chapter 5

Silent Moment


I woke up the next morning by the sizzling sound of the frying pan. I saw Key cooking some breakfast, I stretch my arms and suddenly i felt my back hurts. Aishhh I’m not used to sleep at the couch. And that mean Diva doesn’t even care! I walk on to him. He seems aware that I’m already awake but still he ignores me.

            “Why do you keep on ignoring me?” I ask him, this is the first time I ask with no anger involve. It took several seconds before he could answer. I don’t know if he is just busy or trying to waste my time.

            “Because...” He starts to pour the oil as he brandish a raw egg. “You’re annoying.” He finished.

            “You’re the one who is annoying.” I said trying to be calm. He continued on his egg, but did not answer me or even looking at me. “Okay, we both know that we needed each other.” I said on a higher and clear, I crossed my arms and continued. “I only work, no personal intention, beside, I haven’t been fired, I wouldn’t be here on the first place.”

            “So?” He asked as he placed on the plate the scrambled egg.

            “So... Let just do what we are supposed to do.” I said in much confidence since i know that Key was listening.

            “So you really want to act as my girlfriend?” Key asks as he turns to face me. As far as i’m concern, this is the first time we have our eye contact.


“Y-yes” I said, I’m not sure if I really have to answer it, it seems that Key has another meaning in mind as he steps forward towards me. “When there is money is involve of course.” I said as I backed myself. Key stops from walking, as I said that last sentence. I sigh in relief. Key seems to be in a deep thinking.

                “Okay then let’s make a deal.” He said “I’ll accept you as my Girlfriend but don’t fall in love” he said as he starts to move towards me again.

 I backed off until I reached to the point where in I cannot back off any further. I heard him smirked, I turn to him but he was so close to me that I felt his warmth reaches onto me, His breath brushes my eye lashes, His lips was closer to mine. He is cuter than any of the members, I’m not sure if I can resist not falling in love with such attractive guy. I shut my eyes tightly; I heard the toaster not far. I waited to what might happen next... any

I open my eyes; Key was not in front of me anymore instead, he was already placing the toasted bread on the table. He was actually smiling at himself! Aisssshhhh! He played with me!

                “What’s that for?” I asked him angrily

                “Mwo?” He asks innocently.

He seems brighten up compare from yesterday though. I wanted to go back to sleep, so I went to my new room. But before i could do so Key called me.

                “Yah! Where are you going?!” He asks me in surprise.

                “I’m going back to sleep!” I answered.

                “Mwo? But you just got up!” I turn at him. “Are you nagging at me?” I ask him

                “Mwo?” He asked back “I-I’m not nagging at you!” He said defensively “You said you wanted to comply your job as my Girlfriend! And Girlfriends are supposed to help their boyfriend in making breakfast!” He said.

 I thought it for awhile, it’s not even asking for a favour, it’s more like a demand actually. But since I saw him smile and I don’t want him to be angry again, I decided to help him instead. Omo~ my pride!

                Making Breakfast was not easy as it seems. Key was very demanding, making me to do these and that, Here and there. Slice here peel there. I cannot even finish one dish with all of his demands. I cannot even stop to think that he is making me work hard on purpose.

                “Ah, I can see you are making breakfast!” Onew said happily.

                “Ah Onew oppa! good morning!” I greeted him

                “Oppa?” Key asked as his right eye brow rose.

                “Neh Jonghyun told her to call us oppa since she is your girlfriend.”Onew said as he took a spoonful of fried rice.


Key seems not to be pleased hearing this news; His face can’t be drawn at the moment. Just then Jonghyun showed up from their bedroom. He yawn as he stretch his right arm with the other covering his mouth, He smiled at the sight of the breakfast ready to eat that he immediately take his sit.

            “These look delicious!” Jonghyun said happily as he takes the new toasted bread.

            “Yah! You cannot eat that!” Key said as he snaps Jonghyun’s hand out.

            “Waeyo?” Jonghyun ask in disappointment, but gone after taking the serving spoon of the fried rice. But Key shook his hand away.

