Friendship & Family

Jinhwan POV

I was about to walk into the bathroom when I heard people's talking about new students coming in today.

"You know, our school have new students today or to exactly two new students." Two new students? I leaned towards the door, trying to hear more.

"Really? As far as I know, this school doesn't just accept new student, most likely not on the first day of school." That's true though.

"That's what I want to talk about it to you. Rumors going around that the two new student are twin and they are the most genius student in their previous school. They even tied first place in the ranking in this nation." Wow, tied in first place. It's that even possible?! Who are they?

"I guess B.A.P got themselves some competition then. We all know all B.A.P members ace in their exam."

"That's why I can't wait to see who they are. They must be someone who you can't beat."

"Anyway, I think we better go back to class before teacher think we are ditching his class." Uh oh. I quickly walked away. Are they really that good?


Baekhyun POV

I just got into class after my stomach are finally full when I heard the girls talking.

"Girls, this morning we discovered a good looking guy." Psh, girls... I rolled my eyes. I quickly sit on my seat.

"Is he one of the new students that all teacher are talking about?" Accepting new student on first day of school? Are this school policy has changed now?

"I guess so because I also saw a beautiful girl with him. But the girl is taller than average, I think she share the same height with the guy because when they're standing next to each other, they're exactly the same height." Is she even taller than me?! Heck, I'm too short.... T-T I regret not drinking milk when I was still a kid.

"Are they that special for school to break their policy about accepting new student on first day of school?"

"Ah, we could care less about that. The guy is seriously good looking, I almost drool when I saw him earlier."


"Yeah and many girls happen to chase him earlier but the girl saw that and she grabbed him and run together. After that, I couldn't found them."

"What a tragic story." How sarcastic.. Hahaha

"Whatever you say, it's not affecting me at all." So, is he that good looking? If that's the case, Kris hyung got himself a rival. Hahaha. I should tell this to Chanyeol.

I walked to Chanyeol's desk and found him sleeping. Did he stayed late last night?

"AYO WADDUP CHANYEOL!" I shouted into his ear making him startled and fell on his on the floor.


"Hahaha. You should see your face. It's funny dude." Chen said to him since he sat behind Chanyeol.

"Both of you are mean to me." He pouted.

"Stop doing that, I've got news for both of you." I said. He slowly sit back on his seat.

"And what is that?" Ken's voice interrupting me.

"Yeah, what is that?" This time, Jin and Seunghoon come to us and sat among us.

"I only talked to Chanyeol and Chen and you guys came out of nowhere but never mind. I'll just continue." I cleared my throat.

"No need to clear your throat, it's not like you're going to sing anyways." Chen said to me. Hmph, always ruining my moment.

"I'll do whatever I want. So, girls around my seat talked about new students coming today."

"It's that even a big deal? It's not like our school don't accept new student." Seunghoon rolled his eyes to me. How dare he rolled his eyes to me?

"Shut up and just listen to what Baekhyun want to tell us." Jin snapped at him.

"Thank you Jin. As I said earlier, the girls talked about new students coming today. As all of you know, our school don't just accept new student, at least not on first day of school. And I heard the new students are a boy and a girl."

"Is the girl pretty?" Chanyeol showing an interest upon hearing 'girl'.

"That I don't know, all I heard was the boy is totally good looking and the girl is taller than average." I shrugged.

"Is that what you call news, dude?" Chen said.

"Don't you think it's a little strange for our school to do that?" Jin replied to his question.

"It must be either they're really genius or they're influential." Ken said and I nodded to him.

"I think that must be reason for our school to break their own policy." I agreed to what Chen said. I think so. Unless there's something that we don't know.

"Anyway, we'll meet them later. Can't wait to see new faces." Seunghoon exclaimed. Well, I also can't wait to see the new faces.

"Me too. Do you guys think they're on our grade?" Chanyeol asked us.

"Nah. If they're on our grade, they'll be in this class right now. Did you forget that our school doesn't have that much students?" Chen said to him.

