
Same Difference (BTS Bangtan)
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a/n: Major uploading today because why not?

Lena tugged the hood of her black jacket up over her hair and she climbed the steps of the apartment building with ease. Had someone not been leaving, she would have never made it in. The gates didn’t have a gap between them and the ceiling, so Lena couldn’t just shimmy her way between the two, she had to actually get into the building.


Or scale the wall.


Luckily for her, someone was leaving and she didn’t have to do anything ridiculous. But she was feeling the stress of the situation. As she reached the floor she knew the Hazel girl was living on, she stopped, pulled a packet of cigarette out of her pocket, and lit one. She didn’t smoke often but she always had a pack with her. Sometimes, when things got too stressful, she took a second to herself and smoked a cigarette, which she didn’t find anything wrong with.


She leaned against one of the pillars of the apartment building and sighed, smoke protruding from . “Jesus,” She said, hoping her heart would stop beating so hard. She’d saved Hazel’s house information in her phone, knowing she would go to her for information, but she didn’t have the nerve to approach her just yet. She didn’t even have the nerve to look for her apartment number, she just knew the floor.


She slid her phone out of her pocket and pressed the home button, lighting up the screen.


Her heart started pounding even harder when she realized that she’d had a text from Namjoon. She’d stayed up all night texting him, and he’d called her right before she’d tried to lay down. They were texting about what they liked and disliked, simple things like that, where they grew up, their family, and then he called. She wasn’t sure why at first, since they were both quiet, but then he laughed and said he was sick of waiting for a response because he had terrible signal, so hearing it was easier. Lena wasn’t sure if he was serious, but she laughed and played along.


He’d then told her that she needed to sleep and he would see her the following day at the coffee shop. She agreed and then tried to go to sleep. But she couldn’t. She was too jittery. So now, when it mattered, she was half asleep.


But his message made her wake up a little, as it promised to have her coffee ready since he kept her up all night. She smiled and text back that it was her turn to pay, and that he didn’t keep her up, she would have been up anyways. And even though she knew he wouldn’t message her back right away, she stared down at her phone, waiting for a reply.


“Calm down Hazel, it’s no big deal,” A voice promised, and Lena’s head snapped up, looking for the source of the voice. It was a girl with long reddish brown hair. She had just emerged from one of the apartments and was starting across the space towards the middle of the balcony, which was covered with plant life. “They mix plenty of things up down there.”


Another voice sighed. “They shouldn’t. Police departments are tricky.” This was a tall, slender girl, who had to have been pushing five foot nine. She was incredibly elegant, taking striding steps with ease, and she had hair that was cut short, close to her face, in what Lena had come to know as a pixie cut. It was pretty common amongst her own friends, but she was surprised to see it in a place like Korea, where girls were, from what she’d come to see, expected to be incredibly feminine. Maybe she was wrong. “Besides, they’ll straighten it out for you. Just keep pushing.”


“But what if they lost the records?” The final voice asked, a voice that Lena knew only through videos. She immediately stiffened and straightened up, her fingers curling a little tighter around her phone and cigarette. Hazel was the last to walk out of the apartment, and then she turned and locked the door behind her. “I need to find her, Soo Ah, and I don’t really have time for them to be tricky. I have to go back to New York to start school.”


The first girl who had walked out of the apartment sighed. “Finally, I’ve come to the one place I’ve always wanted to be, and we’re going back home.”


Going back home? Had they not moved to Korea permanently? Lena and the boys had, and Lena must have just assumed Hazel would as well. But she wouldn’t know. The two had never talked before.


But now that she could see her in person, there was almost no doubt that they were related. Lena bit her lip to keep herself from gasping, and moved a little ways away from the wall she was leaning against. She had to get out of the building before they noticed her. She wasn’t ready for this.


Hazel frowned at her friend, and she turned, starting down the walkway and towards Lena. But her eyes landed on Lena, and she froze, her lips parting and her eyes widening. “What-”


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: Is Suga uptight cause he can't see Mallory and the babies?
Chapter 25: That was an insane update, lol. I loved every bit of it though! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story!
Chapter 11: I seriously love the story omg cannot wait for more!
Keep it up!
I really love this a lot. ^^ I'll look forward to the next update, author nim~!