Happy Holidays, Gellafish

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for: Gellafish

Gift from: ???


Title: All My Brother Wants for Christmas is Mark Tuan

Pairing: markson

Word count: 7.8k

Rating: PG for slight swearing

Genre: fluff, slight fantasy i guess?

Warnings: unbeta-ed so there are tons of mistakes lol

Note to my giftee: hey gella! i know it’s already May and i’m sorry for only giving this now. i’m not your original Santa and i’m sorry if i volunteered to write your story but took so long. for the first month i didn’t have any inspiration to write and just when i had an idea and thought i had free time to write, more school stuff happened so i wasn’t able to finish the story until now. i don’t know if you’d still want a Christmas-themed story but here it is! sorry for the long wait. if it gets confusing, feel free to ask. i know it’s super late but belated happy holidays! :)


Other note: prompt for this story was from tumblr but i forgot where i read it. it goes something like “A’s little sibling wants to meet their favorite celebrity/person for Christmas. B is the present”. in this story Jackson is A and Mark is B and Bambam is the little sibling. :)



Panic starts to sink in as he sees the other male getting away.


He runs. Fast.


He runs past buildings and streets, ending up in a dark alley far from civilization. This is the part of town full of abandoned buildings, gangs making it the perfect hideout for their beatings and a perfect location for anything underground and illegal. He investigates his surroundings to see any sign of people around, only to meet eyes with the other male who ran away from him earlier.


They stare at each other for a few moments before the other man breaks the silence.


"What's the matter, Yien? Or should I call you by your superhero name, Frozyien?" the man laughs, his voice echoing through the night. The man is wearing all black-black top, black leather pants, black boots, black leather trench coat- making his red hair stand out, and a black mask that only covers his eyes.


Frozyien runs his hand through his silver hair, sighing. His arch nemesis hasn't changed one bit. He's still the immature being that he is. "Like you're one to talk, Jaeburn."


A smoky breath escapes Frozyien's lips as he chuckles at his enemy. It's winter time and close to Christmas, the times when Frozyien is the strongest because of the cold, making his ability to create ice much easier. Meanwhile, it's not one of Jaeburn's strongest seasons, him finding it hard to produce his flames. That's why Frozyien panicked when he saw Jaeburn. The red haired villain doesn't usually show up during these times. It was supposed to be Frozyien's break from him.


"At least my name doesn't remind children of "Let It Go", the villain remarks. Frozyien only rolls his eyes. Seeing Frozyien's carefree expression, Jaeburn smirks. "I don't know what you're still doing here, when you have more important matters to take care of."


Frozyien's face falls. He doesn't like the smirk on Jaeburn's face. It only means bad things. "What did you do?" Frozyien says in a serious tone, each word spoken full of venom.


Jaeburn grins wider. "Oh, I don't know. I think it involves my powers, a place that means so much to you, and probably your loved ones. Take a wild guess."


Frozyien doesn't waste time and runs back to the city, leaving Jaeburn laughing in the darkness. He creates an ice path and a disc-shaped sled, acting as a skateboard to where he's going. He knows exactly where Jaeburn meant. There's only one place that would get to him.


Frozyien can see gray smoke rising to the sky a few streets away, and he knows that he's right. Jaeburn did target the orphanage, the place he grew up in when he was a child. He slides on the ice path faster, getting closer and closer to the only building with bright orange flames, smoke now thicker.


Frozyien stops in front of the building that's been his home for more than 12 years now. He looks around and there's no firemen yet. Why do they always expect him to be there to save the day and not do it themselves? Now he sort of understands where Jaeburn's coming from.


He ponders on how to go about the situation. He tries to be calm and be logical but deep inside he's panicking, worrying that someone already died. He knows he can't just freeze the whole building, it might affect the people inside, and it will be much harder to heal a frozen heart compared to a whatever-degree burn they might get. He searches for an entryway, anything that will get him inside. He sees an opening in the form of the first floor window and doesn't think twice about it. He rushes to the ground floor window, only for an explosion from the building to blow up, sending Frozyien flying to the ground. Frozyien stays lying on the concrete floor unconscious, blood seeping from his head, and a burning building in the background. The scene freezes.


"What will happen to Frozyien? Will he be able to save the orphanage? Stay tuned next week for another episode of The Fantastic Frozyien!"




The end credits start rolling and Jackson watches with amusement from the doorway as his 6 year-old brother, Bambam, who's wearing his official Frozyien t-shirt, jumps around in front of the television chanting "Frozyien!" with each jump.


Jackson looks at the box in his hands, a Frozyien action figure (complete with a detailed icy blue spandex uniform the superhero wears), and he can't help but feel proud that Bambam will love this gift. He's been asking for it ever since it was released. Although Christmas is still a few days away, he decides to give this one now, just so he can see his little Bambam happy.


The show on TV changes, something about reindeers helping high school students confess to their crushes, when Bambam stops jumping around and plops down on their carpeted floor, breathing heavily.


Jackson enters the living room while hiding the box behind his back. "Hey, kiddo."


