Happy Holidays, youngjaehs

Who's My IGOT7 Santa? 2015

Gift for youngjaehs

Gift from ???

Title:Christmas Confessions

Pairings: child!2jae and parents!markjin

How many words: 1,599

Rating: Fluff, fluff all around, maybe a little angst, still fluff overpowers it.

Warnings: Over fluff

Note: I wanted to keep the story short, fluffy and sweet!! I hope you like my gift to you!! Have fun reading! ^__^

Christmas confessions


10 A.M.


“WAAAAAKKKKEEEE UUUUPPPPP JAEBUMMIIEE HYUNG!!!! IT’S KWISHMASH!!!” Youngjae screams as he continuously jumps on Jaebum’s bed. But he won’t budge at all. Youngjae pouts, whines, and does the same thing again. After a few minutes, Youngjae gives up to find his Younggie umma, but before he can do so, a hand grabs his tiny wrist, and pulls him into a chest.


“Jaebummie!! Why did chu not wake up when I told chu to?? We have to get weady for th-”

Before he can say anymore, Jaebum hugs him tighter, presses a kiss in his forehead, and says,


“Shhh Jaejae, I wanna sleep a bit more,” and closes his eyes after. Youngjae, now blushing, pouts once again, snuggles into Jaebum’s chest and sleep takes over him.


*In the living room*


“Honey, why are Youngjae and Jaebum taking so long? We’re gonna be late! We still have to bring Jaebum back to Jackson and Bambam! When does the party start? Do I look good? Oh m-”


Mark stops Jinyoung’s ranting with a kiss to his lips. Jinyoung pouts, blushes and turns to Mark.


“Why did you do that? I-I m-me-mean the kiss?” He says while hitting Mark on the chest playfully. Mark kisses him again, puts his hands on his waist, and says as he slowly pulls Jinyoung closer.


“Because, 1) we’re not late, the party doesn’t start until 3, 2) Youngjae was probably put back to sleep by Jaebum, 3) we can give him back to Jackson and Bambam at the party, and 4) Inyoungie, you will always look beautiful to me no matter what.” He calmly states while slowly pulling Jinyoung closer to him. Jinyoung smiles and kisses Mark.


“Thanks hubby, I love you! But we need to wake them up so we can make them look even more adorable than they already are!!!” Jinyoung quickly pulls away from Mark’s embrace and runs into Youngjae’s room. Mark looks at the his “wifey” skipping away, and smiles adoringly at the sight…..Until he hears a scream/squeal in Youngjae’s room. He quickly runs to the room only to see Jinyoung “silently” fangirling at the two children sleeping.


“Awwww!!!! Look at the two Mark!! They’re so cute!! >____<” Jinyoung gushes while taking pictures of 2jae. Mark shakes his head, and slowly goes to the two children. He whispers “kindly” in Jaebum’s ear,


“Jaebum-ah, I know you’re awake, and I suggest get away from Youngjae before I take all of your bacon at the dining room.” With that statement, Jaebum quickly gets up, and greets Jinyoung (who was watching in confusion), and runs to the dining room to eat his precious bacon. After a few minutes, Jinyoung finally understands the situation, and hits Mark on the forehead.


“Why are scaring Jaebum like that? You know that Youngjae will be sad if you keep trying to pry Jaebum away from him.”


Mark rubs his forehead and sternly says, “I don’t care, they are too young to be that close. Jaebum should know how to control his hormones. Youngjae should know when to stop being too close to him.”


Jinyoung just stares at his like he’s from another world, and all of the sudden starts laughing. His laughing wakes Youngjae up, and Youngjae whines so Jinyoung carries him.


“Hey Jaejae, breakfast is ready in the dining room. Jaebum ah is already there, you don’t want him to eat all of the bacon right?” As soon as his ‘umma’ said bacon, Youngjae was struggling to get out of Jinyoung’s arms, and runs to the dining room to eat his precious bacon.


After Youngjae leaves the room, Jinyoung turns to Mark, and says, “I don’t know why you don’t ship them. They are adorable like the two other kids Taehyung and Jungkook! Me and Jin came up with their ship name!”


“I don’t care. They are too young. And why are you and Jin shipping children and making up names for them. They. Are. Children.”


“Awww Mark, don’t be such a strict father.”


“I have to be the strict parent. If I wasn’t here, Youngjae would become a rebellious child.”


Jinyoung chuckles, comes closer to Mark and teasingly whispers, “I don’t mind if you are like that though. In fact, I find it hot.” Then he moves away before Mark can do anything to him and goes to the dining room.


*Dining Room*

“Jaebummie!! Stop eating aw of my bacon!” Youngjae whines as Jaebum takes more pieces of his bacon and eats it.


“Then stop whining so much and eat,” Jaebum replies back glaring at him. Youngjae stops whining and starts to wonder why Jaebum is all of the sudden being cold to him even after their cuddling session.


“Why are you being so mean?”


“Because you are being annoying, and I want to eat bacon.” Jaebum says annoyed. This confuses the tinier child even more, and when he tries to poke Jaebum’s cheek, he slaps his hands away. Youngjae flinches, tears gather in his eyes, and he runs away to Jinyoung, who walks in.


