk blanket down while trying to decipher what was going on in Erin’s background...Where was he? Koreatown??

*looks at clock*(11:05 pm) at this hour?!

I interrupted his full of laughter conversation (noisy), “Yah! Little-Lee!”

It got quiet than I heard a lot of ‘oooooooh’s!’ and cooing in the background


“Blossom! What was that seriously I was just talking for a second and...?” Erin yelled

I disregarded his comment more intrigued by his company. “Erin who are you with?”

He stopped nagging me about embarrassing him “....Ummm some friends from school...haha oh you must be worried I won’t wake up on time don’t worry bud! I won’t mess this up for you. Remember I have to bring the special guest anyways ok bye Noona! Sweet dreams!”


I put down my phone on my night stand in astonishment. Erin is always slightly weird but this is just on another level that I can’t reach at this time of night. I clapped my hands to turn off the lights in my room but the engines in my mind were still running full speed I turned around in my bed and grabbed my phone so I could text Erin.

“Erin who is the special guest. Just tell me already. It’s been a month. All I know is that it’s a person we know from Korea. It better not be that magician guy who always stole my lunch money at summer school!   ”

*5 min later*

I checked my phone to see if Erin replied

*read at 11:11pm*

Slammed my phone down on my bed. Wow ok Erin.


~5:15PM, Day of Blossom Annual Winter Ball~


“Yeah! Yes! I know I’m late just make sure the flower arrangements go with the grid I gave you!”


I hang up the phone and try to cross the bustling car packed street with a bag of cookies in my left hand (pre-game food!) and my dance duffel bag in my right. Today has made me feel like I’m on a roller coaster. All the downs and ups...it’s too much! I woke up late for school and went all the way to school just to find out it was CANCELLED (yes!). Then I skipped breakfast because I was late but received free cookies from the bakery when I picked up one of the cakes for the event… and. and.



I looked at my phone to see that’s none other than my best friend of 17 years! (Who is late--rr than me!) Who left me hanging last night on the phone with no response…?

“Erin Ko Leee! Where are you!” I storm off in the direction of the art studio, passing pedestrians at lightning bolt speed.


“Well Blossomy Choi...”, he starts to speak in a low sarcastic tone, “I’m walking to the event with...mm..my chingu..Teehee..Don’t worry I helped all the staff get prepared and moved the ice sculpture to the entrance..I got u..where are you?”

With his Chingu?

I cross the street I’m on making my way down a clothing boutique center alleyway. I want to yell at my not so punctual bestie but I just breathe for a second before speaking again.

“Thank you Erin but….we were supposed to meet up earlier so you could help me at the bakery!!”..I tried.

And why are you whispering?” I add at the ending with curiosity.

 “I’m with the special guest!”, he says even lower, “I don’t want them to hear you screaming embarrassingly like this..I’m saving you. You’ll see why when you get here!”, He chuckles under his breath.

“Them? So the special guest is a group? You better not be trying to make this event a joke. Seriously! You know hard I’ve been working for this very day don’t ruin in it with an appearance by your troublesome ‘Chingu’!”, I tiredly say as I stop for a moment on the sidewalk.


“Troublesome? Hahaha! What on Earth- Hey I can't guarantee they won’t be troublesome but. One of them is your friend too, B!”

My attention quickly was diverted to the store I was facing and just saw...the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen..

“OH-my..Word..No.” I say losing focus on whatever Erin was saying

  “Huh...Blossom now wait did you guess the special guest! That’s no fun! See I shouldn’t have said anything! Did you guess Yug-”, Erin responds in defeat.


“Hey Little Lee...I’m going to call you back. NO I’ll see you at the event. I just need to get one more thing”.

Click-- I hang up just like that to see the time on my phone. (Sorry Erin but two can play that game. I need this dress!)


“Ok! No problem I can just walk in get my size and no problem! Boom!”


*6:17PM* (So late..!)

I’m finally on the street of the art studio after running all the way from that boutique (that me into buying matching shoes and a matching brooch to go “complete the ensemble”! but thankfully they let me get dressed there)

I see photographers already fixing their equipment to get the guest going in the doors. I fix my bone straight hair on each side.

I’m out of breathe and take a breather while looking at the sky.

“whoooo-Just breathe Blossom”, I regain my composure and jolt to the direction of the studio.


As soon as I move my body I crash into a tall statured figure and I fall forward on the ground scratching my arm on my brooch.