Bambam stands up and grins at his older brother, some of his front teeth missing. "Jackson-hyung!" Bambam runs to Jackson and hugs him (or at least hugs his legs). Jackson hugs him back, all the while careful of not showing Bambam his gift yet.


Jackson kneels down to Bambam's level, looking at the kid in the eyes while smiling at him. Jackson loves Bambam deeply. He'll do anything to make this child smile. "Hey, Bam. It's almost Christmas. And I'm wondering what you wrote to Santa this year."


Bambam pouts. "I'm supposed to write to Santa? I haven't written to Santa yet. Would he still receive it if I do it now?"


"Of course!" Bambam smiles. "And he'll give you anything you want. Absolutely anything! He might even give it today if you're lucky." Bambam smiles wider.


"Absolutely anything?" Jackson nods. "I wanted a Frozyien action figure before but I'm changing my wish now."


Before Jackson has any time to react, Bambam's already running up the stairs to his room, probably to write a letter to Santa. Jackson sits on the couch and looks at the action figure he bought with his measly college student allowance. He thought about what could it possibly be that Bambam would want other than this toy. He knows Bambam hates the other characters especially Jaeburn, that's why his bestfriend Jinyoung can't hang out that often in his house anymore because according to Bambam, Jinyoung supposedly looks like Jaebum, the normal person identity of Jaeburn. So what is it that Bambam could want? Is there a newly released Frozyien action figure or merchandise he hasn't heard about?


Jackson's internal monologue is disturbed when he hears Bambam coming down the stairs. He hides the box behind him, reminding himself to be careful and not lean back and destroy it.


"Jackson-hyung! Look what I wrote! Can Santa give this?" Jackson takes the paper from Bambam and reads the scribbles that is Bambam's handwriting. It takes some effort but Jackson finally understands the message, and he doesn't know if he's glad about it.


"Dear Santa," Jackson reads aloud. "I wish that I could meet Frozyien in person. Thank you Santa! You're the best. Love, Bambam."


"Do you think Santa will grant it?" And Bambam's looking at Jackson with such hopeful eyes that it'd be a shame to disappoint it.


"Yeah, of course! He'd do anything, remember?" Bambam beams from the affirmation and he can't help but do a happy little dance at the prospect of meeting his favorite superhero.




Jinyoung arrives in front of the Wang household approximately 15 minutes after Jackson's distressed call. Jinyoung knocks on the door, remembering that manners matter to this family. He would've barged right in if it were any other. The door opens and he's ready to greet Jackson when he doesn't see anyone at the front door. Talk about manners. Jackson can't even greet his guest. He looks down, only to see cute little Bambam glaring at him.


"Hey, Bambam." Jinyoung enters the house and closes the door. "Why are you mad?" Jinyoung knows all about Bambam's hate for him, but doesn't take it personally. Actually, it sounded more of a compliment. To say that you look like JB, the actor playing Jaeburn, and one of Hallyu's top stars? Well, he doesn't hear that everyday and he'd be damned if he didn't feel flattered when a 6 year-old said so.


Bambam punches Jinyoung's thigh, barely having any impact to hurt, but Jinyoung pretends nonetheless. "What was that for?"


"That's for making Frozyien suffer!" Bambam runs away after that, happy with his somewhat revenge for his ultimate idol superhero.


Jinyoung only chuckles then goes up the stairs to Jackson's room. He's been here countless of times so he knows where he's going, knows what to expect. Knows that he should take a deep breath before entering the pig sty that is Jackson's room. He inhales deeply before opening the door, and is not prepared to see this. Instead of the usual messy room that Jackson lives in, his room is now spotless. Everything is clean. No more clothes thrown about anywhere, books neatly stacked in one corner and his bedsheets look fresh. Jinyoung's really surprised.


"You must be more distressed than I thought." Jinyoung comments as he walks to Jackson's bed and lies on it. "What got you so worked up?"


"Get this, Jinyoung, Bambam doesn't want the Frozyien action figure." Jinyoung stands up and stares at Jackson, who is now sitting on the bed frowning to the ground. He knows how much Jackson has saved to buy that toy, taking up a part-time job and barely eating just so he would have enough. Jinyoung can still see Jackson's eye bags from all the late night work. It must've been hard for Jackson to have his gift rejected. "Bambam wrote to Santa that he wanted to meet the actual Frozyien instead."


Now that is stressful. No late night work could ever afford that. He knows Jackson wants to make this the perfect Christmas. After all, this is Bambam's first Christmas with the Wang family after his adoption, and Jackson wants to be the perfect big brother for him. Jinyoung just can't say that he already is.


Jinyoung laughs, making Jackson give him a questioning look. "You know, the answer to that is quite simple. The set of Fantastic Frozyien is actually nearby, so maybe you could take Bambam there?"


Jackson frowns while he shakes head. "Nope, not gonna happen. I am not bringing Bambam along. Mark Tuan’s handsome and all but I won’t risk Mark Tuan saying rude things to Bambam. He truly believes Frozyien is real and more importantly, nice.”


