His Past.

My Love {CLOSED}

You guys hit Vegas around 7 A.M.


VEGAS. Nothing more needed to be said. To be completely honest,  you were extremely excited to be there. You’ve only heard of the place and never been there before. Well, how could you have been to Vegas when you were busy paying off your hospital debts?

Yongguk called the cab and took you all the way to Bellagio.



You stood in the grand hotel’s lobby with all the luggage while you waited for Yongguk to complete the check in process.

Taking a good look, you felt as if your eyes were going to pop out of your eye sockets. There were girls wearing SUCH revealing clothes, men chugging down glass after glass of beer… A scene you would’ve never seen back in Korea.

How are they drinking so much in the morning?!

Unknowingly, you in your breath when you saw a drunken man walk past you. You felt a rush of relief when you saw Yongguk walking towards you with a room card in his hand. Giving you a quick peck on the cheek, he grabbed the luggage and with his free hand, he took a hold of yours and led you to through the casino to the elevators.

Once inside the elevators, you let out your breath and cringed your nose.

Yongguk watched amused, and then asked, “The smell?”

You answered with a short nod, “I don’t like the smell of cigarettes.”


Yongguk’s smile just slightly faltered, but he managed to cover it up before you took notice. “Cigarettes are disgusting aren’t they?”

You nodded in agreement, “Bad memory..” Yongguk cocked his head to the side, “What do you mean?”

He watched a sad smile spread across your beautifully sculpted face, “Lost someone I loved because of it… Y-You don’t smoke right?”

Yongguk felt his face heat up a little, “Honestly...—“

Your wide eyes met his, “You smoke?!”

He quickly shook his head, “No, darling… No… I was trying to say…” he sighed, “I used to. Before I met you, I did. I’m telling you because I don’t want any lies between us. After I met you though, I quit. It was hard, but I wanted to an impressive man for you.”

“Why’d you start?” You quietly questioned.

He looked away as he wrapped his fingers around your cold ones.

“How about we get to our room and then I’ll tell you?”

You nodded, “Alright. It’s fine, don’t push yourself to tell me if you aren’t ready.”

You guys got everything settled before heading out for the ‘Fashion Show Mall’.





You gasped when you saw the building, it was so much more bigger than any mall in Korea. Yongguk smiled, “Babe, I want you to buy anything and everything you want today. AND DON’T!! Don’t even THINK about refusing because I reject your refusal.”

Tugging you under his arm, he looked down at you, “Because I want to make you the happiest woman on this earth.”


You guys went down shop after shop as Yongguk insisted that he buy you something at the least. In the end, you couldn’t win over him and bought a jacket.




Black Leather Jackets for Women 2014 Pics

Once back at the hotel, Yongguk got to the showers first. When you came out after your bath, you couldn’t help but turn a dark shade of red. You quickly turned around and yelled, “WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING BANG YONGGUK??!?!!!”

You heard him shift on the bed as he chuckled.





Ignoring your state of shock, the topless Yongguk patted the spot next to him.

“Come here, babe,” his deep, husky voice called out to you.

You shook your head with your back still facing him.

He smirked, “Come one. Darling, I’m cold. I need you in my arms right now..” He teased you.


Suddenly you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist as you let out a yelp. He chuckled deep into your ears, “What on earth were you thinking, honey?”

He turned you around so that you were facing him. Giving you a quick peck, you slowly opened your eyes.

“You’re so cute… It’s unbearable,” he commented as he helped you over to the bed.

“I swear… If you don’t wear a shirt right now….” You warned, but Yongguk cut you off.


“You want to hear my story now? Cause I think I’m ready.”

You looked up at him, “You don’t have to force yourself.”

Yongguk held your head against his chest with his left arm under you while you felt his right, tug you closer to him under the blankets. You breath hitched when you felt his warm, smooth skin brush against your right cheek.

“No. I want to tell you. We never got to know each other completely before we got married. I want us to start off clean, with no lies… no secrets between us.”

You felt his chest rise up and down at a steady pace, but his heart was pounding against your cheek.

“It all started… when I fell in love with this girl. I..I loved her. She was like my other half… or so, I wanted to believe. But everyone was against us. All everyone tried to do was separate us. And guess what?.... I guess we really just weren’t meant to be.. Cause in the end. I lost her. I couldn’t protect her. It was all my faul—“

You wrapped your left arm tightly around his waist as you brought yourself closer to him. He looked down at you, “You know…. If you keep that up, I might not be able to hold back any longer.”

You smiled into his shoulder, “Go on.”

Yongguk your hair while resting his chin on top of your head, “You sure you want to hear the rest of the story?”

