Happy Holidays, Tiezless

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for tiezless

Gift from ???

Title: Moving In and Moving On

Pairing(s): markjin, ghost!2jae, slight jackbam

Word count: 12, 459

Rating: PG for some slight swearing

Genre: fluff, fantasy, romance, very light angst

Warnings: mentioned character deaths, lots of dialogue (lol)

Note to my giftee: hi channi! i tried to include most things you like into one story (note: tried). it's a ghost au and i'm sorry i don't know much about ghosts but i wanted to put in some element of fantasy since you like them the most. and also, most of the ghost stuff here was invented but they were done to bring markjin together so i hope you don't mind the inconsistencies haha :)) i had a fun time writing it and i hope you'll enjoy reading it. i hope you like this story (even if it's quite long and idk if i put enough markjin in it??) and please do tell me what you think of it or what you want me to improve on (i appreciate constructive criticism) :) happy holidays! :D

Moving In and Moving On

Mark believes that change is for the better. So when the opportunity to move into a new apartment (and leave his annoying roommate and best friend Jackson) opens up, Mark immediately grabs it and sets the soonest moving date possible. He doesn't care if he moves just because the new apartment is 5 minutes closer to his workplace. He needs those extra 5 minutes to sleep! A few weeks later and here he is, in front of his new apartment building, holding the last box of his belongings, the rest of his things already brought to 7-G, his new apartment.

Mark looks up and marvels at the tall building. Finally, his own place. Finally away from Jackson and his crazy antics. Mark grins. He can finally stop dyeing his hair in ridiculous colors just because Jackson said it would fit him (he tries to forget that one time he dyed his hair green and there's this crazy old woman who pulled his hair thinking it was weeds from her garden). He can also finally watch his movies without Jackson crying every time a break-up scene would appear. Seriously, that boy needs to move on.

Mark hurriedly enters the lobby and waits outside the elevator. He taps the up button repeatedly and when it opens up, he steps inside and sets the box down to the side. He's so excited and he just can't hide it.

Just as he's about to press the close button, two more guys enter. And would you look at that? Looks like Mark hit a jackpot in this place. Not only is the rent affordable and the studio is pretty decent, they also have hot guys as tenants, these ones both with black hair and bangs that almost reach their eyebrows. The one standing at the back has many piercings on his ears, even on his eyebrows, and gives off a dark aura in general. Still, that doesn't affect the man's attractiveness. He has strong features, with a chiseled jawline to die for. The guy gives Mark a piercing gaze, making the latter flinch. It morphs into a questioning look when the guy notices that Mark's staring at him. Afraid for his life, Mark turns to look at the other guy standing near the door instead. He appears much kinder than the first one, much calmer with soft eyes and a gentle smile adorning his handsome face that could rival any top star. Now this is Mark's type. This handsome man eventually coughs, making Mark snap out of whatever fantasy his thoughts were conjuring.

"Uhm, hey?" handsome guy snaps in front of Mark's face. Why was he talking to Mark? Did he already say something? Maybe this guy's attracted to him as well and is getting to know Mark? He decides to push his luck by flirting with this stranger.

"Hey yourself," Mark smiles, showing off his precious teeth. He knows he's handsome, as told by most people, and hopes that his newly dyed silver hair will do wonders for him. Jackson even said it made him look like Jack Frost. Well then, get ready stranger, this Jack Frost's about to show him how cool he can be.

The stranger raises his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"Excuse you for what? For being heaven sent?" Mark smirks and winks. He just used one of the many lines Jackson taught him. His best friend would be proud.

The hot guy folds his arms across his chest. Mark's smirk fades. He looks at the other guy standing at the back wall, who appears to be watching with amusement. Mark gulps. "I was saying could you please stop staring and press the number 7 button? We've been on this elevator for a couple of minutes now. I can't reach the buttons because of your huge box."

Ohh. Mark looks at his box and it is occupying a huge space on the floor, making it hard to reach the elevator buttons. So he wasn't flirting, huh? Must have read the signals wrong or just desperate. Mark stretches to press the button and moves to the farthest side from them. He can hear the other guy's laughter. If Mark can be one with the wall, he would. He really did just push his luck.

The elevator dings open (after what seemed like hours for Mark) and the two guys step off first. Mark picks up his box then makes his way outside. He sees the dude with the piercings staring at him so Mark stares back. He'll not back down.

"You think I'm so funny, huh? Let's see you take a shot at him," with that Mark speeds off toward his new unit, leaving the other with his mouth hanging open in disbelief.


Mark likes quiet places. He likes silence, peace, and whatever that's not loud. So, he doesn't understand why he's friends with Jackson, let alone best friends. He questions that friendship especially now, with Jackson's high-pitched laughter roaring inside the nearby cafe they decided to meet in, after Mark just told him about what happened with the stranger in the elevator.

"W-wait," Jackson tries to catch his breath. "The first time you used my pick-up lines, it was to a stranger inside an elevator?"

"He was hot, okay?" Mark crosses his arms and doesn't even look at Jackson. He can hear the latter's laughter that started again. He wants to sink deeper in his chair as people started looking at them weird. He pouts at his cup of coffee.

Jackson calms himself down. He takes deep breaths until he has stopped laughing entirely. He'll just hold it in until Mark leaves or he leaves. Whatever. He hasn't had a good laugh in a while and desperately needs one right now with all the stress he feels. "Dude, stop pouting. The coffee will wonder what did it do to make you sad, what can it do to fix it, and the next thing it'll know you'll just get up and walk away, leaving the coffee without a chance to fix anything," Jackson stops and realizes what he just said. He stares at his own coffee cup with a somber expression.

Mark looks up at Jackson. The blonde boy "jacksoned" Mark again, where he'll just randomly blurt out deep thoughts. Say anything and he'll turn it into something deep and emotional, and relate it to his not so recent break-up with Bambam, the blue haired foreigner who visited Seoul for a couple of months and became Jackson's fling (or soulmate/the one if you ask Jackson). Mark hates this mode. He'd rather have Jackson laugh at him.

"Is this still about Bambam?" Mark rolls his eyes.

Jackson flinches. "Don't mention that lollipop-loving baby to me. He's like a ghost to me now. Gone," Jackson takes a sip of his now cold coffee. "Aww, lollipops. I was like a lollipop to him too, you know? And being the lollipop lover that he is, he the sweetness and everything that's good out of me-if you know what I mean-then threw me out and left me like that plastic stick, shiny and fine on the outside, but hollow on the inside," Jackson takes another sip of his coffee and looks outside the window, watching the cars drive by.

"Dudeee," Mark crumples a napkin and throws it at Jackson.

Jackson rubs his forehead where the napkin hit him. "What was that for?"

Mark shrugs. "You're being serious again. And it's not like it hurt."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll stop. He doesn't matter to me anymore. He's a ghost to me, I tell you, a ghost!" Jackson's voice got louder with every word and Mark has to do his best to shush him. They are in a public place.

"I'm jealous that you can say people are ghosts to you now and it would just mean that you can't see them or they no longer affect your lives." Mark sighs.

"Oh, yeah. How's Youngjae, your literal ghost? Does he still haunt you? Did he go to your new apartment?" Jackson's over his deep poetic mode and is out to make Mark's life miserable again.

Mark groans. "Don't remind me. He hasn't shown up yet, but I know he will." Mark takes out the phone in his pocket and checks the time. It's a quarter to 7pm. "Bro, it's almost 7pm. Your mom's gonna call soon."

"Really? Bro, I gotta go. Say hi to Youngjae for me." Jackson stands up, takes out a couple of dollars and throws them on the table. He says a quick goodbye to Mark before dashing out of there. Mark chuckles at his best friend. Jackson's mother is known for calling on time, as everyone in the Wang family is known for, so Mark makes sure to remind Jackson each time they hang out. If he didn't answer the phone immediately, his mother would be pissed. And a pissed Mrs. Wang is something no one wants to see.

