Happy Holidays, Matokialiens1017

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for Matokialiens1017

Gift from ???

Title of the gift : The Dream Wishes

Pairing : Kim Yugyeom and an OC Kim Suyeong

How many words : 4,908 words

Rating : G

Note to my gifee : Hey ! Merry Christmas … Sorry that I give this gift so damn late … My fault and I should be punish because of this . And im sorry if the ending is not that’s great cause im really for the ending … I really have fun writing this story cause It make me searching more about Yugyeom The Giant Maknae .. I dunno that he is so cute and lovable … Hahah … Its actually just some drabble cause I don’t know how to write those fantasy things and … I so embarrassed that I write this story like this . And again I am REALLY SORRY . However I hope you like this story …Stay warm and stay happy always smile and Merry X’mas ^^ ’ Believe in your dream and you will achieve it ‘

The Dream Wishes


Hello ! My name is YuGyeom , and i’m a fairy . The wishes fairy . You make a wish and I will grand it . Basically im a star . So whoever wish to the star that’s mean they wish to me . I’m 18 years old . Not the age to grand wishes actually . But my hyung do grand them . They such a powerful and nice looking fairy . There six of them , Jaebum hyung , Jackson hyung , Youngjae hyung , Bambam …. He is not a fairy just like me . And my favourite hyungs are Mark and Jinyoung hyung . They got their will since they were in 15 .Is it amazing . That’s why I love them . But the another reason is , they always help me whenever I get into a problem and grand my lovely girl wishes . She always wish a lot of things . That sometimes ridiculous , but I still want to grand them . You must be wonder who is that lucky girl . Here , let me introduce you to her .




Her name is Kim Suyeong . And I heard that her friends do call her ‘Waffle’ . Seriously I don’t know why she being call like that . She does not even resemble like a waffle . But the colour of her short shining hair do look like it . :) She’s the only child in the family , but she do have a foster brother named Park Jimin . They so close until at the first sight I thought he was Suyeong’s boyfriend .

From the very first time I have become an ‘angel’ I discover that , every morning at 5 am she will walked to her garden and sat on the bench . { I just can’t believe that there still a girl who can awake at that time , even my sister wake at 12 noon } At that time she will start wishing and talking to me .


“ Dear star , do you know what day is today ? Today I will have a presentation for my exam in front of the whole class . ALONE . Can you imagine it ? I never done this before so I’m a little bit nervous . Can you help me relieve my nervous . I hope that I will get flying colours for my first attempt .”

“ Of course Suyeong . I will always help you . Looks like I should wake Jackson hyung since he got all the braveness . Haha. “

As I’m going to get Jackson hyung , I heard a sobbing sound . When I looks down I found that it was Suyeong . ‘ Heck what’s now ? Why is she crying . It can’t be she too nervous . Can it ? ‘

“ Gyeom-ah “

“Is she calling my name ?”

“ Can I call you that Gyeomie . It make me feel like I really do talk to someone .”

She said that while wiping her tears and trying to fake a smile . I feeling excited and sit back . I also make the star shine more so that she notice that I’m saying yes . >< I also curious what make my angel cry . I will gonna smash them into a pieces .

“ Erm … You know what , yesterday… I heard omma and appa had a fight . And I’m ermm heard that word”

“ Ha? what word ? I can’t figure it out . Ppali tell me “

“ They … they … “

“ They what Suyeong ? Tell me please . Don’t make me worry .”

“ They going to divorce . “

“ What ? For my father and mother name ? Really? How ? “

“ Omma said that appa cheated on her . Can you believe that ? Appa is a nice guy . How can he cheat on omma ? I’m pretty sure he’s not doing such thing . Right ? “

I’m just nodding . Thinking how can I solve her problem . My mom and dad sure will NEVER agree with my wish even thought they were the king and queen of wishes . Such a GOOD parent aren’t they :P

“ What should I do Gyeomie ? I don’t want what I watch in the drama Love and War happen to my family .It make me scared . I don’t want they to live separatedly . Which also make me look like a wore daughter . Am I a useful daughter ? Why I can’t help them ? What am I ? I feel so bad . What can I do Gyeom-ah “ and then she been sobbing hardly . I really want to hug her right now . It hurt me so much to see her like that .


“ Hyungggggggggg ….. jebal help me . Suyeong been sobbing so hard last night . I could not bear seeing her like that . She even got her presentation today . And her parent getting divorce . Can’t you guys do something about it ? Please hyung . “

Now here I am in my hyungs house begging for their help again .