"How about talking to Mark Tuan personally? You know, ask him a favor or something. Bambam's probably his biggest fan. Especially now with all the controversies he's facing."


Jackson stares at Jinyoung, a thoughtful expression on his face. If they go talk to Mark Tuan himself, they can process the request faster and they won't have a chance to ignore them, unlike if they were to send a letter or an email. Jackson can just say that his cute baby brother, who's probably Mark's biggest fan, wants to meet him for Christmas. Maybe he'll bring a picture, preferably that one where Bambam was wearing a Frozyien shirt. "That is actually not a bad idea. Let's do it." Jackson breaks into a grin.


"Us?" Jinyoung questions him.


"Yup. It's your idea after all. Get ready Jinyoung, we're going to the set of The Fantastic Frozyien."


Jinyoung gulps. No way is he getting out of this now, especially with that look on Jackson's face.




"So this is it? This is the set? Where is Mark Tuan?"


Jackson and Jinyoung are standing outside JYP Studios, or more accurately standing behind the crowd that's gathered in front of Mark Tuan's trailer, trying to get a glimpse inside. Rumors are floating around that Mark Tuan is shooting one of the "outdoor" (technically just outside the building) scenes so everyone's here to have a good look. After a few attempts from Jackson, which involves standing on his tiptoes as high as he can and still not seeing anything, he gives up. Damn these fangirls are getting taller these days. He walks back to Jinyoung, who's now comfortably standing at the back, not having a care in the world because he doesn't have cute little brothers to do this for. Why did he think that this was a good idea? Why does he love Bambam so much? Jackson kicks the soda can on the ground.


"Patience, child. From what I've heard, shooting hasn't started yet. Arrogant stars thinking they're all that and deciding not to go out of their trailers until the crowd thinned out." Jinyoung scoffs. He moves to the sidewalk and sits on it.


Jackson sits on the ground beside Jinyoung, trying to think of a plan. He needs to see Mark Tuan so he can convince him to meet his baby brother. He doesn't know how to exactly do that, but his primary concern as of the moment is how to get inside the trailer and talk to him. To do that, he needs the crowd to move so he can go inside. He needs a distraction for the people. Another star that's probably as famous as Mark Tuan. Problem is, he doesn't know anyone.


He looks at Jinyoung, who's distractedly playing games on his phone, and suddenly an idea starts forming in his head. Jackson taps Jinyoung's thigh repeatedly, until Jinyoung looks at him with a scowl on his face when he lost in his game.


"Hey, Jinyoung, remember that time in high school I covered for you when you said to your parents that you are going to the library when in fact you went to JB's concert?"




"And then you said that you owed me one? Anything I want?"


Jinyoung doesn't like where this is going. "Okay, what is it? Just say it already."


"I'm gonna ask for a teeny tiny favor."


"Again, just say it already."


"So I came up with this plan."


Jackson grins. Jinyoung doesn't like it one bit.






The whole crowd turns and looks around. Once they spotted the star, they run towards him, extending their hands holding their notebooks and pens, trying to get his autograph. And Jinyoung cannot believe this is actually working. That Jackson's plan is going, well, according to plan.


Jinyoung's now wearing the leather jacket Jackson brought ("I needed to look cool in front of Mark!") and a black mask that covers his nose and mouth, leaving his eyes to be the only part of his face exposed. His fringe was flattened as much as they could (Jinyoung cringes when he remembers the amount of saliva Jackson used) and he even wore earrings on both of his ears (he vehemently refuses when Jackson said they need to add more). Everyone's gathering around him, abandoning their post in front of Mark Tuan's trailer, giving Jackson the chance he needs. Whoa, so he does look like JB. Look at all these people he's fooling.


Jinyoung keeps bowing slightly and waving his hand, careful of not speaking or signing anything and have his cover exposed. From the distance, he sees Jackson make his way through the crowd and slip inside Mark Tuan's trailer unnoticed. Why was Mark Tuan's trailer unlocked? It's like he's asking for fans like Jackson to barge in. He focuses his attention back to the fans, not wanting JB to have a bad image because of him.


It actually feels nice, receiving this much attention. Jinyoung's not used to it, but he could. Maybe he'd audition someday. He has the looks of the star apparently. He'll enjoy this for now, until the moment when he's the one people cheers for comes around.










Jinyoung panics. How is he supposed to answer to that? Okay, now Jackson's plan is failing. Why did he even agree?


"Of course I love my fans. Why wouldn't I?"


Jinyoung's about to answer when an all too familiar voice speaks behind him. Familiar from listening to his songs everyday and every night, familiar from the reruns of the latest episode of The Fantastic Frozyien. He’ll recognize that voice anywhere. That voice belongs to none other than JB.




Jackson has finally made it inside the trailer, which was surprisingly easy to do. He immediately sees Mark Tuan, and finally, he understands what all the fuss is about. Mark Tuan is more handsome in person, not even high definition televisions giving his face justice. No camera in the world has been able to capture this beauty. They couldn't put Mark Tuan's aura that commands everyone's attention in a photograph. And he's even more beautiful like this. No makeup yet, just his bare face, smiling at himself about something as he scrolls on his phone, and Jackson thinks the word starstruck doesn't even cover what he's feeling at the moment. It's as if he's frozen, and now he's not so sure if Mark's powers in the show are real.


