
Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015


Hello everyone ^_____^

How are you all?
The event is now set on complete. However, if we receive any new gifts we will upload them here. We're currently waiting for four stories (not including the four that we, Ramona and I, are writing. Since last week we heard from two of them which makes us very happy. We still hope to hear from the other two Santas. If we don't hear anything from them we'll contact the giftees by the end of this week.

On a more happy note, we can finally announce that we decided on doing another Secret Santa event for IGOT7 this year. We even created a new channel to host the event. We are very excited and happy about that decision. If you are interested in joining again please send us a friend request and / or stay subscribed to this event as we will promote the new event here and on our channel once it's online (which will be in July). We'll hope you'll join (again).

That's it for now. We'll upload a last message from us once our one shots are finished and posted.

Have a nice day/evening/night~




Hello everyone ^____^

How are you all. It's been a while since the last news update.
We are still missing ten stories (including the four that Ramona and I are writing). If you are one of the Santas that haven't send us your story yet, please do so as soon as possible. The four stories Ramona and I are writing will be uploaded here as well as they are part of the event. However, as Ramona currently is staying in Korea and I am preparing for an important exam on Saturday, we hope that our giftees understand that those stories will be uploaded a bit later.

We want to inform you, that we are going to close this event on the 15th of March. There will be a notice about the 'Who's My IGOT7 Santa 2016' event after that date too.

Have a nice day/evening/night~ <3




Hello everyone ^^

How are you all?
Sadly we have to contact you once again because of some unfortunate news. We were contacting two Santas over the past few weeks but sadly we haven't heard form them. I wrote them an PM in which I asked them to contact us until Saturday. Sadly we didn't hear from them. Therefore we are looking for two people that would like to make (another) giftee very happy. We are looking for someone who want's to write:

- JinMark > fluff that is written in 3rd POV
- MarkSon > preferably angst, fluff and/or written in 3rd POV
- Markson, JJP od Yugbam > crack, drama

If you are interested in writing this gift please let us know via e-mail or PM.

Have a nice day/evening/night~




Hello everyone ^____^

How are you today? I hope you are all doing well.

We have some unfortunate news. A Santa wrote us that she isn't able to finish writing the gift for her giftee. Therefore we are looking for another back up writer. We are looking for someone who want's to write:

1. Markson or Jinson > Genre: Christmas-themed, Slice-of-life, angst, fantasy
2. JinMark > Genre: Anything (but likes to read a lot) (was previously listed)
3. MARKJIN, jinson or basically any jinyoungxgot7 pairing > Genre: Fluff! Preferably with lots of cheese and scenes with kids (was previously listed)

If you are interested in writing this gift please let us know via e-mail or PM.

Have a nice day/evening/night~




Hello everyone ^_____^

How are you all doing? Did the new year start well for you?

On the 30th of December we were looking for five back up writers as five Santas droped out. Sadly I have to ask once again for your help. Last week on wednesday we wrote an e-mail to the remaining Santas and asked them to tell us till last Wednesday how much time they think they need to complete the gift. We mentioned in the e-mail that we would look for back-up writers if we wouldn't get a reply till yesterday. Unfotunatelly five Santas didn't write us.

Those are the pairings and genres we are hoping to find a back-up writer for:

1. Markjin, MarkxOC or JuniorxOC > Genre: Anything (was previously listed)
2. MarkxOC > Genre: comedy with some romantic fantasy
3. JinMark > Genre: Anything (but likes to read a lot)
4. MARKJIN, jinson or basically any jinyoungxgot7 pairing > Genre: Fluff! Preferably with lots of cheese and scenes with kids

5. Markson > preferes comedy, action, supernatural and fantasy (werwolfs and magic)

If you are interested in writing any of the stories above please write us an e-mail or pm us.

Thank you.

Stay save and have a good day/evening/night~




Hello everyone ^-^

We hope all of you had nice holidays so far. I'm updating because of two things one good and one.... well not so good.
Good news first! We will make the big reveal tomorrow and not on the 3rd of January. YAY ^-^
Now the bad news is, we still are trying to contact a few authors. We tried to get in contact with everyone over the past month and some never replied and so we decided for those few we will now search for a back up writer.

So far we would need five people and the oneshots we need would be with the pairing and genre:

1. Markson, 2jae, JJproject or JackBam > Genre: Anything
2. Markbam or JbxBam > Genre: Angsty Romance, something like that
3. Markson, JJProject or Markjin > Genre: College/Highschool Aus, prefer it from 3POV

4. MarkxOC > Genre: fluff scenarios
5. Markjin, MarkxOC or JuniorxOC > Genre: Anything

If anyone is interested and has time to write one of those one shots please contact us through pm or mail so we can give you further informations.
Thank you

There are also nine people who asked for a deadline extenstion please contact us as soon as possible. If we don't hear from them till a week from now we will once again look for new backup writers.

So that's it for now, I will update again tomrrow morning for the reveal ^-^
Have a nice day everyone.




Hello everyone~

Merry Christmas! We hope you have a great time and are able to spend the holidays with the people you love the most.

