Chapter 61

Collision of Two Worlds

"I'll go back to class now and I don't want to see you sad anymore. Understood?" Taeyeon asked finally letting go of him and Baekhyun nodded his head. "Understood" Baekhyun said as he reluctantly let go of her. Waving him goodbye, Taeyeon walked back towards her homeroom hoping that Baekhyun won't get all down and sad anymore. 

The bell rung signaling the students that it was time for the class dismissal, not even waiting for the teacher to finish talking, everyone packed their bags up and left leaving Taeyeon alone inside the classroom with Sunny there with her too. "Aren't you going to leave yet?" Taeyeon asked when she saw Sunny not moving from her place. "Let me accompany you until you see him" Sunny said and Taeyeon nodded her head but before they can even go out of their homeroom, a student, who looked much younger than them walked towards Taeyeon. 

"Are you Taeyeon noona?" The guy asked and Taeyeon furrowed her brows. "Yes, is there anything I can help you with?" Taeyeon asked guessing that the boy who approached her is one of the juniors there in Iris because of the uniform he's wearing. "Someone in the gates asked me to give this to you" The boy said before handling Taeyeon a single flower. 

Glancing at Sunny, Taeyeon reluctantly reached out and took the flower from the boy. "Is it from the sponsor?" Taeyeon asked and the boy shook his head. "No noona, he's not the sponsor. I think he doesn't study here too" The boy stated and Taeyeon furrowed her brows. She doesn't know anyone outside of Iris rather than her friends back in her hometown but no, she knows she doesn't have admirers there. So why? 

"He doesn't study here?" Sunny asked breaking Taeyeon's chain of thoughts. "Yes noona. He just passed by and gave that to me, he said I should give it to a senior named Kim Taeyeon" The boy stated and Taeyeon stared at the flower before heaving a sigh. "Alright, thanks you can go now" Taeyeon said and the boy bowed at them before leaving, turning her head towards Sunny, Taeyeon frowned. "Don't you think this is getting worse?" Taeyeon asked and Sunny nodded her head. 

"It is" Sunny answered. "Do you know what does this flower mean?" Taeyeon asked and Sunny sighed. "It's the emblem of marriage Taeyeon and I can say that this is more than worst" Sunny said with a frown on her face and Taeyeon looked back at the flower again. "Those flowers earlier.. they have meanings too right?" Taeyeon asked and Sunny nodded her head. 

"The red carnations are for deep love and affection. Those white clovers says 'think of me' are you sure you don't have someone you know that will send you these kinds of flowers?" Sunny asked and Taeyeon shook her head. "All my friends and everyone I know are all staying back at my hometown" Taeyeon said and Sunny sighed. "This is bad" She said. 

"I know" Taeyeon said that's why she dropped the flower down on the floor and stepped on it. "Let's just forget about this and not tell Baekhyun anything. I don't want him to think about this, not when he just lost someone important to him" Taeyeon said and Sunny nodded her head. "But if this continues, you better tell me about it. Especially Baekhyun" Sunny said and Taeyeon nodded her head. 

"Of course" Taeyeon answered. 

"Ladies?" They heard a voice calling them. Looking towards where the voice came from, Sunny nudged Taeyeon when she saw Baekhyun standing by at the door frame. "What are you doing here? Do you want the students to flock around here?" Sunny asked and Baekhyun glanced behind him before shaking his head. "I made sure no one saw me" He said and Sunny sighed. "Alright, since you're here, I'll leave" Sunny said and Baekhyun nodded his head. Looking down at the flower on the floor Taeyeon immediately left the place where she's standing and approached Baekhyun not wanting him to see what's there. 

“Something wrong?” Baekhyun asked when he noticed the frantic footsteps Taeyeon made. “Nothing. Let's grab some ice cream?” Taeyeon asked with puppy eyes and Baekhyun chuckled making Taeyeon smile. “I thought you're going to spend the day with your sister?” Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon shook her head. “I bet she's with her friends” Taeyeon said and Baekhyun nodded his head. “Alright then, let's grab some icecream” Baekhyun said and Taeyeon nodded her head. Walking towards the exit, Baekhyun suddenly stopped and Taeyeon noticed it. “Is something wrong?” Taeyeon asked and Baekhyun shook his head resuming back to walk.  “No, can I borrow your sister tonight?” Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon raised her brows. “Why?” Taeyeon asked and Baekhyun. 

