Happy Holidays, cozof2pm

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for cozof2pm

Gift from ???

Title: Ignorance is Bliss?

Pairings: Jjproject, jbnoir

Word count: 9363

Ratings: none (mild swearing and a heavy make out scene but nothing below the belt)

Warnings: Hickies, slight(very slight)angst

Note to my giftee: Hello who ever you are, I hope you are having an amazing Christmas and I hope you like my story. I tried to incorporate the whole Jaebum being oblivious thing as best I could so I hope it turned out something like you imagined, Merry Christmas and a happy new year from your Secret Santa 

Ignorance Is Bliss?

The two best friends launched themselves at each other and ended up falling onto the bed next to them as they squealed like a pair of teenage girls. Their arms wrapped around each other in such an incredibly tight way, he could actually feel the other's sharp hip bones digging into his flesh but he didn't care. Jinyoung buried his face into Jaebum's chest, almost crying with happiness despite the fact that he could barely breathe. The other male was a hefty weight on top of him, almost crushing him but he wouldn't have it any other way. And when Jaebum raised himself up on his elbows which were bracketing either side of his head and gazed down at him with the biggest grin he couldn't stop himself from returning the same look of joy. He unraveled his arms from pressing against Jaebum's broad back and excitedly smacked his sides instead causing the male above him to jolt and contort with laughter. Apparently Jaebum was ticklish, but Jinyoung would save that for later exploitation, the two of them had much bigger things to attend to as of that moment.

"I can't believe we both got in!" Jaebum shouted as he rolled over onto his back trying to ignore how his heart had begun racing due to the look of pure happiness that Jinyoung was directing at him. He needed to get away before he did something they would both regret, although he probably wouldn't regret snogging the living daylights out of Jinyoung if he was perfectly honest, but in might throw a metaphorical spanner in the works of their friendship. You see Jaebum had the whole unrequited love thing down to a tee, a very painful and heartbreaking tee. Looking down to distract himself his eyes hurriedly scanned over the acceptance letter once more before snatching Jinyoung's own letter out of his hand and repeating the same motion. Grinning widely as he read the exact same words at the top of both of their letters. We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted...

"I know! Honestly this is perfect, we got to spend our high school years together and now we get to go to college together as well" he exclaimed. "Though hopefully college will be different than high school" Jinyoung added bitterly.

"Yeah maybe this time your parents will actually let you leave the house instead of chaining you inside to study twenty-four-seven" Jaebum said teasingly as he stuck out his tongue and started chanting "Jinyoungie's a nerd~"

"Don't be an ! You're just jealous because I got a higher grade than you in like everything" Jinyoung retorted with sassily, rolling his eyes for added effect.

"Yeah okay fair point smarty pants, but everything will be different in college okay, just you wait" Jaebum said with a mock serious tone before bursting out laughing with Jinyoung. "But speaking of things being different, you're allowed to date in college aren't you?" Jaebum asked in an actually serious voice, all the laughter from his voice had disappeared as he desperately hoped that Jinyoung would say yes.

"Uh, I can I think, but I don't think I'll find anyone" Jinyoung said while blushing. Half of him was practically ecstatic that his parents were finally loosening their chokehold on him and allowing him a bit more freedom, but it wasn't like he'd suddenly go out and sleep with everyone and party all the time. He'd probably end up staying more or less the same. "My parents have super high expectations of who I date, I mean it took them long enough to get over the whole me being gay thing"


"What kind of guy are your parents looking for?" What kind of guy do I have to become? he wished he was brave enough to say instead.

"Well, they want him to be top of the class, probably a captain of a sports team, maybe a prefect, and what they deem to be a nice guy which basically means that all the teachers like him" Jinyoung idly sprouted the words that had been repeated to him over and over by both of his parents every time he had even so much as mentioned that he might like someone. He did try multiple times each year though, after all it was the same person that he'd liked for the entire time but his parents didn't know that. Every single time before he could even get say who it was that exactly he liked they'd rudely interrupt him and start listing their requirements in the same monotone voice which silenced Jinyoung each time.

"What kind of guy do you want?" Jaebum asked as he realised what a daunting task was set ahead of him but if it meant that he could date Jinyoung then he'd do it all a thousand times over.

Jinyoung thought for a moment trying to fight off the one word threatening to burst out of his mouth and spill all of his pent up feelings like an erupting volcano. Just this one word could destroy their friendship and turn college into a lonely and cold place, a lump in his throat formed as he struggled to swallow the cursed word. You, Jinyoung wanted to scream, but instead he settled for "I'm not sure, no one has ever really asked me before, why do you ask?"

"No reason I guess, anyway we'll have to go shopping together one weekend, and get our bus passes. If I leave my house at about 7:20 I can make it here for 7:40 and then we can walk together to the station and sit with each other on the bus oh and..."

Jinyoung tuned out Jaebum, no longer listening to his best friend because he was too busy staring at him with a look that just screamed fond fond fond with his eyes. What would he honestly do without Jaebum?

Three months later and Jinyoung had an answer to the question he asked himself on that fateful night which marked the beginning of his life as a college student. What would he do without Jaebum? The answer to the important question was that he wouldn't have an arrogant of a best friend who still continued to cling to his side and follow him around like a lost puppy while bragging about his latest achievement. And he definitely wouldn't have to deal with Jaebum arguing with Mark all the time either.

