We're Off!

My Love {CLOSED}

Yongguk woke up the next day with a huge grin plastered across his slim face.

Today’s the day!! I’m finally going on the honeymoon today!!

He looked down at your sleeping face next to him and his smile only got bigger.

I’m so sorry I kept you waiting, love… I should have taken you on our honeymoon earlier..

Yongguk thought to himself before leaving a chaste kiss on your forehead. Quietly getting off of the bed, he entered the bathroom and grabbed the toothbrushes, toothpaste, and the other sanitary supplies that him and you use. The rushing down to the kitchen, he got a bag and put everything in it. He eyed the clock which read—8:17 A.M.

“Since our departure time is at 3:25P.M…. so we have a bit time. I should wake her up so we can finish packing up,” Yongguk said to himself as he walked back to his room.

On the way, he met his father coming down, “Good morning, Dad,” he greeted. His father gave him a nod in response.

Yongguk was about to turn around and head back in when he heard his father call out to him.

“Yongguk…… Where did you guys say you were heading?”

Yongguk looked at his father suspiciously, “Why do you want to know that?”

“I was just wondering… I am your father.. It would be nice to know where you will be at just in case of emergencies.” His father looked at him in the eye.

Yongguk shot a look back, “Why? So you can send those useless bodyguards and have them follow me everywhere? If you sent the bodyguards… Would I even have time alone with my wife?”

His father feigned an innocent look, “Why… of course you would have time alone.. I was just going to send some people with you so that you wife can be safe and—“

“I can protect my own wife.. I fell for her, I love her.. Love her till the point where I would give up my own life if it meant that she would be safe and sound…” Yongguk cut his father off.

His father’s eyes flickered with the switch of mood. Yongguk didn’t take notice, but his father’s eyes were blazing with anger. Yongguk continued, “But if you really want to send your bodyguards, I’m gone for Australia, departing at 1:30 P.M.”

His father smiled, “That’s good… I’ll send your people first… I’ll have the leave on the plane right before yours so that they can wait for you in Australia. Okay?”

Yongguk looked away and sighed, “NOW… can I get to my loved one?”

His father nodded and Yongguk ran into his room where you were sleeping.

He shut the door tightly and held onto his pounding chest.

Boy… was that a lie.

He looked over at your sleeping figure and walked over to the bed. When he crouched down to eye level, he whispered, “We’ll be alone now, darling… Just you and me.. On our honeymoon… We won’t have to worry about those bodyguards chasing us down..”

Yes… Yongguk lied. Lied big time to his father…

You guys weren’t going to Australia, but in fact, you were heading in the complete opposite direction. Your honeymoon…






Yup, you guys were going to visit the Hawaiian Islands. Then Yongguk planned to go into the states and head for Vegas. He had everything planned and he didn’t want his father to mess it up.

He gently shook you to wake you up, “My angel… Let’s wake up.”

You groaned in your sleep and rolled around, turning your back to him. Yongguk smiled at your overflowing cuteness.

He jumped into the bed on the space beside you, and he held onto your small back. Leaving small kisses down the back of your neck, he chuckled when he felt you shudder underneath his arms.

“Darling, wake up…”

He turned you around and caressed your face. Seeing that you showed no sign of waking up, he got up and tucked his left hand underneath your knees and his right held onto your shoulders.

With no problem, he lifted you up and you let your face fall into the crook of his neck. Now, it was his turn to shudder as your breath hit is sensitive neck.

He turned his head and kissed your nose as he took you to the bathroom. He sat you on the sink counter and let your back rest against the mirror. He got your toothbrush out of the bag he placed it in earlier and grabbed your chin and started to brush your teeth for you.

After a few minutes of discomfort, you finally opened your eyes to be greeted with Yongguk between your legs—focused on getting your teeth brushed.

“asdfjkl” You tried to say to Yongguk. He stopped brushing your teeth and looked up at you and gave you one of his dazzling smiles.

“Good morning to you too, sweetheart… Let’s finish getting you cleaned up..”

He continued on with where he previously left off, but you grabbed onto his hand and clenched your jaws together.

You were beyond embarrassed at what he was doing. He looked at you and nodded, “Alright, you want to wash up by yourself?” You nodded your head and he chuckled deeply.

He held your hand that was grasped onto his and brought it to the toothbrush. “Get ready quickly, so we can head to our house and pack up some of the things that we couldn’t pack last night.”

