chapter 8

Silent Moment


I did regret sleeping with Key last night after I saw two black circle one each of my eyes.  It was almost nightmare. Can you just imagine he tried to pull my head off? I thought he did it on purpose...but no~ he was fast asleep, he might have dreamt that my head was actually a pillow. Not only that, he also kicked me load of times out of bed, and his arms spread widely that sometimes it hit some of the surface that shouldn’t be touch! You know what I mean! I even place a pillow between us, but it didn’t work out, although I know it wouldn’t.

                “Hanna, you’re up early?” Minho said in surprise.

                “I always got up early.” I answered. I was on the sofa sitting, I was planning to sleep back, but I remember that the boys are having their KBS shooting today. I’ll try to ask Onew if I could come with them.

                 “Oh? Anyway what happen to your eyes? Did you have nightmares?” He asks as he takes juice on the fridge.

                “Aniyo...” I answer, just then Key came. And suddenly Minho spills his juices from his mouth to Key’s face.

                “Yaaaaaah!!!”  Key yelled angrily!

                “Mian, mian” Minho said as he took towel to wipe Key’s face. “What happen to your eye hyung?” He asks still sorry for what he has done.

                “Mwo? Wae? What’s with my eyes?” Key asks, still angry. Minho went to their room immediately, and return with a mirror on his hand.

                Just as soon as Key took the mirror in Minho’s hand and take a look at his reflection, he accidentally let the mirror go that broke into pieces just then he collapse at the couch beside me.

~oh yeah, did I mention that I punch him last night? Yeah I was the culprit who had put a black-eye on Key’s eye. It was not intention, but it was painful on my part that he actually got a chance to grab one of my twins on my upper body! Shameful it was! I wasn’t certain where I hit him, but I was sure it was on the face... but what is unbelievable? After I hit him he got up immediately as i expected, but he went to sleep right after that as if nothing happened.

                “Yah!” Key yelled at me after panicking seconds from Minho.

                “Mwo?” I ask innocently at him.

                “You did this don’t you?!”

                “Aniyo...” i lied

                “Yah...what was the noise all about!” Jonghyun ask sleepily as he and Onew came out from their room. Both of them stood rooted on their place as they caught Key’s problem.

                “W-what happen to your face?!” both of them exclaim in unison as if it was something sooo big had happened!

Key glare at me angrily, he suddenly stood up and went to the boys room, soon enough he brought his red coat with his sunglasses on his hand and left the dorm.

                “One thing we don’t like to do with Key is to mess up his face,” Onew said looking at the door where Key left.

                ~omo, what did I done? My heart raced at what had Onew said.

                “Let him go.” Taemin said as he grab my hand when I’m about to follow Key.

                “Ne, Things like this happen, we should let him be off by himself-“ Minho said

                “So it would not worsen the situation” Jonghyun said as he took slice bread on Onew’s hand.

I sign in defeat, I really, really felt guilty, although I didn’t mean it... But still! Just then one of the boy’s hand phones rang. The four of them run towards their room leaving me behind.

                “Yobosaeyo?” I heard Onew voice from inside, soon enough they return to the table. “It’s manager Choi.” Onew Whispered.

                “Neh. We just got up.” Talking at the phone “Now?.... The five of us?... Mian but Key can’t come for some reason.... Ne... We’ll be there in 15 minutes.” With that Onew hang up his phone.

                “What did manager says?” Taemin ask immediately

                “We have to go; the SME had an agreement with the KBS for our talent.” Onew explain

                “What are we going to do really?” Minho ask

                “No more question! Just go and fix yourself.” He ordered. And the 3 went to their room obediently.

                “Hanna, I’m sorry but you have to stay here, in case Key will return, he left his hand phone at our room.

                “Its fine” I lied~ I do want to go and watch them to what they will do... but I was very unfortunate!

Soon the boys are gorgeously prepared to leave. How can these boys be so perfectly beautiful without even trying?! And here I am, suffering from my disgusting look!

                “We’ll be back before seven pm.” Onew said and smiled.”While were out, could you prepare supper?” Onew ask

                “Sure, is there anything you want me to cook oppa?” I ask him sweetly with a twinge of smile and cute expression.

                “Woah~” the four of them said in unison

                “Do it again noona! Do it again” Taemin demand

                “Do what?” i ask

                “That smile thing! It’s really cute.” Jonghyun said as he went to approach me

                “Aigoo, don’t play with me. So anything you like for supper?” I ask trying to lose our conversation. I was actually embarrassed, but flattered at the same time, i could even feel the heat from my face.

                “Oh yeah! Can you make fried chicken?” Onew ask dreamily, as if dreaming lustily at the chicken.

                “Aniyo! Steak! Steak! Steak!” Taemin said

                “Yah!” Onew said

                “Arraso, arraso! You go now, or Mr.Choi would get angry of you.” I told them, they left with Taemin and Onew still fighting to what they wanted for supper.



Chapter 8! i can't belive it! is this really me?! i reached chapter 8!  Well what can i say? Its all because of you my beloved readers! you did inspire me to continue this!!! hahaha


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Great! :D Continue
Chapter 28: omo,omo you update kyaaa~. . . .welcome back, you know i'm still here waiting for you *cheesy
of course i like this update, he kissed her omo
S-arah #4
oooh I just finished reading your story until the last chapter by now ^.^ and its soo great, really! I really like your style of writing and of course the content of your ff ;D I hope you go on soon, its a really thrilling moment there, and you just cut it like that... so mean^^ haha ;D I´m really looking forward to your next update and wait patiently :)
AiMei_4 === LOL kosa se? hahah
BananasForJae=== I'll do my best!! xDD
Tnx for the comments
AiMei_4 #6
Awww. More drama~ Pwease? Like a tortured Key. (Emotionally!!! NOT PHYSICALLY!!!) Like him all depressed even thought that'd be hella cliche...lolol
locketcloudprince15 #8
I love your story so far~ update soon please! <3
She's annoying -_-
That reporter is so annoying!!