It started during the first week, when they were still complete noobs on the campus and got lost every five seconds. Which in all honesty was fair because there was a total of five floors even though first years could only access three of them, there were three separate courtyards where the students could sit outside. The layout of each floor was identical to the ones above and below, every corridor was the same dirty white and every courtyard was filled with the same drab flowers and damp benches. Every wall, classroom, teacher, and other student just seemed to blend into one big thing which made it impossible to find their way around. However on the Thursday of that first excruciating week they were tasked with picking out which clubs they were going to join. A marketplace type thing had been set up in one of the main halls, where current club members could 'sell' their club to new students in an attempt to get them to join.

"Come on Jaebum lets go look at something like photography, or the cooking club, if I have to join a minimum of one club I'll be damned if I pick something difficult" Jinyoung whined as he tried to drag his best friend in the direction he wanted to go but unfortunately the other had begun visiting the gym frequently and had turned into a 6ft solid wall of muscle. Which did not budge one bit, no matter how much he pushed, pulled, orwhined.

"No Jinyoung, unlike you I'm going to clubs that will benefit me in the long run, you should think about doing the same now if you don't mind I'm going to look at the sports clubs and the prefect one as well"

Jinyoung stared incredulously at the retreating form of the taller male after he had in his opinion quite haughtily spoken those words to him. He tried to fight off the urge to call the other back but settled for letting him go. If Jaebum wanted to join those types of clubs then good for him, who was Jinyoung to stop him. Apart from a decidedly disgruntled best friend.

It was two months later when Jaebum really started to just irk him. The bloody idiot had gone and completely stood Jinyoung up on their weekend together. As per usual they had agreed to meet on the third weekend of every month, it was specifically on that weekend that they would always hang out or go out for a day trip and spend the night at each other's houses, usually with junk food and hideous mug shots somewhere in between. And because the changeover in schools had been rather stressful the two of them had decided to stay in and chill together, not bothering to even leave the house unless food was involved. Only Jaebum didn't show up, and instead a text greeted his bleary eyes the next morning with some lame apology. On the following Monday was when Jaebum really hit strike one though.

"Mark Tuan stop right there" Jaebum called out loudly, his voice cutting through the dull thrum of the corridor.

Both Jinyoung and Mark paused their conversation and turned around while sighing loudly. Jinyoung threw a weary glance towards Mark and mouthed a "sorry" before turning to guiltily looking at the floor. He had no idea what Jaebum had against the soccer captain but it must of been something major. Or maybe he was just drunk on power. Jaebum had been a prefect for about a month and a half and definitely enjoyed throwing his weight around, unfortunately it was always Mark who seemed to get crushed and Jinyoung was honestly growing tired of it.

"Mark you need to change your shirt, no clothing with obscenities are to be worn on the premises as well as ripped jeans and that snap back" Jaebum drawled, he'd told off Mark for the same things a thousand times over and it was becoming a very tiresome daily occurrence. Of course he'd never really do anything about it, he'd never give the American boy a detention. Not when it would upset Jinyoung in the process. But speaking of the shorter male Jinyoung was currently sporting a rather displeased looking face which was undoubtedly aimed at him.

"He can't change his shirt or jeans because he doesn't have anything else. Do you happen to have spare clothes in his exact size Jaebum as otherwise he'll be walking around campus half you idiot, or do you want every teenage girl in the immediate area to spontaneously combust?" Jinyoung ground out, decidedly not impressed with the current situation. Though it was clear that Mark was very impressed with his behaviour, well maybe not impressed, but the other definitely approved in some way on some level because he was fighting back laughter.He was trying and failing, but still trying to muffled the snorts and hiccuped giggles that spilled from his mouth.

"I guess you're right Jinyoungie" Jaebum said shyly, flustered by the intense look Jimyung was giving him. "But that snap back has to go, sorry Mark"

"Hey man it's fine don't worry abo-" Mark let his words trail off into nothing as Jinyoung marched up to him and yanked the black hat in question off of his head and placed it upon his own instead.

"What if I wear the hat Jaebummie, are you going to give me a detention because you seem to like only giving Mark them" Jinyoung hissed as he stepped forward in order to spit his words directly into Jaebum's face. But he felt guilt flood through him immediately from the way Jaebum's entire face pulled downwards when he spat out the childhood nickname in such a venomous voice.

Jaebum grimaced, his whole face turning. He definitely did not like it when his Jinyoung wore anything belonging to Mark. Jaebum knew that Mark was head over heels for Jackson and nothing could ever possibly change that, but the only time in his eyes that Jinyoung was allowed to wear things that were not his own was when he slept round Jaebum's and ended up stealing or borrowing whatever he could get his hands on. For example last month when Jinyoung had been curled up on his bed late at night and was whining about how cold it was, and would only stop whining when Jaebum got out his large black hoodie that Jinyoung absolutely loved and allowed the shorter male to slip it over his body. Apparently his clothes were 'comfier' than Jinyoung's own, they were supposedly warmer and thicker, as well as them even smelling better. Jaebum had been a blushing mess when Jinyoung had quote on quote sleepily mumbled that "they smell like home Jaebummie, they smell like you and you make me feel safe" into the white pillow. He'd been a complete wreck after that and had been unable to even look Jinyoung in the eye the next morning as he blushed profusely with even a glance in the other's direction. Jaebum seemed to of developed a thing for Jinyoung wearing his clothes.Be it hoodies, shirts, hats, sweatpants, as long as it was his. Given that he felt like some sort of weird territorial wolf marking his mate, yet he didn't care, not when he got to see Jinyoung curled up on his bed wearing nothing but his hoodie and his boxers. So he'd be damned if he let his Jinyoung parade around in something belonging to Mark.

