Chapter 30

Collision of Two Worlds

Suho went out of the room, Baekhyun watched as the nurses took Taeyeon out, she’s unconscious. “Hyung—“ Baekhyun said but for the second time right after he saw Suho went out of Taeyeon’s room, Suho stopped him by stretching his hand out in front of Baekhyun. “Just stay here” Suho said with a stern voice and Baekhyun frowned not having the complete idea of what’s really going on.

“What really happened to her? Why is she taken out of her room?” Baekhyun bombarded Suho with questions as soon as the nurses, together with Taeyeon disappeared from his line of sight. “She tried to commit suicide Baekhyun, she cut her wrist and we need to do an emergency treatment on her now before she loses all the blood” Suho said and just like that he left Baekhyun in a complete devastated state. Looking at the slightly opened door of Taeyeon’s room, Baekhyun walked inside and saw blood all over the floor at the side of Taeyeon’s bed, some of it still dripping from the covers.

Feeling his head ache, Baekhyun stumbled back and reached to the door frame near him. Looking away from the blood, Baekhyun made his way outside the room and took his phone out before dialing a number.

“Is something wrong?” The person on the other line asked immediate right after the call connected. “Taeyeon tried to kill herself. Can you please call her parents right now? Inform them what happened to their daughter” Baekhyun said and heard the other person on the other line gasp.

“She tried to kill herself? She remembers everything now?” She asked in confusion. “No, I told her everything and left. I didn’t expect her doing that” Baekhyun said guiltily. Sunny, the person he called, on the other hand shook her head in disappointment.

“I’m sorry if this is going to offend you but you’re stupid. I thought you want to protect her? Geez, I’ll call you later and I’ll try to reach her parents. Get your ears ready, you need to hear some scolding” Sunny threatened before hanging up not even waiting for Baekhyun to reply. Letting out a sigh, Baekhyun put his phone back on his pocket. He made his way to the nearby bench and closed his eyes feeling too much guilt about everything that had happened. Standing up, Baekhyun decided to follow them and wait for Taeyeon outside the operating room.

If something bad happens to Taeyeon, he knows he’s the one to blame.


“Hyung, how is she?” Baekhyun asked as soon as he saw Suho walk out of the operating room with another doctor. “She’s still slipping in and out. But we managed to save her, let’s just wait if she wakes up” The doctor beside Suho stated and Baekhyun looked down. “Is she stable now?” Baekhyun asked the doctor shook his head.

“For now, I can’t say that she is but let’s just hope for her to fight” The doctor said before excusing himself and Baekhyun took a few deep breaths. It’s his fault, it’s his fault. It kept repeating inside his mind. “Taeyeon will survive. I can see that she’s fighting. Maybe she’s just too shock to absorb everything” Suho said while lightly patting Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“It’s my fault hyung, I shouldn’t have told her the truth even if she will hate me” Baekhyun said and Suho frowned. “What happened you?” Suho asked causing Baekhyun to look at him with his brows furrowed. “I don’t get it” Baekhyun said in confusion.

“What happened to the Baekhyun I know? The one that ignores people, the guy that doesn’t really care about everyone, the one that doesn’t even give a single thing about expressing his feelings, the one that’s always cold? ” Suho asked and Baekhyun scoffed. “Taeyeon tamed him hyung. Taeyeon tamed him” Baekhyun answered and Suho looked at him in confusion.

“So you’re saying—“

“I like her hyung” Baekhyun answered and Suho raised his brows. “What’s the reason?” Suho asked.

“I don’t know” Baekhyun answered and Suho shook his head. “Look, if you like her just because she looks like someone from your past then I’m telling you not to anymore. I know it’s not against our rules to like humans but don’t you think liking her just because she looks like someone from your past would be a bit unfair to her?” Suho asked. “Don’t you think it would be better if you will like her as who she and not because she reminds you of someone you used to love?” Suho asked and Baekhyun nodded his head fully understanding what Suho meant.