Mark drinks the remainder of his coffee before pulling out his wallet and leaves a couple of bills. He opens the door of the cafe, and shivers at the cool night breeze that greeted him. He walks home leisurely, enjoying the view of the city, happy to know that no one's waiting for him back in his apartment. The night sky is beautiful. There aren't a lot of tall buildings around his apartment's part of town, so Mark can still see the stars twinkling in the dark sky. A couple of minutes later, he reaches his apartment. He unlocks the door and pushes it forward.

Mark jumps back when he notices a figure sitting on his couch. How did this stranger get in here? Mark just unlocked the door, right? So he did lock it? Mark squints and recognizes the figure as the guy from the elevator who laughed at him.

"You're the guy that laughed at me in the elevator," Mark says in a much calmer voice than he actually feels. Deep inside he's panicking and thinking of possible ways to escape and get help.

The stranger's eyes widen before his mouth breaks into a grin. This guy is scary with his badass piercings and menacing gaze. And now he's grinning at Mark. What did Mark do to him?

"And you're the guy who hit on my twin," the guy chuckles at Mark's surprised expression. So they are twins, huh? No wonder they sort of look alike. "And I'm not cool with , you know?" Mark suddenly remembers saying that the guy should try to win the hottie's heart. Mark's eyes grow bigger. That's so embarrassing.

"Sorry about that," Mark scratches the back of his neck and gives the man a sheepish smile. Mark suddenly remembers that this stranger isn't supposed to be here and starts panicking again. He looks around the room for anything that he can use to defend himself when the time comes.

"Chill, dude. I'm not here to hurt you. Come sit on the couch with me," the stranger pats the spot beside him on the sofa.

Mark finds a vase and holds it out in front of the man. "I don't know who you are and how you got in here, but you better start explaining or else I'll call the police. I'm not afraid to use this," Mark raises the vase in his hands.

The man laughs out loud. He crosses his legs and stretches his arms on the back of the couch as if he owns the place. "And what will you tell the police? I'm telling you right now that when they come here, you're the only one they'll see. And you ain't hitting anyone with that thing."

Mark immediately understands what the man is saying. He puts the vase down. He looks at the man sitting on his couch and notices that the stranger is not a real man. Or at least no longer one. He has a certain glow Mark didn't see before in the elevator. And he's translucent. No wonder the hottie in the elevator didn't react to the laughter of this one. And Mark only associates this with one thing. No, please. Not another ghost.

"What do you want, ghost?" The silver haired boy crosses his arms. He doesn't want another Youngjae.

The ghost stands up and walks towards Mark. "Before anything, I'd like to apologize for my behavior earlier. I'm Jaebum, by the way." He stretches his arm out. When he sees that Mark isn't gonna shake his hand, he retracts it.

"Just get on with it," Mark says impatiently, expression hard.

Jaebum raises his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Look, I've noticed that you're somewhat attracted to my twin, Jinyoung, yeah?"

Mark's poker face breaks for a moment before he quickly recovers. So Jinyoung's the name of the hottie in the elevator. Mark stores this information in his head. He'll be happy about finding the hottie's name later. Right now, he has to be serious. "So?"

"I've told you he's my twin, right?" Mark gives a slight nod. "I'm the older one and I made it my life's mission to protect Jinyoung. When I was alive, I was the one to make sure he takes his vitamins, he ties his shoelaces properly-that boy can be a bit clumsy and trip-and that he knows how to fend off s that might hit on him." Mark winces at the last part. "As you can see, I'm no longer alive. But somehow, I'm, or at least my soul is, still here. I think it's to help my baby brother. Guide him through life. Find the right person for him. Do whatever older brothers do for their younger siblings."

Jaebum suddenly stops. Mark furrows his eyebrows. He looks at the ghost who is now staring at the ceiling. It was really obvious how transluscent the guy is. How come Mark hadn't notice before? He waits for Jaebum to continue but it looks like he won't. "Okay... That's a nice story and you're a very kind older brother and all, but what does that have to do with me?"

"I was letting what I said sink in. I thought it's obvious where I'm getting at? No?" Mark shakes his head. Jaebum sighs. "You're the only person that can see me. And you look half-decent."


"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Yeah? I really don't understand." Mark's confusion only continues to grow with every answer he gets from Jaebum. The ghost is really not making things any clearer.

Jaebum groans. This was harder than he initially thought. "I'm saying can you go out with Jinyoung?"

Mark's eyes widen. "W-what?" Mark is surprised at the sudden turn of events. If he was drinking water, he would have spit it out about now.

"Can you ask Jinyoung out on a date? He needs to go out more," Jaebum looks down on the floor. "He stopped hanging out with his friends ever since my accident. I feel bad about it."

"Why are you asking me? I thought you don't like me? Since you laughed at me. And you don't even know me!" Mark still can't get over his shock. What this ghost was asking was a bit much. He's heard of different requests from different ghosts, from that old man ghost's request to buy him a piano to Youngjae's dog request. He rarely fulfills any of them. He's not a genie, just some person who can see and talk to ghosts.

Jaebum looks at Mark, face confused. "I never said that. I laughed because your pick-up line was horrible. You can't get anyone with that." Mark frowns. He's gonna get Jackson for making him say lame pick-up lines. "And you seem like a nice dude, that's why I can trust my baby brother with you."

"But won't Jinyoung remember me? I don't want to embarrass myself again in front of him."

"Nah, he won't remember. Or you could go apologize or something. So, you're considering it?" Jaebum grins.

Mark shrugs. "Just one date, right?" He doesn't want to prolong this conversation anymore so he'll just agree. It's not like this ghost can do anything to him if Mark doesn't actually help.

"Really? Promise?" Jaebum looks like a child with the way he's smiling at Mark, eyes shining. It doesn't fit his whole badass concept. It makes Mark feel guilty that he’s already lying about helping.

"Promise." The ghost's smile grows bigger.

"Yeah, one date. Just make him the happiest you can."

"Okay. Give me a few days, yeah?" Jaebum nods. There's a few seconds of silence before Mark speaks up again. "I gotta go get some sleep."

"Oh, sure! I'll leave now. Thank you! I really appreciate it, man." Jaebum walks to the door, turning back and thanking Mark repeatedly. The ghost goes through the door, with a final thank you to Mark.

Mark releases the breath he doesn't realize he's been holding. He starts pacing back and forth, unsure of what to do. That request was a bit much. He was used to ghosts asking help for themselves, thinking that they're still here because of their own unfinished business and not because of helping other people, specifically people they've left behind. Mark stops walking. He might actually help this time. Or not. He'll think about it. But right now, he needs some sleep.


It's a Monday today, three weeks have passed since his move, and Mark has to go to work. He locks his door and walks to the elevator, his bag in hand. He waits for the lift to arrive on his floor. So far, in the three weeks he has been staying in his new apartment, he hasn't had any more interactions with Jinyoung, which Mark was really grateful for. He hasn't asked the ghost's twin out yet. It's not just because he doesn't want to help. It's just that it takes a lot of effort Mark doesn't want to give right now or anytime soon. So, sorry Jaebum.

He checks his silver wristwatch (which he purposely chose to match his hair and silver necktie). He still has a lot of time to get to the company. The elevator opens and Mark steps inside. He presses the button to the ground floor and waits for the elevator to move.

Mark looks at himself on the mirror inside the elevator. How can anyone not be immediately attracted to this? He fixes the bangs of his silver hair and straightens his tie. When he is satisfied, he faces front again, only to be startled when he sees Jaebum standing in front of him, gaze more intense than ever before.

