
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Jiyoung had asked Hazel to wait out in the hallway for them, so Lena could focus on her work, but that just made Lena’s focus even worse. She needed to talk to Hazel. They needed to get things straight.


Her focus was even more strained whenever she turned towards the group and her eyes landed on Namjoon. He looked… sad. Not really sad, but more let down. Maybe disappointed. And that hurt her. She hardly knew him, so why was she so invested in something they never had? She’d painted a picture of him for christ’s sake.


She needed to trash that when she got home.


“Alright,” Lena said, clapping her hands together and moving towards the group. Jiyoung was off to the side, talking on his phone, but Lena could feel him watching her. “Let’s get started. I know that J-Hope is a dancer,” She said, looking to him.


He smiled and nodded his head. “Yes, and I’m also a rapper.”


“So you have a part in the song that’s….”


“A rap,” He said, nodding.


Lena smiled. “Alright, and I know that Jungkook is a dancer, but yesterday when I was trying to remember the lyrics, you sang them,” He blushed, nodding his head. Was he really that shy? He didn’t seem like it. Maybe he was one of those rare few who, even though they were incredibly shy, did it anyways. “So a dancer, and a singer?”


He opened his mouth to speak, but he was looking at Lena’s hands, not at her face. “I rap.”


“A triple threat,” She said, smiling, and didn’t miss the glare Namjoon shot towards the younger boy, as if it was his fault Lena called him that. “How many parts do you have, dear?”


“Have you heard the song yet?” One of the other boys, who had introduced himself as Seokjin.


Lena nodded. “Yes, I just have no clue what you guys sound like-”


“You’ve never heard our music?” Namjoon asked.


Lena wasn’t sure why he was surprised. She had no clue who he was when he pulled one over on her, so she thought that made it clear. But she had lied and said she knew them when they tossed her the job. “I’ve heard your music plenty, I’ve just never bothered to narrow down who was doing what. Sorry, but I’m a little too busy to be a good fan.” A few of the boys snickered at this, and Namjoon looked away, clearly annoyed by the answer. “Anyways. Jimin, you’re a dancer and a singer, you harmonized with Jungkook yesterday, so I might be jumping to conclusions.”


“Nope,” He said smiling. “You’re right.”


Lena turned to the four remaining members. “So that means I need to narrow you four down.” She said, putting her hands on her hips. “Seokjin. You don’t look like you’d be the rapping type. Singer. I don’t know about dancer.”


He shook his head. “I’m not the best. And please, call me Jin. Everyone else does.”


Lena nodded. “I will,” She said as she turned to the short blonde boy. He caught her off guard. She’d expected him to look much older than he did when he had spoke before, but the boy had an incredibly young face, and his dark eyes made him look even more so. His white blonde hair added to the devoid of color that was himself. His skin was whiter than the wall behind him, and when he smiled at her, her eyes hurt. “You’re bright, aren’t you.”


He shrugged. “Not really. I’m Suga, by the way.”


Lena laughed. “Like sugar?” He nodded, looking down at her feet and then back up at her, as if he was taking in her appearance. “You’re kind of quiet.” He shrugged. It wasn’t in a shy way. He clearly just didn’t have anything to say. “You’re our final rapper aren’t you?” She asked, excluding Namjoon since she already knew he was. Suga nodded. “But that’s it, isn’t it?”


He laughed. “Yes. That’s all, I’m no threat.”

The group laughed, and Lena turned to the last boy, who had been so enamored with Piper when she had walked in. “Definitely a singer. You threw your voice pretty well when that girl came in.”


He shrugged his shoulders. “Yep. I’m V.”


Lena made a face. “V?”


“Taehyung. His name is Taehyung.” Namjoon announced.


Lena nodded, taking everyone in. “Alright, I think I have it.” She said, taking a step back. And now that we’ve met, we should get started. Jimin, J-Hope and Jungkook liked what I had so far, so I hope you guys-”


“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Jiyoung started, taking a step forward, away from the wall he was leaning against. “But we’re going to head to lunch a little early.” Lena looked down at her phone. It was just barely eleven. “There’s a few things I need to take care of, and if we get lunch out of the way, we can go to the set and Lena can start placing you guys, so we can figure out where you really need to rehearse.”


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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!