“ Gyeom-ah is not that we don’t want to help you but , your dad forbid us from doing that . “ Jinyoung hyung tap my back .

“ Junior right Yugyeom . You don’t want your hyung being ‘un-angel’ right ? “ said Mark hyung while sipping his favourite apple juice .

“ Suyeong got presentation today ? Maybe I can help her with that . I’m the brain right .The smartest . Maybe If she pass the presentation she will forget her problem . “

Jackson hyung bluffing again and trying to solve the problem .

“ Really hyung ? Aww , thank you . I love you “ I hug Jackson hyung .

“ Wowo wo … relax lover boy . I’m straight right here . I got myself a girlfriend . “ said Jackson hyung sarcastically while pushing me far from him . Hyung statement make me grin to the ear .

“ But Jackson , are you sure about that ? The king may upset with this if we help Yugyeom again . “ Youngjae hyung looks worried .

“ Relax Jae … Making a girl pass a presentation is easy as JACKSON .No one will ever notice that I make a move . And don’t you worry about our lover boy here . He dying you know . What if the same thing happen to YOUR HAYOUNG . Don’t you feel like you dying . Haha “

Jackson making fun about Youngjae girlfriend Hayoung . Actually nobody know about their relationship beside me and Jackson but today our Wang Jackson break the news .

“ Really ? You date Oh Hayoung . The Pink Angel ? Wow ! That so amazing . I don’t know that you got gut the talk to her .You can’t even talk to my mother who pamper you a lot . Hahaha “ All of GOT7 angel make fun of JaeYoung relationship .

“ Guys , we still have Gyeomie problem here ! Please give attention to it for a while although JaeYoung relationship is so damp sweet . “ said Bambam while holding his laughter .

“ Hahah .. Huu .. Hee okay that’s enough . I’m going to rescue your girlfriend Gyeomie . Bye “ with that Jackson gone to the human world .

‘ Just wait for me my princess . I will never let your tears fall again .’ I said it in my heart .


“ ……. With that , we know that the star is uncountable . Thank you “ Suyeong end her presentation . Her classmate give a clap .

“ Thank you Mrs. Kim for your cute presentation .bla bla bla bla … “

“ Am I arrive at the right time ? “ Jackson hyung take a look at Suyeong class and a piece of paper on the teacher table .’ What ? 76% only ?! SERIOUSLY . This Miss Bae really need a lesson . ‘ Jackson hyung blows some magic spell and blows it towards Suyeong and Miss Bae .

“ Okay class anyone have a question ? If no class will dis … “

“ Miss Bae ! “ Seyoung put her hands up .

“ Yes Suyeong-sshi ? Anything ? “

“ I think I have something to add for my presentation . “

“ And what was that ? “

“ Actually black holes don’t . Many people frequently describe black holes as “” in everything around them. And it is a common worry among the ill-informed that the so-far hypothetical “mini” black holes that may be produced by the Large Hadron Collider would in everything around them in an ever increasing vortex that would consume the Earth! “Say it ain’t so, Joe!” Well, I am not Shoeless Joe Jackson, but it ain’t so. In the case of the LHC, it isn’t true for a number of reasons, but black holes in general do not “.”

This not just a semantic distinction, but one of process and consequence as well. The word “” via suction, as in the way vacuum cleaners work, is not how black holes attract matter. In a vacuum cleaner, the fan produces a partial vacuum which really, just a slightly lower pressure at the floor end of the vacuum, and regular air pressure outside, being greater, pushes the air into it, carrying along loose dirt and dust.

In the case of black holes, there is no suction involved. Instead, matter is pulled into the black hole by a very strong gravitational attraction. In one way of visualizing it, it really is a bit like falling into a hole, but not like being hoovered into it. Gravity is a fundamental force of Nature, and all matter has it. When something is pulled into a black hole, the process is more like being pulled into like a fish being reeled in by an angler, rather than being pushed along like a rafter inexorably being dragged over a waterfall.

The difference may seem trivial, but from a physical standpoint it is fundamental.

So black holes don’t , but they are very cool. Actually, they are cold. Very, very cold. But that’s a story for another time.

I’m saying this because I just can’t accept what everyone say about the black hole . So that my conclusion for my Universe story . Thank you . “

Whole class open their mouth , can’t believe that my Suyeong could talk like that . Thanks to Jackson hyung who has grin to the ears . I’m pretty sure he will jump his happiness and bluffing again . >< Can’t stop that .