"I thought you said you'll help me." Mark decides to ignore the ghost in front of him and keep a cool front when deep inside he's scared. Jaebum's a ghost, he can't touch Mark. The thought somewhat comforts Mark, but he's still trembling.

Jaebum sighs. "I thought you only needed a few days. It's been weeks now. You promised."

Mark just continues to ignore the ghost. He hasn't asked Jinyoung out yet. It's not just something you do because someone tells you to.

"Thank your lucky stars that I'm dead, Mark." Jaebum leans closer, making Mark gulp. He knows Jaebum can't do anything to hurt him but his gaze is still threatening. "Or else your half-decent face would have been beaten to a pulp already."

The elevator opens and Mark quickly gets off. He fixes his tie again and makes his way to work. He has a feeling Jaebum's not done with him yet. Thank goodness Jaebum's not like Youngjae. Still, he makes a mental note to never mess with older brothers.


The working hours are almost done and Mark dreads going back to his apartment. He knows Jaebum will be waiting for him to threaten him some more. He begged his boss earlier to let him do overtime work but his boss just told him to go home and rest. Mark scoffed. He knew it's because his boss doesn't want to pay anyone extra cash.

Mark sighs dejectedly. He checks his phone and grins when he remembers that he has a best friend. He can call Jackson and ask to hang out at his place for old time's sake. And what are best friends for, right? For situations like this. Mark dials Jackson's number and waits.

"Yo! Mark! How's my best friend? Glad you remembered me! Thought you found another best friend," Jackson's voice is booming on the other end of the line and Mark has to remove his phone from his ear if he wanted to protect his eardrums.

Mark puts the phone back to his ear when Jackson's voice goes softer. "Hey, Jackson. How are you? Are you busy today? Can I come over?"

"Aww, miss me? What's the matter dude?"

"I've been having some trouble lately. Ghost issues."

"What did Youngjae do this time?" Jackson can't help the chuckle that escaped his mouth. Nothing’s ever good when Youngjae is involved.

"Not Youngjae. There's this other ghost who I sort of promised to help but then changed my mind so now he's mad at me."

"Never make promises you can't keep, Mark. You'll just end up hurting other people. Don't be like this certain person I used to know who promised they'll stay but suddenly left," Mark groans. He has just been "jacksoned" again. "Also, remember that just because they're ghosts doesn't mean they don't feel. Even ghosts go through something too, you know. Not just go through doors or walls, but you know, stuff."

"Dude, if I have a napkin right now I'll crumple it and throw it at you."

"Sorry, sorry," Jackson chuckles. "Anyways, I can't hangout today. Have to cover a friend's shift at work. Oh, there are customers waiting. Bye, Mark!" Jackson hangs up the phone, leaving Mark with no more reason to not go home.

Mark packs up his things and heads home for the night. This is gonna be a long walk.

Mark started seeing ghosts when he was 10, exactly a year after his mother passed away. He remembered praying every night that he'd do anything if he could just see and talk to his mother again. One day, he was suddenly given this ability to communicate with souls. But he's yet to communicate with his mother again.

Ever since, ghosts would flock to him once Mark acknowledged them and they would try to get him to help finish their "unfinished business". He refused every single one, thinking that it was too much of a feat for a 10 year old.

He tried helping one though, when he was 14, this ghost named Yugyeom, who just wanted to bring justice to his death. He pointed out all the evidence to Mark, then Mark would give tips to the police until the suspect, who turned out to be Yugyeom's stepfather, was caught. Mark soon discovered that Yugyeom actually killed himself and wanted to frame his stepfather because he hates him. Mark never felt so guilty for bringing an innocent man to prison. He stopped helping ghosts ever since.

He has learned how to fake not seeing ghosts so they'll just ignore him. However, when he was 16, a loud and always cheerful ghost named Youngjae entered his life. One day, after a long day from school, Mark went home wanting to lie down on his bed and rest. He did not expect a ghost sitting on his bed and waiting for him inside his room. The ghost introduced himself as Youngjae and Mark has never been more annoyed with ghosts. Youngjae stuck around his house and even followed him to his then shared apartment with Jackson when he went to university. Youngjae followed him everywhere and kept begging Mark to get a dog because that's the ghost's dream when he was alive. Mark never relented but that didn't stop the ghost from trying.

Mark moved into a new apartment thinking that Youngjae will finally leave him alone. So far, since Mark moved, there were no signs of the ghost yet. Mark used to think that moving was the best decision he has made. Now, with Jaebum mad at him, he doesn't think so.

When he's made it to his apartment, he takes a deep breath before opening the door. He glances at his couch and when he doesn't see Jaebum, he breathes a sigh of relief. But that doesn't mean he's free from the ghost yet. He makes his way to his bedroom and checks if Jaebum's there. He searches the kitchen and even the bathroom and he's not really there. So Mark's worried for nothing. He heads to his living room to inspect one last time. Nope, no signs of Jaebum. Mark’s shoulders sag in relief.

"Hi Maaaark!" Mark jumps back when he hears that all too familiar voice. He knows he's been interacting with ghosts ever since he was little, but he can't help but still be surprised every time they suddenly appear.

Mark searches for the source of the voice. He looks around the room and there's nothing. Mark must be hearing things.

"Hi Maaark! Miss me?" Youngjae suddenly pops up in front of him, surprising Mark. "You won't get rid of me that easily!" Youngjae laughs out loud. Not this again.

"How did you find me?" Mark still has his hand on his heart after Youngjae's shocking entrance.

"You forgot that you brought your necklace!" Youngjae exclaims.

"," Mark hisses under his breath. He forgot that wherever he brings his mother's necklace, Youngjae can follow. Youngjae is bound to the golden necklace, which happened to be the last thing he was holding before he died 20 years ago and which happened to be the last thing Mark's mother gave him, making it one of Mark's prized possessions. Which is why he brought it to his new place. And why Youngjae is able to follow him again.

"We're together again! You have your own apartment. You can finally get the dog that I-I mean we-want!" Youngjae jumps up and down excitedly and claps his hands.

Mark goes to the kitchen to drink some water. He wants to stay away from Youngjae even though it's pointless and the ghost will just follow Mark again. Mark hates his life.

"Mark! Where are you? We need to talk," Mark shivers. An angry ghost is never pleasant to deal with. Yeah, well he should have thought about that before pissing off Jaebum.

Youngjae gives Mark a questioning look. "Who's that?"

"Another ghost. Can you quiet down for a few minutes?" Mark tries his best to put down the pitcher and glass on the counter without making much of a noise.

"Oohhh! Another ghost! Why is he angry? What did you do?" Youngjae bounces on his heels excitedly. Mark gives him a look that tells him to shut up.

"Mark! I know you're here!" Jaebum shouts. Mark's grateful that Jaebum doesn't just pop up to where he is, but he knows Jaebum's just giving him time to show himself.

"Okay, I'll stay quiet," Youngjae mimics the movement of zipping his mouth.

Mark's thankful that Youngjae decided to be cooperative right now.

"HEY GHOST! MARK'S IN THE KITCHEN! YOU SHOULD COME!" Youngjae shouts before disappearing into thin air. Mark takes it back. He's not thankful anymore. He didn't even have time to react to what Youngjae did and soon enough, he's faced with an angry Jaebum.

Mark covers his face with his hands. "Please don't hurt me."

Jaebum takes a step forward. "Dude. You know I'm a ghost, right? I can't touch you. Why are you so scared? I only came to talk."

Mark peeks at Jaebum through the gap between his fingers. "What do you want to talk about?" he asks in a shaky voice.

"Look, I just want to apologize for putting you in that position. I understand it's something I can't just ask people to do. I won't force you anymore." Mark removes his hands from his face and looks at the ghost. "It's just that my death anniversary's coming up, and Jinyoung has this tendency to be in panic mode for the past two years. I just want someone to be there for him. You understand me right?"

