Chapter 17

Silent Moment


 Minho led me to my room; I immediately fell asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. I flicked my eyes open, it was already dark but it seems that I’ve just fallen asleep for seconds only. I heard a soft knock on the door.”

Taemin appears in the door, he seems so confuse, I sit position myself, as I notice he was carrying a tray with foods on it.

      “What’s up?” I asked, but he kept quiet until his place the tray beside me.

      “The others went to have pictorials; I have to be there soon also.” He said quietly. 

      “Ow! I’m sorry if you have to work over time because of me.” I said apologetically.

      “Aniyo. It’s fine.” He said still not leaving.

      “I-I’m fine, don’t worry you can go now.” I told him and smile.

      “Noona, you don’t have to stick with Key hyung if his giving you hard time. I don’t want you to suffer with him” I got surprise at what Taemin had said.

      “Mwo? I’m fine Taemin.” I said trying to recover at what he had said.

      “Noona, I know you’re not really Key’s GF.” He said plainly. I was speechless.

      “I saw Key hyung cried at the hospital as soon as we arrive from the studio. He was so sorry about what happen.” He said. I was still speechless. “He is giving you hard time... hyung was having hard time also. He was so different noona, I pity him.” He said sadly

      “Taemin, did Key told you about this?” I asked him.

      “Ani, I found it out myself.” He said “I don’t know how and why you and hyung came up to this, but whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll end with no good.” He said with rather serious than he usually treat me.

     “I really like you noona, you’re so nice and caring, but I’m afraid if it was just another pretention.”

      “Taemin, I’m not pretending with you and to the others.” I said with much difficulty, I felt my eyes sore, I tried to ignore it but my tears begun to fall. “What you see me is what I really am.”

      “Then you like Key hyung?” He ask

      “N-ne...” I answered. I was hoping to see Taemin reaction, but he suddenly stood up and smile.

      “I’m going now noona, get well Onew hyung cooked porridge.” He said and left.

As soon as the door shut close, I felt terrible pain. My eyes sore, my head aches and my heart bleeding. I’m so pathetic.

            ~Taemin is right; I should not pretend and take advantage for their good hospitality.   

            I immediately took my bag and begun to pick some of my clothes and stuff, I can’t handle anymore. After changing, I change my clothes and went outside of the room. It was already clean, everything was tidy. I was ready to go when I smell Onew’s porridge. ~come to think of it, I haven’t eaten the entire day! I think, Onew oppa will get disappointed if I didn’t ate his cook.

            I begun eating like a pig, I was never been hungry in my life; I ate the porridge gratefully as tear begun to fall again. I harshly wipe away the tears when suddenly a plastic bag caught my attention. I reach for it and reveal a magazine with Key and CL on the front cover, together with a new photo album. I open the magazine and started to look for Key page involuntary. There were a lot of Key photos with CL...~sometime they almost look alike.


            One on One with Key from Shinee with our Reporter on Our Daily Fashion Magazine

Key had shared that he was not actually happy about how the news had spread about his new GF. He was also disappointed how his dear lockets and shawols show disrespect.

            Reporter: Can you tell us more about your new girlfriend?

            Key      : Well, in my opinions and so with the other Shinee, Hanna was a very caring  person, she differ from the other girls, and any guy that would probably link with her will sure fall in love with her.

            Reporter: So your girlfriend name was Hanna, and you begun to like her when the both of you linked each other? Is that right?

            Key      : Hmmm... Yes.

            Reporter: (laugh) why did it take you several seconds before answering? Aren’t you sure?

            Key      : No, Actually as everyone knows, Hanna was never been my type (Key smiles at his own answers as the reporter nod in agreement) But I tell you, Hanna is the best girl I have in my life now, and I would go crazy if she’ll leave.

Reporter: Aww, How romantic. Then we should be expecting something great on her, maybe an interview...?

Key      : We’ll see about that...


~He is definitely out of his mind! Why say such things?! Is he psychotic? I smiled never thought one magazine could lighten me up. After eating I washes the plates I use, suddenly I felt a severe pain on my head. The room started to spin again for a seconds, I grasp the table for me not to fall. I decided to stay for a little bit at the dorm. I put my bag inside my room and collapse in the bed. I should rest for a minute. 



sooo... any of you guys want to make any suggestions? i would love if you comment also ^.^

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Great! :D Continue
Chapter 28: omo,omo you update kyaaa~. . . .welcome back, you know i'm still here waiting for you *cheesy
of course i like this update, he kissed her omo
S-arah #4
oooh I just finished reading your story until the last chapter by now ^.^ and its soo great, really! I really like your style of writing and of course the content of your ff ;D I hope you go on soon, its a really thrilling moment there, and you just cut it like that... so mean^^ haha ;D I´m really looking forward to your next update and wait patiently :)
AiMei_4 === LOL kosa se? hahah
BananasForJae=== I'll do my best!! xDD
Tnx for the comments
AiMei_4 #6
Awww. More drama~ Pwease? Like a tortured Key. (Emotionally!!! NOT PHYSICALLY!!!) Like him all depressed even thought that'd be hella cliche...lolol
locketcloudprince15 #8
I love your story so far~ update soon please! <3
She's annoying -_-
That reporter is so annoying!!