Well Known

Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel stared at Soo Ah in surprise. She wasn’t sure where she’d come from, or why she was asking that question, so she wasn’t sure if she should answer. But Soo Ah stood with her hands on her hips and stared at Hazel.


Once again she asked “How do you know Jungkook?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any problems.” She said, shaking her head and taking a step back defensively. “I had no clue you were dating. I-”


Soo Ah started laughing. “What?” She asked, shaking her head and smiling as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Jungkook and I aren’t dating,” She said, moving towards Hazel. “I’m his makeup artist and I take my relationship with those boys very seriously. They are dear friends, and since they joined the entertainment business, they haven’t really met many new people. There is no way they could have met a girl who only just moved here a few days ago. How did you meet him?”


Hazel bit her lip. “At the airport when we first got here. I ran to the bathroom and when I was coming out, the whole band was passing through from their flight I guess. They all acknowledged me, but Jimin walked over and introduced himself and Jungkook.”


Soo Ah smirked. “I haven’t seen him act that flustered since we went to California.” She shook her head. “What did you say to him?”


Hazel shrugged her shoulders. “I asked him what he was doing there. He ignored me and asked who I was modeling for, and I said you. He called you noona, and I figure now that it’s because you two know each other so well.”


Soo Ah sighed and moved towards the wall of the balcony. She pulled herself up onto it, and dangled one leg over the ledge, holding the knee of her other leg against her body. “Well, it seems to me that the very little conversation you two shared did something because he was acting weird when we brought him back to the dorm last night. Like he wasn’t really there, he was sort of dazed, embarrassed.” She turned to face Hazel. “You’ve got to be some kind of magic.”




“Yeah, definitely magic.” She said, laughing. “Whenever we’re trying to do Jungkook’s makeup, he fidgets. When we’re demanding he change his outfit, he’s slow to finish what we ask him. He talks a lot, to the other boys really, not to us for the most part, but after he talked to you, he didn’t talk to anyone. It was like he wasn’t sure how to talk to his friends anymore. Poor Taehyung was so bored last night because of Jungkook’s mood.” She smiled. “I should take you along before concerts, when he’s the most playful. Maybe your presence will calm him right down.”


Hazel opened to protest, but the apartment door opened, and Piper moved out. “Hazel  Jayne! You aren’t even ready!” She said, grabbing her friend’s arm and tugging her back inside of the apartment. “Hurry up! Go change!” She demanded, frowning and crossing her arms over her chest.


Lena sat in the staging room of the studio, waiting for her total evaluation. She would have already gotten an answer, but there was an interruption in the process of finalizing her material. She was nervous, her hands were shaking violently, and she was sure she was on the verge of losing her breakfast.


Namjoon had bought her a slice of green tea chiffon cake for breakfast. He said that the green tea was good for her, and that he could hear her stomach growling. It was a good breakfast, even though it was dinner time, and the thought of it made her nervous for a whole different reason.


The door to the studio opened, and a man poked his head in. “Koehler Lena?” He asked, and Lena nodded, moving to her feet. He smiled. “You can leave your bag here if you would prefer. You’ll have to walk through here to leave anyways.”


She nodded again and started towards him. “Where are we going?” She asked lightly.


“To the office.” He answered. “The company would like to sign you on as a choreographer and want to negotiate your contract.” He smiled brightly and bowed his head. “Welcome to Big Hit.”


Hazel followed behind Piper as they moved through the hardware store. They had gone to retrieve paint for their rooms, and Piper wanted to decide on a color before they picked out all of their furniture. She said that the paint on the walls was more important, because if they decided on a color after they decided on the furniture, it wouldn’t be nearly as bright.


“Have you found one you like?” Piper asked, turning to look at Hazel over her shoulder. Piper’s hands were full of paint swatches, and she looked down at them hopefully. “I think the lavender would look nice as a room color.” She said, handing the swatch to Hazel.


Hazel frowned down at the swatch. “I definitely want grey.”


Piper frowned. “Everything is always grey.”


Hazel nodded. “That’s the way I like it,” She said, grabbing the swatch that had a variety of different greys. She was determined to have her room painted a color that made her comfortable, and lavender was not that color. “When we get back to the apartment, I’m going to head down to the station and see what information I can get about my mo

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!