Mark senses another person's presence in his trailer, so he looks up to see a young man with blond hair standing near his doorway. He eyes the male suspiciously, thinking this is probably one of his many crazy fans. Usually, they're female, and this was the first time that he had a male fan stalk him. Finally, he doesn't need to be polite. "What the are you doing here? How'd you get in?"


Jackson can only gape from where he's standing. Apparently, Mark Tuan is as cold as his superhero role's powers are. Jackson snaps out of it and remembers that this is for Bambam. His precious Bambam, who in his six years of existence, hadn't even had a chance to celebrate Christmas, hadn't known what it's like to celebrate with a family. And now, Bambam's with the Wang family, and Jackson will make sure that his baby brother's first Christmas with them will be the most memorable one.


"Hi, Mark. I'm actually here because-"


Mark sighs before interrupting Jackson. "Let me guess, you're here because you're a really big fan and you want my autograph, I'm so awesome, blah blah blah. I've heard all of it. Can you please just stop wasting my time?"


Jackson stands there on his spot, unable to speak. He's heard of the rumors circulating about Mark's attitude, about how rude he was to everyone, even his fans, but he gives him the benefit of the doubt. Because Bambam believes that the guy who plays Frozyien is a good guy, a superhero, wouldn't do such a thing. And now Jackson's experiencing it first hand and he's at a loss for words.


"What? You just gonna stand there and marvel at my presence?" Mark picks up a photo from his table and signs it. "Fine, take this autographed picture and leave."


Jackson's lips turned downwards, feeling the disappointment this trip has caused him. How could he show himself to Bambam, make him believe in Christmas and the joy it brings, when the first thing his brother asked from Santa Claus cannot be fulfilled? And it's all because of Mark Tuan, who can't even give him the time of day. Suddenly, Jackson's furious because of the silver-haired boy, who has his arm outstretched, holding the photograph he signed a few moments ago.


"I don't care about you or your stupid autograph. I came here for my baby brother, who wanted to meet you so badly he even wrote to Santa about it. His first Christmas after his adoption, and the first thing he asks is to meet you. I came here thinking you'd at least hear me out and maybe find it in your cold little heart to meet my brother who's probably your biggest fan right now. Who wanted me to teach him how to use the internet so bad just so he could "stop the people saying bad things about Frozyien". I've heard all about the rumors, but maybe if my brother sees something in you, then maybe you're worth the doubt. But you just proved me wrong. So screw you and your autographed picture. I'd rather face a disappointed kid than let him meet the likes of you."


Jackson walks out of the trailer, leaving Mark stunned from what he just said. He bumps into Choi Youngjae, Mark's manager, and bows apologetically before proceeding on his way.




Jinyoung turns around and he's met face-to-face with his idol. JB spares him a glance before turning his attention back to the crowd.


"Sorry for the long wait everyone," JB puts an arm around Jinyoung. "This guy here will play my twin in the series and I just wanted to test it out if he actually looks like me."


JB pats Jinyoung's back as he's chuckling, the sound something Jinyoung only heard in variety shows in the past. It was beautiful, like a song in itself, and Jinyoung wouldn't mind if there was a track on JB's album of him laughing. The crowd seems to believe him and grabs his attention again. Jinyoung decides to step back to give the fans more space, but JB's hold on him becomes tighter.


Jinyoung is confused, even more confused than the time with his uality. Why is JB helping him? The star could have easily said that he's an impostor, yet he didn't. Is this for publicity or is JB a really nice guy?


Jinyoung stays there standing beside JB, not knowing what to do except enjoy his idol's arm around him. From the distance, he sees Jackson come out of Mark Tuan's trailer, who bows in front of someone he can only assume is Mark's manager, and when Jackson looks ahead, has an extremely unhappy expression on his face. And Jinyoung knows that this is his cue to leave. His best friend needs him now.


JB bids his fans goodbye and proceeds to his own trailer, dragging Jinyoung with him. When they are far from the crowd, Jinyoung breaks from JB's hold, startling the actor with the sudden movement. Jinyoung removes the mask from his face, JB finally seeing the man's full face. JB doesn't understand how people can confuse this guy with him, the other is much more beautiful as opposed to his sharp, handsome look.


"I'm really sorry for impersonating you, I swear I only did it for my best friend and it's for a good cause, I'm a huge fan, please believe me and don't send me to jail." Jinyoung bows his head. "Thank you for helping me, I'll repay you somehow, some other time, but right now my best friend needs me so I have to leave. I'm really sorry."


With a final bow, Jinyoung leaves JB, not even giving the star a chance to say anything. JB can only stare at his lookalike's retreating figure. He didn't even get a name. But maybe the internet can help him. JB smiles as he walks up to his trailer, phone already opened to his Twitter app. "Come on fans, now is the time your stalking skills will be useful," JB thinks to himself as he scrolls through his feed.




