Chapter 9

Collision of Two Worlds

"So.. Taeyeon.. can I ask you a few things?" Sunny asked as soon as she took a seat beside Taeyeon inside the school gym. Class hours just ended and everyone was asked to do the preparations for the welcoming event again. "Sure.. what is it?" Taeyeon asked after giving Yoona a glance, she smiled when she saw her sister making new friends. 

"Uhm.. how'd you know Iris? How did you got in?" Sunny asked while cutting a piece of paper. "Iris is really famous specially back to where I'm from. How did I got in? Well, I don't really plan on going in here but Yoona asked me take the exams just for fun so I agreed. Never thought I'll pass and then here I am.. studying here" Taeyeon said with a smile and Sunny nodded her head remembering every word Taeyeon had said. 

"What about your family? What does your family do?" Sunny asked completely remembering everything Yoona had told her before about Taeyeon's biological parents. "My mom and dad.. the biological ones died at a car accident" Taeyeon said and Sunny frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that" Sunny said sincerely and Taeyeon smiled before shaking her head. "It's alright.. but if you want to know what they do.. well.. dad works in an office but mom stays at home.. taking care of me" Taeyeon said and Sunny nodded her head. 

"I see.. I'm sorry if I'm being nosy" Sunny said after picking up another piece of paper and cutting it in a a designated shape and Taeyeon chuckled before shaking her head. "It's alright.. I've moved on now even if it hurts sometimes if I remember them. But I'm happy now, specially that I got Yoona and her family by my side" Taeyeon said with a genuine smile and Sunny nodded her head. 

"What about you?" Taeyeon asked, repeating what Sunny does with the papers. "Me?" Sunny asked before dropping the paper she's cutting. 

My family's gone, hundred of years ago. She thought. 

"Well, they're all gone so it's me who's living now" Sunny said with a small smile and Taeyeon nodded her head. "I'm sorry to hear that" Taeyeon said and Sunny shook her head. "Nah, it's alright. I've learned to live with it anyways" Sunny said and Taeyeon chuckled upon seeing Sunny bright side in spite of what had happened to her. 

Well, it was hundreds of years ago so Sunny's already used to it. 

"How did you got in here anyways?" Taeyeon asked and Sunny started to resume back to her work. "Scholarship? The sponsor's really a generous man" Sunny said and Taeyeon nodded her head. "You know the sponsor?" Taeyeon asked and Sunny stopped cutting before closing her eyes and mentally scolding herself. 

I should be putting her away from him, not letting her get close. Sunny thought. 

"Uhh.. not that much" Sunny said and Taeyeon nodded her head believing Sunny's lies. Continuing to do the work, Taeyeon became silent and Sunny on the other hand kept watching her cautiously. 

She really looks like her. Sunny thought. 

"Okay class.. this is enough for today! Go home!" Boa said as she clapped her hands twice and the students scurried out of the gym. Standing up, Taeyeon brushed her skirt and so as Sunny. "Are you done?" Yoona asked as soon as she approached them. Nodding her head, Taeyeon gave her sister a thumbs up. "Let's go home?" Taeyeon asked and Yoona nodded her head. Linking her arms with her sister's, Yoona turned her attention to Sunny. 

"Come with us?" Yoona asked while offering her other arm and Sunny gladly linked her arm with Yoona's. "Let's go!" Sunny shouted causing the other two to laugh with her crazy antics. Going out of the school gates, Sunny separated from the two and bid their goodbyes. Seeing the two disappear at the end of the road, Sunny looked around and ran back inside the academy. 

"Why are you back here?" Leeteuk asked as soon as Sunny entered his office and slumped herself on the couch. "I don't know probably because I'm waiting for you to take action for the way Baekhyun acts?" Sunny asked and Leeteuk sighed. "He's not showing up here what do you want me to do about it?" Leeteuk asked and Sunny got up from the couch and rolled her eyes. 

"Let me remind you what century we are in then.. it's the 21st century and there's a thing called phone where you can call and message someone. I'm sure you've heard of it" Sunny said sarcastically and Leeteuk shook his head in annoyance. "Alright.. I'll call him but head home. I don't want to see you here" Leeteuk said while shooing Sunny away causing the latter to glare at him. 

