Missed Chance

Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel stared at Soo Ah’s phone in complete and utter annoyance. Rap Monster’s name was still displayed on the contact screen, and Hazel was about to smash the phone. How dare he! This was a serious matter!


“Hazel, it’s alright, we’ll find-”


“No, we won't,” Hazel said, standing from where she sat on the balcony. Soo Ah frowned and Piper sighed audibly. “Why is he being so selfish-”


Soo Ah stood. “Hazel look. I’ve known Rap Monster since the kid got into the business. He isn’t a lady killer, and he doesn’t get insane amounts of attention from anyone other than fans. If he’s interested in this Luna-”


“Lena.” Both Piper and Hazel corrected.


“Lena,” Soo Ah rolled her eyes. “He’s smart enough not to compromise her privacy by giving you her information or whereabouts.” She shook her head. “To be quite honest, to just demand her information isn’t exactly the right thing to do, regardless of what she means to you.”

Hazel’s brow furrowed. “This could be the difference between me finding my mother or not. She could be who the files are about and I would never know because he never gave me her information.”


Soo Ah bit her lip and was silent for a moment, but then she sighed. “I’ll talk to him about it.”


Hazel nodded. “That’s all I ask from you.” She said, turning to Piper. Piper stood from where she was sitting and moved towards the apartment. “Are you working later?”


Soo Ah shook her head. “The boys don’t have any events today. They’re just meeting with their new choreographer.”


“New?” Hazel asked. “Was there something wrong with the old one?”


Soo Ah shook her head again. “Not at all, but he wanted a younger take, since the boys are younger than he himself is. Something about a new culture and a different style. I don’t know but from what I hear, she’s incredible. She does ballet, jazz, modern, hip hop, and all that good stuff.” She sighed. “Man I wish I could dance.”


Hazel laughed. “I can teach you some time,” She said, pulling her phone from her pocket and checking to make sure her mother and father hadn’t called or text her. “How old is this new choreographer?” Hazel asked, a sudden idea in mind. She loved choreographing, and maybe if they were looking for a young take, they could use her, if the other girl was a lot older.


Soo Ah bit her lip. “Nineteen I think.” She answered. “I guess she graduated from high school a year ago, and finished with her associates degree in law enforcement. Something about taking classes for her university while she was still in boarding school. I don’t know, I just over heard the boys talking about it.” She laughed. “A few of them look up to her, and they haven’t even met her, because she dances in her spare time only, and somehow can still do all these genres.”


Maybe Hazel should meet said choreographer. She sounded like the kind of person Hazel wanted to be around. “Sounds incredible.”


“Her name is something like Collier. It’s… it’s German I know that.” Soo Ah said, squinting her eyes and looking down.


Piper cleared , reemerging from the apartment. “Collier is an English surname. Colbeck maybe?” Soo Ah shook her head. “Are you sure it’s a C name and not a K?” Soo Ah shook her head again. “Maybe Koch?”


Soo Ah frowned. “No, that’s not right,” She then looked at Hazel. “How the hell does she know all of this.”


Hazel grinned. “She’s very knowledgable about other countries. Reasons to keep her as a travel buddy.”


“Noted.” Soo Ah laughed.


Piper rolled her eyes. “Koehl?” Soo Ah made an unsure noise. “Koehler?”


“That’s it!” Soo Ah said laughing. “And her first name was like-” She gasped.


Both girls leapt a little. “What? What is it?” Hazel asked, looking to her friend, shocked.


Soo Ah was on her feet in an instant. “I need my keys.” She said, rushing towards the apartment.


“Why? What’s the matter?” Piper asked.


Soo Ah spun to face Hazel. “The boys’ new choreographer is Lena Koehler. Lena! And Rap Monster said he’d seen you before! Maybe he’s already

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!