Jinyoung began to seriously regret his decision immensely as Jaebum strode over to him looking pissed as hell. And much like when Jinyoung's temper had snapped earlier Jaebum was suddenly directly in front of him, both instances occurring like a flash of lightning. He hadn't even noticed the wall behind him or how the hat had been yanked off of his head while he was stumbling backwards. The hand that had brushed away the offending black accessory was still resting on the back of his neck and the other was clinging to hip with a fierce grip. Jinyoung couldn't even make coherent words come out of his mouth anymore, not with Jaebum that close to him.

"It's not like that Jinyoung, I just, it's just that like, I just miss you okay?!" Jaebum ground out and he hung his head low in shame due to his outburst. "I've been so busy with my clubs and everything and I've had to cancel on you so much lately and I feel so guilty and I'm stressed and using the wrong person to vent it on" he felt his face flushing in shame. "I'm sorry okay" he trailed off weakly, not daring to raise his head.

Jinyoung's entire face screwed up in confusion before it broke out into a borderline painfully wide grin. He then dipped his head, nudging Jaebum's forehead with his own as he wrapped his arms around those broad shoulders that just screamed support, love, and protection. He began giggling quietly as he began to question why he was ever mad at his Jaebummie in the first place and upon that thought he felt his mouth curl downwards in a bitter smile. "I'm really sorry I got mad at you, and that I've been acting all off with you these past weeks" Jinyoung mumbled, though surely the words were indistinguishable as he his face was nuzzled into the crook of Jaebum's neck.

"Mad at me? Off with me? I hadn't noticed anything of the sort Jinyoung what are you on about?" Jaebum asked loving how close Jinyoung was, but definitely not appreciating the confusion caused by the situation at hand.

"Oh uh, never mind, could you possibly maybe let me go now, I kind of need to get to class?" Jinyoung murmured yet again. He wasn't sure that he wanted to leave just yet, but Mark kept making disgusting gestures such as vomiting behind Jaebum's back. The American boy was rolling his eyes at their words so much that Jinyoung was surprised that he hadn't rolled himself into another dimension. So he wriggled himself out of Jaebum's steely grasp and turned to take his leave. But before he did he picked up the hat that was still lying untouched on the floor and spun on his heel to face the other way again and then quickly slapped the cap down onto Jaebum's head. Jinyoung then sprinted away with Mark reluctantly in tow while gleefully screaming "guess you'll have to give yourself a detention!" at the retreating form of a very still and very shocked Jaebum. But a happy and smiling Jaebum nevertheless.

The next time Jinyoung snapped was at their monthly sleepover. And honestly he had never snapped quite this badly before in his entire life, but a certain attractive seemed intent on irritating him to the point of insanity. The two of them were meant to be spending time together, Jaebum had been busy practically every day of the week whether it be with basketball matches or with prefect meetings. And today was the first in a while that the other wasn't too busy, or too tired to spend time with him. But instead the prat was huddled over a textbook while Jinyoung lay sprawled out in the middle of his bed feeling oddly groggy, both of them had been in the same position for hours. He could tell by the strange stiffness in his limbs, but Jinyoung had run out of social medias to binge on and was quickly becoming bored.

"Jaebummie" Jinyoung whined, drawing out the last syllable in his best friend's name, but he got no reply, not even a flinch or a nod, nothing at all. "Jae-bum-ie" he tried again a few moments later, forcefully enunciating each syllable to try and get his best friend's attention. "Jaebum." the irritated male shouted, this time resorting to throwing a pillow at the other, but instead of getting distracted from the pages the boy calmly placed the white pillow down next to him and continued reading the book. And it was at that moment that Jinyoung sat up, and then promptly snapped.

"You know what, you're an absolute ! You're just such a bloody prick to me, you honestly piss me off to the extreme sometimes Jaebum and I swear one day I'm going to throttle you! First off you're busy every weekend and like that's fine I know you like those clubs although the reason as to why escapes me, it's just that when you're not busy, you're tired, or your phone was on silent, or you were out with Yugyeom who you may want to warn that if he calls me short one more time I'll find out where he lives and I'll end him!" Jinyoung practically growled. "This is the one time where you aren't busy, or tired, yet you're sat all the way over there and I'm over here. What happened to you missing me Jaebum? Jaebum! Answer me you ! Or is the textbook more important than I am?! Can the high and mighty Jaebum not dare to lower himself down and associate with the peasant who is also coincidentally known as his best friend. Jaebum, give me an answer then you prat, don't just sit there!" Jinyoung screamed.


At the beginning of his rant the words were rapid and venomous, flying from his mouth like missiles designed to land heavily and explode on Jaebum; much like the accusations Jinyoung was screeching at him which were designed to bear down on him brutally in a similar manner. But his words had trailed off towards the end, his voice cracking with emotion. He was sat on the edge of the bed now, hand reaching out towards Jaebum as he tried to fight off tears. But he drew the hand back and curled his entire body in on itself in defeat.

Jaebum reached down for his phone and hovered a finger above the pause button for whatever crappy dubstep song that had wormed it's way into his playlist, he could of sworn that he heard something in the background. But nothing could over power the thrum of the bass blaring in his ears, unless the person were screaming of course. But none the less when he felt the air shift behind him which caused chills to erupt over his body he hurriedly yanked the ear buds out completely and spun around.