“I need to have some discussions with them later about..” Baekhyun trailed not knowing how to say what he exactly wanted to. “I know, I understand” Taeyeon said and Baekhyun weakly smiled. “Hey, it's alright. It's going to be alright” Taeyeon said before reaching out to his hand and holding it tightly. “I know, but will you be alright to be home alone later?” Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon nodded her head. 

“Of course. I'll be alright” Taeyeon answered with a smile. “Don't worry, I'll send someone to look after you if something happens. I can't risk to lose you” Baekhyun said before leaning in and kissing her head and Taeyeon smiled. 

“Let's go get some ice cream” Taeyeon said excitedly like a kid before running out of the school gates, seeing her be like that, it never failed to put a smile on his face even with all the anger and sadness he has inside his heart right now. He really needs to her keep himself sane. 

“Why are you just standing there? Let's go now” Taeyeon whined when she saw Baekhyun not moving from his place. But then when she noticed that one small smile he has, Taeyeon smiled back and motioned him to come to her. “You're overly excited about ice cream” Baekhyun said as soon as he approached her. “Of course, it's my favorite” Taeyeon answered and Baekhyun chuckled.

“Alright, let's get that ice cream” Baekhyun said but then stopped before they can even walk. “What is it now?” Taeyeon asked impatiently. “It's a date right?” He asked and Taeyeon rolled her eyes before letting out a sigh. 

“No” She answered flatly making Baekhyun frown. 

“Of course, it's a date” 


A/N: Update~! who wants fluff?!

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yasmin98 #1
hii authornim can i know if you have post some of your story on the wattpad?
Chapter 80: Ahh I love this so much>< great writting skills and nice plot too!! Thks for the knowledge of vampires hahhaa^^ keep up the good work authornim!! I'll suport you forever!!^^
Chapter 80: 1.Airplane*tick*
2.Airplane sequel *tick*
3.Dark side *tick*
4.i dont want to be an idol *tick*
5.memory of yesteryear *tick* dont cry *tick* string of fate *tick*
8.somebody to you *tick*
9.collision of two world *tick*
Now one more stories of baekyeon to accomplished
"Collision of two world the sequel"

Btw..i cried..i honestly dissapointed when i read that taeyeon is death but i know it was a happy ending because i know author-nim is kind rightt?? *devilish smile*ok im just joking..anyways
"You are a great author"
imyura9815 #4
Chapter 80: Chapter 80:I love it so much!!!! You're very fantastic authornim.....this story reaaalllyy beautiful.....I already become your fan~~~~
imyura9815 #5
Omgiee....really author nim...I cant take it....why you make yoona dies....*crying crazily*
aaangela #6
Chapter 80: i finished it !! Finally. i cried at the last chapter and is still crying now. this is one of the best baekyeon fanfiction eveeer. pls continue to keep writing authornim !!
aaangela #7
aiiish >_< i still dont get whats happening so far ... ive read some of the comments and im guessing that this is a vampire story ? i kinda feel like this is Twilight from what ive read so far. can someone please explain this to me ? thaank you . keep writing authornim ~~~~ daaebak ♡
Chapter 80: Its 3.53am and i just finished reading... i have to say iITS THE BEST BEAKYEON STORY EVER!!!!
Every chapter is meaningful and beautiful... i really enjoyed reading it.. specially baekyeon romantic moments, yoontae and heechul taeyeon's bickering..they really sounds like siblings.. ha ha cuttte.... and i am going to read the sequel too.. i want to thank you for writing this amazing story.. i hope you'll write more in future too..
Chapter 2: oooooh.. it's a vampire story? WOW!!!
and I hope it's a BaekYeon too? I should have found this before...
taenggu_ #10
Chapter 80: im crying so hard ㅠ.ㅠ