“What’s wrong Youngie?” Jinyoung asks as he carries the quietly sobbing child in his arms.


“Nothing umma. Can I open my presents now?” Youngjae says while snuggling into his umma’s arms. Jinyoung knew there was something wrong when the little child started to shake. He looked at Mark, and mouthed, ‘you talk to Jae, while I go with Youngie, k?’ Mark nods, understanding the situation, and turns to look at Jaebum with his head down. After Jinyoung and Youngjae leave, Mark crouches down to Jaebum’s height (he was sitting too), and said,


“Jae-ah, what’s wrong? I was just kidding about earlier (yeah right). If you are mad about that, hey are you okay?” He stops his mini lecture when he sees the child shaking his head. Jaebum looks up to him pouting and all of the sudden whines,


“I don’t like seeing him with Yuggie!! Yuggie is too touchy with him!” Mark stands and looks at the child with confusion, until everything slaps (not really though) him in the face.


Flashback: November 17, 2015 (aka. Yugyeom’s 3rd birthday)


“Youngjaeeeiii!! Hyungie fadskjf (these are supposed to be baby noises XD).”


“Hewwoo Yuggie!! I mish you chu!” a 5 year old Youngjae cheerfully said to the birthday boy. The minute little Yugyeom saw his favorite ‘hyungie,’ he walked (more like wobbled with his giant bunny slippers) over to him and gave him a big hug. Youngjae laughed and hugged the little child back.


Behind him is a silent, pouty Jaebum. Throughout Yugyeom’s party, little Yuggie never left Youngjae’s side and vice versa, leaving the pouty Jaebum alone. From then on, Jaebum has been jealous of Yugyeom, and even the thought of him and his Youngie together will get him in a bad mood.  He doesn’t talk to Yugyeom much anymore because of it too.


End of flashback


“Hey Jae ah, are you excited to go to uncle Taecyeon and Wooyoung’s Christmas party? Yugyeom will surely be glad that you and Youngjae are there.” Mark says teasingly, understanding why Jaebum is ‘mad’ at Youngjae.


“No I don’t want to go! Yuggie will be there to steal Youngie away from me again! Youngie is mine!” Jaebum whines and pouts at the thought.


“But Jaejae ish mine chuu!! Yuggie ish just my cutie younger bwother!” Someone screams from across the living room. It was Youngjae listening from the wall between the living room and the kitchen (even though the door separating them was open already XD). He was wondering what his appa and Jaejae were talking about. Plus, he didn’t want to open his presents without his best buddy.


After Jaebum heard what Youngjae said, he turned around and saw the little child run up to him. Before he can open his arms, he was already on the ground being hugged by tiny arms. He hugs Youngjae back and kisses him in the forehead.


“That’s all I wanted to hear Youngie! You’re mine only!” Jaebum happily declares. Youngjae blushes and hides his face in Jaebum’s chest.


Jinyoung and Mark just turn to look at each other after watching the scene unfold. They giggle (well mostly Jinyoung) at them and quickly walk to the two little children on the ground. After Mark separates them (much to Jaebum’s dismay), Jinyoung says


“You guys better open your presents now from us and we’ll go to uncle Taecyeon and Wooyoung’s party to get the rest of them!!” Before he can actually finish what he had to say, 2Jae were already running towards the tree and opening their presents. Mark and Jinyoung walk over to the couch to watch them play with their new toys, and they lived happily ever after!


The End!!




Extra (Cause I’m feeling extra Christmasy)


Uncle Taecyeon and Wooyoung’s party


“Hyuungiee!!” A very excited Yugyeom screams after seeing Youngjae go inside. He tackles the older into a giant hug and Youngjae happily exclaims,


“Yugiiee!! I missed you!!”


Jaebum pouts at the scene but remembers what his Youngie said to him earlier. He joins the duo and calmly says,


“Hello Yugie,” Yugyeom stares at him in wonder, and after a few seconds, he hugs Jaebum too.


“Hello Youngie’s hubby!! Youngie really likes you so I will like you too!” Jaebum stares at the child, turns to look at the blushing Youngjae, and back at the child cuddling him like a koala.


He smiles warmly and says,

“Hello Yuggie! It’s nice to meet Youngie’s little brother.”


After the cute scene, they go into the living room, get more presents and play until the end of the day.


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SeSa2015, 2016.10.11: One more gift for a pitch hitcher will be posted in a few days. Please look forward to it~


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Chapter 64: So cute <3
Chapter 5: It's so sad that i just got to know about this later.
Chapter 44: this is the sweetest and the most well written one shot so far. plus i adore the idea of jaebum as a father of an adorable
lil five year old.
Chapter 67: Whoop! Hopefully the other two writers get their stories as well!
amatsukishi #5
Chapter 20: I'm in love with this story. I really love a good long read. Ty to the one who made this.
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 66: Yes..markjin!! I hope authornim update the sequel..Fighting!!
Chapter 6: I think its better for you to include pairing along with fic title, author + for who...
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 42: I love this authornim..2jae is soo sweet rooting for mark to ask out jinyoungie..soo cute!! ^.^
Chapter 5: Can't wait for Christmas to be near again, I want to join again. This was the first event that I joined and it turned out fun ^^
mxwang #10
Chapter 20: Wah so long. But love it <3