
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel followed quietly behind Soo Ah, unsure of why she’d agreed to come if she knew she was only going to be uncomfortable, and that she’d end up wanting to go home and continue reading her files. Piper had strode ahead and walked beside Soo Ah, asking her thousands of questions about what would and wouldn’t be okay to ask the boys.



Soo Ah seemed to find it funny. “You really care what they think don’t you?”


Piper nodded. “I care what everyone thinks, because I don’t want to come across as someone to think illy of. I like to be happy, and I like to make people happy.”


Hazel was happy that Piper was talking to Soo Ah. Piper was cripplingly shy when in social situations with someone she didn’t know incredibly well. Hazel felt like she was beginning to become more comfortable with Soo Ah, even though Soo Ah was a little intimidating.


Soo Ah turned and eyed Hazel. “Hey so, are you going to walk with us or third wheel it behind us?”


Hazel smiled. “I’m fine it’s just… I don’t speak a whole lot of Korean. It’s mostly just using what I know, guessing what they could have said, and then turning to Piper for answers. I don’t know how I’m going to talk to these guys.”


Soo Ah laughed. “I understand. But Rap Monster speaks English, and he doesn’t mess up often so he’s easy to understand, you can always ask him questions, have him translate and that kind of thing.” She said, stopping in front of the building she’d pointed out as where they were going. The band had an interview and Soo Ah was a little early, as was clear because there was so no screaming crowd out front just yet.


“So we’re doing makeup?” Hazel asked, walking through the door Soo Ah held open for her.


Soo Ah nodded. “A few of the others called out today and, I don’t mean to talk illy of them, but the boys can be a handful. This way, I dont have to worry about chasing one down and losing another, because there are other people to do it for me.” She said, winking. “Also, you’re an artist, you can do makeup.”


Being an artist didn’t mean that giving her a makeup brush was the same as a paintbrush. Hazel knew how to do makeup because she had to do her own for every single art event she went to, and she was almost unrecognizable when she was finished. She was good at makeup because she was good at makeup but she wasn’t going to tell Soo Ah that.


“Go straight down that hall and take a left.” She said, walking towards the desk and signing something. She then followed Hazel and Piper down the hall, silently. Hazel turned left and there was a whole row of dressing rooms and preparing rooms. “Walk all the way down, its the first on the right right before the stage.”


Hazel nodded and moved into the room Soo Ah had directed them too. It was empty at the moment, but there were racks that had different outfits and makeup boxes so big that they had wheels. Hazel turned. “Okay, so what’s the plan?”


Soo Ah shrugged. “Pin one down, demand they change, then start their hair and makeup.”


“Are they really that hard to deal with?” Hazel asked, watching as Soo Ah walked to one of the makeup chairs.


She sat down and sighed. “They aren’t, but there are times when things around us get difficult. If they have to do something, we have to fight to finish our job before they can move on to something else. That’s when it can get like that.”


Just as she said this, voices could be heard down the hall. “Show time,” Soo Ah said, standing.


Just then, two dark haired boys barrelled into the room. One slammed into Hazel’s shoulder, since she was still standing by the door, and it sent her tripping backwards and trying to balance herself. She held her shoulder, but smiled, trying to assure that she was okay.


But Soo Ah was already on her feet. “Taehyung! I bring my friend here and you hurt her! Apologize!”


The boy who had hit her immediately turned to Hazel. “Sorry,” He said, bowing his head slightly, but then bouncing further into the room


The other boy stood frozen across from Hazel, eyes wide. She offered a sheepish smile. “Hello Jungkook.” She said lightly.


The rest of the band, their managers, and fellow workers moved into the room, but Jungkook didn’t move from where he stood, staring at Hazel through the crowd. She must have really caught him off guard

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!