You nodded your head as you go off of the sink.

Before Yongguk shut the bathroom door, he stuck his head back in, “Oh! And I don’t think you need to change… We’re going to head straight to our house. I’m going to leave in my PJ’s also.”

You smiled and nodded your head.

Once you guys finished, Yongguk asked for you to wait in the living room while he moves the suitcases into the trunk. You offered to help, but he refused to let you carry anything heavy.

While you watched Yongguk walk to and from his room to the car, you sat on the sofa.

Soon you felt the couch dip beside you and you turned around, meeting eyes with no other than Yongguk’s father.

You greeted him with a polite “Good morning” and he greeted you back.

He grabbed the newspaper and leaned back into the seat, “So… How has everything been going?”


“Falling in love with my son yet?”

You hesitated to answer… Your heart wanted so bad to admit to your true feelings, but your brain knew better.

“….. No. Never will..”

“Good, good.. Heard from Yongguk that you guys were heading for Australia?”

“……” WHAT? Weren’t we going to Hawaii?

You looked at his father, but his face was hidden behind the newspaper. Frantically searching your brain, you tried to remember if Yongguk’s ever told you about the change of plans. But if that’s what Yongguk told his father, it must be true so, “Yes… we are..”

“What time are you guys departing?” He asked.

You started to wonder why he kept asking, but you honestly did not know your departure time since Yongguk had the plane tickets with him.

So you honestly answered, “I’m not really sure.. You’re going have to ask Yongguk about it, because the plane tickets are in his possession right now.”

His father folded the newspaper and placed it on the table. “So, are you guys going to be using the same room at the hotel?”

You looked at him weird… How would you know that when it wasn’t even time to decide that yet?

“Probably not? I’ll make sure to ask for a room with a door between us.”

His father nodded in satisfaction, “And make sure you don’t let your heart beat fast for my son..”

You nodded your head, “Of course…”

He looked at you straight, “And what was that one rule….?”

“No babies.. I will make sure of that, you don’t need to worry.. I’m not even into those stuff..”

“You never know…” His father insisted, “And by chance… Do you remember Rule #2?”

“The no skinship one?”

“I’ve seen that you guys hardly obeyed to that one…So..”

You got yourself ready for the worst and prepared yourself to apologize, but his father continued, shocking you…

“I’ll cancel that one.. Just make Yongguk fall for you… Commit to you.. Okay?”

Your eyes turned wide, “U-uhm… Y-yeah,… I mean. Yes sir..”

“Tell me something… Why do you need the 30 million so badly?” His father leaned forward and rested his elbow on his knees.

“I would like to not speak of that…” You turned away.

His father eyed you, but didn’t ask any further.

“Just be careful..Alright?”

You nodded and waited for Yongguk to come. You really didn’t want to talk to his father then and wished that Yongguk would come quicker.

While waiting, you heard the door from the second floor open then close. You turned your gaze to the top floor and saw Yongguk’s mother coming down in her night gown.

When she saw you, she rushed down the stairs, “Oh my! Are you guys already leaving???”

She grabbed onto your hand as she took the empty seat next to you. You smiled and answered her question.

Just then Yongnam walked in and sat down on the couch across from you.

You greeted him and you all sat in silence when Yongguk showed up, his eyebrows raised, “Is this some kind of family meeting??”

You stood up hearing his deep, relaxing voice. He hopped over his father’s legs and sat down with you on his laps.

You saw his father’s face fall and………….

You weren’t the only one that took notice…



Yongnam watched his father’s expression fall into something he couldn’t read. But he knew something was off… Like before.

No one knew, but Yongnam heard the last part of the conversation you and his father had.

What did she need to be careful of??What were they talking about earlier?

Yongguk stood up with you in his arms and he stated you guys would be heading out. His mother and Yongnam walked you guys all the way out while his father sat on the couch not moving at all.

He didn’t even wish you guys your farewells. But you could care less.

Yongguk got you settled in the and before he could get to his seat, Yongnam grabbed him, “Hey… I overheard your wife and Dad talk about something… Didn’t get to really hear the full conversation, but Dad’s voice was tense. Why do I get a feeling that Dad doesn’t really like your wife, Yongguk?”

Yongguk patted his brother, “You probably heard wrong.. Oh, and I told Dad that we’re going to Australia not Hawaii like I told you. So if Dad asks, tell him that we headed for Australia…”

Yongnam nodded his head, “Alright.. Have nice time with your wife alone.”