Youngjae feels like he had a really long day, and it's barely even noon yet. All these controversies about his client, Mark Tuan, keeps circulating and not even his publicist can make the issue die down. The president of JYP Studios has been on his back the whole time, asking him to fix the issue and make them stop. How exactly was Youngjae supposed to do that? He's not Frozyien who can just freeze everything, or even Jaeburn, who can set all of their computers and tabloids aflame to make them stop. They need damage control, and they need it fast.


Add to his worries is this male fan that just came out of his star's trailer, looking more furious than that time Mark did when Youngjae made him do a press conference inside an establishment without wifi. Mark can't really afford to lose a fan now. Fantastic, more damage control to do. Youngjae loves his job.


Youngjae enters Mark's trailer, expecting the superstar to be on his phone, as usual, searching himself on Google, or even playing a new game. He did not expect to see Mark sitting in his chair, staring at the space Youngjae's standing on.


"Mark," Youngjae snaps his fingers in front of the actor. Nothing. No reaction. Not even a blink. "Hey, Mark!" Youngjae shouts, and he succeeds, Mark finally taking notice of him.


Mark glares at Youngjae. "You didn't have to shout."


Youngjae only rolls his eyes, used to Mark's behavior. Then, he recalls he's here for business. "So, who was that guy that just left?"


"I don't know. A fan. Or an older brother of my fan." Mark starts to stare off into space, and Youngjae's worried now. "I didn't know I had great fans." Mark leans back into his chair, arms resting on the armrests. "Did you know I have a six year-old fan who wanted to learn how to use the internet just so he can stop the negative comments about me? Even asked Santa to meet me. That's like the cutest thing ever."


Mark continues to be in dream-like state, Youngjae's snapping fingers having no use at all. "What are you saying, Mark?"


"And he's also adopted. I remembered my first Christmas after being adopted. I also wanted to meet Frozyien, the original one. And now here is another fan, wanting the same thing, am I really not fulfilling the kid's wish? Am I really that cold of a person?" Mark looks at Youngjae, a serious expression on his handsome face.


Finally, Mark realizing something. It was such a huge achievement Youngjae could buy Mark a trophy. It's also making Youngjae tear up a little. Mark's still looking at him expectantly and he remembers he hasn't answered yet. "According to the media, you are. And we need to do damage control. So clear your Christmas plans, Mark, we're going to spend it with this six year-old fan of yours."


Youngjae is happy he thought of that plan when he sees Mark break into a grin, mumbling things about not disappointing a kid for Christmas. The only problem is he doesn't even know the guy, the only thing he recalls is the blonde hair. He will have to spend quite a lot of time on social media in hopes of finding the male. Great. Youngjae loves his job.


"I won't be the same as the old Frozyien who disappointed fans. Maybe he's still here." Mark whispers, more to himself.


Mark suddenly springs up from his seat and runs out of the trailer, leaving Youngjae dumbfounded at the actor's actions. He tries calling out to him, but no use, the star is already far away. He had to do something before the crowd takes notice of his departure. Add that to his growing list of damage control. Did Youngjae ever mention that he loved his job? Well, he doesn't. He seriously does not.




Jackson drags his feet to the bus stop, only to plop down on one of the benches. He keeps on thinking how disappointed Bambam will be when he finds out Santa, aka his amazing older brother, can't get The Fantastic Frozyien to visit him for Christmas. He doesn't want to think about how he ruined the holidays for his baby brother. How he might never write to Santa again. Why did Bambam have to idolize such an ?


Jackson turns to his right to see who sat beside him. When it's just Jinyoung, still wearing the leather jacket and the mask again, he doesn't hesitate to put his head on his best friend's shoulder. Jinyoung his hair lightly, having a great effect on calming him down.


"Bambam would be so sad," Jackson starts in a soft voice. "I just wanted to give him the best Christmas present, you know? Make him forget all about the pain in his past. Bring him all the happiness in the world."


"You tried. I'm sure Bambam would understand."


Silence envelops them, leaving Jackson no choice but to overthink again. Sensing this, Jinyoung nudges Jackson's shoulder until the older male looks up.


"What do you say about getting something to eat? I'm hungry." Jinyoung's stomach growls at that moment, making Jackson laugh. Jackson agrees and they stand up, already having a ramen shop in mind to dine in.


The two are about to cross the street, when a hand on his shoulder stops Jackson to move further. He turns around, only to be face-to-face with Mark Tuan.


"Hey...I'm sorry..." Mark says in between pants, still breathing heavily from the running he just did.


Jinyoung removes Mark's hand on Jackson, stepping in the actor's line of sight so he's facing him instead. "What do you want?" And maybe Jinyoung really is Jaebum, the normal person identity of Jaeburn, when he feels this burning hatred against the male in front of him. He will not let this guy hurt his best friend.


Mark scrunches his face, not happy about this JB wannabe disrupting this beautiful script he prepared for his male fan. "I'm here to talk to him," Mark points to Jackson. "Not you."