“ Wow ! Thank you for your explanation again Miss Kim Suyeong . Okay class with the end of Suyeong explanation about the black hole . That’s the end of the class . You may dismiss . “

Miss Bae cut the 76% mark and give Suyeong 98 % . Suyeong see that since she sit in front of teacher desk . She smile her heart out and rushed to her home . “ I can’t wait to tell Gyeomie about this . :) “


Suyeong humming her favourite song on her way home . She about to cross the road . She wait for the green light . She being so happy that she have forget her problem .

Yugyeom who have been watching or stalking her since she walked out from school also smile his heart out . Suyeong across the road safely .

‘ Ahh ~ today is the best day ever . I hope I could get a nice grade again this time . ‘ Suyeong smiling while staring at her step happily . She did not realise that there is a car who driving it like crazy and it on her path .

Yugyeom eyes widen when he see that and he is calling Seyoung name from the sky .

“ Seyoung-ah ! watch out . Seyoung-ahh !!! “

But Seyoung still did not realise it . The car come nearer and with that Seyoung finally look at the car . Her eyes widen but her feet could not move due the shock . Yugyeom anxious , his heart beat faster than usual . He been doubting whether he should save her or not . If he jump and enter the human world right now ,he will never be able to come back here . But right then , he hear his name being called .

‘ Gyeom-ah … help me ‘ Suyeong close her eyes and hug her books tightly into her chest .Right then Yugyeom made his decision and gather his mind and jump into the human world .

He stops the time . The people stops walking , and the car stops at it place .He quickly run and get Suyeong then bring her to a safer place .He then hugs Suyeong tightly .

After 2 minutes everything come back to normal . Suyeong breath heavily and she feel very weird how she is safe right now cause she sure that just now she about to getting hit by a car and she being more surprised when she realise she is in a guy embrace .She trying to get out from the hug but that guys just hug her more tight .

“ Let stay like this for a moment .” that guy said and Suyeong become more embarrassed because she now being stuck at that guy neck . And Suyeong can smell his cologne .That make she blush harder . She never been this close with a guy except his brother Jimin . But they never hug thought .This is her first being hug by a guy and it feel so warm and comfortable . Any though she have was vanished when she felt a tear drop at her face . ‘ What ? Why this guy crying ? What have I done ? ‘ she become scared .

“ Emm … hey why are you crying . Have I done something wrong ? I’m sorry , I don’t know what I have done . I am so sorry if I have make you hurt or anything . I will accept if you want to scold me or anything . I ‘m so sorry if I have trouble you . I’m so sorry that ….” Her words were cut when that guy put his finger on her lips . And he look into her eyes and said ,

“ You don’t have to be sorry . It was all my fault . You did not do anything wrong . Sorry that I can’t protect you . I should try harder to make you save , but look I just put you into danger . I ‘m sorry Seyoung –ah .” Yugyeom eyes become red and puffy because he cry so hard . Suyeong stunned in her place . Still could not process what this guy said .

“ What do you mean , you did not do anything wrong . How could you say like that when I barely know you . And I’m really sure this is our first met . It not your fault and hey , I’m still alive here . “ Seyoung smiled to cheer that boy .

Yugyeom finally crack a smile . Both of them looked in each other eyes . ‘ He eyes is so nice and deep . I could drown in it ‘ -Seyoung . ‘ She look more beautiful when I look closer ‘ – Yugyeom .

And Seyoung finally come back to the earth when she felt there is water dripping .’Aish rain .. ‘ .Both of them running to find a place to keep them dry .They keep running until they reach Suyeong house .


As they enter her house Suyeong mother was so shocked to see a boy beside her daughter . But she keep herself calm and quickly get a towel for them .

“Aigoo uri Suyeongie , I told you to bring your umbrella together today but you did not want to listen to me . What if you catch cold .Omma will worry so much you know .” Mrs Kim said while helping drying her daughter hair . She also give Yugyeom a pair of towel to dry himself .

“ Ah .. aniya omma , na jinjja gwenchanna .I would not catch cold . I’m a strong girl right . “ Suyeong smile to her mom .

“ Ah nae nae … Kuenddae igo nugusaeyo ? Hoksshi Suyeong namja chingu ? “ Suyeong started to flustered .She also don’t know this guy . His name also Suyeong don’t know .

“Anyeong haseyo , Kim Yugyeom imnida . I’m Suyeong friend and I just met her at the street . I’m sorry if I trouble you . “ Yugyeom bow to Mrs Kim .