You nodded your head and heard him sigh.

He pulled you closer to him—if that was even possible.

“Promise me one thing then, love.” You lifted your head to meet his eyes, “What is it?”

Yongguk let his eyes trail down your feature to your lips making your feel self-conscious, “Just promise me.”

“I don’t want to make promises I know I won’t be able to keep.” You argued.

“Just promise me,” Yongguk insisted.

Giving up you looked at him, “Fine. I promise. Now what is it?”

He bent his neck and crashed his lips against yours, taking your breath away. With his eyes closed, he murmured against your lips, “That you’ll never leave me. Never leave me standing alone.”

Running out of breath, you tapped his right biceps. He was now hovering above you making you flush. Thank God that the lights were off. You watched him stay there, smiling like a madman, “You promised me… Okay? You can never leave me now. No matter how disgusting I may look after you hear this story. Okay?”

Painfully, you slowly nodded your head. Lightning struck your heart. Tears formed on the brim of your eyes. It hurt so bad having the man in front of you dream dreams of you, him and the future you knew never would exist. You felt yourself die a little more inside. Slowly, but surely, everything… this whole marriage situation… This chapter of your life was killing you.

Yongguk pecked your cheek before plopping down once again.

“Now let’s get to the meat of this hideous story and get over it.”



*****He’s telling you the story… Hope it’s not TOO confusing X) ******

“It all started when I fell in love with this girl… She was poor. She didn’t have money, but I didn’t care. I loved her for who she was. We were young and in love. I thought I had everything in the world when I dated her. But I guess, she didn’t think the same.

Like I said before… I lost her. I couldn’t protect her. To me….


I wanted to believe that she was my everything. Because, I gave her everything I had. I tried to give her all the love I possibly could. But that just wasn’t enough for her.


You know… I come from a decent family… As you’ve seen, I’m not bragging, but you must have figured that my dad is of wealth.


I’ve been fooled.

It raged me. It hurt so bad when I found out…. My father was the one that got rid of her from my life.

And when I say ‘get rid of’… I mean he REALLY got rid of her..


She was in a car ‘accident’. A planned ‘accident’.

I was beyond angered by my dad. I called the cops on him, I did everything I could to get rid of this anger that kept building up inside of me.

And I am embarrassed to say…..

I did do some nasty things to get my mind off of the situation. I lost hope. I forced myself to swear never to fall in love again.

That’s how I started….

Started everything I regret doing now…

I… Haaa..

I smoked cigarettes. I drank like there was no tomorrow. I got myself drunk to the point where I couldn’t even say my own name…..



You felt his arm wrap around you tighter while you lie there, numb. You weren’t just shocked, but beyond shocked.

You didn’t get it.

Who was she? What did he mean when he said that he’d been fooled?

He shifted on the bed as he turned even more, fully facing you.

“I’ve done nasty things. Such nasty… Dirty things… I-… I’m afraid if I confess to you, you’d leave..”

You watched as the glint of brightness, the happiness, the love that he always had in his eyes when he looked at you die.

You wanted nothing more than to comfort him. Tell him that everything’s alright now. Tell him that there’s nothing that could possibly make you hate him…..








You knew you couldn’t… You knew you wouldn’t….

All you did was hold him as you felt a huge, painful lump build inside your throat.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I had to have such a hideous past..” He met your gaze.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” you gently whispered, “You want to tell me another time then?”

He shook his head as he buried his head into your neck.

“I’m such a dirty man… Someone as pure and innocent as you, shouldn’t date…. Marry someone like me. I’m sorry.”

“What is it, Yongguk? Just let it off of your chest. Let it out, and you might feel better…”

“And what if I let it out… Can you guarantee me that you’d stay here with me?”

You hesitated, but if lying was the only way to survive this foul game that you and Yongguk’s father were going to play… You had no choice… Even if you knew that it would break Yongguk.

You knew that in the end… Yongguk would be the only one in pain. He loved you too much and you wished he hadn’t.

You knew… You could just see that he surely had a dark past that he didn’t want to share. Just like you didn’t want anyone knowing about your family life. But you saw… You saw I his eyes that he trusted you..

To the point where he’s forcing himself to let his painful past replay in his head as he let the words create a tragic story for you.

You knew that if Yongguk really loved you as much as he showed through his actions… You would be the one rewriting a new, painful chapter in his life.

“I can guarantee you… 100% I would stay with you till the day I die,” you pushed yourself to say.

You saw him smile. It was a bitter-sweet smile which only wounded your heart deeper.