"I'm waiting for Boa unnie" Sunny said before sticking her tongue out causing Leeteuk to roll his eyes. Getting the telephone, Leeteuk pressed a number and smirked at Sunny. "Yes, this is the dean. Can you please tell Ms. Kwon Boa to come here at my office? Tell her it's urgent, thank you" Leeteuk said before putting the telephone down. 

"Why did you do that?!" Sunny asked and Leeteuk chuckled. "You won't go home unless Boa's coming with you. So for short, I'll tell her to go home too. I don't want to see your face here" Leeteuk said and sunny picked up a nearby pebble from one of the ashtray above the drawer that's next to where she's sitting at and threw it at Leeteuk but Leeteuk managed to catch it without even looking at her, he's too focused at the book infront of him. 

"I hate you" Sunny said and Leeteuk laughed. Soon, a knock was heard and Boa came in. "Is there something you need from me?" Boa asked and Leeteuk pointed at Sunny. "What's your problem?" Boa asked while looking at Sunny with hands on her waist. 

"Let's go home unnie" Sunny cutely said and Boa pretended to shiver. "Can't you go home alone? I have lots to do" boa said and Sunny pouted. "Please?" Sunny asked and Boa rolled her eyes. "What is it that you want this time?" Boa asked and Sunny smiled sheepishly. 

"Give me some money" Sunny nonchalantly said and Boa looked at her incredulously. "You have lots of it" Boa said and Sunny rolled her eyes before getting up. "You're no fun" Sunny said and walked towards the door. As soon as she opened it, Sunny's eyes widened when he saw the person standing infront of her.

"Glad you're here" Sunny said and Baekhyun raised his brows. "Why?" Baekhyun asked and Sunny only pointed at Leeteuk who now have a stern look on.

"We need to talk"


A/N: Too tired T.T Sorry if this chapter doesn't contain much from BaekYeon. I just came home and updated immediately. My head's aching so yeah.. I need some rest >< 


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yasmin98 #1
hii authornim can i know if you have post some of your story on the wattpad?
Chapter 80: Ahh I love this so much>< great writting skills and nice plot too!! Thks for the knowledge of vampires hahhaa^^ keep up the good work authornim!! I'll suport you forever!!^^
Chapter 80: 1.Airplane*tick*
2.Airplane sequel *tick*
3.Dark side *tick*
4.i dont want to be an idol *tick*
5.memory of yesteryear *tick* dont cry *tick* string of fate *tick*
8.somebody to you *tick*
9.collision of two world *tick*
Now one more stories of baekyeon to accomplished
"Collision of two world the sequel"

Btw..i cried..i honestly dissapointed when i read that taeyeon is death but i know it was a happy ending because i know author-nim is kind rightt?? *devilish smile*ok im just joking..anyways
"You are a great author"
imyura9815 #4
Chapter 80: Chapter 80:I love it so much!!!! You're very fantastic authornim.....this story reaaalllyy beautiful.....I already become your fan~~~~
imyura9815 #5
Omgiee....really author nim...I cant take it....why you make yoona dies....*crying crazily*
aaangela #6
Chapter 80: i finished it !! Finally. i cried at the last chapter and is still crying now. this is one of the best baekyeon fanfiction eveeer. pls continue to keep writing authornim !!
aaangela #7
aiiish >_< i still dont get whats happening so far ... ive read some of the comments and im guessing that this is a vampire story ? i kinda feel like this is Twilight from what ive read so far. can someone please explain this to me ? thaank you . keep writing authornim ~~~~ daaebak ♡
Chapter 80: Its 3.53am and i just finished reading... i have to say iITS THE BEST BEAKYEON STORY EVER!!!!
Every chapter is meaningful and beautiful... i really enjoyed reading it.. specially baekyeon romantic moments, yoontae and heechul taeyeon's bickering..they really sounds like siblings.. ha ha cuttte.... and i am going to read the sequel too.. i want to thank you for writing this amazing story.. i hope you'll write more in future too..
Chapter 2: oooooh.. it's a vampire story? WOW!!!
and I hope it's a BaekYeon too? I should have found this before...
taenggu_ #10
Chapter 80: im crying so hard ㅠ.ㅠ