
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Lena turned to Namjoon, who was still sitting where she’d asked him to on the couch. He had let go of her hand, and she was really wishing he hadn’t. “Namjoon, I’m so sorry he-”


“His girl, huh?” He asked, frowning. He stood and sighed. “So clearly he still has a possessive nature towards you.”


Lena bit her lip. “Sometimes he just-”

“I think it’s time for me to leave.” He said, sliding past her and starting towards the door. He paused in front of Wulfric. “It was nice to meet you,” He said lightly, and then continued past him and out of the hotel.


Lena looked at Wulfric, who sighed and shrugged off his jacket. “Go after him,” He said, shaking his head. “Before you regret it.”


Lena shot past him in a minute and threw open the door of the hotel. Namjoon hadn’t gotten far. “Namjoon wait!” She called, running to catch up to him. He turned towards her, his hands in his pockets, and opened his mouth to speak, but he never got the chance. Lena threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his. Her toes were barely touching the ground and her legs were already uncomfortable from standing awkwardly on her toes, but then his arms wrapped around her, lifting her slightly. When she pulled back, he didn’t let go. “I told you already. He doesn’t matter, I like someone else.”


He smiled, but it looked forced. “I seriously need to get going. But I’ll see you tomorrow at the cafe, right?”


Lena nodded. “Yep. See you tomorrow,” She said, turning and starting back towards her hotel room. As she walked, her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she slid it out. Displayed on the screen was Jiyoung’s name. She slid the message open.


Tomorrow get to work bright and early. We’re going to take you to meet the rest of the group. This way you can learn their different styles for when you choreograph their single scenes and such. Hope you’re ready :)


Lena smiled to herself. She was ready. She was so ready. She wasn’t quite sure why, but this specific job made her incredibly excited.


Hazel finally ended her phone call and looked to Piper, who looked completely exhausted. “So?” She asked, yawning.


“I took them up on the offer. I’ll be getting over ten thousand apiece and they need to be finished by the end of the week.” She sighed. “So I’d better get to work tomorrow.”


Piper bit her lip. “So are we still going to meet that Lena girl tomorrow?” She asked.


Hazel’s head snapped up. “Of course we are. I can make time for these later. We will be meeting that girl. I will have answers.”


Lena had text Namjoon to meet her at the cafe earlier that morning, and he, unsurprisingly, was already sitting outside, in their spot, as she approached. He was hard to miss, since he was wearing a red beanie. She raced over to the table from behind him and, slyly, pecked his cheek before sliding into the seat across from him. “Morning!” She said happily.


He laughed. “Good morning,” He said, taking a sip of his own coffee. “Did you sleep well?”


Lena shook her head. “No, I was a little worried about Ren, but he called Wulf this morning and told him that he was staying in a motel. He’s safe, so I’m fine.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. “But this coffee will keep me up, so I’ll be good,” She said, winking and then taking a sip of her coffee.


He nodded. “I’m sorry about-”


“Don’t be sorry. You did nothing wrong.” She said, stirring her straw. “He’s an . And I’m glad that he left for the night.” She said, shrugging her shoulders.


He nodded. “Even still, that didn’t need to happen. I shouldn’t have followed you into the room.”


The second she heard this, her heart hammered in her chest and her stomach fell. She bit her lip. “So then do you regret… kissing me?” She asked, staring down at her coffee but tangling her fingers together.


“Of course not!” He said, his eyes widening. “I didn’t mean it like that-” His phone rang, cutting off anything else he could have said to her, and Lena looked to the side, continuing to stir her coffee. “Hello?” He asked, staring straight at Lena. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a second,” He said, sighing and hanging up. “I have to run to work, but we will talk later, alright?” He stated, standing and walking to her side.

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!