"Jinyoung!" He screamed as a huge grin broke out on his face upon seeing his best friend perched on the edge of the bed behind him. "Have you been up long? I can't believe it though honestly Jinyoung, the first time we get to hang out together you fall asleep as soon as you lay on my damn bed! I'm sorry if you were trying to get my attention I've had my headphones in. But anyway back to you, you need to take better care of yourself Jinyoungie, falling asleep like that means that you aren't getting enough rest and I don't want you getting sick. Why are you curled up like that, are you cold? I tried to put the covers on you but you kicked them off just like you did with half of my pillows as well, one of them actually managed to hit me. Or do you feel sick? I bloody hope you don't, I've made mum go into the next town over just to get you that pizza you like" Jaebum rambled, his eyes raking over the tiny form of his unresponsive best friend and he instantly rushed to his side. "Hey Jinyoung are you alri-why are you crying?!"

"You're an idiot! A stupid, oblivious, self centred idiot!" Jinyoung screamed as he smacked Jaebum with force anywhere that he could reach, but the now bruising male caught his pounding fists with ease and tugged his entire form forwards until he crashed into a very solid chest.

"What the hell Jinyoung, what's wrong with you?! What did I do-ow! Come here!" Jaebum growled out as an open palm came worryingly close to his face and a punch landed frighteningly far up on his inner thigh. So he grabbed the flailing limbs and drew the crying male into his chest.

"Such an ! Whining about how he misses me and then when he has me he ignores me stupid brat, stupid prat! I can't believe him, why on earth do I even like him?!" Jinyoung muttered angrily to himself, drowning to deep in his anger to realise what he had spoken aloud. Well he didn't really mutter it to himself, he more or less muttered it to the warm body that belonged to the offending 'stupid prat' in question which Jinyoung hadn't even noticed. Not that the stupid prat knew he was the stupid prat, well Jaebum knew he was a stupid prat Jinyoung made sure to remind him frequently. Jaebum just didn't know that he was the stupid prat.


"B-boyfriend troubles Jinyoung?" Jaebum ground out as his arms clenched impossibly tighter around Jinyoung's waist.

"You could say that, just some guy I like that is a completely oblivious idiot, don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually" Jinyoung said bitterly.

"What's this guy like, if you won't tell me who then just describe him to me, I'll want to meet him to see if he's suitable and worthy though"

"Well he's an , thinks that he knows everything-yeah he's arrogant real arrogant, likes to think he's got me on this leash and that he's got all this control over me. He wears these lame shirts with these uber nerdy math jokes on them, he doesn't even know how to coordinate his clothes properly as well. Like he has the worst fashion sense and it's embarrassing to be seen with him. He's loud, and obnoxious, and genuinely half the time I want to stab him in the face, or I can't decide. He always smells because he refuses to use the school showers and he likes to think that deodorant will be enough but it never is" Jinyoung rambled on, for once in his life definitely pleased with how ignorant Jaebum was, as he was definitely enjoying being about to about Jaebum to his face without him even knowing. Heh, . "He's got these lame shoes that he loves, and he has the nerve to make fun of me sometimes, but like it's okay, because he's a dork and he's cute so I'll forgive him"

"I would say he's a lucky fella to have you but from the way you talk about him I'm not so sure, come on, I think mum is home with pizza if you've finished crying about this guy" Jaebum said in a strained voice as he dragged Jinyoung until he was standing. At first he was pissed as hell that Jinyoung had found someone and not told him, but when he heard the way Jinyoung spoke about the unknown male he was instantly reassured that the two of them probably wouldn't get together for a while if at all. But still, he definitely did not like the idea of Jinyoung dating anyone, so for now, he'd make sure that he kept Jinyoung all to himself.

"Hey Jinyoungie, are you cold?"

"A little why?"

"No reason, hang on"

"What am I hanging on for-mmph!" Jinyoung words became muffled as an unknown material was forced over his head and he felt his arms being manhandled through sleeves. And once his head had popped out he had opened his mouth ready to shout at the idiot for manoeuvring him about so roughly like he was some kind of doll. However the words died in his throat. As standing a few inches away from him was a very much half Jaebum. His top half completely bare and it was the first time Jinyoung had seen him like that in months and he couldn't resist scanning his eyes over every inch, trying to memorise every dip and curve and vein and scar that he could see. Wondering how each of those things would feel under his fingertips, or tongue for that matter. Bad Jinyoung, we do not think about the half , gorgeous, breathtaking, y Jaebum like that...bad... Jinyoung..? He was snapped out of his questionable train of thought by Jaebum swearing under his breath.

"Crap I forgot I hadn't got anything on underneath that sorry, jeez now I'm the cold one, how on earth do you survive being like this Jinyoung it's freezing, I'm already going numb!" Jaebum said quickly as he strode across his room to find something to cover himself with and he came back to Jinyoung's side once more with the pale grey sweater in hand.

"Why did you take it off then you idiot!?" Jinyoung scolded.

"Because it looks better on you, I like it when you wear my clothes and actually, thinking about it, you might as well keep that hoodie-don't worry you can pick a new one to steal when you get cold here but you can have that one to wear on the daily if you'd like" Jaebum said while smirking, it was unquestionable that the hoodie was not Jinyoung's. Meaning that any guy that came near him would see the hoodie and turn tail and run. What was even better was that most of his year knew he was the one who owned that hoodie so they wouldn't question Jinyoung wearing it that much, though it was actually inexplicably obvious that it was in fact his. Jinyoung may of never seen it or noticed it but sprawled across the back of the black hoodie was his name and sports number for the basketball team.