“ Ah Yugyeomie … Nice to meet you . Why don’t you stay for dinner . It almost done .”

Yugyeom just nod while Suyeong is already blush .Yugyeom tilt his head to Suyeong level ,

“ Ow ? Suyeong-sshi why you look so red ? Did you catch cold ? Do you want some more towel ? “ Yugyeom put his towel around Suyeong neck and put his hand on Suyeong cheeks . And that make she blushes more . Yugyeom chuckle slowly ,

“ Hoksshi , you shy with me ? “ still hands on Suyeong cheeks . Suyeong swept Yugyeom hands and shake her head .

“ Ani .. I …Im n..not shy w..with you .” Suyeong look at her feet .Yugyeom smile his heart out.

‘ Why Suyeong is so cute . I don’t even notice that she have dimple on her left .’

Then Suyeong excuse herself to her room and tell Yugyeom that he can change to her brother Jimin’s shirt in the room .When Suyeong went to her room , Yugyeom jump in excitement . Suyeong’s omma still busy in the kitchen to notice Yugyeom action .

While Suyeong , her heart beating faster when she enter her room and close the door . She put her hand to her heart . She weird with this feeling .

‘What is the feeling ? It so weird , it feel like that there butterfly flies in my stomach and I …I feel so happy ‘ she smile like an idiot . After they done changing to fresh clothes , three of them had their dinner .

“ So Yugyeom-sshi , where is your parent ? “ Mrs.Kim ask Yugyeom .

Yugyeom swallow his food first and been thinking so hard , should he tell them or not , they might not believe me , he thought “ Emm … my parents .. died .. yes they already die in an accident . “ .

Then Mrs.Kim did’t ask any further cause that will bring her tears back . Then Yugyeom also inform her that he did not have place to stay or siblings to depend on . With that Mrs.Kim invite him to stay with them . That make Suyeong smile shyly and continue eating her food .


Starting from that , both of them being a very close friend . Going to school together , studying together and do all things together . Nothing can separate them .

After one year he live together with Suyeong , Yugyeom realise his birthday have come nearer and that’s mean he will become a real angel . Before he become fully angel , he decided to tell Suyeong about his secret and confess to her .

Nobody know what his father will do to him .He will either disappear like bubbles or being kill . So , he must let Suyeong know his feeling . But during those years , his hyung have come countless time to persuade him to go back to the heaven . But he resisted to go , for reason he can’t let Suyeong to be alone .

~ Flashback

Yugyeom was relaxing his body on the bed after an exhausted day at school . Suddently , his bed shake as if it an earthquake and bbum …

There six boys appeared with white suit . They no other then his beloved hyung . All of them crashed Yugyeom bed and make noise .

“ Aigoo Yugyeom-ah you so lucky … The king is not mad with you , he just want us to bring you back .” said Jinyoung hyung .

“ Right ? It so weird that he did not even mad or .. you know your father .Its kinda boring that he did’t broke your arm or burn you up . “ Jackson hyung laught with them .

“ Bwoya hyung , it’s a good thing that he did not do any of it . Then I can life as usual . Of course the king still love his only son . And guys you know what you guys really did not look like to bring me back instead just want to enjoy yourself here “ said Yugyeom while cross his arm .

Jaebum hyung look at him and smirk and he looks like an idiot . “ Wah ! Uri maknae is now really fast in catching things . Majayo , we here to enjoy ourself . Right Mark hyung ? “

Mark hyung just smile at him and nod , continuing playing with the Xbox .He really into that games since he come here . While Jinyoung hyung and Bambam busy exploring the fashion site and look at the newest trend . And Youngjae hyung is BUSY sleeping on the bed , ignoring the noises . Yugyeom just sighed at those sight and chuckle himself

That’s what happen every time they come to persuade him . Really . they just not helping the king ><

~End Flashback

Until one day …

“ Suyeong-ah … “

“ Ow wae , Gyeom-ah “

“ That .. That … “ Yugyeom rub his neck shyly

“ Bwoya ?? … Malhae .. “

“ Ah … that I want to .. “

“ Kim Yugyeom , what do you want actually . Stop stuttering and speak properly .”

“I want to ask you to go date with me “ he said that in one breath and his cheeks begin to red . Seyoung stunned for a while before she speak .

“ Nae “

“ B… bwoya ? “

“ Nae … I will go out with you “

Yugyeom could not hide his happiness that he jump all around the library and being shoo by the librarian . He shyly apologise and sit . Suyeong laught at Yugyeom cuteness .


