Chapter 9

Silent Moment

I have the entire dorm for my self... Key hadn’t even shows his face... I wonder where he’d go. I started to get bored so I clean the entire living room. It was not that hard, It didn’t even consume much time, so I clean our room also... and so the boy’s room... and guess what I found? A men’s magazine! Oh dear... I bet it belongs to Jonghyun.

After cleaning... I went to watch television... I’m bored what will I do?  I was waiting for something... maybe the hour for me to buy fresh meat or... I was waiting for Key to return? Aisssshhhhh!!!

                Ouch! ~ I slap my face! Why was i smiling thinking about Key? Aniyo... I’m not smiling, I was actually smirked... yes I was smirking, thinking about how did I hit him... come to think of it, I have to deal with him when he return, he would probably kill me if it the last thing to do.

I took a long hot shower... I won’t mind doing these things now since the boys are out and the dorm was all mine... by means!

After 2 hours or so, I wrapped myself to a clean towel... It was refreshing, I happily went out of the bathroom for me to change, but my intention where gone right after I saw the sight of Key. He stood next to the bathroom door obviously waiting for something.

                “Y-yah! You startled me!”  I told him, he seems lost in thoughts also while looking at me, so I took the chance to get inside the room.

Just then when I’m about to close the door, Key stopped it.

                “Yah! What are you doing?!” I ask him angrily... but he didn’t answer, instead he glares at me, as if he wanted to eat me. His temple was throbbing. His Adam’s apple where vividly moving.

I started to get alarmed... I never saw him like this before, he was sooo different...

                “Y-yah...!” I said after a quiet seconds, and I did regret it because he went inside the room. I mentally backed off, that I fell on the bed.

                Key bowed to meet my gaze, he was so near. The room was so cold, but heats were rushing every inch of my veins. I wrapped my arms on my body immediately... afraid what might happen in this small room, with no people except for the two of us.

                “You owe me a lot already...” he said, with only selected words. I didn’t dare to say anything that he might do something that I would regret again. “And I’m about to make you pay.” He said that his breath were now obviously heavy and hot.

                “Mwo?” I ask not to what I would do, but to what he had said. Key bends down and slowly approaches my face, straight to my ears. I heard him smirked as he let go a small audible laugh.

                “You’re not that attractive enough. So stop thinking silly things.” He whispered

                “Mwo?!!” I yelled as I pushed him away.

                “Why?” He asks as he gains his balance not to stumble. His face was serious and yet I can see a twinge of smile on his face.

                “Get out!” I shooed him out, but he didn’t move.

                “Why? Did you really think that I would harass you? Your dreaming right?” he said haughtily

                “No! But I would if you don’t!!!” I told him, and I really mean it!

                “Mwo?” Key asked in surprise as he stood rooted on his place. “You wouldn’t” He said that obviously he got alarm from what I’ve said.

                “Yes I will, if you won’t leave.” I told him and successfully manage to push him outside the room without him hindering, or stopping.

                I slam the door shut, leaving him with a shocked expression. I sat the bed with both of my hand on my forehead, I swore he loved playing tricks on me, but he was a whole lot different awhile ago.

I could still feel my heat on my body isn’t cooling down yet. I guess I have to move on. Beside he is a devil in disguise... yes he is.

I got off the room, fully dressed, I decided to go on shopping for supper, that way I wouldn’t see Key’s face.

                “Where are you going?” Key asked as he saw me went passed through him, he was watching television.

                “Shopping.” I said plainly

                “Mwo? Where’s the other?” he ask still his eyes was focused on television.

                “They went to see Mr. Choi.” I answered. As I brandished my sneaker on its box.

                “Mwo? Are you going to leave me here?” he ask

                “Why not? I don’t want to spend my whole time seeing your face.” I said not looking at him

                “Yah, you still have to mend my hideous -eye.” He said, I can tell he was now looking at me, but I’m not that certain because my backed faced him.

                “Yah, I don’t have to act as your girlfriend since we are the only people around.” I said ready to leave.

                “Wae? Do manager pay you part time only? So that you’ll won’t be acting as my girlfriend full time?” Key asks sarcastically.

                “Aniyo, but I refuse to do it part time. Beside you’re a evil in disguise.”

                “Mwo, Evil in disguise? What are you saying?” He asks, he was not angry, but he is confused.

                “Nothing... jalga!” I said simply and left.


Hey guys, do you remember when MAMA was started? i logged in AFF, and guess what? there were only 3 stories updates, i even update mine, but nobody viewed it, i guess all of the readers where busy watching MAMA.!~hoho

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Great! :D Continue
Chapter 28: omo,omo you update kyaaa~. . . .welcome back, you know i'm still here waiting for you *cheesy
of course i like this update, he kissed her omo
S-arah #4
oooh I just finished reading your story until the last chapter by now ^.^ and its soo great, really! I really like your style of writing and of course the content of your ff ;D I hope you go on soon, its a really thrilling moment there, and you just cut it like that... so mean^^ haha ;D I´m really looking forward to your next update and wait patiently :)
AiMei_4 === LOL kosa se? hahah
BananasForJae=== I'll do my best!! xDD
Tnx for the comments
AiMei_4 #6
Awww. More drama~ Pwease? Like a tortured Key. (Emotionally!!! NOT PHYSICALLY!!!) Like him all depressed even thought that'd be hella cliche...lolol
locketcloudprince15 #8
I love your story so far~ update soon please! <3
She's annoying -_-
That reporter is so annoying!!