
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Hazel had been pacing for a very long time. She was sure why, she just couldn’t sit. She was too hyped to sit. Hazel had asked Piper to text Taehyung the details of how Lena could get to the apartment, even though Lena had once showed up before. Hazel wanted to make sure she wouldn’t get lost regardless. They needed to talk.


Lena had text Hazel shortly after Piper had text Taehyung, telling her that she would be by the apartment late, since they were working on laying out the music video that day. She gave the estimated time of six, so Hazel ordered food. She wasn’t sure what Lena liked, so she order more than she probably should have.


“Oh god,” Hazel said sighing. “What if she has an allergy and I just got all this food without knowing-”


“You’re panicking.” Piper said, shaking her head. “Stop panicking.” She said, almost laughing.


Hazel looked down at her phone. It was almost six. She would be there any minute. “You try meeting your twin sister eighteen years late, Piper. This is scary!” She said, shaking her head.


Soo Ah nodded. “True, but you’re still too shaky. You’ve already met her, maybe not really talked to her, but met her. So this shouldn’t be so bad.”


Hazel frowned. She wasn’t sure what to expect. It was a little odd meeting a girl who looks just like you, from the other side of the globe, in the same city as you on a normal day. Her reactions weren’t exactly unwarranted.


Just as she opened to explain this, there was a quiet knock on the door. Hazel, Piper, and Soo Ah all exchanged shocked looks, and then Hazel shot towards the door, prying it opened, and staring wide eyed at the girl who stood on the other side. She had changed from the outfit she had worn to her practice that morning. Instead, she was wearing a pair of dark tattered jean shorts, a white shirt that said ‘Motorhead’ on it with a strange looking tusked animal on the front, which she’d paired with a black leather jacket. On her feet she wore a pair of motorcycle boots that had chains wrapped around them. Her hair was tossed over one shoulder, and she looked just as nervous as Hazel, all though her appearance would have said otherwise. “Uhm,” She started, pushing her hair away from her face. “Hi?” She said, laughing nervously.


Hazel moved to the side. “Come on in,” She said, smiling at her possible twin. Even as she thought that, she knew there was no way around it. It was impossible for this girl not to be related to her. “Are you hungry? I ordered food, since it’s nearing dinner.”


Lena shook her head. “No, I’m fine for now, thanks.” She said, sliding off her boots. She turned, smiling to the other girls in the apartment. “I’m sorry, we haven’t properly met,” She said, starting towards and bowing, offering her hand to Soo Ah first. “I’m Lena.” She said lightly.


Soo Ah smiled. “I’m Soo Ah,”


“And I’m Piper,” Piper said smiling and moving to shake Lena’s hand as well.


Lena nodded. “Yes, you were the girl that Taehyung was excited about.” Piper blushed, visibly thrown by this, but she nodded her head. She turned back to Hazel. “So,” She said lightly. “You said we needed to talk.”


Hazel nodded. “I, uh, recently received some files from the local police department. They said they were my adoption files, but they don’t actually match me at all.” She said, walking to the table where she had placed them. “For starters, there is a bunch about birthmarks that I don’t have, and it said I was adopted and sent to Germany.”


Lena bit her lip. “Then you must have my file,” She said easily, walking towards Hazel and looking down at the table, clearly still nervous. “I, uh, just moved here from Berlin. And I’ve lived there my whole life.”


“That’s definitely it then!” Piper said excitedly.


Soo Ah shook her head. “No, that could just be a coincidence.”


Piper frowned. “No way! It’s too alike!”


Hazel ignored them and continued. “It says that there’s a birth mark on the back of-”


“My left hand,” Lena said, holding up her hand as she stared down at the document, her brow furrowing in disbelief. “This is insane.” She muttered.


Hazel stared at the mark. It was, just like the records stated, shaped like a bird. “A-And it, uh, it mentions a lung disease. I was… I’ve always

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!