
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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Lena stared around, afraid that at any given moment someone from work or one of the other choreographers would leap out and shout at them, and then Lena would lose her job all because she wanted to be with Namjoon for a blink of an eye. He didn’t seem to share the same concern as he walked beside her, head held high and shoulders thrown back making him look taller than he already was.


He had her hand clutched in his, and he hadn’t let it go. Not once.


It was just after nine, and many places were closing for the evening, so Lena was surprised when Namjoon pulled her into a store and began peeking through racks of clothes. She played along, pulling out shirts and telling him he would look cute in one or the other, which seemed to make him smile wider than she’d intended.


Lena had turned her back to him, trying on many of the strange glasses that the store was selling, and laughing. She turned, wearing a pair that looked like palm trees with small birds perched on the nose, searching the store for Namjoon. “Oppa,” She called, moving away from the sunglasses. “Oppa?” She called again.


This time she noticed that he was standing near the register. He had just finished purchasing something, so Lena took off the glasses, placed them back, and hurried to his side. “Thank you,” He said, taking the bag the clerk handed to him and turning to Lena. “Come here,” He said, tugging her towards the dressing rooms near the back of the store.


“For what?” She asked, not fighting him as he tugged her along. “Did you find something you liked?”


He nodded. “Yes.” He answered easily and began pulling clothing out of the bag. “I got you this,” He said, handing her a ball of material. Confused, Lena shook it out to find a rather well made dress. It started off a navy color, then switched to white, and then red in even blocked off colors. It looked like a casual dress, or something Lena might wear out clubbing. “Put it on,” He said, tugging off the tags and opening one of the fitting room doors.


Lena frowned. “Is this your casual way of telling me you don’t like my outfit?” She asked, looking down at her clothes. She thought she’d looked cute.


He shook his head. “It’s not that just… please change into? Just for now?”


Lena rolled her eyes, but she moved into the space and closed the door, locking it. The room beside her audibly had it’s door closed as well. Lena sighed and hurriedly took off her clothes, pulling the dress over her head and shimmying so it fell into place properly. When she stood in front of the mirror, she was a little amazed. She looked incredible! The dress fit perfectly. He somehow managed to know her size, and that surprised her. She turned slowly again in front of the mirror before gathering her things and moving out of the room. She wasn’t sure how well the dress matched with high top black converse, but she didn’t mind.


As she moved out of the room, she noted that the bag Namjoon had been holding was now of the floor, and he was nowhere to be seen. Her heart dropped. Had he really talked her into going out with him just to ditch her like it wasn’t anything out of the norm?


Just as she thought this, the fitting room door beside her own opened and Namjoon emerged. He a wearing a shirt that was the exact replica of her dress, only his had sleeves, where Lena’s was sleeveless. He took the clothes from Lena’s hands, quickly folded them even though it was just as messy as it was when she held it in a ball, and shoved it into the bag. “Here,” He said, handing her the bag. “There’s other clothes in there, but can you hold it for a minute?” He asked, and Lena nodded, taking the bag.


He started tugging the shirt, which clearly hadn’t been tugged on all the way. He must have hurried out of the dressing room, which made Lena giggle. He’d bought them matching outfits. She remembered reading about dating culture, which was different from Germany. Here, it was completely normal to wear the same outfit as your love interest, and he had wanted that. Now she was blushing.


He stopped fidgeting and reached for her, tilting her face so it was angled up at him. “Why are you blushing?” He asked, and Lena tried to fight her face away from his grip, but he held her still and pressed his lips to hers. “It’s cute,” He murmured, pulling back and looking down at her dress. “I guess I got the right size then,” He said, smiling.


Lena nodded, biting her lip and looking down at her dress. “I like it. Thank you.” He nodded and held out his hand to her. She stared at it, and then at him. She shifted the bag from one hand to the other and took his hand.


He smiled. “I’m glad you want to hold my hand but,” He reached around her, not letting go of her hand, and tugging the bag from the other. “I’m not letting you hold that crap.” He laughed, leading her towards the door.


“So where are we going now?” She asked, clinging to him as they moved out into the crowded street.


Namjoon shrugged. “You like dancing, right?”

Lena immediately laughed. “Well, I do so for a living.”


He nodded, squeezing her hand and tugging her through the crowd.


Lena stood in the center of a thousand moving bodies. There were thousands of flashing lights, blaring music, and a bass that thumped through her entire body. She hadn’t danced simply because she wanted to in so long that it felt like she needed to dance. She had never been big into the clubbing scene, but it felt right at the moment, and she was enjoying herself immensely.

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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!