
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel had followed Soo Ah into her apartment, which was a few doors down the way, and Soo Ah brought her a blue dress bag. Hazel took it to the bathroom and changed quickly, half hoping she wouldn’t fit so she could leave and go furniture shopping, and half hoping it did fit so she could help her neighbor.


She was a little surprised when she found that, not only did she fit the dress but the dress was something she’d never seen before. It was black and white, and stranger than Hazel would have thought. The top of the dress looked like high quality black elastic bandages that Soo Ah had wrapped tightly around Hazel’s body. There was a single strap, which stretched over Hazel’s right shoulder. The skirt of the dress was black and white print. The black designs appeared to be roses. The skirt was long, incredibly long, and poofed out around Hazel. Half of the tail was still folded neatly in the dress bag. When Hazel began to walk, the tail followed her. It wasn’t until Hazel had left the bathroom that she thought the tail had unfolded entirely, but she couldn’t be sure.


Soo Ah’s eyes lit up when she saw Hazel. “Perfect!” She declared, grabbing her hand and tugging her towards the shoe closet. “What size shoe do you wear?” She asked.


Hazel’s eyebrows perked. “I’m not really sure how U.S. sizes transfer to-”


“Let me go grab a pair of mine,” Piper said, smiling at Hazel.


Soo Ah clapped her hands together. “Would you mind ever so much walking in my model’s place in the runway tonight?” Hazel opened to protest but, she knew deep down, had she been in the situation, she would have been just as desperate as Soo Ah was. She couldn’t leave her hanging, so she nodded her head, and Soo Ah squealed. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”


Hazel had never stood in for anyone on a runway. She’d never been on a runway. This was all incredibly new to her, but Soo Ah swore she’d be okay, telling her that she just had a natural look about her. They left Piper in the audience, much to Hazel’s dismay, and Soo Ah led her to the back of the stage, where other models were getting their hair and makeup done.


“Minimalism is key here,” Soo Ah declared, sitting Hazel down. “Your hair is fine the way it is,” She said, brushing Hazel’s hair out anyways. “And you just need some eyeliner and mascara.” She said happily, taking a tube of each from the table behind Hazel. “I seriously appreciate this Hazel.”


Hazel smiled. “It’s no problem.” She said, closing her eyes so Soo Ah could swipe the eyeliner across her lids. “I mean, I would want someone to do the same for me, if I were ever in that situation.”


Soo Ah laughed. “I see. Good karma.” She laughed again. “You’re funny, I like it.”


Hazel’s brow pulled together. “I was being serious.”


“Which is hilarious. Anyone would do anything for a girl like you. Look,” She said, spinning Hazel to face the mirror. “You’re beautiful, you have a good sense of style, and you’re nice. Triple threat.” She said, spinning Hazel back towards her. “Speaking of triple threats, I’m a makeup artist, and a few of the guys I work for are coming by tonight. I’ll introduce you to them.”


“Guys?” Hazel asked, opening her eyes.


Soo Ah nodded. “Yes guys. Idols wear makeup here in Korea.” She said, laughing. Idols. Soo Ah was a makeup stylist for idols. “I work for a few companies, but mainly one for idols-”


“I need to model for Ms. Bae.”


Soo Ah gasped. “Crap that’s you.” Hazel looked up at Soo Ah, surprised. “Okay, Piper and I will be front and center, okay? Just look at us if you get nervous.” She said, patting Hazel’s shoulders. “And don’t panic.” She said, turning and hurrying away from the makeup tables and leaving Hazel to the hands of the stage director.


The woman who had demanded Ms. Bae’s model grabbed Hazel’s arm and tore her towards the stage. “You’re not who I remember from the rehearsal.” She said lightly, pushing Hazel towards a short staircase.


The staircase led to a lot of bright lights and flashing cameras. Hazel’s stomach flipped, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to step foot onto the staircase. But the stage director pushed her up the steps and towards the stage.


So Hazel took a deep breath, composed herself, and stepped out onto the runway. There were a few gasps as the amazingly tail dragged behind Hazel on the stage, and the flashes increased. She could hear a few people repeating her name, which she wasn’t sure how they would know, but didn’t stop walking to ask.


Her stomach was going crazy, but her eyes landed on Piper. She was sitting alone at the far end of the stage. Where was Soo Ah?


Suddenly, there was a bit of pressure on the back of Hazel’s skirt, and she could hear the fabric tearing. All at once, the skirt of her dress had disappeared, and she was left standing in a cocktail dress she hadn’t even realized was beneath the skirt. A round of gasps had filled the area, and Hazel realized she was more stunned then the audience.


When she had put the dress on, she figured it was to form her figure to the dress, not a second part. This dress was short, maybe mid thigh, probably shorter, and just like the top, the dress looked lik

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!