Mark can only nod. He didn't know that that was the reason why Jaebum's in a rush to find someone for Jinyoung. He feels bad for the ghost who only wanted to help his brother. Then again, it's not Mark's problem.

"Thanks for trying to help. Sorry for the trouble." Jaebum bows before leaving Mark in the kitchen with his mouth hanging open. He didn't even have the chance to say anything. And what the hell just happened? Earlier today Jaebum was out to get Mark for not asking Jinyoung out and now he's suddenly giving up? Okay, something's not right here.

"Hey, Mark!" said boy turns around and is surprised to see Youngjae there again. "Who's that cutie who talked to you?"

"That's Jaebum. Why? Don't tell me you like him?" Youngjae blushes. Is that even possible for ghosts? Mark never knew.

"I just find him cute, okay?" Mark has never seen Youngjae, the ghost who's always loud and confident, be shy.

"Aww, Youngjae is in love!" Mark forms hearts with his hands. He's going to tease Youngjae as much as he can and annoy the brunet just like he used to do to Mark for the past years.

"I'm not in love! And I'm actually mad at you. Why won't you help Jaebum?" the ghost pouts at Mark.

The silver haired boy stops making hearts. "What he's asking is hard, okay?"

"Well, if you won't help him, I'll make you help him." Youngjae laughs aloud before disappearing again, leaving his laugh echoing through the walls.

Mark is left wondering what the ghost meant by making him help Jaebum. He's also left wondering what did he ever do to deserve this.


Mark wakes up to a beautiful morning, with the sun filtering through his windows. He gets up from bed and opens the curtains, and smiles at the view of the nearby park in town. He's glad that the apartment he chose didn't have tall buildings to block this scenery. This truly is a beautiful morning. Nothing can ruin it.

Except it's a Tuesday. Mark has to work. He looks at his bedside clock. It's 7:55am. He only has 5 minutes left 'til 8am, the start of his work. And he has to present at the meeting. . Stupid ghosts and stupid abilities to see ghosts, stressing him out last night.

Mark rushes to the bathroom. He sees Youngjae from his peripheral vision, sitting on his couch and reading a magazine. Mark halts and turns to the ghost.

"Hey, Youngjae," the said ghost hums in acknowledgment, eyes not leaving the page of the magazine. "Can you prepare my things for me? I have to rush to work."

"Will you get me a dog?" Ugh. Mark doesn't have time for this.


"Then nope. I can only touch a few things, remember?" Youngjae deadpans while flipping the page of the magazine.

Mark doesn't believe him one bit. He knows Youngjae can do it. Youngjae's one of them special ghosts that can touch things, even people. But Mark doesn't have time to beg. So he lets it pass and just runs to the shower.

He hurriedly takes off his clothes and hops on the shower. He turns the knob and lets the cold water hit his body. He squeezes shampoo onto his palm then turns off the shower. Even if he's in a hurry, he still wants to conserve water. He only needs a few minutes. Then he needs to get dressed. And pack his things. And bring his laptop. And run to work. Yeah, he still has a lot to do. He scrubs his hair and body faster. Mark turns the knob and no water comes out. He turns it in every direction, still nothing. Great. On this day of all days.

"Mark!" Youngjae shouts from the other side of the door. Thank God Youngjae didn't pop up inside the shower like he did all those times before just because he "felt like it".

"Yeah?" Mark's having an internal crisis on what to do here. And he's getting soap into his eyes. What does Youngjae want?

"Your boss just messaged you, and he said you should be ready to present by 8:15am. And it's 8am." Well, . How can Mark be there by then?

"Youngjae? Can you check if the neighbors still have water? Nothing's coming out of the shower." Mark's becoming desperate that he's asked Youngjae to help. Like that ghost would.

There are no answers for a few seconds and Mark starts to think that Youngjae won't help him. But then Youngjae suddenly appears in front of Mark, making the silver haired boy instantly cover his crotch with his hands.

"The apartment across the hall has water."

Mark doesn't even think twice before grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waist. He runs to the unit across the hall and knocks rapidly on the door. A few moments later, the door opens.

"Hey, neighbor! I was wondering can I--" Mark stops in the middle of his sentence when he recognizes who's in front of him. It's Jinyoung. The cutie from the elevator with cute smiles and cute eyes. The hottie that could rival any top star with his looks. The dead ghost's twin.

"Yes? How may I help you?" Jinyoung stretches his arms out and yawns. Mark didn't notice that Jinyoung was still in his pajamas full of bunnies. Mark finds it cute. Wait, if Jinyoung just woke up, how did Youngjae know that their water's running? But Mark desperately needs to shower right now. He'll have to confront Youngjae later.

"Um, sorry to intrude, but can I rinse in your bathroom really quick? The water in my unit is not working." Jinyoung looks him from head to toe. Mark smiles when he sees Jinyoung linger on his bare chest a second longer than necessary.

"Is this another pick-up line?" Jinyoung asks skeptically.

"No! I seriously need to get to work real soon and I need to shower. I have soap everywhere can I please use your shower?" Mark pouts his lips and does the best puppy-dog eyes he can. He just did that to a stranger. That's how desperate he is.

Jinyoung shrugs and opens the door wider. "Sure. Second door on the left."

Mark thanks Jinyoung before running to the bathroom. He rinses off quickly then dries himself once he's done. He wraps the towel back around his waist, forgetting to bring any article of clothing with him. Dang it.

He goes outside the bathroom and sees Jinyoung lying on his couch.

"Thanks, Jinyoung," Mark smiles gratefully at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung sits upright and looks at Mark. His hair is sticking up in all directions. He rubs his eyes while yawning then tilts his head to the side. God help Mark why is Jinyoung so cute? "How did you know my name?"

Oh, right. Mark's not supposed to know Jinyoung's name. He only found out about it through Jaebum, who is now dead and is a ghost. How is he gonna explain that?

Mark laughs awkwardly. "Oh? Is that your name? I didn't know!" More awkward laughing. Jinyoung only furrows his eyebrows. Mark should leave soon. The silver haired boy checks the clock mounted on the wall. "Would you look at the time? I got to go. Thanks for letting me use your shower!"

Mark dashes out of there faster than Jackson's short-lived romance with Bambam. He didn't even hear what Jinyoung has to say. Mark doesn't care. He just wants to get out of there and not embarrass himself further. And he still has to get to work in 10 minutes.

He didn't even had the chance to see the two ghosts, there in one corner, exchanging knowing looks and giving high-fives to each other.


Despite the earlier setbacks, Mark's day went great. Fantastic even. He arrived on time at the company, everyone loved his presentation, and his boss even treated him to lunch with a talk of hinting his near promotion. So Mark stops by a nearby cake shop and buys himself a red velvet cake. A reward for a rewarding day. Nothing can ruin his good mood.

He arrives at his apartment with Youngjae watching music shows on his flat screen TV, dancing to girl group's songs. Not even Youngjae's presence can dampen his happiness.

"Hey, Youngjae," Mark greets happily as he strides to his kitchen and get a slice of cake.

"Hey, Mark!" Youngjae soon appears next to Mark in the kitchen. "You forgot your phone here earlier, so I read some of your messages."

Mark continues to smile while having a bite of perfection made into a dessert called a red velvet cake. Not even Youngjae snooping through his phone can sadden him.

"There's this one text from Jackson," Youngjae starts. "Remember that one time you promised him you'll bake him cookies even in the middle of the night if he outed himself to his mother?"

"Yeah?" Mark presses. He takes another bite of heaven and munches happily. This is some good dessert.

"Well, he finally did. He's holding you out on that promise and expecting your baked treats by 9pm tonight. He'll drop by," Youngjae finishes.