"Um, um, yeah, okay, thanks" Jinyoung spluttered out, his calm but bright red face with a forced neutral expression was contradicting the raging hormones burning beneath his skin. He definitely needed Jaebum to put on a shirt or he really wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself. Unfortunately the universe seemed to hate him as of that particular moment some deity must of been hell bent on teasing him, tempting him, dangling Jaebum in his face like a prize before snatching it away whenever he began to reach for him. And Jinyoung would always fall for it everytime, hand flying out fruitlessly. Because the other male proceeded to reach towards his hair and smooth it out because it had likely been mussed up when Jaebum had forced the soft material over his head. And then when Jaebum had stepped even closer to him as he finger combed through his tangled hair Jinyoung had felt his stomach drop and lurch about violently, doing flips and tricks that only an acrobat could do.

"There, all better now" Jaebum said as he reluctantly slipped his fingers out of Jinyoung's soft hair. He almost laughed at how dejected Jinyoung looked, he looked like a disgruntled cat when his owner stopped rubbing his belly. A combination of very unimpressed and slight irritation. "Stay here and I'll bring the pizza up, I think mum just came in" Jaebum said hurriedly as he practically ran from the room, hoping that the flush on his face would pass of as being caused by physical exertion and not from an actual blush due to the utter adorable mess that was Jinyoung. And he ran back into the room just as quickly hoping to make his cheeks redder but he stopped still when he peeked through the doorway. Yet again Jinyoung was laying in the middle of the bed but this time curled up much like a little kitten, knees hugged to his chest and his face buried in his arms with a very content smile on his face. Though Jinyoung immediately sprung to life when he smelled the pizza and his hands excitedly slapped the duvet as he practically bounded up and down on the bed. "Sit still you idiot, you'll make me drop it" Jaebum scolded as he sat on the edge of the bed and after mere seconds he felt the mattress dip behind him before arms loosely wrapped around his still bare shoulders and chest. The slide of soft fabric and the heat within the sleeves was comforting and he leant further back into the touch before realising what he was doing and flinching away.

"Thank you Jaebummie, for lots of things" Jinyoung whispered into Jaebum's neck, spreading his legs to rest either side of Jaebum's own and pressing his back flush against the other. Though he almost curled in on himself in shame as Jaebum flinched and actually pulled away, standing up and then walking across his room to turn on the large television. The other slowly walked back with eyes downcast and Jinyoung guiltily took his pizza beforeretreated backwards until his back met the cold, hard wall and a hand on his ankle stilled him. He glanced up to see and thankfully clothed Jaebum with a smirk on his face.

"Where do you think your going? As payment for the pizza and for practically beating me because of your 'boyfriend' problems you are now my human pillow" Jaebum yelled as flopped down onto Jinyoung, placing his head in the other's lap and grinning as he felt fingers card idly through his hair. The pizza ended up being long forgotten and whatever was playing on the television was falling onto deaf ears because he was snuggling further and further into Jinyoung's lap. And that was when he let sleep claim him, calm and content in the warm embrace of Jinyoung.

Jinyoung groaned as he heard Jaebum start lightly snoring, faint rumbles escaping his lips and his chest rose and fell in even parts. His best friend was unfortunately a seriously heavy sleeper, quite literally nothing could wake the male once he had fallen into his slumber. So he rolled Jaebum off of his legs and attempted to drag the hefty form up the bed and then manoeuvre him till he was underneath the soft covers, what he wasn't expecting was a hand latch onto him and tug him down till he fell atop the mattress right next to Jaebum. For Christ sake this is like some stupid teenage drama! Oh yeah here's the plan, I'll give up on struggling against him and end up fall asleep next to him, we'll wake up tomorrow morning tangled together and not be able to speak to each other for weeks, just brilliant, I can't wait! Jinyoung thought bitterly as he practically growled when he realised that he could not move a single inch, and just like what's-her-name from the drama he chose to take advantage of a sleeping and cuddly Jaebum. Damning the consequences as right now Jaebum looked more than happy to be side by side with him.

Two weeks later and Jinyoung was back to wanting to murder Jaebum with a blunt spoon. A rusty, old, blunt spoon. After the little incident at the sleepover instead of avoiding him Jaebum had begun clinging to him like a limpet. On the plus side he had been spending more and more time with Jinyoung, but at every given opportunity whenever his parents were around he'd brag about his latest high mark, or how many old ladies he managed to charm in a single walk to town. Which resulted in as soon Jaebum left his parents would tell him to 'be more like Jaebum dear' or 'maybe you should try a bit harder in school, maybe you'll be more like Jaebum then, I bet he has a nice boyfriend' Jinyoung also wanted to murder his parents with the same rusty spoon.

Though what really tipped him over the edge was when he heard a few of the girls discussing him in a decidedly unkind manner. His name was tossed around with words such as man-, , dickhead, loser, and his personal favourite which was twig . And as he'd spun around with fury evident on his features the gossiping girls had ceased their talk and cowered together in the corner. After some rather aggressive questioning he had discovered a rather interesting fact. Apparently he and Jaebum were an item, the rumour was caused by Jaebum's name being on the back of his frequently worn hoodie, and said hoodie was in fact his current basketball team hoodie as well. That alone wouldn't of bothered him, it was that when confronted about the rumour apparently Jaebum had screwed his face up in disgust then stormed off and yelled at anyone who even mentioned the rumour. Which was why he found himself outside the boys changing room with his body practically vibrating with anger.

