two > sheets

Bratty Kitten

Seungyoun soon arrived home, rushing into the house and slipping his shoes off. While running around in his socks, he took a towel from the closet by the bathroom. Soon he was able to scoop the cold kitten out of his pocket, setting him down on the fluffy pink towel. Sighing to himself, he threw his jacket onto the couch across from them, kneeling over the cat. It cried out quietly, laying down slowly, letting him rub him with the soft towel. Though it didn't like the fact he was so hesitant, and kept staring up at him with his big sad eyes.

"I'm moving as fast as I can." He mumbled, fluffing him up with the now dirty cloth. Seungyoun blinked at him, just now noticing it was not a grey kitten but a snowy white cat. "Oh, now I see why you're upset." And he picked him up, wandering over into the bathroom. Mewling once more, the tiny cat tried to wiggle out of his hands, not wanting to been cleaned. The male shook his head at him, the others nose with his finger, making the cat stop making noise and him once. Smiling at the animal, Seungyoun placed him in the sink, blocking the drain before hand.

As if the cat was begging him not to, it gently reached up, its soft paws kneading into Seungyouns palm. 

"I need to clean you, so you can look pretty."

As if he understood what he was saying, the kitten sat quietly, waiting for the water to flow. So Seungyoun started the warm water, gently washing it over the dirty cat, but was still thinking of a name for him while doing so. He thought of many things, and while he was lathering up shampoo in his hands, he had thought of one he thought fitted him.

"Bobo, that's your name." Seungyoun said, figuring he was clever as he thoroughly cleaned the small cat, relaxing when he heard it purr. He figured this whole bath thing was going quite well. That was until he was observing the kittens tiny white paws and the door opened. He turned around rapidly, to see his brother standing there, not expecting to see him bent over a sink.

"Seungyoun? What on earth?" Yixuan blinked at him, approaching him before he saw the small shivering kitten sitting in the sink. He gasped, and hit his brothers hip, causing Seungyoun to hop to the side.

"Hey!" He grumbled, his hands still dripping with water as he rushed to dry them. Wiping his hands on a small face towel, he shook his head, hair still damp.

"Tsk, you're washing a cat while you're soaked. Take a warm shower, you'll get sick. I'll take care of this kitty, since let's be honest you don't have many motherly instincts." Xuan continued, sighing as he picked up the tiny cat, now know as Bobo. Wrapping him in a towel, he held him close to his chest, humming in satisfaction at the animal. He thought he was quite charming. Large eyes, that sparkled when he was happy, even when he was sad. A cute pink nose that seemed to always wiggle when he was thinking. Tiny paws that could never hurt a thing, and were just soft and squishy. A long fluffy tail, that swayed like grass in the breeze. And last but not least the cats beautiful silky fur. Yixuan had fallen in love with this cat, and now wanted to take care of it.

"What's his name?" He asked, as Seungyoun was busy taking off his wet shirt, who was making a weird noise when the shirt touched his own face.

"Oh, um. Bobo."


Yixuan took care of him. A little too well. When Seungyoun got out of the shower, he saw his older brother laying on the ground watching the kitten eat a big plate of food he made for him. It was a Mackerel dish. Seungyoun thought it was ridiculous, that a cat he found outside was now being pampered like a princess. Bobo ate happily, purring as he was halfway through the gourmet food. Yixuan then began petting him, gently touching his hips, spine and stomach. He was just making sure the cat was healthy enough for them to keep him and not so they had to give him to the vet. Xuan had already made him his son, and was carrying him everywhere. Bobo loved it, happily leaning into his warmth and enjoying the kisses he gave to the top of his kitty head.

"Hyung? Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?" Seungyoun, who had just finished drying his hair walked into the room. If his hair was wet, he would be sent back into his room until it was dry, since Yixuan didn't want to risk him getting sick and missing school. Education was important, and he believed learning was a way to feel happy about yourself. Xuan had a lost of wise words to say, but sometimes he was just blind.

"Too far? For what?" He replied, lying down on the couch and allowing the small cat to snuggle into his chest. Bobo purred, his nose nuzzling into the fabric of the eldest males shirt.

"Too far, like I just found Bobo in a puddle and you're acting like he's been yours since birth."

Yixuan scrunched his nose,holding the small animal closer.

"Not my fault Bobo is cuter than you."

The cat was far too happy at the comment, and Seungyoun suddenly had the strange thought that cats could understand humans. Raising a brow, he then noticied his hyung called him ugly.

"Yah! I'm cute...!"

"Not as cute as my little baby kitten, nice try dude." Yixuan replied, kissing the cats nose and grinning. Seungyoun sighed, walking over and taking Bobo from him.

"You two have to be apart, I'll take him to nap in my room.

And he did. Seungyoun set him down on the end of the bed, before he himself crawled into his blankets. Yawning, he watched from one eye as the tiny cat waddled over to lay nuzzled against his body.

"Hey, go sit over there." Seungyoun pointed to the end of the bed, frowning a bit.

With that, Bobo let out a loud cry, snuggling up to his side desperately. Seungyouns heart wanted to cry, and he groaned.

"Fine! Sleep there." 

And he did. They both did.

And hours later, when Seungyoun turned over, he felt a much larger body snuggled up to his.

And when he opened his eyes, it was nice a little kitten named Bobo. It was a boy with light blonde hair, his body curled up, and his head moving so it was now on Seungyoun's stomach. He got a good look at his face. He tensed, and blushed at the same time. This boy was also very pretty.

Who was this? 

He almost screamed the next time, when he saw his fluffy ears and tail.



a/n : O u O Hello! How'd you like it?

and omg yibo = bobo. If you didn't get it.

I call him alot of things tbh.

Bobo, Bunbun, Buttbutt, Yibunbun, Yibutt etc. But Bobo sounded best as a kitty's name < 3

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Chapter 25: So cute
Zizzalabimm #2
Good story
Chapter 1: Cute
Chapter 25: the fluffy feelings are greatly appreciated this morning.
Nice fic ^_^
Chapter 5: It reminds me about my mom T.T
Chapter 3: Aakkkk yibo !!!

So damn cute !!!!
Chapter 2: This is soooo damn cute bobobobo yibo.!!!!!
Chapter 25: *sobs with ugly whale sounds* This first catboy fic of mine is Finished! Huhuhu T.T I'm so proud yet sad that my Cute Yibo dose of feels has ended T.T But...ahh...I need to stop this tears...

I am looking forward to the sequel though~ Is Baby Yibo present? /desperately pleades/