The older male's mouth hangs open, his hand holding the fork with a piece of cake frozen in front of his mouth. He puts the fork down. According to his clock, it's almost 8pm. How's he supposed to bake anything by 9pm? How is he supposed to bake, question mark? Curse his mind for forgetting to bring his phone and not finding out about this earlier. Curse his best friend for having the tendency of being on time.

He puts the cake and his unfinished slice in his refrigerator. Looking around his kitchen, Mark thanks the heavens he has complete ingredients. Good thing was Jackson gave him a complete baking set when he moved as a parting gift, exactly for this occasion.

Mark gets started immediately, throwing everything he remembers from that one baking class Jackson made him take into a bowl, and mixing them as fast as he could. He grabs the chocolate chips from the baking set and adds that into the bowl. He doesn't really care how he should do it, as long as he finishes the cookies, he'll be fine.  He didn't even refrigerate the dough. Whatever. Jackson only said bake him cookies, not delicious and edible cookies.

Jackson is a firm believer in promises and that they shouldn't be broken. Ever since Bambam broke up with the blonde boy, he's been sensitive about promises, even going as far as ignoring Mark for a whole month just because the silver haired male forgot to buy milk like he promised. So Mark makes sure to have something prepared for tonight, if he doesn't want a repeat of the milk incident.

Everything is set and ready. Mark just finished putting circles of cookie dough on a baking tray and all he needs is to put them in the oven. And that's when he remembers. The most basic requirement when baking cookies. He doesn't have an oven. He looks at the clock. It's 8:30pm. .

"The room across the hall has an oven," Youngjae suggests.

Mark marches out of his unit, holding his tray of unbaked cookies and knocks on the room across the hall.

"Hey, stranger," Jinyoung greets when he opens the door. He's still wearing his work clothes, a business suit, and Mark can't help but to stare at his hot neighbor.

Jinyoung snaps in front of Mark. "Do you need to shower again?"

Mark shakes his head. How's he gonna say this? "Uhh, can I use your oven? I have to bake these cookies and I forgot I don't have an oven. To bake them with." Mark stands there awkwardly, looking everywhere but at Jinyoung. How's he gonna explain his situation to Jinyoung without sounding weird?

Jinyoung laughs heartily, eyes forming little crescents. "How can you forget you don't have an oven?" Jinyoung opens his door wider. "Get in. It must be for someone pretty special for you to be baking without an oven."

Jinyoung leads Mark to his kitchen. Mark looks around and sees that the apartment has the same layout as his, but Jinyoung's is bigger. There's the living room immediately after the front door, the bathroom and bedroom are on the left and the kitchen to the right. Jinyoung finally stops and points out his oven. Mark crouches down and places the tray inside. He doesn't bother with pre-heating the oven and just sets the time a little longer than necessary. He stands up and rubs his hands on his pants.

"Thanks for saving me, yet again. On the same day," Mark beams at Jinyoung. "This is actually for my best friend. He outed himself to his mother today so I made him celebratory cookies.”

Jinyoung is standing there, leaning on his counter, listening to Mark explain, amused. He smiles at Mark, amazed that a person would bake his best friend cookies even if he doesn't have an oven. As far as thoughts go, this definitely counts.

"Congrats to your friend! And that's so nice of you," Jinyoung compliments Mark, making the latter blush.

"It's not much. I did promise I'll bake him something." Mark scratches the back of his head.

There was silence for a few seconds, none of them talking and Mark just looking around the kitchen. Jinyoung's is more complete when it comes to cooking stuff, unlike Mark's who only has a stove and a few pots and pans. Mark concludes Jinyoung must be really into cooking.

"Now that there's still some time before your cookies are done, care to explain how you knew my name?" Jinyoung narrows his eyes at Mark.

The older male's eyes widen and quickly thinks of a way to explain it. In his peripheral vision, he can see Youngjae flailing his arms. He tries to glance there subtly, and sees Youngjae holding an envelope. What does that even mean? Mark gives Youngjae a confused look. Why won't Youngjae just say it? It's not like Jinyoung can hear him anyways.

"Tell him you saw it on his mail when it was accidentally delivered to you!" Youngjae half-whispers, half-yells.

Finally understanding, Mark smiles making Jinyoung quirk an eyebrow. "Uhm, yeah, I remembered one time your mail accidentally got delivered to me, so I looked at the name, and when I saw it's addressed to your unit, I slid it under your door. And I guess your name stuck to me." Mark nods as he finishes his story.

"Ohh, okay." Jinyoung nods, accepting his story. Mark breathes a sigh of relief. "Since you know my name, what's yours?"

"Oh, yeah. Haven't introduced myself. I'm Mark Tuan. I live across the hall," Mark holds out his hand.

"Jinyoung Park. You know where I live," Jinyoung shakes Mark's hand. Mark swears he felt sparks when their hands touched. "Nice to meet you."

The timer on the oven dings, indicating Mark's cookies are done. Mark reluctantly removes his hand from Jinyoung's and walks back to the oven. He wears oven mittens, pulls out the tray, and places them on the counter to let the cookies cool.

"Thanks, Jinyoung. For letting me use your oven," Mark smiles at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung returns the smile. "You're welcome."

"I should get going. Jackson will be in my room soon. Thanks again," Mark picks up his tray and walks out of the apartment.

He's glad that he's finally introduced properly to Jinyoung. Now his neighbor also knows his name. Mark feels great.

"Hey, Mark," Jinyoung calls out. Mark's already out the front door, but turns around upon hearing his name. And nope, he did not just internally squeal when he heard his name leave Jinyoung’s lips. "You can drop by anytime."

Jinyoung smiles again before closing the door. Mark's left there, dumbfounded, as to how Jinyoung suddenly turned into a nice guy. Mark walks back to his apartment happily.

He didn't even care when Jackson arrived and had a taste of his cookies and said they were awful. Nothing can ruin his good mood today.


Not so surprisingly, Mark's visit to Jinyoung's apartment became more and more frequent. From running out of shampoo in the middle of his shower to running out of band-aids when he needed them the most, he runs to the room across the hall that became all too familiar with him now. Jinyoung is not even surprised anymore and just welcomes Mark inside his apartment. Mark can say that he falls little by little to his kind-hearted neighbor with every visit.

To all the things Jinyoung has done for Mark, Mark decides to show his gratitude. He goes to Jinyoung's apartment and knocks.

"Hey," Jinyoung greets him with a warm smile. "What do you need this time?"

Mark wants to say "you", but he's worked so hard not to randomly blurt out pick-up lines he has learned from Jackson and he's not about to ruin it now.

"Just thought I'd drop by." Jinyoung grins and lets Mark in. "I brought you edible and delicious cookies, unlike the ones I baked."

Mark gives the bag of cookies, which Jinyoung accepts gratefully. "What's this for?"

"Just a little thank you gift for everything that you've done and probably will do for me in the future. I honestly don't know how my things go missing right when I need them."

"It's fine. Why don't you sit down on the couch while I prepare these and get some drinks?" Jinyoung's already going to the kitchen, leaving Mark with no option but to go to the living room.

It's his first time going there without needing anything so he's lost what he should do. He looks around and sees framed photos of Jaebum and Jinyoung hanging on the wall and displayed on top of a wooden drawer. He smiles seeing their childhood pictures. They look really close. No wonder Jaebum's still concerned about Jinyoung even after death. Mark stops at one particular photo and picks it up. It looks like the latest one in all the framed photos. It's a picture of Jinyoung holding a trophy and a medal with Jaebum's left arm draped around Jinyoung's shoulders and the older twin’s right arm holding a signboard with "Go Jinyoung Park!" written on it, both of them smiling widely at the camera.