He stormed into the room with tears streaming down his face but he chose to believe that the tears were from anger, and not the tearing of his heart within his chest from every word the girl had said to him. As he rounded the lines of red lockers that separated the room he glared at the form of a surprised Jaebum, not even paying a single ounce of his attention to the half teammates that were also in the room. He decided that he would keep his eyes glued to the floor, not even giving Jaebum the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

"I'm not even going to say your name! Because you aren't even worth that! You aren't worth anything! You're a horrible, terrible, disgusting person! First you spend all of your time putting me down, and then you manage make my parents join in! Every other word out of your mouth is to big yourself up, or are you just that insecure?! Listen Ja-no, no I'll just call you from now on, get it bum- -bum, the two are interchangeable and since you like asking like a completely I guess I should name you after your biggest trait! So listen up you , it's bad enough that you belittle me and stand me up on more than one occasion, but to turn your nose up in disgust when someone even mentions that we apparently look like a couple. What exactly is so horrifically and unthinkably wrong with that?! Suddenly ashamed of me are we, can't even look at me anymore?" Jinyoung spat out as his fists curled at his sides.

His anger was rising and falling, his emotions climbing high to mountain tops and balancing on the jagged edges before crashing to the ground. "Not even going to say anything to me huh?!" he paused before deciding that if this was how Jaebum wanted things, he'd be damned to hell if he didn't have the last laugh. "Three years! Three whole years I've like you! You and your stupid hair-even when you dyed it blonde and turned out looking like some mangled barbie doll! Even through the borderline emo phase! I defended you when your thought Africa was a country! I liked you when you wore those horrific baggy jeans that made you look like you'd crapped yourself! I liked and I still like your stupid, arrogant, conceited, self obsessed, , judgemental, idiotic self with borderline questionable fashion sense, I like you and your mismatched earrings that you think are just so cool but sorry to break it to you they're so not. And after all that, you can't even look me in the bloody eye, you're pathetic, we're over. Not that we were anything to begin with, and we never will be because like reality check! It appears I need to considerably raise my standards from bums like you!" Jinyoung stated idly before spinning on his heel with a wicked smile on his face. "Did you get all of that?! Because I've learned recently that you are so insanely oblivious to everything around you, even my three years worth of cringey and horrific teenage flirty combined with all those times I wanted to turn your into sushi and murder you with a rusty spoon went completely unnoticed! So for once in your life get your head out of your and listen to what I'm saying!" Jinyoung ground out as he glared at Jaebum over his shoulder before finally storming out of the old, wooden door.

"Oi Kimbum, what the did you do to Jinyoung?!" Jaebum growled out as he glared at his teammate.

"Me?! Dude, he's pissed at you not me! This one's all you Jaebum" Kimbum said slowly as if it was insanely obvious, which it definitely was not to Jaebum. "Jesus Christ he's right when he called you oblivious, and a conceited prat! Were you too busy bragging about yourself to even notice a word he said?" Kimbum remarked as he too turned and walked out of the changing room.

"M-me?!" Jaebum exclaimed in disbelief. "He's mad at me?!" Jaebum said again as he turned to look at all of his friends who all nodded with an amused face, seemingly entertained by his utter despair. And utter despair he did indeed feel and he sunk his head into his hands as everything finally clicked into place. The blushing, the 'boyfriend' troubles, all the moments where he'd wondered what if or what did Jinyoung really mean when he said that. But he wasn't the only one who'd been oblivious, and he was determined to get Jinyoung back.

Maybe Jaebum would later come to regret what he was about to do as it might end up only making matters worse. But it was something that had to be done, it was his only chance at getting Jinyoung back. So rather regretfully he managed to bribe three of his basketball teammates, specifically Jackson, Kimbum, and Yugyeom, as those were the only ones who didn't laugh when he asked them. And the only ones who could be bribed with food. So on Thursday night when he knew Jinyoung got out of class late because he would always linger in the photography room Jaebum told the three boys to Jinyoung down to the changing rooms by any means necessary. But what he didn't expect was Jinyoung to burst through the door screaming with tears streaming down his face and an angry looking Yugyeom with a red handprint across his cheek. So he immediately pulled Jinyoung behind him and barked for the others to leave.

"What's the matter Jinyoung, why on earth are you crying, what happened?!" Jaebum shouted rapidly, though his voice trailed off when he saw Jinyoung flinch due to the loudness of his booming voice. He gently sat the boy down and ran his hands up and down Jinyoung's arms, hoping to soothe the distressed boy.

"W-what was I supposed to think? Me, the resident flamboyant queer of the school was cornered and hunted down by three of the school's most popular jocks and dragged and manhandled down corridors till I ended up here" Jinyoung whispered as his eyes darted about the room, adrenaline still rushing through his veins.

"Oh my god, crap, I'm sorry, I didn't even think about how it would look-god I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you not scare you half to death. That was never my intention, it's just that you practically run away from me every time I try and talk to you and I know that you only ever run either for food or from things you're afraid of, and I don't want you to be scared of me, I just want to talk I promise, no one will hurt you, not while I'm here" Jaebum said slowly, desperately trying to convey that he meant no harm to Jinyoung. And gradually the other began to relax and melt into the arm that came to rest around his shoulders. Jaebum grinned widely despite his efforts to stop it and he couldn't resist pulling Jinyoung in until he moulded perfectly into his side. Though in all honesty it was probably not the best idea, and it became evident by the reaction Jinyoung had.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Don't touch me you !" Jinyoung screeched as he flew to the other side of the room.