"Too bad, Mark. I'm the best friend. You'll have to talk to me too." Jinyoung's staring Mark down, reveling in the height advantage he has over the superstar.


Mark feels a sense of deja vu, the scene unfolding in front of him almost like it's from The Fantastic Frozyien, where his love interest happens to be Jaeburn's best friend, and the villain is doing anything he can to keep them apart. Only this time, it's only a JB lookalike in the scene with him and the supposedly love interest is a male fan.


Mark sighs and is about to answer when Jackson stands in between them and pushes them apart. "Stop it, guys. People are looking." Jackson turns to Mark. "Can you please just say what you want so we can leave? We don't want to waste any more of your time."


"I'm actually here to apologize, for my behavior earlier. I didn't realize I was that rude until you left. If you'd let me, I would love to meet your baby brother." Mark ends it with a smile.


Jackson cannot believe what he's hearing. There, right in front of him, is Mark Tuan, trying to save Bambam's Christmas. He can already imagine the joy in Bambam's face when he sees Frozyien.


"Don't do it, Jackson," Jinyoung says from his side, disturbing his inner monologue and his growing belief in Christmas miracles. "He's doing it for the publicity. He's planning to use Bambam."


And Jackson's face falls, thinking Jinyoung is right; no wonder Mark Tuan suddenly had a change of heart. Maybe there's no such thing as Christmas miracles after all. He will not let this star use his precious Bambam.


Mark looks from Jackson to Jinyoung. "No no no. You got it all wrong. I really want to meet your brother. I won't let the press know. No cameras. Just me spending time with a fan."


"Yeah, right," Jackson scoffs. "Goodbye Mark Tuan, your fans await."


Before Mark has a chance to say more, his fans started swarming around him, effectively blocking the two retreating figures. They keep taking photos of him and ask for his autograph, leaving him no room for escape. He is so making Youngjae spend a lot of time on social media to find out his fan's name and address.




Jackson goes home, his mother having this expectant look on her face. Everyone in the Wang household wants to make it a memorable Christmas for Bambam as well. He only shakes his head before she can even ask, then climbs upstairs to his room and lie on his bed.


As much as he wants to sulk around all day about his failure as a big brother, Jackson still wants to make it a Christmas to remember for Bambam. With only a few days before the special day, he makes sure that the youngest member of the Wang family will experience the whole spirit of the holidays.


Jackson stands up, a new determination finding its way inside him. He may not be able to get Mark Tuan for Bambam, that doesn't mean he can't make this a memorable holiday. He walks to Bambam's room and knocks on his door. He opens the door slightly, taking a peek at what his brother is doing. Upon hearing the door opening, Bambam looks up from his drawing and beams at his older brother.


"Jackson-hyung!" Bambam runs to his door and throws it open, so he can hug his hyung. Bambam pulls away and starts dragging Jackson inside. Jackson can only chuckle at his brother's enthusiasm.


They stop on Bambam's bed, the younger pushing Jackson to sit down. Bambam holds up a piece of paper in front of Jackson.


"Look at my drawing, hyung! I made it for Frozyien when he visits for Christmas!" Jackson smiles as his brother chatters animatedly about his drawing of Frozyien, with an unconscious Jaeburn lying on the side.


"See, here, hyung," Bambam points to a house in his drawing colored in orange. "This is the orphanage that Frozyien will save! And he'll save all the kids just like how you saved me!"


Jackson tries to hold back tears, he really does, but he can't help but feel emotional especially when this kid in front of him is talking about how his brother is his real hero. He really didn't do anything special, aside from making his parents adopt this little ball of cuteness when he volunteered at an orphanage for a class in college, and he can't bear the thought of parting with the kid after hearing his story and after they have bonded over their mutual love for Frozyien. He motions for Bambam to sit on his lap, and he puts his arms around him, just so Bambam can't see the tears threatening to fall.


"Do you think he'll love it, hyung?" Bambam turns his head to look at Jackson.


Jackson blinks rapidly to dry the tears. "Of course." Jackson smiles.


"I can't wait for Christmas day." Bambam sighs dreamily as he turns back his head to stare at his artwork.


"But we can't have Frozyien over."


"What? Why?" Jackson hears Bambam's voice quiver, and he doesn't need to turn to see the tears forming in his brother's eyes, his same reaction just a few seconds ago. How can he break such bad news to him? The answer is he can't, so he simply shakes his head and retracts his statement.


"How can we have our superhero over, when we don't have Christmas decorations yet? We have to make it the best Christmas for him, right?" Bambam nods his head vigorously. "What do you say, want to help me decorate?"


Bambam climbs down from Jackson's lap and yells. "Let's do it!"


They decorate the house three days before Christmas and they are able to finish everything within the day. They hang Christmas stockings on their fireplace, Jackson lifting Bambam up so he can put his letter to Santa inside one. They help their mother in baking cookies (although the most help they did was eating leftovers). They add a mistletoe above the doorway, Jackson never failing to give Bambam a kiss on the cheek every time they're caught, making Bambam shout "Ew!" each time. Lastly, they set up a tree in their living room, Jackson carrying Bambam again so he can add decorations and the star on top of it.