“If you say so…” he sighed deeply before he continued, “I’ve committed a huge….huge sin… So huge that I can’t even pretend to undo it. I… I brought….. This is so frustratin—“

You left him a quick kiss on his warm, plump lips. He grinned as he brought you to lie down on top of his torso.

“ImetthesegirlsandIwouldhaveonenightstandseverynightofmylifeforthepasttwoyears…” He nearly rapped every word of his sentence that it was almost impossible for you to catch his every words.

But before you could form a response in your head, you felt him your back.

“I’m one disgusting monster, aren’t I? I was such a pitiful boy back then. I was stupid… I was being an idiot. I thought that if I hooked it up with different girls… I thought I’d be okay… But, you know what?”

You lifted your head, questioningly.

“Instead of wasting my time getting drunk and taking s to motel rooms… I should’ve spent it looking for you. I should’ve used my head.. I met you too late. No… I can’t blame you for appearing late in my life.. Because I should have been the one looking for you. You.. My love… You’re the reason why I can live.. You’re the reason… the reason to why I became a better person. Love, you’ve brought a ray of light and hope to my black, lifeless life. You’re the reason to why I want to live. You’re the reason why my heart beats again. Every time you look at me with that glowing smile, my heart melts. Every time you hold me in your arms, I feel myself get lost in you. Babe.. I’m addicted to you. I need you every day, every hour, every second of my life. Never in my life, have I wanted something… someone so badly as I want you..”

“You loved her though…” You stated quietly. You didn’t know why that slipped out of your lips. You just didn’t like the thoughts of Yongguk doing all the things that he does for you to another girl. Sure, you denied that you don’t love him. You denied your heart that’s been screaming out to your mind that you fell in love. But your head just wouldn’t have of it.

“Not as much as I love you. And I’m not just saying this because I want to flatter you out. Yes… I won’t lie to you and tell you that I never loved her. But I want you to know one thing. No matter where I’ve been… My heart has found its path to you. This stubborn heart of mine,” he said as he patted his left chest, “only wants to walk on that path. I’m scared… Scared that there’s going to be obstacles that will scar my heavy heart. My mind tells my heart not to walk on roads leading to love. Why? Because my mind knows… He knows that my heart’s been through pain before. My brain knows… that once I get to know true love… It’s going to be this heart that hurts. That’s why.. That’s why I’m always afraid to lose you. I may sound selfish, but with you I will be. My heart won’t beat for anybody but you. Whenever I’m around you, my heart pounds against my chest so hard, I feel like it wants to rip out of my body and into your embrace. The day after I met you… I tried to get my mind off of you. But no matter how hard I tried, my heart would always find its way back to you.”

You knew that his words should have touched you.. and you were. But you felt the guilt harder than the moving words that left his lips. You felt the pain the hardest. You didn’t know what to say.

He moved just so you could lie down comfortably on the large hotel bed. He pecked your cheek as he turned the lamp off.

“I love you. Remember that.. No one can take that away. End of story.. Let’s go to sleep and forget about my past. We’re married and I just do not have the time to linger in the past. I need to make our future, so let’s forget it. If you don’t mind.. I mean.”

You smiled in the darkness and sat up, pecked his cheek and lied back down with him.

You guys drifted off to another painless sleep, holding onto each other.







“Hyunggggggg, why isn’t Daehyunnie hyung answering his phone?! Is he mad at us??” Junhong complained to Youngjae. Youngjae was in the kitchen trying to fix a decent lunch for the three of them, Jongup on the floor with his laptop flipping through choreography videos, and Junhong sitting at the small dining table.

“Don’t know. He doesn’t answer my calls either.” Youngjae answered him shortly as he tried to manage the fry pan while trying to set up the dining table. “Mind helping?” He asked Junhong.

Junhong got out of his seat and grabbed the plates as he helped his hyung set up the dinner table.

Soon they sat together and finished the spicy fried pork Youngjae made.

Although they talked about a lot of different topics, it always ended up with a debate on where Jung Daehyun could have been.

“You know what guys? How about we head down to Busan today to his house? I mean… It’s been almost two weeks since Yongguk hyung left for his honeymoon meaning it’s been two weeks since Daehyun’s been missing. Let’s go and check is hometown.” Youngjae finally concluded.

Junhong and Jongup nodded in agreement and they all got ready to leave.


Twenty minutes later Junhong and Jongup were in the back seat fighting over who gets to sit on the left and who sits on the right while waiting for Youngjae to lock up.

Soon enough Youngjae was driving the car onto the freeway, constantly dialing Daehyun’s number.