"Okay okay, I get it. That was definitely pushing my luck and I'm sorry, but can we just talk? Please?" Jaebum practically begged, trying to look as sincere as possible but it appears that Jinyoung wasn't buying it.

"Oh now you want to be friends? I don't think so Jaebum, your goons had better not be on the other side of that door or Yugyeom will be getting another slap! Now if you don't mind I'll take my leave, wouldn't want to lower myself and be seen associating with a peasant like you" Jinyoung snarled as he made for the door.

"Oh no you don't, you can't run this time!" Jaebum yelled as he leapt into action slamming the door shut and spun Jinyoung around.

"Oh no you don't, this is not one of those anime scenes! Don't you dare pin me to the bloody wall you ignorant bastard!" Jinyoung shrieked as he ducked under the arms placed either side of his head and yet again retreated to the other side of the room.

"Ignorant?! I'm ignorant?! If I am then I'm not the only one Jinyoung, you haven't exactly been very observant lately either!" Jaebum growled out, frustration lacing his words.

"Oh really, really Jaebum? What exactly am I oblivious to?" Jinyoung said while scoffing and rolling his eyes.

"Everything Jinyoung! You claim I am so unobservant but you are so so much worse! You've liked me for three years right? I've liked you for four. Four years Jinyoung. Shall I list the things you have failed to notice in general or just this year alone?" Jaebum said evenly, his voice stern and carrying an authoritative tone that made Jinyoung flinch.

"This isn't funny Jaebu-"

"The hoodie. That was probably the most obvious one." Jaebum said casually with a smirk on his face, almost laughing as Jinyoung's eyes widened rather comically.

"What do you mean, what about the hoodie?" Jinyoung queried.

"The hoodie was a rather primitive way of basically telling anyone else to sod off. It was childish, and stupid, and I had no right to claim you when you weren't even mine but I just- I just didn't want you to slip away. I wanted you by my side, even for a little while, and I wanted the whole school to know it." Jaebum said shyly, his eyes downcast but every now and then the hazel orbs would flicker upwards to see Jinyoung's reaction. His words gained speed and sincerity with each time he saw Jinyoung's blush darkening.

"Jaebum I didn't know, I had no ide-"

"I wasn't finished." Jaebum said sternly, silencing the other male. "The grades, the clubs, the kissing, and the bragging to your parents, you really think I'd do it all just for the hell of it? You said that no matter how much you liked the guy in the end as long as you live under their room you'd be forced to bend to their will, to succumb to their approval. So I made it easier for you." Jaebum said. "You told me months ago that your parents wanted someone with good grades-and I'm top of the class now. You parents wanted someone who belonged to a sports team-although we may not win very often I'm still the captain. I'm a prefect too, and I'm in the good books of almost every single teacher."

"Jaebum, my parents only 'required' one of those things. Not all of them you idiot! I can't believe you sometimes!"

"Well then I guess they won't have a single thing to complain about" Jaebum said shyly, as a quiet, breathy laugh escaped him. He grinned up at Jinyoung who looked incredibly lost in though, so he decided to bring him back down to earth. "Jinyoung I like you. I have done for years. We've both been so incredibly dense, and in this case ignorance definitely wasn't bliss. So like can we, can we uh?" Jaebum stuttered out.

"What, go back to normal?" Jinyoung asked bitterly.

"No, if you'd like, well I know you've been a bit mad at me lately-okay maybe a bit is an understatement, you've been seriously pissed off with me lately, but like, I really like you, and I hope you still like me even if it's a little bit so like could we date? The whole boyfriend girlf-well boyfriend boyfriend thing, or just try it out? We don't even have to tell anyone Jinyoung" Jaebum trailed off with.

"Oh so now you want to keep it a secret? But before you were more than happy to let me parade around in front of the entire school in your hoodie? What's changed? Suddenly developed a sense of shame?" Jinyoung practically purred, a feral grin overtaking his features as he inched closer with every single word that rolled languidly off of his tongue.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jinyoung, nothing has changed, giving you that hoodie was just a result of me being an idiot" Jaebum squeaked out, in the back of his mind wondering where his confidence had gone. But when he looked up and saw the predatory gaze weigh upon him he knew the cause. Sure a pissed off Jinyoung was slightly terrifying, but whatever this was was something new. It looked like anger, but it wasn't quite there, so frustration maybe? But Jinyoung looked to hungry for that, he looked desperate for something, but he didn't know what for. And it chilled him down to the core, goosebumps rising over his skin.

"An idiot wouldn't blush like a schoolgirl whenever he saw me in it, and he would look at me like that when I wore it as well" Jinyoung remarked.

"And how do I look at you exactly?" Jaebum nervously asked.

"Like you can't wait to take it off of me" Jinyoung stated after moving in even closer to Jaebum.

"What exactly are you trying to do here Jinyoungie?" Jaebum growled.

"I don't know, seduce you?" Jinyoung joked, but the laughter died out when he saw something foreign flickered over Jaebum's face.

"I wouldn't do that Jinyoung, I have four years worth of pent up teenage hormones that I've been suppressing over you, this is a dangerous game you're playing" Jaebum choked out as Jinyoung raised a brow in response.

"And I have three, but you've been working out lately and shirtless most of the time so I think that adds like another half a year's worth right" Jinyoung said as his eyes raked over the form of his best friend, of his boyfriend.

