
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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“Koehler!” A voice called. Lena had been sitting on the floor of the practice room with Su Mi, Kyung, Jeong Hee and Jae Kwon. They had all gone over a few different dance moves together, and they had bonded with the older, more experienced choreographers, which they figured was what this time was allotted for.


But when Lena heard her name, she spun around and leapt to her feet, almost as if it had been her father demanding answers for why she was arrested again. “Yes?” She asked.


Before her stood a shorter woman, who was so thin, Lena was sure she would snap in half and blow away in the summer breeze. She was tanned and had long, slick dark brown hair and brown eyes that were almost piercing. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and two men flanked her on either side. “I’d like to speak with you. Privately,” She said, looking towards Lena’s friends before turning and starting out of the room.


Lena turned, and each of the others had a look of complete shock and disbelief on their faces. “What?” Lena asked. “Is this bad?”


“Could be,” Kyung answered.


Su Mi nodded. “Yeah, Cho Hee’s in charge of a lot here, especially most of the up and coming groups, like Passion. She’s also got a lot of say with what happens with BTS and Homme.”


Jae Kwon frowned. “Guys, quit trying to scare her. This could be a good thing too.”


Lena nodded. “Right,” She said, shrugging her shoulders. “And even if it was bad, how bad could it be?”


“You could be fired.” Jeong Hee offered.


Lena shot her a glare. “That’s fine, I have a few other jobs.” She said flatly, turning and following Cho Hee out of the rehearsal room.


The thin woman had stopped in the hallway outside of the room, both men still flanking her sides. One leaned against the wall beside Cho Hee and the other had his back turned to Lena, as he was on the phone. Cho Hee smiled. “Lena, correct?” She asked, and Lena nodded. She reached her hand towards her. “Hello, I’m Shin Cho Hee, and it’s so nice to meet you.”


“You as well,” Lena said, reaching towards her and shaking her hand. “I’m sorry but, uh, what is this about?” She asked, chewing on the inside of her cheek.


Cho Hee smiled. “Well, one of my choreographers, for one of my groups, was in the room with you today. He saw you dancing and said you were fantastic. I wanted to know how long you’ve been dancing. I’ve already seen what genres you can do, but I wasn’t sure how long you’ve been doing this.”


Lena shrugged her shoulders. “Since I could walk. It was considered beautiful in my family to have decrepit ballet feet,” She said, looking down.


Cho Hee laughed at this and shook her head. “The things we women do for beauty, hm?” She shook her head again. “It’s incredible that you’ve been at it so long and no one else has picked you up.”


“Well,” Lena started. “I only just graduated from my boarding school. And I haven’t really decided if I’m going to continue, so I’m taking a gap year.”


Cho Hee nodded. “Well, let’s not make that gap year something to regret. I want to hire you as the new choreographer for Bangtan Sonyeondan.” She looked to the men at either of her sides. “An apprentice for the time being, of course. These are the two main choreographers for the group. You will have time to meet more formally later, but for now I need you to get to work on the new song.” She took a step back. “Please stop by my office to see me later, Lena. I work on the top floor, room 14A. If you’re lost, someone will show you there.” She said, turning and starting down the hall.


Lena swallowed hard. was incredibly dry. That woman was all about business, and Lena was completely unnerved by that. “If you’ll just follow us,” One of the men said, turning and starting towards the elevator. “We’ll take you to where the boys practice.”


“This is for a boy group?” Lena asked, her expression dropping. It wasn’t that she was against choreographing for boys but… boys dancing had to be more intricate, involved. Girls were usually a few moves that showed off their bodies, a bit of swaying, and then bouncing around to look cute. That was that, and that was what Lena had been hoping for. Boys had to be surprisingly good at every little movement, and their dances took a lot of time and energy. She might have been over thinking it, however.


One of the men nodded. “Yes. A boy group. Do you not know who BTS is?”

Lena bit her lip. Would she lose the job if she said no? “Of course I know who they are I just… didn’t catch Cho Hee when she said their name.” The man who had directed her towards the elevator smirked, like he knew what she was up to, and the man who had just spoken shot her an annoyed look. “Sorry I’m a little slow.”


The man who led her into the elevator laughed. “I’m the choreographer by the way. He’s just the performance director.”


“Ah,” The man said. “And that makes me sunbaenim, not oppa. I want this to be a professional relationship.” He said, shrugging his shoulders as they moved into the opening of the

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!