Today is the 25th of December. Originally we wanted to post the big reveal today. However, we are still waiting for 17 more gifts to be send in. We heared form some of the Santas a few days before Christmas that they are almost done and that they will send it to us soon. Sadly there are also Santas we haven't heard of yet. To make sure that everyeone can get a present we decided to wait till the 3rd of January to make the reveal. I hope that's OK with you.

Have a nice day/evening/night

Ramona and Manu




Hello everyone ^____^

How are you all doing? Are you enjoying the gifts that were already posted?

The reason for this news update is that another Santa dropped out. It would be amazing if someone would like to become a back up writer and make one giftee very happy. We know that Christmas is near and it's impossible to finish it by then. We don't expect you to do so either.

The story that is wished for would be a JB, Mark, Jackson or Jr. X OC story. The giftee prefers a story with a twist, angst and/or fantasy. She doesn't like , fluff and cheesy stories.

If you are interested in writing the gift (it doesn't matter if you are already a Santa or not) please let us know via e-mail or PM. We would appreciate your help very much.

There is something a bit more enjoyable to tell you through. We have enough stories to be able to update twice a day till the 24th again. However we still don't have received all the gifts yet. If you are one of the Santas that is still working on a gift please let us know via e-mail or PM how much more time you'll need to finish it. If you already contacted us about the delay you don't have to send us another e-mail again.

Thank you so much for reading and helping out.

Have a nice day/evening/night and enjoy reading the gifts that are already posted.




Hello everyone ^-^

We hope you are all doing fine. 

Well the reason why I update is we sadly have another drop out. Does anyone have time to write a second oneshot or knows someone who would be able to fill in for that spot? It would be either a Markson or a 2Jae oneshot.
If you're interested please contact us through mail or PM.

And to everyone who still need to send in their one shot please try to finish them till this weekend, please contact us if you still need more time.

Thank you and I hope you all have a good day/evening/night






Hello everyone ^____^

We hope you are all doing well. Do you enjoy reading the gifts so far?

Today, and most probably the next 4 days too, we'll upload only one gift. Reason for that is that we still haven't received some of the gifts yet. We're still waiting for a total of 29 gifts to be send in.
From some of the Santas we haven't heard from since the dead line is over. If you're one of those Santas please send us an e-mail or a PM and tell us how many days you think you'll need to complete the story. We would really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Ramona and Manu



Hello once again ^^

I forgot one important thing yesterday. When we upoad the one shot you wrote please don't leave comments saying that you wrote it we will reveal it on December the 25th as a last big reveal. Also please wait with uploading the one shot on your own account till then. After the event is over you all are free to upload it and if you want we can delete it here and just leave a link to your story.

Well, I think now all the important infos are said and I hope you all had fun reading the first two one shots we uploaded today because I certainly did ^-^

Have a nice day




Hello everyone ^-^

Tomorrow we will start to upload the first one shots. For the moment we will upload two one shots per day. We are excited to see all your reactions to your gifts. ^-^

So far we have gotten 20 one shots, those who are still working on it please try to finish it up soon and send it to us.

Thank you again for taking part in this event. 

Have a nice day/evening/night and everyone a good start into the last month of this year ^-^






Hello everyone ^_____^

The 3rd and last check in point was on the 17th of November. We're really sorry for writing / informing you so late about it. For those who haven't send us a check-in mail yet, please send us one soon.

The deathline isn't far away anymore. We hope you are all doing well with your gifts.
As the 27th draws closer we want to let you know that if you won't be able to send us your work on that date you can ask us for an extention of a few days. We do understand that some of you are very busy with school / work / life and will try to make it work. Send us an e-mail or write us a PM so we can make a note about it.

If you finished your gift already send it to the e-mail account from which you received your giftee information from. Keep in mind to fill out the submitting form before sending it to us. If you already have send us your gift you don't need to write us an e-mail for the 3rd check in. Should there be anything wrong with the document we'll try to contact you as soon as possible.

Thank you again for taking part in this event. We hope you have fun so far.

Have a nice day/evening/night.




Hello everyone ^-^

We hope you are all doing well. How is the gift creating?
We just wanted to let you all know that Manu is going to be on holidays for the next three weeks and won't be able to go through the mails and PM's. Which means if you have a problem or a question it might take some time for me to reply to them, because I'm only able to go through our mails in the evening when I get back from work. It shouldn't take more than 48 hours for me to reply but please be patient. There are days I get home really late from work and am too tired to check the mails. I hope this is OK for everyone.

Have a nice day/evening/night




Hello everyone \(^____^)

We hope you are all doing well. How is the gift creating?
Tomorrow is the first check-in day. Some of you have a few questions about this day therefore we try to answer your questions here in the news section.
After tomorrow we would like to hear how the gift creating is going. Therefore we're asking you to send us an e-mail (or if you can't write an e-mail at the moment a PM). You don't have to write much. A simple message which tells us that you started or not started working on your gift is enough. Also, if you already see that keeping the deadline will be a problem for you please tell us that in your check-in message too. That way we'll be able to help you.

