
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel had finished doing the layout for her mural during the time that Lena was working, and waited until Lena messaged her the information on how to get to her hotel to start over that way. When she arrived, she was surprised to find that the hotel was enormous. She didn’t necessarily expect her twin to live in a run down motel, or something moderately liveable, but she did not expect a resort, with golden hand railed on the decoration like staircases and the warm welcome she received from the dozens of workers moving around the space.


She hurried to the elevator and got inside, where an employee was just stepping out. “Oh,” She said, staring at Hazel. “Are you… did you change your hair, Ms. Koehler?”


Hazel smiled and shook her head. “No, and I’m not Lena either.” She said, pressing the button to Lena’s floor, causing the doors to close on the confused worker. The elevator moved quickly and Hazel was on Lena’s floor in an instant. She walked out and immediately looked for a plaque with the room numbers.


It took her a few minutes, but she found the room and knocked on the door lightly. The door opened immediately, and Lena stood on the other side smiling. “Hey!” She said excitedly, tugging Hazel inside. “I’m so glad you stopped by! My friends left a little while ago and I don't know when they’ll be back.” She said sighing.


Hazel’s jaw dropped as she walked further into the room. It was enormous. It wasn’t a room, there was no way, it was a suite. How big could a room be before it was no longer a suite and something else? “Uhm, this room is huge.” She said quietly.


Lena laughed. “Yeah. My grandmother and grandfather-” She paused. “Well, my adoptive family,” She remarked, coughing quietly. “They own a timeshare suite with this company that owns the hotel, so my, uh, adoptive grandmother is letting me use it. She also bought some extra time in it, but I have to move out in a week so, I’ve been trying to look for places.” She laughed awkwardly. “I think that’s where my roommates have gone.”


“Do you need help searching?” Hazel asked, following Lena into the kitchen of the suite.


Lena shrugged. “I think I’ll be alright.”


“Well,” Hazel started. “Why don’t you come by my apartment? There are a few for sale. I know there are one, two and three bedrooms, but I don’t know the cost of anything other than the two. Really, it’s pretty cheap.”


Lena smiled. “I appreciate that. I’ll definitely come by.” She said, opening the fridge and pulling out two banana milks. “Want one?”


Hazel nodded and reached to take the milk from her. “So,” She said, opening the milk. “You slept with him?”


Lena, who had just taken a long sip of her banana milk, spit the milk at her sister, who narrowly avoided this by leaping to the side and glaring at Lena. “What? No! Of course not!” She said, slamming her banana milk down and scrambling for the paper towels. “It was nothing like that!” She groaned, hurrying back to clean up the spill.


“Then why are you so flustered about it?”


“Because I made a mistake!” She spat, kneeling to clean up the mess. “Look, I don’t expect you to understand because you’re not as irresponsible as me, and you’ve never gotten yourself into this kind of situation. But I really, really liked Namjoon. And if I’m being quite honest, it wasn’t in a fleeting romance kind of way. So when I realized that I would be working at his choreographer, I was kind of devastated, and really embarrassed. The other guys,” She started, patting the milk out of the carpet. “All told me that he had talked incessantly about me, and I pretty much lived up to his representation of me, which broke my heart a little.” She sighed, gathering the paper towels she’d used. “And then he called me and told me he was sitting on the steps of the cafe we met at. He swore he wouldn’t leave until midnight, and it was barely nine. I couldn’t leave him there!”


Hazel frowned. “So you went.”


“With the full intention of turning him down. But he told me that all he wanted was one night with me. One night and then we could pretend it never happened, we were never a thing. And then I asked him to stay the night, and he did. We didn’t do anything like that, but he stayed with me. And then the next morning he told me he didn’t want to pretend.”


“Did you yell at him?” Hazel asked. “Did you tell him he was breaking that promise he made?”


Lena nodded, her shoulders slumping. “I did.”


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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!