chapter 1

Silent Moment


                “Ah, Neh. I’ll take care of it.” Said manager Choi speaking at the phone

                “You should be. Or else Shinee will disband, and you’ll get fired.” The man said at the other line of the phone.

Manager Choi faces at the boys, as he watched them play silly games. He looks every each of them and linger at Key's direction. Who is now nagging at Taemin, telling him to take his bath already. He know what he have to do, he don’t want to disband the Shinee, or to get fired.

                “Key, I need to talk with you.” Manger said as he rubs his temple.  Key stops nagging immediately and turn to manager Choi.



 I woke up the next morning by the sound of my phone that keeps on ringing. Who's the hell is calling me this early? I crawl off the bed and reach for my phone lazily.

                “Yobosaeyo” I answered. My eyes widen as I heard the man on the other line. I glance at the clock beside my bed.

                 “Omo. Mr. Jung-ssi. Annyong hasaeyo.” I said in a timid voice.

                “This is the 3rd time of this week Ms. Lee. 3 days in a row!” Mr. Jung said angrily at the other line.

                “Mianhe, I’ll be there in a minute.” I said trying to make a nice conversation but-

                “NO MORE!” He roared. “YOU ARE FIRED!!!!!”

                “Mwo? Mr. Jung-ssi, I can exp~“. But Before I finish my sentence the phone hung.

 I’m fired? I cannot believe it. After working at him for 5 years, He fired me for having 3 executive days late? I pressed my hand on my forehead as my elbows rested on my knee. What will I do now? I still have 2 years to pay my house and now I’m fired! How can I find a job that can support my financial needs? I felt like crying, but I know, my tears won’t provide answer. So I went to fix myself. I decided to pay a visit at my boss’s shop, I‘ll try to ask for another chance.

As I was walking at the street, I saw a beautiful car parked at the side of the Shop. Maybe boss have a visitor other than me. I walked in the shop. This is the shop where I worked. We sell various items and merchandises. I walked through the office door, but before I could knock, 2 men appeared. One of them was my boss, and the not familiar to me. Both of them look at me. I bowed at them and didn’t raise my head.

                “Ms. Lee.” My boss called.

                “C-can we talk? If y-you’re busy, then I would have to wait.” I said, not daring to raise my head.

                “Aniyo” My boss said “We have nothing to discuss anymore. You are fired” He said flatly, but i can say he was disappointed.

                “Please Mr. Jung-ssi” I begged.

                “No. Please leave.” He said. Now my eyes sore and I can feel my tears are filling up my eyes. I walked away from them before my tears fell.

                “No wait.” The other man called me. I paused not turning back at them. I tried to wipe my tears without them noticing. “You need job, don’t you?” the man asked to me.

I nod.

                “Can you face here?” He said kindly.

I face at them, but I was looking at the tile floor, not wanting to meet their eyes, especially Mr. Jung. The Man came closer. He looked at me from head to foot.

                “How old are you?” He ask

                “I just turned 19 last week.” I answered, not sure what is his purpose of asking me. He smiled at me and hand me a small calling card.

                “This is my calling card; I have a job to offer. If you’re interested give me a call. But don’t make me wait. I’m just giving you time to think.” He said smiling and left.

Wow, I was been offered a job, but it doesn’t make me happy entirely. What is that man was actually a ert and offered me a job on a studio.  That doesn’t look good.

I stare at him as he exited the shop and ride at the beautiful car. Mr. Jung stay rooted at his place, as if he cannot believe that somebody would offer me a job after getting fired. I giggle secretly at his reaction and walked toward the door of the shop with my chin up, enjoying the moment.


I went to an ice cream parlor after buying a news paper. Of course I should have alternative in case that offer is...~not good. I turned the pages for job offer, but unfortunately there are only 3 vacant, and I’m not qualified to it since I’m still a student. And since its vacation I have to spend all my time working for my house. It’s no use. I need a job, for my home, for my tuition and for my self! I took out the calling card. Choi Jin was indicated there and the calling number.

                “This is now or never.” I said to my self and dialled the number. I took a full spoon chocolate ice cream as I waited Mr. Choi to answer the call. 

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Great! :D Continue
Chapter 28: omo,omo you update kyaaa~. . . .welcome back, you know i'm still here waiting for you *cheesy
of course i like this update, he kissed her omo
S-arah #4
oooh I just finished reading your story until the last chapter by now ^.^ and its soo great, really! I really like your style of writing and of course the content of your ff ;D I hope you go on soon, its a really thrilling moment there, and you just cut it like that... so mean^^ haha ;D I´m really looking forward to your next update and wait patiently :)
AiMei_4 === LOL kosa se? hahah
BananasForJae=== I'll do my best!! xDD
Tnx for the comments
AiMei_4 #6
Awww. More drama~ Pwease? Like a tortured Key. (Emotionally!!! NOT PHYSICALLY!!!) Like him all depressed even thought that'd be hella cliche...lolol
locketcloudprince15 #8
I love your story so far~ update soon please! <3
She's annoying -_-
That reporter is so annoying!!