That day , both of them went out together and have a date . They go to the Lotte World and have so much fun .

Suyeong can’t believe that Yugyeom is such a coward . He scream so loud when they ride the roller coster and he cried when they come down .

“ Hahah Kim Yugyeom , I don’t know you such a coward . You like a baby . Big Baby “

Yugyeom who still shed his tears pout at Suyeong statement . He feel so wasted . He cry infront of her girl . It so embarrassing .

Suyeong then go and get both of them ice cream . Strawberry flavour for her and chocolate for Yugyeom . While they eating the ice cream they watch other people skating .

Yugyeom notice that there ice cream on Suyeong nose , and he giggling softly .

“ Wae ? “

“ Aigoo Suyeong-ah I have seen three years old kids eat better than you . “

“ Wae ? Is there something on my face “ she wipe her face but the stain is still there .

Yugyeom shake his head and lean forward and wipe the stain on her nose .

‘ Omo , the feeling is here again . Yah ! Kim Yugyeom you make my heart beat faster . Stop it . ‘

Suyeong face start to blush . Yugyeom take the chance and put some ice cream on her cheeks . Suyeong was shock with his action but she also take the ice cream and put on Yugyeom face . Yugyeom get his revenge when he put the ice cream on her face again . And when Suyeong want to do so , Yugyeom manage to hold her hand and he eat the ice cream off her finger . Suyeong blush more and pull her hand . Yugyeom also shock with his own action .

Silence hit both of them , and they eat the remaining ice cream quietly .

Then ,

“ Suyeong-ah should we go now ? “

Suyeong just nod and gather her things and both of them left the Lotte World .

Its already midnight when they arrive the place that Yugyeom have arrange . Yugyeom intertwine their hand and Suyeong looks at him in confused.

“ Can I blind fold you ? “

“ Oh wae ? For what ?

“ Isseo , emm there something … I wanna to surprise you .”

Suyeong’s permission make Yugyeom take out a silk cloth and blind fold Suyeong’s eyes . Then he took her to the middle of the garden . He felt so restless as his palm sweat nonstop because he so nervous .

He look at the decoration that his hyung make , it so lovable . They’re now standing in a heart shape of roses petals . The garden is design like they now at the heaven . He can’t explain the beautiness but it make him has this though ‘ Why it feel so right at home ? ‘ . But all his though was vanished when Suyeong ask him ,

“ Yugyeom-ah when I can open this fold .It so suffocating and I don’t really like this idea . Can u make it fast whatever you wanna do right now . “

“ Aish … just wait my princess . You just so impatient . “ he poke her nose . Then he took out a ring and take Suyeong’s hand .

“ Ow ?Gyeom –ah mwohae ? “

“ Suyeong-ah , actually I have a big secret that I want to tell you . But before that can u promise that u will never tell anyone .”Suyeong felt so weird but she just nod .

“ Actually I am an angel . Cheonsa , kkum cheonsa . The dream angel . I have been watching u for a long time . Since you start wishing for the first time . You want a pink dress for your 12th birthday . Hahah … it so cute even though it just an ordinary wishes . Well everyone can have a pink dress right . But u want a pink dress with a wing so that you can fly . Do you still remember it ? “ Yugyeom smile at her childish .

“ Bwo ? You are a dream angel !But w…why ho..how can u be here now ? “

“ Remember when u almost get hit by a car a year ago . It was me who stop the time and save you . I just can’t lose you cause … “ Yugyeom stop there cause he so nervous .

“ Because of what ? “

Because …. I .. I …”

Suddently a huge smoke appeared and the Yugyeom’s parent come out from that . The time stop and Suyeong freeze .

“ Oo…omma …. App …appa “

“ Son, are u sure with this decision . You know right , once you have confess your feeling to a human , you’re not longer an angel . And you will lose all your power . “ His father said with calm .

“ Emm … appa I don’t mind it even if im not longer an angel . Cause I really like Suyeong . I really love her appa . And even if im not an angel , im still your son right . so, can I stay here omma , appa “

His parent look at him and smile . Then his mother pull him into a hug “ Of course you still our son Yugyeom “ Aww uri adeul … Don’t forget you still can met us and your hyung . “ His mother been sobbing so hard .And his father still stay calm .

“ Remember how hard the challenge , always remember you can always wish for the things to went well . “

Then his parent fade with the smoke and time ticking as usual . Yugyeom gather his courage and say it in one breath .

“ Kim Suyeong .. nan nega joah ,I love you “

And then both of them live happy together ever after ….




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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3