“Ouch!...Hey seriously! Did you not see me”, I say get up holding my right arm, “I can’t believe this!”

Hoping the photographers didn’t catch my epic fall, I don’t even stop to small talk this mysterious guy in a Christmas sweater...surrounded by other guys in Christmas sweaters. He was trying to apologize but I was more focused on getting into my festival...i’m the host after all!


I jet off without giving the group of well dressed..handsome?..guy another glance. No time for crushes.



So many guest are arriving in the studio but I have yet to find a Band-Aid anywhere!

In an upstairs bathroom, i’m frantically going through every drawer and cabinet.


“Finally a Band-Aid...Blue’s Clues!?...whatever..”, I smack it on


*knock knock!*

I look up a little startled by the noise. “Uh-uh who is it. I’ll be right out.”


*knock knock knock!*

Wow this person is super persistent with annoying me. I turn to my left and grab the knob but I stop and let go just as I hear..a familiar voice…


“Noona. Open the door. Are you ok.”

I freeze in my place. My eyes grow big and my mouth runs dry.

With my hands shaking, I open the door to see the most beautiful smile..puffy cheeks..Yugyeom.


“Blossom Noona..Are you alright i’m sorry about bumping into you..”Yugyeom chuckles, “I didn't see you..all these years and you’re still a little flower.”


I haven’t moved an inch staring into his eyes...the eyes of my first love...summer love...I haven’t seen since he became a celebrity.

Yugyeom grabbed my arm and rubbed it.


“Well look at the two love birds rekindling their summer school love! Alright!”, Erin says trailing behind by the metal staircase.

I snatch my arm away from Yugyeom’s hold which made him jump back a little.

I can feel my eyes start to fill up with hot tears.

“Erin..why. Out of all days.”

Erin’s face made a complete 180 as he slowly approached the scene.


“Blossom I thought you would want to see him? Didn-”

I pushed through both of them and ran up a nearby staircase now completely sobbing.


When I made it to the rooftop and I look around for a place to sit. I dry my eyes and sit by plant on the ground.

The brisk weather made my eyes burn even more.


“Out of all days Erin…”I whimper putting my head into my palms, “Out of all people..to bring..I would have rather wanted that frickin magician who always stole my kimbap!”

Yes. Kim Yugyeom of the South Korean boy band, Got7 was my first love. My first everything..well almost. We’ve known each other way before he had millions of fangirls with his heartthrob ways...but still was a ‘heartthrob’ back then.. pfft. More like heartbreaker.

All of my friends know not to mention that name in any form.. I guess my Best Friend didn’t get the memo. But yes, Yugyeom and I were Summer school loves...before he left me in the dirt to become an idol that is..

I wipe my eyes and rest my head on the cold flower pot seated next to me.

“Ugh..whyyyy..” I close my aching eyes and soon begin to daydream.



~August 12th, 2012. Hanlim Arts High School Movie Night and last day of Summer School~


Yugyeom and I met at summer camp in middle school back in 07’ when he chased down ‘Minhyuk the Magician’ (-_-) one day to get back my lunch money. I fell for him..right there. He was bit chubby and full of smiles and powerful dancing, which a fellow dancer can appreciate. Five years later of puppy love each summer We started dating 2011 of winter break when I came to visit family. We had a long distant relationship until 12’ when we met again. we decided to ditch our school’s boring classical movie night to be together and do..stuff ya know. It was a long distant relationship! We needed to catch up on some stuff ;)


“Wait! Wait Noona! Shh!”, Yugyeom loud whispers and put his finger up to me.

After looking behind me to see if anyone saw us leave I start giggling under my breath and sarcastically reply with, “Hey that’s not how you talk to your elders! Yuggie!” (He hated when I called him that ;o)

“You’re only 5 months older than me!” He said losing track of why he was being quiet but soon after gets back to his senses, “And the only reason I call you Noona is because you nag all the time if I don’t..makes me not want to talk to you at all..”

I look up at the giant whiny baby in complete shock, “Wow Yug, ok maybe i’ll just leave now since I apparently nag so much..bye~ find another girlfriend then”

I try to walk off but just like clockwork Yuggie grabs my arm and pushes me up against a rack of p.e equipment in the closet we’re hiding in.

He seductively and slowly gazes his nose against mine.