As Jackson sees the gleam in Bambam's eyes after they've finished decorating, he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that he already made this a memorable holiday for Bambam. Now, he just has to think of a way to say to his brother that Frozyien won't be coming. He still wishes Christmas miracles do happen.




Christmas morning comes around faster than anyone expected, everyone excited to celebrate the holiday. The most excited about it is Bambam, who goes down the stairs and to the Christmas tree the first thing after he woke up. No one is awake yet, and Bambam pouts as he remembers he can't open gifts unless everyone is there. Nevertheless, he still sits by the tree, holding a box wrapped in pretty holiday gift wrapper, his name written on the top.


"Well, well, who do we have here?" Bambam searches the source of the voice, his eyes landing on a tall figure wearing all black with red hair--Jaeburn. The villain walks towards him, and Bambam can't help but tremble at the sight. "Jaeburn" picks up the box from Bambam's hands and throws it to the side, eyes focused on the scared little kid. Bambam holds his knees to his chest, afraid of what the villain will do to him.


"Stop there, Jaeburn!" Bambam's face lights up when he sees the familiar light blue uniform. It can only mean one thing: Frozyien is there to save him.


Jinyoung can only face palm at Jackson's cringeworthy acting. When they decided to dress up as Frozyien and Jaeburn and perform a skit in front of Bambam, he did not expect that this would be the improvised acting Jackson would be doing. He even dyed his hair red for the part and he was doing so well, having Bambam all scared, but no, Jackson has to come in delivering lines in a dramatic and exaggerated fashion. If this fails, it's all on Jackson.


"Move away, villain! Step away from the kid or I'll freeze you!"


"Never!" Fake "Jaeburn" steps closer to Bambam. Bambam shivers in fear.


"I'll freeze your heart!" Fake "Frozyien" holds up a hand at "Jaeburn".


"Jaeburn" clutches his chest and pretends to stagger in his movements. "What did you do?" He dramatically gasps. He falls on his knees, and a few moments later falls flat on the carpeted floor.


Bambam watches in amazement as "Frozyien" lightly kicks "Jaeburn"'s body to check if he's still alive. When there are no signs of movement, "Frozyien" puts his hands on his hips and puffs out his chest, Jackson's own superhero pose.


"Frozyien! Frozyien! You came!" Bambam hugs his favorite superhero. His idol kneels down to his level and stares him in the eyes. He takes off his mask.


"Jackson-hyung?" Bambam's eyebrows furrow in confusion.


Jackson gives him a small smile. "Hey, Bam. Merry Christmas. Sorry Santa can't--"


Jackson is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. He motions for Bambam to wait while he opens the door.


He walks to the door, curious. Who would visit them this Christmas? Is his family expecting some guests over? And what perfect timing these people have. Just when he is about to explain things to Bambam. He doesn't know if he should be happy or not. Either way, his parents should have said so if they invited anyone. He could have changed into something more appropriate, instead of this itchy spandex clinging to his body.


Jackson opens the door, only to be met by a male smiling at him, wearing the exact same outfit as him, only with much greater detail and quality--the real Frozyien.




"Frozyien!" Bambam runs from the living room and hugs his real favorite superhero. "I knew you'd come. I knew Santa won't let me down."


"Of course, I'm here for you, Bambam."


Bambam gasps. "You know my name! Come inside, let's play!"


Jackson only looks confused as his baby brother drags Mark Tuan inside their house. He sees Jinyoung sporting the same expression as him, even his parents who are standing at the foot of the stairs, having been woken up by the sound of bad acting and the doorbell ringing.


Jackson still has his mouth hanging open by the time Bambam returns to drag him back inside the house. "Come, Jackson-hyung! Let's play with Frozyien!"


Jackson follows him back to the living room, only to see Mark already sitting on the couch, looking at Bambam's drawing.


Mark looks up when he hears their arrival and grins at Bambam. "This is a great drawing, Bambam! Is it okay if I keep it?"


"Yes! I'll draw you more!" Bambam pulls Jackson towards the sofa, and directs him to sit next to Mark, Jackson bumping shoulders with as he did so. With the sudden contact, Jackson becomes confused if it is the costume, or is it getting hotter on Christmas Day. He did not expect that he would be spending the holiday with Mark Tuan, admittedly his celebrity crush, although he has a cold personality.


Bambam squishes himself between the two guys wearing the Frozyien costume and releases a contented sigh. "I'm so happy! The two superheroes in my life are sitting beside me! This is the best Christmas ever!"


Bambam puts his arms around Mark's waist. "Thank you for coming, Frozyien!" He then does the same to Jackson. "Thank you Jackson-hyung!" He pulls the both of them together, or as much as a 6 year-old can pull. "Merry Christmas!"


Jackson looks at Bambam. His heart melts upon seeing the happiness in his brother's smile and eyes. He feels relieved that they managed to make this the best first Christmas for Bambam.