"It's during Jinyoung's singing competition back in college. It's the last photo we've taken before I died," Mark is surprised to see Jaebum to his left, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Mark puts the photo back down.

"No. I can't really cry, no tears come out. I'm just acting like I'm crying. But if I can, then I would be really crying now," Jaebum wipes more tears. "I'm just happy, you know?"

Mark is really having a hard time looking at this ghost with cool piercings and a tough image, crying at the photo of him and his twin, which he probably sees everyday.

"I'm so glad that he's smiling again. I've never seen him this happy. But you made him happy again, Mark. Thank you," Jaebum wipes more fake tears.

"I didn't do much. No need to thank me. Please stop crying."

"You've done enough. You've come through for me. Thank you again," Jaebum presses his hand to his mouth, holding in his fake tears.

"What are you doing?" Mark turns around. Jinyoung is finally back from the kitchen, holding a tray with a plate of cookies and two drinks. Mark's relieved he doesn't need to keep up the conversation with the crying ghost anymore.

"Just looking at your photos."

"Which one?" Jinyoung puts the tray on the table and walks over to Mark.

Mark picks up the last photo he's looking at. The one that made Jaebum cry.

"Oh. That one. That's the last photo of me and my twin. Have I told you that before? I have a twin. His name's Jaebum," Jinyoung grabs the picture from Mark's hands and smiles fondly at the photo. "He's dead now. They say because of an accident. I say it's because of me."

Jinyoung's eyes become watery.

"Please tell him to stop blaming himself. It was an accident. Not his fault," Jaebum pleads. He's standing beside Jinyoung, wanting to touch his twin but can't. Mark feels like he’s interrupting a moment between the twins and that he shouldn’t be there.

"I'm sure when they say it's an accident, it must be. Don't blame yourself," Mark pats Jinyoung's shoulder awkwardly. He has no idea how to comfort people. Even Jackson would agree.

"It's just he died in a car accident, when he was on his way to fetch me from a party. Then it started to rain so hard," Jinyoung's tears start to fall. "It was hard for Jaebum to see properly and the road was slippery. The last thing I remembered was receiving a call from the hospital and the next thing I knew, I woke up sober and my brother's dead." Jinyoung cries, letting the tears continuously fall in an endless stream.

Mark is at a lost on what to do. He turns to Jaebum for help, who only gives him a look saying "do something". Mark does the only thing he can think of.

He hugs Jinyoung tightly, letting the latter sob on his shoulder. Mark has to stop himself from thinking how good it feels to have Jinyoung wrapped in his arms. Now is not the right time. He pats Jinyoung's back and whisper comforting words to him, how it's not his fault and things will get better. Jinyoung's sobs soon stops and is now reduced to sniffles.

He breaks away from the embrace and looks at Mark. "Thanks," he wipes the remaining tears from his eyes. "Why am I crying now? Sorry you had to see that. Let's eat now." Mark's surprised at the sudden change in Jinyoung but lets it go. If Jinyoung doesn't want to talk about it anymore, then he won't.

The rest of Mark's visit was filled with silent munching of cookies and slurping of hot tea, tension filling the air. Mark doesn't know how to make this better. He actually wishes that Youngjae be there to provide insight, unlike Jaebum who’s just standing there looking at his twin with sad eyes.

"Mark," said boy looks at Jinyoung, happy inside that he's not the one to break the awkward silence. "Sorry about earlier. It's just that even though it's 3 years ago now, it still hurts every time I'm reminded of Jaebum. He was my only family then, our parents only there for financial support, and now he’s gone too."

"Sorry I had to bring him up," Mark takes another bite of his cookie. He feels extremely guilty, not intending to bring up Jinyoung’s past.

"No, don't be. It actually feels nice to let it out to someone." Jinyoung gives Mark a small smile.

"Thank you for sharing it with me," Mark returns Jinyoung's smile. Silence envelops them again.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you. Like somehow, Jaebum approves of you and I don't know how to explain it. Sorry that sounded weird," Jinyoung tries to laugh it off.

"Do you feel like he's still here? Watching over you?" Mark asks instead.

"Of course. I'm sure wherever Jaebum is right now, he's still looking after me."

"I'm sure he is." Mark smiles at Jinyoung. He looks at Jaebum who gives him a thumbs-up in return. The moment is ruined when his phone suddenly vibrates. Mark checks it and it’s a text coming from Jackson. "Oh, I better leave. Best friend coming over. And it’s getting pretty late."

Jinyoung rolls his eyes. "Like you live far away."

"I don't know. The traffic at this time is usually bad," Mark smiles when Jinyoung laughs at his lame joke.

"Yeah, you better go home. Start taking inventory of things. So you'll know which ones are missing. Just a warning though, I don't lend underwear." Mark pouts as Jinyoung laughs again.

Mark stands up and Jinyoung walks him to the door.

"Come by again soon?" Jinyoung is looking at Mark expectantly, how can Mark say no to that?

"Sure. Or you can come by next time."

"I don't know. I don't feel comfortable going to the place of a guy that doesn’t have an oven." Jinyoung laughs heartily at Mark's offended expression. "Kidding. Sure, I'll think about it."

Jinyoung closes the door and Mark walks back to his apartment. He's happy he found someone that laughs even at his lame jokes. He thinks he just started to fall for the cutie that lives across the hall.


Something is not right in Mark's life. Things are going smoothly with Jinyoung and at work, but Mark finds the current events in his life suspicious, especially when every time he runs out of things he immediately needs, Youngjae will be there to say that the room across the hall has them. He even found it more suspicious when he saw Youngjae talking animatedly with Jaebum in Jinyoung's apartment that one time Mark's scissors went missing. The said ghost is not usually home to annoy Mark and beg him for a puppy anymore. Mark seriously finds it suspicious.

Mark goes home today from work thinking that Youngjae wouldn't be there. Imagine his surprise when he sees Youngjae there in his apartment, dancing to Miss A's "Only You". Mark decides that it's the right time to confront Youngjae.

"Hey, Youngjae, can we talk for a moment?"

"Later! I'm dancing," Youngjae says while doing what looks like an attempt at body rolls. Mark's eye rolls are better than that.

Mark waits until the song is over before turning off the TV.

"What do you want to talk about?" Youngjae's smile is wider than usual, as if he knows something Mark doesn't.

"Do you have something to do with my missing things?"

"Nope. I can't bring things with me outside walls. You remember, right?" Youngjae is talking about that one time Mark asked him to bring the birthday cake to Jackson's room and only Youngjae passed through the walls, the cake Mark spent one month's worth of allowance for falling miserably on the floor.

"Yeah, but how come I see you in Jinyoung's apartment every time I drop by?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Youngjae's smile never falters. This ghost is good. He could have won acting awards when he was alive.

"Yes, you do. You're even talking to Jaebum."

"Why? I'm making friends. Is that bad?"

"Only friends?" Mark teases.

"Friends now, something more later," Mark's smile drops. Youngjae's no fun. "Is that all you want to talk about?"


"Nope. Just getting started." Mark brings out a plastic bag and releases all the contents out on his coffee table. There on the table is Mark's "missing" things: his scissors, band-aids, shampoos, even his watch. "Care to explain why I found my things at the fire exit?"

Youngjae's eyes widen. Busted. Mark knew it, this ghost is involved. If the elevator wasn't repaired for maintenance, Mark wouldn't have seen his things lying on the floor of the 7th floor fire exit. Mark crosses his arms and smiles smugly at Youngjae.

The brunet ghost frowns before disappearing. He reappears in front of Mark and grabs his phone from the back pocket. Youngjae runs as fast as he can to the other side of the room while Mark stands frozen. He is grinning while appearing to be texting someone. Mark gets it together and runs to Youngjae, and is able to retrieve his phone easily. He checks his messages and almost faints at the last text sent. He turns to Youngjae, who only cackles and disappears to who knows where.