“Why would I want another girlfriend, when MY girlfriend is the smartest”...He moves his chest closer... “Most beautiful girl I know...Huh Noona?” I can feel his smile on the side of my face and I start to breathe in quicker without realizing.

Yugyeom notices and moves back a step while wrapping his arms around my waist. “If you want. We can stop. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I love you regardless.” He pecks my forehead and removes his arms from my waist while stepping back more.


“He-..He loves me?” I said in my head trying to grasp what just happened. Love...L-o-v-e.

Yugyeom was staring at me this whole time and took my silence as an answer to stop.

He grabbed my hand and started to twist the doorknob.

After coming out of my heart eyes daze, I realized what was happening and I slammed that door so quick and pulled his chin to mine with a grin.


“Blossom! Why did you slam the do-”

I cut him off with a passionate slow kiss that lasted for a good 5 minutes. So I guess more like a mini make-out session?

When our lips parted ways he looked down and started to take of his uniform shirt while never breaking site of me.

I bit my lip shyly and then decided to help him take off his shirt while sharing little pecks here and there. We got to the last button and I had it right in my hand ready to be unfastened and boy was I ready! I knew right after this button it was game time. I knew everything was going to change in that moment. It was special. Our bond. This moment I reached for the button and reluctantly realized that a charm of my bracelet. Was STUCK ON THE LOOP OF HIS SHIRT!


He looked down in confusion “Blossom what the-”


I try to move my arm back as hard as I could to rip the thread but it was so intertwined that Yugyeom moved with me and all his body weight shifted onto me.

Yugyeom! No!” we fell into the rack and all kinds of dodgeballs, jump ropes, and towels came crashing on top of us. We heard noises from the other side of the wall.

I grab my head and Yugyeom grabs my shoulders.

“Are you ok!?”

       “No, but Yug- we got to go”, not caring how stupid I looked with tears forming in my eyes. He picked me up and we ran out of the gym to a nearby park.


I remember after that him just holding me firmly in his arms, asking me if I was ok every couple of minutes. Repeating sweet little things like how a ‘blossoming’ flower like me should be outdoors to get fresh air anyways.  After a while passed, Yugyeom bought me some snacks from a convenience store and took me to my grandparents’ house where I was staying.

At the front door Yugyeom gave me his jacket I was wearing the whole time to keep since the temperature cooled down. He then kissed me softly and whispered,


“I’ll make it up to you, sweetie. I promise.”


We said goodbye and I walked in the house. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw him. Until tonight.


In mid-thought I feel a large coat gently sweeping over my shoulders. I look up to see the giant-not so baby anymore- crouching down to sit next to me.

I give him a death stare and he meets it with a big smile...that same beautiful smile.

“Noona I-”

“No!” I yelled.

Yugyeom moved his shoulders so he could face me more.

“No ‘Noona'! We don’t know each other at all!”

“Blossom, we know each other very well?” he starts talking with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

………...dead silence rang in this Winter Ball……….


After 8 minutes of complete silence

Yugyeom scooches in front of me to get my attention. I try not blow my cover and still insist on giving him, the cold shoulder.


“Ehh-Noona. What are the odds of me finding my ‘Blossoming Flower’ outside by the only plant on this rooftop”, he says grinning after surveying the area.


At this point I’m livid.

“Really Yugyeom. After all that’s happened between us!...after not seeing me for almost three years...that corny line you used a million times. You think that’s going to smooth over you ditching me for the Idol life?!” I say whimpering failing at keeping my cover.


Yugyeom was filled with confusion at my accusation and he grabbed his hair then looked up.


“Ok you’re right Blossom. I screwed up. But Blossom just please hear me out!..ok... I..I...so much was happening at that moment. Back in 2012, that winter my dancing success started to happen and I got casted into JYP early 13’ you know that because we were keeping contact at that moment. Just like how you went on that cruise around the Caribbean with your dance team! We kept in contact! I have every letter you sent me Blossom…”


I wiped my eyes again and counterattacked his response, “Yeah but what happened after that!? I called and called. No response. Texting you. No response. Letters….no letter back. Right when you told me you were debuting with the next boy group you disappeared.”


“It wasn’t like that…” Yugyeom dryly said while staring at the floor

         “Was I not good enough for you? Not good enough for Got7’s Yugyeom?” I started to breakdown. . I lost it.

Yugyeom knelt down and swooped me up in his arms. I could never be strong in front of him.