Yongguk smiled, “Remember to keep me updated on that man that you talked about before..”

Yongnam nodded, “Hurry and go, not good to keep your lady waiting..”



On the way to your house, you remembered what his father told you and asked your husband, “Yongguk? What did Father-in-law mean when we were heading for Australia?”

Yongguk smiled, “Don’t worry too much about what he said..”

“So where ARE we going?”

“Hmmm?? Hawaii, of course…” He replied.

“Oh… Then what was your father talking about?”



Once you guys arrived at the house, you and Yongguk finished packing some of the left items and then moved all of the suitcases into the car. Once you guys were done, Yongguk called Youngjae.

“UGhhhhhhhh…. Hello?” Youngjae said as he woke from his sleep.

“Youngjae…Could you guys come over? We’re going to leave for our honeymoon, and I have something to tell you guys..”

“Oh yeah, hyung.. Yeah, we’ll go, but Dae can’t go…”


“Cause.. I don’t know where he is—“

“What do you mean?!”

“Haa…. Well, hyung… Daehyun didn’t come back home last night after you guys left.. He said he was going to go back down to his hometown or something…”

“That’s weird…”

“Yupp… I guess, he something up meeting family problems so he had to go down. Or something…”

“Oh well… Then could you bring the maknaes over?”

“Sure, hyung.”

“Oh! And on the way, grab us something to eat, we didn’t get to eat anything yet. But don’t buy anything with meat in it. My wife doesn’t eat meat.”

“Alright.. Be there in thirty…”

After hanging up, Yongguk turned around and grinned when he saw you sitting on one of the suitcases.

Whatever you wore, made Yongguk’s head spin. Even when you were in your pajamas this morning, the wedding dress, and right then with just a simple denim flannel and leather pants, his heart fluttered.


He didn’t understand how he’s fallen for you so fast and so hard…


You and Yongguk busied yourself while waiting for his friends by getting ready to leave.

Later, you heard the doorbell ring and Junhong ran into the house screaming, “NOOOOOOOOOONNNNAAAAAAA~~~!!! BREAKKKKFAASSTTTTT!”

You greeted him and the rest of the two while they settled all the breakfast out.

When everyone sat down, you looked around and found Daehyun missing.

“Where’s Daehyun??” You asked Youngjae

“He’s down at his hometown… Something about family problems.. He left last night, right after we left you guys.” Youngjae replied for you.

You nodded, a disappointing feeling arise in the pit of your stomach.


Yongguk plopped himself down next to you.

“So hyung, there was something you wanted to tell us?” Jongup started.

“Oh… that. Nothing big really… but IF by chance, my dad asks where we went… Tell him that we went to Australia.”

“I thought you were going to Hawaii??”

“Yup we are… I lied to my dad about it… So make sure you guys say the same,” Yongguk told them, “make sure Daehyun knows about this too. Okay?”


After everyone finished, you and Yongguk took off in your car while Youngjae drove behind you guys.

You all arrived at the airport around 1P.M. and you felt Yongguk look around.

“Hyung, is there anything you’re looking for?”

“Nope… Nothing” he replied, and seeing that his bodyguards were nowhere to be seen, Yongguk relaxed a bit.

Jongup and Junhong helped Yongguk with the luggage while Youngjae waited with you off to the side.

“Well, noona, I wish you and hyung a great honeymoon..”

“Mhmm thanks!” You gave Youngjae a smile, “I’ll make sure to bring back presents for your four.”

“Ahahaha,  no need to.. Just enjoy the honeymoon.. Hyung must really like you, noona… I’ve never seen him so committed to a girl like he’s been to you..”

“What do you mean??”

“Well, I’m not sure if Yongguk hyung would want you to know, but the past two years… He’s been a very…. Well… not the best guy. I won’t tell you who made him like that or why he’s been acting that way, but I don’t think it’ll hurt to tell you that…” Youngjae hesitated.


“The past two years, the only thing he’s been doing was partying all day and all night… He wouldn’t listen to anyone. We tried to stop him, Yongnam hyung tried to stop him… He wouldn’t even listen to his mom whom he loved dearly.. So he’s made mistakes… Changing the girls every night. He lived with us back then...” Youngjae sighed, “I had to take the maknae’s out every night cause of him…If you know what I mean.”