"Jinyoung, I'm warning you"

"And I'm telling you Jaebum" Jinyoung said as he plonked himself down in Jaebum's lap, legs bracketing the other's thick thighs as he straddled the startled male. "I'm telling you to bloody kiss me"

The first brush of lips was shy, cautious, barely even there but it was a promise of what was to come. From that single whisper of a touch Jinyoung's toes curled and his back arched pressing his body to Jaebum's till they were flush together, his heart was pounding so loud that he couldn't even distinguish between the beats anymore. His mind seemed to become instantly clouded, thick with a delirious fog of pleasure. So he launched himself forwards, all trace of gentleness gone as he attacked Jaebum's mouth. And the other fought back just as vigorously. Every slow but rough graze of lip was torturous, sending a unbearable burn through every inch of their bodies. And the pool of heated liquid lust that had settled in their lower abdomen only sparked into life with each eager kiss that they pressed to the other.


Jaebum nearly growled when a hair tugged harshly on his hair, but instead he settled for biting down on Jinyoung's bottom lip while relishing in the sinful moan that sounded immediately afterwards. He then ran his tongue over the abused flesh and groaned himself when Jinyoung's own slipped out to dance with his own. Wet muscles slid over each other and grips became tighter, lips pressed harder, and teeth snapped viciously because of the new found but addictive feeling. Everything was new and undiscovered, so when Jinyoung's lips sealed around Jaebum's tongue and Jaebum nearly screamed. It was pure and utter bliss. The feeling was indescribable, but it made pleasure thrash around within him flooding his body in a crescendo of mighty waves. It made his body writhe and twitch, and when Jinyoung lightly bit on his tongue that was when Jaebum knew he couldn't keep still any longer. He surged forwards capturing Jinyoung's lips once more as he began kissing him with an open mouth only, not even hot breath mingled between the two of them because Jaebum didn't even stop to breathe. He was too busy with making Jinyoung moan. Too absorbed in the feeling of plump lips sliding over his own, of a warm and pliant body underneath his hands that he greedily explored, the weight settling and shifting restlessly in his lap, the hands tugging on his hair to the point of pain and the alternation on harsh bites and kitten that he was lavished with. He reluctantly stopped feverishly kissing the other and instead threw his head back, eyes glued to the ceiling as he tried to get his breathing in check.

"Something wrong?" Jinyoung panted out as he in great gulps of air, his head was still spinning so he latched onto Jaebum for support.

"As much as kissing you until you forget your own name is number one priority on my to do list, firstly we are still in the boys locker room, secondly we are still in the very smelly and dirty boys locker room, and thirdly I'm fairly sure that was the whistle signalling the end of practice just sounded meaning that we have about ten minutes to run" Jaebum clarified as he rubbed small circles into Jinyoung's lower back.

"I think you mean we have nine minutes to tick that off of your to do list, and one minute to run" Jinyoung purred out as he dipped his head to nuzzle at the newly presented neck. A devilish idea springing to mind when Jaebum's breath became strained, and the grip on his hips tightened so abruptly that he swore he would have actual hand shaped bruises in the morning. "I have an idea, as you made me wear that hoodie to deter other men from even talking to me it's only fair that I get to do the same" Jinyoung stated with a fiendish smirk.

"I doubt your hoodies will fit me babe"

"I wasn't talking about hoodies babe" Jinyoung barked out as he a long line from the hollow of Jaebum's throat to the underside of his jaw, before circling back down and lazily tracing figures of eight on the juncture between Jaebum's neck and shoulder. He left no room for arguments or protests as his lips closed down around the column of the now panting male's throat, on a particularly obvious spot. He lightly on the chosen area, his tongue flickering over the abused flesh as he alternated between biting and . He then moved to repeat the entire process on the underside of Jaebum's jaw, hungrily mouthing at the flesh as the other let out a low whine of frustration through gritted teeth. Once stark hickies marred the smooth and pale flesh he decided on one last thing. Just as he heard Jaebum let out a sigh of relief when he began to stand and untangle himself from Jaebum's lap he abruptly ducked down and viscously bit and on the first hickie, his tongue pressing flat against the over stimulated flesh before he peppered it with light kisses. Each press of his lips caused his name to slip out from the other and he reluctantly finally stood, but not before pressing one final lingering kiss onto a blissed out, dazed looking Jaebum.

"Still think we have that minute left to run?"

"No you really don't" Jackson shouted through the closed locker room door. "You two weren't exactly quiet in there, and I pray to god you still have clothes on!" he then roared as he burst through the door, peeking through the hand that covered his eyes.

Jaebum burst out laughing, half at the embarrassed look plastered onto Jinyoung's face and half at the look of pure disgust on Jackson's. But he chose to say nothing and continue to nuzzle into Jinyoung's tummy as he desperately tried to stutter out some excuse or explanation. He was more than content at that moment in time.

Though the feeling of content morphed into one of mortification when as soon as the two of them had gotten to school the next day hand in hand Jinyoung stole his scarf and yanked the neck of his sweater down just the little bit more. Thoroughly exposing every purple bruise that littered his neck. Jaebum was decidedly annoyed, whereas Jinyoung was decidedly smug for the rest of the day. A stupidly proud smile etched onto his face that Jaebum could bring himself to ruin, so he showed off his hickies with pride and Jinyoung strutted around in yet another one of Jaebum's hoodies with pride. If ignorance was what led them to each other then ignorance was most certainly, undoubtedly, completely, unquestionable utter bliss.


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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3