
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel had left Piper at the apartment for the night. She wanted some time to herself, and Piper had a few things to work on, which involved purchasing books and setting up classes for college that fall. Hazel didn’t want to be reminded of it, and had left to get food.


So she sat by herself at a table in the center of a restaurant down town. It was a quiet place, but had a great reputation. Hazel wasn’t let down by her meal, and happily ate in silence.


“I have no clue what any of this says,” A voice sighed from the table behind Hazel. She straightened. The voice was in English.


Another sighed. “Maybe we should just point to one and go with it?”


“Are you insane? You’re the one who’s allergic to half of the world. We can’t do that without ending up in a hospital.” A laugh. “And even that would be hard. Neither of us can speak Korean, so the second they start asking questions, we’ll have no clue what to say.”


Hazel bit her lip. She could read hangul. She’d been taught hangul before she’d be taught how to speak the language, and was pretty good at it. She could help them, but she hated the idea at the moment. Slowly, as the two continued to argue, she stood. Both were suddenly quiet as she turned around and made her way towards the table.


The boy directly behind Hazel, who had turned to face her, looked shockingly young. He had broad shoulders, and a strong appearance. His jaw was strong and scultped, his cheeks sunk in and showed off his jutting cheekbones, and his brilliant sapphire blue eyes were wide and fixed on Hazel. His sandy blondish brown hair curled around his face, cut closer to his head but still long enough to allow locks to form. He looked nervous.


The boy behind him, staring directly at Hazel, was the complete opposite. He was thinner than the first boy, but no less muscular. It was more of a thin, agile muscle. The first boy was bulk, the second boy was svelte. And where his friend has a strong carved jaw, he had a delicate, angular jaw, though the two shared the same cheekbones. The second boy had mysterious hazel eyes, that had a spark of intrigue in them. And unlike the first boy, the second had dark, long curls that curtained his face.


Hazel bit her lip and moved closer. “Hi,” She said lightly. “Do you, uh, need help with your menu.”


The second boy quirked an eyebrow. “You can read this?” He asked, gesturing to the menu.


Hazel nodded. “Pretty well, really.”


The boy tugged a chair from beneath the table. “We’d love the help. I’m Ahren. And this is my brother,” He said, gesturing to his friend. “Wulfric.”


Hazel sat and exhaled. “I’m Hazel. It’s nice to meet you.” She took one of the menus and opened it. “It’s easy really. Do you want soup, poultry dishes, beef dishes, pork dishes, or vegetable dishes?”


Ahren looked impressed, his lips curling into a catlike grin. “Soup sounds good to me. Wulf?” Wulfric nodded simply, his eyes still plastered in amazement on Hazel.


She looked over the menu. “Alright then. Let’s try to narrow this down.”


Lena had changed, not wanting to show up to the noodle shop wearing the same clothes she’d worn to work, into a pair of black tight pants and a maroon top. The top has spaghetti straps and stopped just under her s, showing her stomach. She wore a beige cardigan over it, and a pair of black heeled booties. Her hair was down, and from the braid it was in earlier, it was slightly wavy. She was staring at herself in the mirror, unsure of herself, but knew it wasn’t going to get any better and hurried out of the hotel and towards the restaurant they had decided to meet at.


It wasn’t too far, which was why they picked it, but the whole way there, Lena’s heart was hammering. She wasn’t typically like this. More often than not, Lena was headstrong, and a bit of a , so why was she so nervous, and shy, whenever Namjoon was around?


Even when she was with Ahren, she was strong and ready for anything he threw her way. But when she spoke to Namjoon, she was nervous about every question she asked, and every answer he gave her. She hated it, how helpless she felt, but she loved the high she got when he laughed at something she said, or when he smiled when he thought she wasn’t looking.

They’d only known each other a few short days, and she was already tied around his little finger.


She opened the door to the restaurant, and the hostess smiled at her. “Good evening! Table for one?” She asked.


Lena’s eyes scanned the restaurant until they landed on Namjoon. He was sitting in a booth beside the window. She could just see him over the other side of the booth. He was looking at a menu, his eyes soft and his beanie pulled over his hair. He had his cheek propped against his hand, and a look of contentment on his face. She shook her head. “I’m… meeting someone,” She said, moving past her and starting towards the table where Namjoon was sitting.


As she approached, he looked up. At first, his eyes were plain and emotionless until they landed on her. He immediately smiled and started to move to his feet, but Lena had already slid into the booth, so nervous she’d missed the social cue that he was probably going in for a hug, or to reach towards her. Immediately her stomach fell. “Hey,” He said easily, sliding back into his side of the booth. “Rough day?”


Lena shook her head. “No, it was okay. Why?”


He shrugged his shoulders. “You sounded a little down on the phone.” He bit his lip and watched as Lena opened her menu and stared down at it. “You still can’t read hangul,” He said laughing. Lena nodded, covering her face from him. He laughed again and the booth cushioning shifted beside Lena. Namjoon pulled her hands from her face and smiled. “It’s okay. I’ll teach one day. But for now, let’s just order some food.” Lena nodded again, and Namjoon turned towards the menu.

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!