
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Lena still hadn’t gotten used to the time change. She thought she had, but in truth, she was so completely wrong. It would explain why she was up at three in the morning, easel prepped in front of her, and classical music playing behind her. Ahren used to make fun of her for listening to classical music when she painted, or sculpted, or did anything really. But it kept her level headed. From so many years of having to do ballet, the classical music was just common place, it made things a little less unknown and new to her.


She wasn’t quite sure what she was painting just yet. Most of the time, when she painted, her works slowly turned into something that had been on her mind that entire day, but her mind was in so many places, she didn’t have time to slow down and think about what it could be.


There was a light knock on her door. She sighed, sitting up straight. “Come in!” She called, holding her palette in one hand and her paintbrush in the other, the brush poised to continue at any second. She stared at the painting, not bothering to look over her shoulder at who was coming into the room, as she judged her painting. “Couldn’t sleep?”


“Not really,” Ahren answered, walking towards her bed and flopping down. Lena was sitting on a stool a few feet away, but she could see him in her peripheral vision. His dark curls were tousled and deep purple bags rimmed his eyes. “Wulf is tossing and turning, and I slept too long yesterday, I think.”


Lena nodded. “I figured with all the dancing and excitement, I’d be down for the count, but I’m wide awake.”


Ahren yawned. “I wish I could say the same,” He sighed. He and Wulfric clearly hadn’t done much while Lena left the hotel. They didn’t seem to mind, but Lena had a feeling they were getting stir crazy. “Are you working tomorrow?”


Lena nodded. “It’s my first day. They’re going to talk over a few concepts with me, and have me plan through a few dances and music video choreography.” She smiled. “I’m excited, even if I hate dancing.”


Ahren smiled. “Why?”


Lena shrugged her shoulders, leaning forward and brushing a bit more white onto what had manifested into human feet wearing white converse. “I don’t know, because it isn’t ballet? And it wasn’t like it is when my mom and dad watch me dance. There wasn’t constant disapproval. These people were amazed, Ahren. It was… empowering.” She said, shrugging her shoulders and moving to brush a bit of the paler skin tone onto the small bit of exposed leg. No, that wasn’t right. He wasn’t pale really. He was kind of… darker? Not tanned but naturally a little tanner than most.


Was it even a he? “I’m glad you’re happy.”


Lena sighed and looked over at Ahren. “But?”


“I want to go tagging,” He said, sighing and rolling onto his back. “I miss being a delinquent with you.”


Lena’s paint brush stopped moving, and she looked over at him again. “I don’t know if I can get us out of trouble here, Ren. Before, I pretty much had a get out of jail free card.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. “I don’t know the laws here, the gangs here, or if I can lose my job over conspiracy for illegal activity.”


“When did you get so legal?” Ren asked, moving to his feet. “I thought you were a punk. A bad girl.”


Lena rolled her eyes. “And I thought you were tough. You know, someone that doesn’t whine? That doesn’t act like a little ?”


Ahren smirked, moving towards her. “Think you’re funny?”


“All of the time, actually,” She said, continuing to paint. “And a lot of people agree with me so… I do think I’m funny.”


He shook his head and stooped, kissing her lips lightly. “Can I sleep with you tonight? Wulf is too violent.”


Lena frowned. “If you promise to stop kissing me,” She said flatly, and he groaned. “I’m serious. I’m still pissed that you cheated on me.” For the fourth time, but she didn’t mention that. “We agreed it’d be better if we didn’t get back together. You can stay in here, but you’re not going to touch me. I’m still pretty pissed about earlier too.” She said flatly, pointing her paintbrush at him. “Do you hear me?”


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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!