A few moments later, a soft knock can be heard from Mark's door. He opens the door to a confused Jinyoung, who's holding his phone in one hand.

"Care to explain this text?" Jinyoung shoves the phone in front of Mark's face. His voice is not mad, just really confused. Mark can see the text that Youngjae sent saying:

To: Jinyoung
From: Mark

hey i have smthing 2 tell u. hope u won't be mad. here it goes
in capital letters, complete words, the same way u make me feel: like a bigger person and complete

hope ur not mad

Mark facepalms. That's the worst confession ever. So cheesy. Though it sounds like something he would have said, it's still cheesy. And wow, Youngjae's a really quick texter. How'd he manage to type that in just a few seconds?

"I didn't mean to say--" Mark stops when he sees Jinyoung's face fall. From the side, he can hear Youngjae and Jaebum cheering "Ask him out! Ask him out!" Since when did they get here? And are they working together?

Mark looks at the younger male standing in front of him. He can say that his relationship with Jinyoung became closer these past few weeks. They became good friends now and got to know each other better every time Mark visits. Mark falls deeper as he gets to know Jinyoung more. Maybe it is the right time to confess.

Mark takes a deep breath. "I mean, I didn't want to just say it through text. I wanted to say it in person," Mark reaches out and holds Jinyoung's hand in both of his hands. When Jinyoung doesn't remove his hand away, it encourages Mark to continue with his confession. He looks at the younger male straight in his eyes, to let him know how sincere he is. "Admittedly at first, I was just attracted to you. But, as I got to know you better every time I visit, I came to like you for you. So much that sometimes I wish all of my things went missing just so I can run across the hall and go to you. Turns out, I don't need to do that. You still welcomed me warmly when I visited just for the hell of it. You even trusted me enough to let me know your story. And that day, that's when I knew I'm starting to fall for you. I guess what I wanted to say is I like you. From the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you smile. Everything. I like you."

"Really?" Jinyoung's eyes widen. And that, that reaction of Jinyoung, the fact that he didn't turn down Mark quickly, gave him the confidence to say the next thing.

"Yes, really. Would you like to go out with me?" Mark asks expectantly.

Jinyoung beams at Mark. "Sure, I'd love that. And for the record, I like you too. For making me feel better and I really enjoy your company every time you drop by. You make me laugh again, which I haven’t done for quite a while now."

Mark grins so wide, if his mouth could go wider, he would smile as far as his mouth could. He just confessed to Jinyoung and receiving a positive response was something he did not expect. He pulls Jinyoung in his arms, holding him in an embrace. Mark enjoys every bit of it this time. He can now feel happy about Jinyoung being in his arms without feeling guilty. This is seriously the best day of Mark's life. He reminds himself to thank Youngjae, and possibly Jaebum, later.

Mark pulls away, holds Jinyoung at arm's length and stares straight into Jinyoung's eyes. Jinyoung looks at him with the same intensity. There's a sudden shift in the atmosphere and Mark thinks this is the time. He closes his eyes and leans in, closer and closer, until their lips are only a few inches apart.

A sudden cough makes Mark open his eyes.

"You might want to rethink what you're about to do right now. That's still my baby brother," Jaebum is standing to Mark's left, being a total mood killer. Like seriously, Mark's only inches away! And he was the one who told Mark to ask Jinyoung out!

He looks at Jinyoung, who also has his eyes closed. Mark stares at Jinyoung's pink and totally kissable lips. He really wants to just close the gap. But, he reminds himself that without Jaebum, he won't even have the chance to meet this person. So waiting some more won't hurt anyone.

Mark changes direction at the last minute and kisses Jinyoung's cheek instead. He hears a satisfied hum from Jaebum, indicating he did the right thing. Jinyoung's eyes fly open, looking at Mark confused.

Mark shrugs. "Don't want to rush things."

Jinyoung rolls his eyes. He turns to Mark. "So, what do you want to do now?"

"I think, I want to buy a puppy."

Youngjae squeals so loud, Mark thinks the whole apartment building can hear him, if only they could hear ghosts. Mark only smiles. Youngjae deserves it with all the help he has given.

Jinyoung only looks confused, but shrugs anyway. "Then let's go get you that dog."

Jinyoung holds out his hand and Mark grabs it. He wants to squeal as loud as Youngjae, but holds it in. They walk hand in hand out of the apartment, leaving the two ghosts behind.

"And I'm finally getting a dog!" Youngjae runs around the apartment excitedly, all the while shouting about dogs and how fluffy they are.

He stops when he notices Jaebum in one corner, rubbing at his eyes. "Are you crying?"

"That was such a beautiful confession I am so proud." Jaebum dabs at his eyes some more.

"Yeah," Youngjae nods. "Good thing you came up with that plan to get them together. Cutting Mark’s water supply when he needed it and stealing his things? Genius!"

"Good thing you helped me. Couldn’t have done it without you and your ability to touch things, which I’m still jealous of," Jaebum looks at Youngjae, the same time the latter did. Both look away at the same time.

"So this is it, huh? We both finally get everything we want. Your brother is finally happy, making you happy, and I finally have my puppy," Youngjae comments.

"Not everything," Jaebum looks meaningfully at Youngjae again. Youngjae slowly looks up at Jaebum, both not looking away this time.

Jaebum leans in, closer and closer until their lips are only a few inches apart.

"You might want to rethink that."

The sound startles both Jaebum and Youngjae, making them both jump away from each other. They didn't even hear the apartment door opening.

"What? What happened? What did Jaebum do?" Jinyoung scans the whole room, checking if he can spot his twin brother.

Mark and Jinyoung walk inside the room, not holding a puppy (much to Youngjae's disappointment).

"Your twin was about to kiss another ghost, the one I told you about," Mark explains as he walks to his bedroom.

"The one who wanted the dog?" Jinyoung squeals when he hears an affirmation from Mark.

"Mark says that Youngjae looks good so good job, big bro!" Jinyoung shouts in the living room before following Mark to his bedroom.

Both ghosts' cheeks are dusted with light pink.

"Jinyoung knows Mark can see ghosts?" Youngjae asks in confusion.

Mark and Jinyoung soon walk back out from the bedroom, with the former holding his wallet in one hand and the other holding Jinyoung's hand.

"I explained it to him on our way to the dog pound when suddenly I remembered I forgot my wallet," Mark answers Youngjae's question. Both ghosts nod in understanding.

"Bye, Youngjae! Bye, Jaebum!" Mark shouts while wiggling his eyebrows at the two ghosts.

"Goodbye you two!" Jinyoung waves in the general direction of the two ghosts just as they leave the apartment.

Jinyoung opens the door slightly and pokes his head in. "Oh, and Jaebum, thanks for looking out for me. I hope Youngjae makes you happy the same way Mark does for me."

The younger twin then locks the door and closes it.

Youngjae turns to Jaebum, who has his hand on his mouth. "Don't tell me you're gonna fake cry again."

"My baby brother's all grown up, going on dates with half-decent looking guys. Of course it makes me emotional!" Jaebum's ugly crying now, or at least acting like he's ugly crying.

"Don't cry," Youngjae hugs Jaebum, shocking the latter with the former's actions. "I'm here for you."

Jaebum stops ugly crying. If his heart still beats, it's rate would be going so fast right about now.

"Your brother's in good hands. Mark's a nice guy," Youngjae pats Jaebum's back.

"I know."

"Hey," Youngjae pulls away, looking at Jaebum intently. "Want to do something fun while they're not here?"