"They must be around our age or worse, they're on Jungkook's age." JIn said.

"Eyy.. No way." Seunghoon said.

"Yes way, there is a possibility they're around Jungkook's age. We'll just wait for the chances to meet them later." I said after thinking for a while. If that's true, then they're 5 years younger than us?! Hmm... I feel old already. Time sure flies quickly.


Yunhyeong POV

I was stuffing my things into my bag when my phone suddenly vibrated. I looked at my phone. Oh, a new message.


From: Goo Jun Hoe

Hyung, I've told the others to meet up on the usual place. I gotta introduce you guys to my new friends. Don't be late.


I chuckled. Wait, Junhoe got new friends? Usually he takes a long time to be friend with someone. When I said a long time, it is a VERY long time. Wow, our maknae sure has changed for the better.

"Yo, Yunhyeong-ah. Did you receive the message?" Bobby slung his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, and why don't we go together to our usual place now?"

"Then, let's go."

I quickly stuffed my things and slung my bag. As we are walking on the hallways, all students are talking about new exchanged students.

"What is with new students?" Bobby asked them.

"You guys don't know about that? There are two new exchanged students. Both of them are guy and guess what? They're twin plus both of them are hot, you know." A girl answered him since others simply ignored his question.

"Really? We have no idea about any exchanged students." I said to her as she leaned on her locker, chewing on her gum with her arms crossed. Sheesh, she looks like a gangster. Hope she fix her attitude when she got a boyfriend.

"If you have no question, then I'll be going. Bye." Her shoulder bumped with Bobby's as she walked past both of us.

"Did you saw that? She just bumped her shoulder on me. Who does she think she is? Is she some gangster or what? If I meet her again, I will diss her with my rap." Bobby said angrily.

"Relax. I know you're upset but let it go. She is just a girl. Don't pick a fight with a girl. Let's go." I tried calming him down and thank god, he looked a little better.

"Yunhyeong-ah, who do you think the new students are?" Bobby asked me as we started make our way to our usual place.

"I don't know Jiwon, maybe some genius twin." I shrugged.

"That makes sense since our school is top school in the nation, right Yunyeong-ah?"

"Hmm..." I looked at Junhoe's message. New friends? Could it be his new friends are the new exchanged students? "Jiwon-ah, do you think Junhoe's new friends are the new students?" I just asked him since that was the first thing that popped in my mind.

"Maybe yes, maybe not. Since Junhoe doesn't mention anything about new students. Again it could them but it could be not."

"Oh, I think I saw Junhoe from here. He got here so fast unlike usual."

"Well, guess he can't wait to introduce his new friends. Haha." I nodded in agreement as I can see his few friends and two unfamiliar faces. One with cold, emotionless face plus an attractive face with bed hair style and one with shoulder length, slightly light violet colored hair. Hmm....Looks like a girl. WAIT?! Is it a girl or a boy?

"Wait, I think I could see a girl among Junhoe's friends." I said to Bobby.

"Oh, I think I see her too. Let's go to them."


Bobby POV

"Well, guess he can't wait to introduce his new friends. Haha." Yunhyeong nodded in agreement.

"Wait, I think I could see a girl among Junhoe's friends." He said to me, making me scanned through them using my hawk eyes (even though my eyes are small). HA! I found there she is. Shoulder length, slight violet colored hair. Whoa, she's pretty. Is she one of Junhoe's new friends? Our maknae are growing up.

"Oh, I think I see her too. Let's go to them." We proceed going to them as I could hear Hanbin's voice from afar. I looked behind as Jinhwan hyung and Hongseok hyung walking with him.

"YA, KIM JI WON! Wait for us." Hanbin shouted.

"Hyeong-ah, let's wait for them." I stopped on my tracks, waiting for the three turtle (obviously slow) Hanbin, Jinhwan hyung.and Hongseok hyung.

"Okay." He also stopped on his tracks.