Don't worry if you are not able to write us an e-mail tomorrow. As long as you send us an e-mail in the following days it will be fine. If we don't receive an e-mail within a week we'll try to contact you via e-mail and/or PM (to make sure that you're still part of the event).

Should you decide to drop out of this event please tell us as soon as possible as we need to find a back-up writer.

We hope that this helped you a little. If you still have questions about the check-in please let us know in the comments and we try to help you.

Have a nice day/evening/night

Ramona and Manu




Hello everyone ^____^

How is the gift creating? We hope everything is going well.
There are still a few people we haven't heard from after sending out the giftee information. Please let us know that you received the e-mail well.
To some people we sent questions from their secret Santas. Unfortunately we haven't received an answer form a few of them. If you received a question from your secret Santa from us, please send us your answer as quickly as possible. It will help your Santa a lot.

Thank you for everything guys. We hope you have a good time creating and later reading your gifts ^____^




Hello everyone~

Yesterday was the 15th which meant that every secret santa should have received an e-mail with the wish of their giftee. We hope you all received the information well. In case you haven't got an e-mail yet please let us know immediately.

If you have a question about the wishes of your giftee (like 'what do you mean with...?' 'can you send me a link to a fanfic you like so I know what kind of stories you like?' 'I saw that you like fantasy. What kind of fantasy do you prefer?' etc.) send us an e-mail. We'll send the question to your giftee. As soon as we receive an answer we will send it to you.

Please keep in mind that this is a secret santa event. Don't tell anyone what you're writing and (if you somehow figured out) who you're writing the one shot for.

On the 2015.10.06 is the first check in point. Which means that you'll nee to send us either an e-mail or a PM and tell us if everything is alright. You don't need to be detailed about this. It's enough to tell us that you started writing or if you haven't had any time to start yet.

If you decide to drop out (because of unexpected schedules etc.) please let us know at the earliest occasion as we need to find someone that is willing to either write two one shots or someone that is willing to write a one shot without receive one. The same goes if you need more time to finish your one shot.

When you finished writing your one shot please send us an e-mail to this account. The one shot must be send in as a Word document (or similar formats). We both use Openoffice which should allow us to open any document. There will be a form to send in. That form must either be in the e-mail body or in the beginning of your document. The form will be posted in a separate chapter on the event site.

That's all for now. We wish you happy gift writing ^_____^

Ramona and Manu



Hello everyone ^-^

So today is officially the last day to sign up.
The form will still be online till: 2015.09.09 12.00 AM CDT for the US
                                                               2015.09.09 07.00 AM CEST for Europe
                                                               2015.09.09 02.00 PM KST for Asia

Thank you once again to everyone who participates ^-^

Have a nice day





Hello everyone ^-^

Only one day left to sign up for the event. 
Thank you everyone who joined so far we now have 56 authors which is like sooooo unbelievable. You guys are the best ^-^

Have a nice day






Hello everyone ^_____^

Just want to let you know that there are 51 secret santas now *happy
This is amazing. Thank you all for signing up~ <3

There are only a few days left until the sign up period ends. We hope you'll consider joining.

Thank you again for joining the event.

Have a nice day.





Hello everyone ^_____^

When Ramona and I first posted this event we weren't even sure if we would get enough people who want to join to do this event. Which makes us more than happy to announce that we have 41 participants by know *throws confetti in the air*

There aren't many days left until the sign-up period ends. Keep in mind that the sing-up periode end on the 8th of September.
It would be amazing if even more people would join our Christmas event. Let's all create lovely gifts for each other, meet new friends and celebrate Christmas together. We hope to see your filled out form soon~

If you have any questions about the event please let us know (you can your question in the comment section, PM Ramona and/or Me or write an e-mail (for those who have registered)). We'll try to answer your question as quickly as possible.

Thank you sooooooooooo much for joining this event.
Have a nice day/evening/night




Hello everyone~

We just got our poster and background from the poster shop yaayy ^-^

Great news, we now have 24 participant which means we will be uploading stories daily in december.

Thanks again to the people who registered. We hope you'll have a great time with this event.
Have a nice day

Ramona ^-^





Hello everyone

Ramona has placed a request for a poster and a background for this event at Spotlight Posters. We hope that you soon will be able to see it *happy*

In our last news post we removed the participant list because we thought that it would be too easy to figure out who is who's Santa as the registration number was still low. Right now we have 10 registrations. Enough to bring the list back online. Take a look at who is participating and maybe find new friends and new authors. Have fun ^_____^

Thanks again to the people who registered. We hope you'll have a great time with this event.

Have a nice day




Hello everyone ^_____^

Thank you for showing interest in our secret santa event.
Because of the low registration number so far we decided to not upload the participation list until we have at least 10 people joining the event. If we leave the list online with such a small number it would be quite easy to find your secret santa. Therefore we hope you understand.

We hope you'll join the event and tell your friends and your favourite IGOT7 authors about this event. It would be amazing if many people will join.

If you have any questions about his event please don't hesitate to ask them in the comment section below or via DM. We gladly will answer them ^___^

Have a nice day

Ramona and Manu



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Thank you!
SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3