"Let's dance to girl group songs!" Youngjae smiles. Jaebum grins as well, Youngjae's smiles are contagious. The younger ghost leads Jaebum in front of the TV and opens it to a music show. Youngjae starts dancing to Twice's "Like Ooh-Aah". Jaebum laughs at Youngjae's hip twists. He did just find someone who makes him happy.


As far as first dates went, going to a dog pound wasn't the most romantic one. Although Jinyoung insists it's fine, Mark decides he should make up for it by setting up another date.

They meet at a coffee shop nearby (because dropping by each other's apartment is not thrilling according to Jinyoung), the one where Jackson works at.

"I thought you said Jackson finished engineering back in college. Not to sound intruding or anything but what's he doing, working at a coffee shop?" Jinyoung watches Jackson waiting tables, delivering orders of the customers. He is pretty good at his job, Jinyoung has to admit, and gives a cheerful atmosphere to the cafe.

"This is where he met Bambam, while working as a part-time barista here back in college. He thinks Bambam might come back looking for him so he stayed. He's actually just working part-time and is studying for the upcoming engineering board exams." Mark takes a sip of his frappuccino, also watching Jackson work.

Jackson soon comes over and sits on one of the chairs beside Mark, shift finally over. "Hey lovebirds, what's up!"

"Just grabbing a quick bite before heading to the amusement park," Mark takes a bite of the cheesecake they ordered.

"Amusement parks, really? Don't go there! And the Ferris wheel?" Jackson gags. "No matter if you reach the top, you'll eventually come back down, actually sooner than later. No matter what the other promises about staying on top and enjoying the view with you, don't believe them. What goes around, comes back around. And in the case of the Ferris wheel, it comes back around to the bottom." Jackson ends his monologue and stares off into space.

Mark and Jinyoung both look at each other. They each grab a napkin, crumple it, and simultaneously throw it at Jackson.

Jackson snaps his head to his friends. "What was that for?"

"What you said earlier deserved a napkin throw," Mark says.

"Why do you always--"

"Jackson?" The blonde haired boy's retort is interrupted by someone calling his name. He looks at his friends, who both have unreadable expressions on their faces. Curious, he turns his head to the sound of the voice.

"Bambam?" Jackson gapes. The younger male no longer has his blue hair that Jackson used to love. He now has jet-black hair, which Jackson might say suit him very well.

"Uhh, hey, can we talk?" Bambam glances at the lovers sitting on the table then looks back at Jackson.

Taking the hint, Mark gestures for Jinyoung to stand up so they can leave. He gives Jackson a look that says he better tell him what will happen between him and the now black haired boy. Jackson nods at Mark. The lovers get out of there, leaving the two behind.

Mark takes Jinyoung's hand in his as they stroll to the nearest bus stop. It was a nice day, with the sun shining down on them, the sky the prettiest shade of blue.

"You still want to go to the amusement park?" Mark asks.

"Nah. Don't want to waste more than an hour riding on the bus. I'd rather enjoy and get the most of this nice day."

"Then let's go to the park," Mark squeezes Jinyoung's hand. They head to the park, the one near their apartment building. They swing their hands all the way there and not even bother with the strange looks people are giving.

"Who's taking care of the dog while you're out here having fun?" They have finally made it to the park. It's a few hectares big, with a mini forest at one side and a grassy area in the other. There are benches and fountains spread around the grassy area, and cemented paths people can walk on. Only a few people are there, some walking around their pets and some having picnics. Mark and Jinyoung follow the cemented path to one of the benches.

"Youngjae is. He can do it. It's what he wanted anyways. I'm sure Jaebum will also teach him how to take care of the puppy."

"That's where you're wrong. Jaebum has no idea how to take care of pets," Jinyoung laughs.

They sit on one of the benches, not once removing their hands from each other's hold. Jinyoung's head falls on Mark's shoulder.

"This feels nice," Jinyoung shifts his head to get into a more comfortable position.

"Yeah," Mark looks at Jinyoung lovingly. "I'm glad you don't find it weird I can talk to ghosts."

Jinyoung shakes his head. "I kind of suspected it with the way you give confused or weird looks to an empty space where no one is. Or you were just plain crazy. Glad you aren't."

Mark laughs, with Jinyoung feeling the movement of Mark's shoulders.

"And, if it weren't for the two ghosts, we wouldn't be here right now. You'd still be the stranger that hit on me and I'll still be the hot guy you hit on in the elevator." Mark shoves Jinyoung playfully.

"But it's true!" Jinyoung lifts his head up to look at Mark.

The atmosphere between them changes, the same thing Mark felt the first time he attempted to kiss Jinyoung back in his apartment. He has learned from his previous experience and glances at his left and right. When the coast is clear (aka no ghosts in his line of view), he leans in slowly, not wanting to rush the moment. Jinyoung closes his eyes, waiting to feel the lips of Mark on his.

Mark hovers over Jinyoung's lips, their lips almost touching. There's almost no distance between them now, save for a few centimeters that Mark doesn't close yet. Jinyoung opens his eyes and stares into Mark's open ones.

"I'm waiting if your twin will come," Mark says, never leaving his position. Jinyoung rolls his eyes. "And I wanted to memorize your face in this moment."

Jinyoung doesn't wait anymore and pulls Mark in, putting his arms around the older male's neck. When their lips connected, Mark swears he felt sparks fly and the butterflies in his stomach won't stop. So this is the feeling of kissing Jinyoung. This is the most amazing feeling ever why did Mark not do this the first time. They shift their heads so their noses are no longer bumping into one another. Their lips move in perfect synchronicity, almost like they know what they're doing before they have even done it.

Jinyoung pulls back, staring into Mark with gleaming eyes. Both of them are catching their breaths, cheeks pink from the length of their kissing. Mark doesn't mind doing this again.

"So, what do you think?" Jinyoung asks, still breathless.

"I think I should get Youngjae another puppy." Mark smiles and Jinyoung does the same, before they lean in again for another kiss.


"Are you fake crying again?" Jaebum's fanning his eyes with his hand, stopping the fake tears that're about to fall.

"My baby brother just had his first kiss! Of course, I'd feel like I want to cry. I am the older brother let me have my moment."

Youngjae rolls his eyes. "I thought you're some tough guy when you're alive. Didn't know you're such a softie." Youngjae continues to walk, pulling Jaebum with him.

"It's not my fault! Why did you even decide to walk the dog in the park anyways? Now everyone's looking at the floating leash." Jaebum glances left and right, conscious of the people staring at the dog with the floating leash.

"I don't care. Better have them stare at the floating leash than have a hard time catching Coco if she doesn't have one," Youngjae defends proudly.

"Code red, code red! HHWW! Mark and Jinyoung are walking this way!" Jaebum panics and looks for an easy escape.

"What? Don't let them see us!" Youngjae panics as well. They don't have time to run away from the scene, Mark and Jinyoung are so close.

Recalling the movies he has seen before when he was alive, Jaebum did the first thing he could think of. He turns Youngjae so they're facing each other. He cups the younger boy's cheeks and closes the gap, pressing his lips on the dog-loving boy. With this he hopes that the lovers would just walk by and not notice them. Youngjae has his eyes opened the whole time, shocked at what was happening.

"Uhm, guys? You do know you have a different glow compared to humans, right? I can still see you even if you do that."

"And the floating leash is kind of like a dead giveaway."

Jaebum pulls back and lets go of Youngjae immediately. Both of them turn away from each other, looking at everywhere except at one another.

Mark watches the two ghosts interact, wishing that Jinyoung could also see them so they could have a good laugh. He plucks the leash from Youngjae's grasp. "Come on guys, let's go home."

The lovers lead the way to the apartment, still holding hands while walking, while the two ghosts lag behind, walking closer and closer to one another with every step. Jaebum started a plan only to help his baby brother find somebody to make him happy, and ended up finding someone for himself as well.

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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3