When he looks at Mark, Jackson can see a genuine smile on Mark's face, not the ones he shows on TV and movies. He's glad that Mark Tuan came through for them, even fulfilling his promise of not bringing any media with him. Maybe he's not as bad as everyone believes him to be after all.




The whole day flew by with Mark playing with Bambam as much as his young fan wanted. Spending the holiday with the Wangs (plus Jinyoung and Youngjae, who finally went in after spending quite some time staying in the car) was surprisingly enjoyable and he's glad he pushed through with this plan. Especially getting to spend some time with Bambam's older brother, Jackson. Mark finds himself unsurprisingly attracted to the blond male wearing the same outfit as him (yeah, add his uality to the ever growing list of rumors going around about him), witnessing how he interacted with Bambam and with his fun personality as well. It makes him wish that he had someone like Jackson in his life when he was younger.


Being an adopted child was something Mark can relate to, and although the family that took him in was kind, even supportive of his dreams of becoming an actor, Mark can't help but feel a tiny bit sad that he didn't have an older brother like Jackson that looked out for him. It was nice that Bambam has someone like Jackson, that kid has been through a lot and deserves all the happiness in the world. Mark's glad that he can make him happy just by wearing a superhero costume.


Mark is not the cold person others make him out to be. He's usually bright and fun to be with, but it takes some time for him to show that side to other people so he's usually quiet around others, earning him the label of "no fun" from his fans and colleagues in the industry. He would be asked to appear in variety shows because of his growing popularity, only to have most of his parts edited out since he didn't do anything even remotely funny. It got to the point that his management talked to him about his lacking personality, even asking him to act as someone with one. They told him he was a great actor, just not a fun person to be around with. So his cold persona was born, and admittedly it was what got him to his superstardom. It gets tiring most of the time, but now with Bambam and Jackson, Mark can truly say he's elated with finally showing his true personality again. It's as if a weight has been lifted from his chest every time he laughs wholeheartedly with these people around him.


Too bad he has to leave early because of his schedule.


"I'll give you a few minutes. I'll wait in the car," Youngjae stands up from his position and says his goodbyes to everyone, before walking out of the door.


Mark looks at Bambam, who's looking at him with big, sad eyes.


Mark smiles. "Hey, don't worry. I'll come by again sometime," Mark ruffles Bambam's hair.


"Promise?" Bambam holds out his pinky finger and Mark promptly intertwines his own pinky with Bambam's.


"Promise." Mark stands up from the couch. "Well, I better get going."


Mark thanks everyone in the house, even Jinyoung who only rolled his eyes at him.


"I'll walk you to the door."


Mark smiles to himself as he and Jackson walk together to the front door. A few moments pass by with them not saying anything, just staring at each other. It's Jackson who breaks the silence first.


"Well, uhm," Jackson scratches his nape and looks down, "thanks for coming, Mark. I know you're a busy person and all, but thank you for spending Christmas with us."


"Are you kidding? It was one of the best Christmas days I've ever had."


"Really?" Jackson looks into Mark's eyes and grins. "Thank you."


Mark grins as well.


"Frozyien! Frozyien! You forgot my drawing!" Bambam rushes to the front door and when he sees his brother and Frozyien talking to each other, he immediately smiles.


Jackson and Mark both give Bambam confused looks, not knowing what the kid's happy expression is about.


Bambam points up, and when both boys still don't understand what they're supposed to be looking at, only looks at Bambam again.


Bambam continues pointing his small, chubby index finger up. "Mistletoe! Now both of you have to kiss!"


Both males wearing Frozyien costumes look up and indeed, there's a mistletoe right above them. Jackson immediately flushes at his brother's words.


"N-no, Bam! I can't kiss him!" Jackson shakes his head at his brother.


"Why not?" Bambam asks.


"Yeah, Jackson. Why not?" Jackson turns around to see Mark smirking at him. "There's nothing wrong with one kiss, yeah? And it's Bambam’s request."


Jackson closes his eyes when Mark starts leaning closer to him, already anticipating how would Mark's lips feel on his own. It never comes and Jackson's quite disappointed actually. He opens his eyes and they widen when he sees Mark just a few centimeters away from him. Mark smirks again and leans closer, only to change course quickly and kisses Jackson's cheek instead.


"Maybe some other time."


Jackson's still in a daze, not quite comprehending what Mark just said. Mark takes the opportunity to grab the drawing from Bambam's hands and smiles at Jackson again.


"Well, see you guys again soon."


Mark walks out the door and into his car, and waves his hand to them one last time before he gets inside.


Jackson's holding his cheek, staring at the space Mark was previously occupying. Did the kiss just happen? And did Mark just say he'll visit again?


“Thank you, Jackson-hyung!” Jackson snaps out of his thoughts when he feels Bambam's tiny arms wrap around his legs. “This is the best Christmas ever! I love you!”


Jackson lifts Bambam to his level. “Really? I love you too, Bam! You like my gift?”


“Yes! Best gift ever!”


Jackson carries Bambam back inside to their house, smiling the whole time. With how things happened today, looks like Bambam isn’t the only one that got the best gift ever.


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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3