“Jung Daehyun…. Once we find you… I swear I’m gonna kill you.” Youngjae muttered under his breath.

It was a loud ride to Busan. Junhong and Jongup kept asking to stop to buy something to munch on. And when Youngjae would buy them something, they would soon become quiet and fall asleep. That went on for the next three to four hours.

The three arrived at Busan around 5 P.M.

Once Youngjae parked in front of Daehyun’s family house, Junhong jumped out of the car yelling, “DAEHYUNNNNNNNNIEEEEE HYUNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE HERE FOR YOUUUU!”

Jongup soon rushed out after him, leaving Youngjae get out of the car, shaking his head. He smiled at the two childish maknaes.

Jongup ringed the bell and the three waited patiently when Daehyun’s older brother greeted them at the front.

“Hey! Long time no see guys!!” he greeted them warmly.

“It’s been quite a while since we last visited it, hyung!” Youngjae replied back.

Daehyun’s hyung led them into the house, “So what are you guys doing all the way down here? You should’ve given us a call beforehand.”

Youngjae scratched the back of his head, “Well… I tried calling Daehyun.. But he’s not ans—“

“Is someone here?” Daehyun’s mom appeared from the kitchen.

“Anyonghaseyo!!!” The trio greeted her, politely. With a wide smile on her face, she greeted back to each one, “OHH!!! How I missed every single one of you, my sons~~~”

“What brings you all here?” She asked after all of them settled down in the living room.

“Is Daehyun hyung home right now?” Jongup quickly questioned.

Daehyun’s mom raised an eyebrow.


“What do you guys mean?” She questioned back, with a clear look of confusion on her face.

“Well… Daehyun won’t answer any of our phone calls….. We thought we could see him if we come down, but I guess he’s not home yet? We can wait if that’s fine with you..” Youngjae explained.


“Hold on….” Daehyun’s mom said with her hands held out in front of her, “What do you mean Daehyun’s home? He hasn’t come back here ever since the last New Year’s reunion when all five of you came… I thought he was with you guys up in Hannamdong?”


“WHAT?!!!?!?!!?” All three of them yelled in unison with round eyes.

“He’s not?!!?!?!?!” Daehyun’s mom looked at them shocked.

“W-we thought… no.. We were told that he was at home in his hometown….” Jongup replied her question.

Daehyun’s brother walked in with the drinks, “What is there to be so shocked about?”

“Have you gotten a call from Daehyun recently?” Daehyun’s mother questioned his older brother.

“Umm…. Yeah I think…??”

“When was the last call you made with him?” Youngjae asked.

“Hold up.. Let me check..” He got his cellphone out and looked through his calls, “Oh! Last time I made a call was…… March 3rd… That’s two days after Yongguk’s marriage.”

“I haven’t received a call from him since then too…” His mother commented.

“I guess he’s not contacting his family members either…” Junhong stated.

“Please Junhong… Stop stating the obvious,” Jongup said while Junhong glared at him.

“I was just saying what was going through my mind… Geez..” Junhong said back.

“GUYS… Not right now,” Youngjae warned them while shoving his forehead into hands, “Then where the hell is this guy…”

“He’s missing?” Daehyun’s brother asked, still confused since nobody was explaining things to him.

“Why don’t you go and call your father.. Tell him to get off of work now. This is serious.” Daehyun’s mother asked. Daehyun’s brother went to make the call.

“When was the last time you guy’s saw Daehyun?” She questions with a sheer look of panic starting to spread across her small face.

“Around two weeks? Don’t worry, mother… We’ll find him.. He’s probably somewhere nearby. I mean where else can he go?” Youngjae soothed the worried mother.

“Dad’s coming home right now… It’s getting late, why don’t you guys stay over tonight?” Daehyun’s brother offered. His mom nodded in agreement, “Stay here tonight. I’ve made enough dinner too… We’ll talk again once your father comes back home…”

She got up to the kitchen, shaking all the way there. Junhong’s face fell as he watched how worried Daehyun’s mother was.

A couple of minutes later, Daehyun’s father shuffled in, hastily locking the door on his way in.

“What happened?!” Daehyun’s father immediately asked when he saw everyone crowded in the living room.






Yongnam walked around in the empty house with a bowl of cereal in his hand.

“Dang…. There really is nothing to do when no one’s home…….. I gotta get me a girlfriend… Like now.”

He plopped himself down on the couch.

He stared at the black TV screen as he heard the clock tick by.











“OK THAT’S IT….. This is too boring. I’m going to the club at night. Seriously… No Yongguk to bother and life gets boring. I mean just LOOK AT ME,” he said as he watched his image on the TV screen, “I’m TALKING TO MYSELF.”

