
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel would have loved to sleep on the plane, but she was too nervous. Everything was spontaneous. She’d no set plans for when the two arrived to Korea. That very day, when they landed, Hazel had made an appointment to go with a realtor to see pensions and apartments. She didn’t want anything too big, because it was unlikely that the two would be there often, but they needed something.


“Look,” Piper said, leaning towards Hazel and offering her one of the headphones she was using. “This is a Korean pop band, and since you said we could possibly see a concert, this is the one I want to see.” She said, smirking.


Hazel rolled her eyes but took the headphone and put it in her ear. It was a live performance, with a lot of flashing lights and angrily screaming fans. It started, and the seven boys of the band were laying on the ground in a sort of circle, all wearing black and white, aside from one who was in all black. It sounded like a relatively sad song. “I don’t want to listen to sad music.”


“It’s actually kinda fast. And angry,” Piper said, laughing and pointing to her iPad screen. Hazel rolled her eyes but watched. She didn’t understand Korean very well, only a few words here and there, but she liked the way they sang, the way they rapped and danced, and she liked how they all seemed to know just what faces to make to make the crowd lose control. She smiled. “They’re good.”


“This is one of their newest songs.” Piper announced, and Hazel looked to the title at Piper exited full screen. ‘I NEED U’ Did they know how to spell you? A few of them clearly knew how to speak english, so she figured…


She sighed watched as Piper pressed on another song. She handed the iPad to Hazel. “Brush up on them. I think you’ll like them a lot.” She said, as Hazel put in the headphones and the song blasted.


She winced a little at the loud start. The first person to fill the screen was a tall boy with what she figured was blonde hair, but the video was in black and white so she couldn’t tell. He was taller than all the others who followed into the frame.


She liked them. Piper was right, she definitely liked their attitude and their beats. She decided to look up the members, get a better understanding of who these people were, and she laughed slightly. These kids had weird names. But, then again, maybe they weren’t weird where they were from, and just for Hazel.


She decided to watch a few of the fan videos that promised funny moments. Most of them weren’t funny, they were just videos of one of the boys singing solo, with s behind him nodding their heads in approval. Hazel could understand why, his voice was incredible, and from what she had read, Jungkook was the youngest, so it was impressive that he was that great of singer, at his age, had no problems dancing the way he did, and wasn’t too bad at rapping. A triple threat, from what Hazel could see.


He was handsome too. She figured that helped him along.


Piper tapped Hazel’s arm, and she turned towards her friend. Piper was grinning. “What?” Hazel asked, tugging her headphones out. “What is it?”


“We’re landing.” Hazel’s heart plummeted. “Man, you must really like them. You’ve been watching videos for hours.”  Most of the flight, she had watched the little virtual map on the television screen in front of her, watching as it made a trail of red dashes from New York towards Korea. Why the two had picked a one way trip with no layovers and one gas landing was beyond her, but she was glad they were almost there.


And incredibly nervous. She’s been brushing up on Korean since she’d decided to go, listening to taps, watching videos, she’d even bought elementary school work books to study and live off to learn her own language. She figured she was doing well, but not well enough to be landing already! God, what if she couldn’t even find her way to her street?


Piper placed her hand over Hazel’s and smiled. “Calm down! I can see it in your face, you’re over thinking everything. There’s nothing to overthink.” Hazel nodded, but she swallowed and Piper frowned. “This is an adventure, Hazel. You love things like this.”


“You’re right.” Hazel said, shaking her head and sighing. “And I am excited. I’m just…”


“Overthinking it.” Piper said, smiling. The plane slammed onto the ground at that exact moment, bouncing the two harshly. Hazel immediately began to panic. She hated planes, and she hated flying, but Piper smiled at her. “Step one on our new life, right? A little bump, nothing too serious.”


Hazel smirked, but she was nauseous. “Since when did you become my voice of reason?”


“When you started listening.” Piper answered, unbuckling herself and sliding out of her seat. She reached into the overhead compartment and began pulling the bags the two had brought on board out. Hazel slid out and helped her, and then the two started down the aisles of chairs, breaking out into the tunnel that led to the terminal.


Hazel swayed a bit on her feet, and dropped her bag beside a row of chairs. “I need to go to the bathroom,” She muttered, hurrying towards the restrooms

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!