            “Yah!” Jonghyun said.

            “You cannot have that also.” Key said glaring at Jonghyun. Onew and I was just looking at them without taking any of Key’s food that he might get angry if we do.

 Minho and Taemin appeared from their bedroom; both of them went to sit in the table. Taemin took toasted bread and a plate full of fried rice, while Minho took a scrambled egg and toasted bread. Me, Onew and Jonghyun looked at the both of them eating. Key hadn’t said a word or complains anything.

            “Hyung did I do anything to upset Key?” Jonghyun ask to Onew who sat beside me.

Onew shrug and turn to look at me, as if asking for explanation.

            “Hyungs, why aren’t you eating?” Taemin ask.

 Key went to the fridge to get something. The 3 of us looked at each other. Taemin smiled as he gave Onew toasted bread. He takes it without saying anything but his face can be red that he was thankful. Minho on the other hand gave me some scrambled egg.

            “Don’t be shy... the food here is for us.” Minho said. key saw what did they do but didn’t seem care. Jonghyun looked hopeful at Taemin and Minho. As Taemin was about to get food for Jonghyun Key gave him his banana milk in front of his face that distract Taemin’s intention. In fact it takes not only Taemin’s but Minho attention also. I shook my head, not wanting to see the solemn eyes of Jonghyun; I felt Onew did the same, I feel sorry for Jonghyun though.

            “Hyung... I don’t want to drink that.” Taemin said, that makes my head rose to look at him.

            “Mwo? Since when did you hate drinking this milk?” Key asks with-disbelieving-look.

            “Since my stomach aches yesterday. It’s cold; it makes me want to go to the comfort room again and again.” Taemin said.

            “Really? Why haven’t you told me?” Key asks worriedly in his motherly manners. Secretly Jonghyun took the opportunity to take food at the table; Minho was surprise that Jonghyun was eat fast as the wind blows.

            “Yah, Hyung take it easy.” Minho said. Key and Taemin looked at Jonghyun’s direction just to found out that Jonghyun had finished most of the food.

            “Yah! You ate all the food!” Key said angrily.

            “Yah, why aren’t you allowing me to eat?” Jonghyun said as he rubs his belly. “Sadly I have to eat the food you made secretly, and appreciate it secretly.” Jonghyun said dramatically.

            “Because i don’t like you to eat the food i made.” Key answered

            “Mwo?! Wae?” Jonghyun ask in disbelief.

            “Because, I made it...for her.” Key said that looks like he had a hard time saying those last words.

            “Mwo?” I ask, but it seems Key wasn’t paying attention on me. I even doubt that he made the breakfast for me also.

I notice Taemin was looking at Key then to me, then back to Key, it was not like just looking, It’s more likely observing.

After having a bountiful and more quarrelling breakfast, the boys are readying their self for their morning jogging. I wanted to go back to sleep while they are out, but Mr. Jin told me to come with them. I’m not an active person for this kind of things. But what choice do I have?



Chapter 5, Sorry for late update, i got a little problem on my internat connections. thats why hehehe~ Anyways hope you'll enjoy this one....


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Great! :D Continue
Chapter 28: omo,omo you update kyaaa~. . . .welcome back, you know i'm still here waiting for you *cheesy
of course i like this update, he kissed her omo
S-arah #4
oooh I just finished reading your story until the last chapter by now ^.^ and its soo great, really! I really like your style of writing and of course the content of your ff ;D I hope you go on soon, its a really thrilling moment there, and you just cut it like that... so mean^^ haha ;D I´m really looking forward to your next update and wait patiently :)
AiMei_4 === LOL kosa se? hahah
BananasForJae=== I'll do my best!! xDD
Tnx for the comments
AiMei_4 #6
Awww. More drama~ Pwease? Like a tortured Key. (Emotionally!!! NOT PHYSICALLY!!!) Like him all depressed even thought that'd be hella cliche...lolol
locketcloudprince15 #8
I love your story so far~ update soon please! <3
She's annoying -_-
That reporter is so annoying!!