He settled the bowl down on the table and grabbed the remote. He flipped to a channel where a new drama was just starting.

He slapped his hand against his face, “I cannot believe…. THE Bang Yongnam is watching K-dramas…..” He lied down on his stomach with his chin resting on his forearm.


That went on for another thirty minutes.

“TV is boring too….” Yongnam was just about to fall asleep when something caught his eye.


His eyes shot open.

“What the heck….???”


Yongnam carefully got up from his position and walked over to the other couch. He looked around although he knew he was alone, he wanted to make sure no one was there.

He carefully let his slim hands swoop down and grab the white paper sticking out from underneath the couch seat.

Once he brought it up, he realized it was a photo. He squinted his eyes to get a better look. But within a millisecond interval, his eyes shot open, “What the fuc………… WHO would…. Why is there a pict….. What the hell.”

He fell back into the couch in shock, his eyes never leaving the photo.

“That escalated FAST…. I was dying of boredom just a few seconds ago….”

Yongnam closed his eyes for a few seconds and then stared at the picture again.

“This is SO weird…”

He thoroughly analyzed every millimeter of the photo.

“That’s definitely Yongguk and his wife… Youngjae… Jongup… Jun..Junhong? He got cut off but… still… And this weird guy I’ve never seen before.”

He held the photo of you, Yongguk and the rest plus Himchan from the mall.

“Who would take a picture like this? What the… Is someone stalking them??? But the picture was shot so close…..”

He turned the photo over wondering if there was anything else. He looked underneath the couch for any other hints as to what that picture was. But he didn’t find anything else.

“OH. MY. GOD. SOMEONE’S STALKING MY BROTHER’S PERSONAL LIFE. Are they blackmailing us? Wait but how did it end up in our house? This is so complicated and twisted in so many different ways.. Is Dad behind this? Oh… OH NO….. Please don’t tell me…..” Yongnam looked down at the photo he placed on the table.

“Please don’t tell me… Dad did NOT hire a man on Yongguk..”

Yongnam looked up at their family picture that was hanging from the wall. The way no one smiled when they took that picture. The way Yongguk’s dark circle fell all the way down to his jawline. Yongnam looked at unhappiness that was radiating off of that picture.

He looked at his father, sitting grimly on the edge of that expensive couch with his mother’s hand in his.

“Dad… You are messing up… BIG time. I warn you.. You better not be the one behind all this.”

Yongnam snatched the photo.

“Finally got something to do.. I can’t believe I’m doing this… But, someone’s got some hacking to do…” He said as he headed for his father’s study.










BUT!!! Everything’s good now~ I’ll try to get back on track with this story. Hope you guys are all still with me loves <3




--------------------------------> catpet <-------------------------------------------

Love you so much!!!


@jmayo81: His lyrics pained me every time I listened to the song!!! I swear I could never get enough of his voice!!! OMG I’ve listened to it at least a hundred times every day!!! XD FINALLY UPDATED :D Can you guess WHO it is now?? Left some hints here and there LOL Hope you liked <3 OH AND BTW DID YOU SEE YONGGUK’S LATEST INSTA UPDATE?!!!?!?!? HIS SMILE IS GOING TO BE THE END OF ME ONE DAY!! You should check it out ;)

@Iris1697: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT <3 Love you so much **MUAHH~** Yeah.. Many guessed Himchan ;) LOL Hope you liked the update!!! Couldn’t proofread… But oh well :P



Thank you all that support me <3 and all my loveable subscribers <3!!!!!!!

Please feel free to comment/question/criticize!!


Love you all!



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It’s been a year. You good authornim? ??
jmayo81 #2
Just checking in, hope all is well ^_^ really missed this story, but understand your busy.
jmayo81 #3
Just checking in, hope all is well!!! Miss your story & look forward to hearing from you again ^_^
Chapter 34: Thank god you're fine! that you had lost all your account info, but good thing you found them~!
Chapter 34: No worries:) take your time hahahaha :)
Chapter 34: I just found out about this story and OMG i like it!!!! I'm waiting for the next update =D Fighting!
MyuuLuv17 #7
Chapter 34: I start the story when the last updated came up, and I'm waiting for your comeback! :)
Chapter 34: OMG! YOU'RE BACK! I'm still waiting for your story but take your time! No problem..
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 34: I'm glad to know you found it!!! But that sounds awful to lose it all!! No worries, look forward to another update, whenever you're able to do so!!!
jmayo81 #10
Just checking in, I'm sure it's busy.... but just hope all is well & look forward to an update when your able :)