“Here’s the truth Blossom. I was scared. I was stressed and I was doubting my abilities to be in Got7. I didn’t know how to be a good boyfriend nor did I know to be a member of a boy band. The only thing I’m good at is dancing. So I shut down and ran away. Every text I got every letter and voicemail?? It drove me crazy because I was sad Blossom and I didn’t know to show all that love back to you. You were this beautiful accomplished dancer and I was well just Yugyeom. ”


I start to look up at him through my disheveled hair.


“Truth be told Blossom, I thought you were too good for me so I put it off, and when I debuted I thought it was too late because so much time passed like you said...and I thought you finally realized how good of a catch Erin was since he was always there with you. In every sns post. Once I signed the dating ban contract. I thought there was no going back”


I was staring aimlessly at the ground for a while until I cleared my throat and began to talk. Yugyeom anticipating what I had to say whipped his up to see what I Was going to say.


“You should have been honest with me..a-about your feelings.” I looked at him, “You could have told me you felt Yuggie. You’re accomplished too you know. Here I am on the other side of the world sending all my love to what felt like a brick wall...then you became a celebrity and all these girls love you...they get your attention more than I ever did. It pissed me off! I thought ‘Don’t I mean anything to this kid!’”


Yugyeom chuckled and replied, “Kid? Haha well my response was very childish and I’m sorry. Honestly. I appreciate all my fans... But I will forever have only one Beautiful Blossoming flower


“Oh gosh Yugyeom give me a break”, I say in response to his never ending corniness.

We both start laughing and but stop as Erin storms by us wiping away a fake tear


“Dudes. That was the most precious thing I have ever heard”, he started fake crying in his hands

I roll my eyes and get up to stretch my legs while Yugyeom throws a handful of fallen leaves at Erin’s face.

“Hey Man! I didn’t want to interrupt the love fest but it’s your turn to perform!”

I look at Yugyeom with a puzzled expression, “you’re performing?”

Before he could respond, Erin piped in, “YES! He’s the special guest. It was a surprise but then you had to be all dramatic and storm off and-”

Yugyeom grabbed Erin’s shoulder, “Anyways...Show me where the other members are so I can perform.”

“Right this way...Yuggie”, Erin trailed ahead while laughing

Yugyeom shook his head at the sound of Erin calling him that then looked at me, “only my dear blossom should call me that.

I smiled and took his hand so we can go downstairs and I can try to be at least some kind of host to the party that’s been going on for like an hour now.


Got7 performed their Holiday single, “Confession Song”, which happen to be Yugyeom just serenading me in front a lot of fake snow and flowers. How fitting.

The attendees and photographers ate it up and enjoyed all the performances.

I mingled as much as I could and made sure the guest were happy with the Ball.


“To end of the 2015 Blossom Annual Winter Ball, I would like to thank all the staff for the amazing work!” *applause*

“My amazing Best Friend Erin, who assisted this whole time?”

*more applause* (plus Erin hollering in the back for himself)

“All the amazing performers and especially a big round of applause for our special guest Got7!!!”

*Loud applause*

“And most importantly to all that donated this evening, thank you so much for making this another successful ball and so many kids will be able to share to joy on Christmas Day because of you all!”

*Loud applause*

“Thank you everyone! Get home safely! And Happy Holidays!”



Two hours after the party ended Yugyeom have been catching up while drinking hot cocoa and stargazing


Yugyeom blows on his beverage, “It’s so funny how today worked out. Almost like the last time we saw each other? We bumped into each other. We snuggled by a plant...”

I laughed at that remark. He laughed too and began to talk again, “I gave you my coat. We both were crying...”


I moved closer to him, “That’s very weird...I’m always getting hurt when I’m with you haha...” I said before sipping my cocoa.

“There is one thing that we’re missing that we should recreate...” he stares at me until I stare back. Hi gaze lowers to my lips and we both go in for yet another slow passionate kiss.”


I stop halfway and he looks at me confused, “Nope. That’s all you’re getting Yug. You have a lot to make up for!”

  He pouts a little then agrees, “Yeah you’re right”

I laugh a little, “And aren’t you still under a dating ban?”

He looks up with whip cream on his upper lip, “well I’ve always been the person to bend rules riiight!” he screeches jokingly with an evil grin

We both start laughing at his comment and end up rekindling that burning summer school love 3 years later at an icy winter ball. <3



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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3