You looked down, “Oh..”

“Yeah… The maknaes would always ask me why I was taking them out in the middle of the night… They would ask me why I made them sleep in the day instead and I couldn’t answer..” Youngjae continued.

“What… Why.. Why did he do that??” You questioned.

“I think you should ask Yongguk hyung… I don’t think I should tell you that much.”

“But you know the reason?”

Youngjae nodded his head, “Well, you should ask hyung more about it..”

“Oh…” Something inside of you twisted. It kind of hurt you trying think of what’s broken Yongguk so much.

It also kind of pained you…. Thinking of Yongguk.. with another girl in his arms. Even if he didn’t love them, it scared your heart.

But you stopped yourself, since you knew it’d be useless in falling in love with him. It hurt you so bad to think about it, but what hurt you even more was that even though you knew...

Knew he was the wrong man to fall in love with, you were already subconsciously letting yourself slowly but surely fall..


Youngjae shook you out of your thoughts when Yongguk and the other two approached you guys.

With a huge smile, arms wide opened, Yongguk walked towards you. When you were in his arm’s reach, he enveloped you in those strong arms as he crashed his lips against your cheek.

Bringing his lips lower, he hung his lips right above your own pair… And resting his forehead against yours,

“God must have been showing off his skills when He created you, darling…”

His breath hitting your lips.

You blushed and felt Yongguk press his body harder against yours as he brought his lips to lightly graze your own.

“I want this to be the best moment for you… All I want you to do.. Is forget all the problems you had and enjoy our honeymoon… Our time alone together..”

You nodded your head ever so slightly. He pressed his lips harder against yours, his eyes never leaving yours.

His nose met your cheek as he proceeded with the kiss. Your eyes shut tight. It felt like years have gone by when he broke the kiss.

He pecked your eyelids and embraced you tightly, resting his chin on your head. You saw Youngjae holding Jongup and Junhong so that they were facing the opposite direction. Your eyes met Youngjae’s and he gave you a glare, making you chuckle.

“HYUNG!!! PLEASE… IT’S PUBLIC.. P-U-B-L-I-C! PUBLIC….You are going to screw over our precious maknae’s brains!!!” Youngjae scolded Yongguk.

Yongguk laughed it off and you guys were off to your departing plane.

Youngjae and the boys said their farewells to you, Junhong clinging onto you like a son about to lose his mother.


Once Youngjae got Junhong and Jongup away from you, you gave them a last hug before returning to Yongguk.

“See you guys in three weeks!!”

You and Yongguk got seated into your seats in the first-class aisle. Yongguk insisted he take you in the most comfortable way possible.

As he got you comfortable in your seat next to the window, he whispered into your ear,

“If I had to choose between breathing and loving you… I would us my last utmost breath to say… ‘I love you’. Enjoy our honeymoon, love..”

He rested his head on your shoulder and you guys were off.



A/N: OMG I DIDN’T PROOFREADDDDD XP Hope you guys enjoyed, I’m sorry about my TERRIBLE writing today… Didn’t have the time to proofread…




----------------> xblingx <----------------


@mabelsilvera: Possibly~~~? :P

@iylia87: LOLLLL Yongguk’s the sweetest man on earth <3

@jmayo81: DaeDae <3 he’s adorable (; PROTECTIVE YONGGUK = BEST MAN EVER :D


Thanks for reading <3 Yongguk looks so adorable here :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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It’s been a year. You good authornim? ??
jmayo81 #2
Just checking in, hope all is well ^_^ really missed this story, but understand your busy.
jmayo81 #3
Just checking in, hope all is well!!! Miss your story & look forward to hearing from you again ^_^
Chapter 34: Thank god you're fine! that you had lost all your account info, but good thing you found them~!
Chapter 34: No worries:) take your time hahahaha :)
Chapter 34: I just found out about this story and OMG i like it!!!! I'm waiting for the next update =D Fighting!
MyuuLuv17 #7
Chapter 34: I start the story when the last updated came up, and I'm waiting for your comeback! :)
Chapter 34: OMG! YOU'RE BACK! I'm still waiting for your story but take your time! No problem..
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 34: I'm glad to know you found it!!! But that sounds awful to lose it all!! No worries, look forward to another update, whenever you're able to do so!!!
jmayo81 #10
Just checking in, I'm sure it's busy.... but just hope all is well & look forward to an update when your able :)