“I know hyung and I assure you that it’s not only because she looks like her” Baekhyun said with a small smile. “But I think you’re right, maybe I should stop this before it grows into something more. After all, she’s in danger because of me and I don’t want it happening I don’t want it happening again” Baekhyun answered and Suho let out a deep breath.

“Just try your best not to be the reason why she gets hurt, it’s our job to keep them safe” Suho reminded. “From the enemies” Baekhyun answered and Suho frowned seeing how so much resent is present at the tone of his voice. “I know it’s hard, taking away lives. Forsaking the people you love the most, sacrificing the things you desire just because of your own sake but believe me we were made for this” Suho answered and Baekhyun scoffed.

“I didn’t even get to choose between being like this and living normally as a human” Baekhyun answered and Suho sighed. “You know how different you are to us right? And that leaves you no choice” Suho said and Baekhyun frowned.

“Why do I even have to be like this? Why can’t I just be like you hyung? Why didn’t I get to choose? Why does it have to be me?” Baekhyun asked. “I can’t answer your questions. But I think it’s better if you talk to Kangta before he leaves the country, talk to him about everything and I think he will be able to make some things clear to you” Suho said and Baekhyun nodded his head.

“You’re right, maybe I can talk to him about this” Baekhyun said. “But no backing out as the future leader” Suho noted and Baekhyun frowned. “I don’t even want to be a leader” Baekhyun answered and Suho frowned.

“It’s your destiny, you’re born for it”  


A/N: I...feeel...sooo...drained

I don't know why T.T But here's an update~ just so you know I'm anticipating for the next happenings here too T.T

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yasmin98 #1
hii authornim can i know if you have post some of your story on the wattpad?
Chapter 80: Ahh I love this so much>< great writting skills and nice plot too!! Thks for the knowledge of vampires hahhaa^^ keep up the good work authornim!! I'll suport you forever!!^^
Chapter 80: 1.Airplane*tick*
2.Airplane sequel *tick*
3.Dark side *tick*
4.i dont want to be an idol *tick*
5.memory of yesteryear *tick* dont cry *tick* string of fate *tick*
8.somebody to you *tick*
9.collision of two world *tick*
Now one more stories of baekyeon to accomplished
"Collision of two world the sequel"

Btw..i cried..i honestly dissapointed when i read that taeyeon is death but i know it was a happy ending because i know author-nim is kind rightt?? *devilish smile*ok im just joking..anyways
"You are a great author"
imyura9815 #4
Chapter 80: Chapter 80:I love it so much!!!! You're very fantastic authornim.....this story reaaalllyy beautiful.....I already become your fan~~~~
imyura9815 #5
Omgiee....really author nim...I cant take it....why you make yoona dies....*crying crazily*
aaangela #6
Chapter 80: i finished it !! Finally. i cried at the last chapter and is still crying now. this is one of the best baekyeon fanfiction eveeer. pls continue to keep writing authornim !!
aaangela #7
aiiish >_< i still dont get whats happening so far ... ive read some of the comments and im guessing that this is a vampire story ? i kinda feel like this is Twilight from what ive read so far. can someone please explain this to me ? thaank you . keep writing authornim ~~~~ daaebak ♡
Chapter 80: Its 3.53am and i just finished reading... i have to say iITS THE BEST BEAKYEON STORY EVER!!!!
Every chapter is meaningful and beautiful... i really enjoyed reading it.. specially baekyeon romantic moments, yoontae and heechul taeyeon's bickering..they really sounds like siblings.. ha ha cuttte.... and i am going to read the sequel too.. i want to thank you for writing this amazing story.. i hope you'll write more in future too..
Chapter 2: oooooh.. it's a vampire story? WOW!!!
and I hope it's a BaekYeon too? I should have found this before...
taenggu_ #10
Chapter 80: im crying so hard ㅠ.ㅠ