"Yunhyeong hyung, Bobby hyung. Do you guys heard about the new exchanged students?" News sure spread quickly.

"We heard about it already, so don't bother to tell us about it." Yunhyeong replied to Hanbin's question as he looks annoyed probably tired of hearing the same news.

"Don't you guys think it's strange for our school to accept new student on first day of school?" As Jinhwan hyung said that, Jinhyeong, Chanwoo and Yoojung came running towards us.

"Why did you leave us, hyungs?" Chanwoo asked us.

"You guys came out late, so we just leave first." Hongseok hyung said to him.

"Yoojung, shouldn't you be hanging out with your group members right now?"

"I just tagged along with both of them."

"Whatever, let's just go to them. Look, they're waiting there already." Yunhyeong cut them off before they could say anything.


"Yo, BamBam. How are you bro?" Yoojung bro-hugged him. Can't she be girlier for once? For her future boyfriend maybe?

"Yo, Yoojung. I'm fine. You just saw me this morning."

"I know. Just asking. So, are both of them the new students you're talking about?" She pointed to the two unfamiliar faces.

Junhoe cleared his throat. "Err, so all of iKON members have gathered. Here I want to introduce my new friends." He pushed both of them in front of us.

He sure have two good looking new friends. The guy seemed like uncomfortable, the same goes to the girl next to him as all of us stared at them, waiting for them to say something.

"Jaeyun, Yunjae. You guys can relax. They're good people and they're also my friends." Does we look scary to them?

"So, what are your name?" I asked the guy as he seemed to hesitate, debating whether he should introduce himself or not.

"Jaeyun. Park Jaeyun." I think I've heard of that name before. Hmm....

"And you?" Yunhyeong asked the girl.

"Yunjae. My full name is Park Yunjae." She looked beautiful up close but her voice is husky. Like a guy's voice....

"Are you two twin? Because your face looks the exactly and you both are on same height." Yoojung asked them. Now that she said it, their face does look exactly the same.

"Aren't you two are the one who got chased by the girls this morning?" Hanbin asked them. I don't think I saw anyone got chased. When did it happen?

"First of all, yes, we are twin and yes, we also got chased by the girls this morning. I guess all of you are older than both of us, right?" Jaeyun replied back.

"You must be around Junhoe's age right? When are yours’ birthday?" Hongseok asked him.

"Our birthday are on 31th December." Yunjae said.

"That means only Chanwoo and Yoojung are younger than both of you. Their birthday are on January by the way. So feel free if both of you want to drop the formalities." Jinhwan said to her. I flashed my smily face at her.

"Are you... a girl by any chance?" Chanwoo asked her. She looked offended.

"NO! I'm not a girl, I'm a guy and I'm older than Jaeyun by two minutes." Ah, that's why he looked offended just now.

"Sorry, I don't mean to make you offended. Because you look like a girl." Chanwoo said quietly, feeling small because Yunjae just kinda shouted at him.

"Don't be. He gets that every time. I told him to change his hairstyle, but he doesn't listen to me." Jaeyun said to Chanwoo, trying to make he feel comfortable.

"Thank you, Jaeyun.... hyung."

"Does that mean I have to call both of you 'oppa'? Yoojung asked them straightforward. She doesn't even called us oppa. I pouted at the thought.

"No need, plus our birthday are just one month apart. Just drop the formalities, we don't mind." Yunjae said, smiling to her. The first smile went to Yoojung.

"Good because I don't like calling anyone 'oppa' or 'unnie' anyway." She smiled back to him.

"Do both of you want to hang out with us tomorrow?" Hanbin asked them.

"Nah. Hanbin hyung, tomorrow BamBam and Yugyeom wanted to introduce both of them to GOT7 members." Junhoe said to him.

"Ah, before I forget, I'm also one of GOT7 members." Yoojung said to the twin.

"Oh, really? Why don't we camp together on Friday? We could do some bonding time and we get to know both of you better." I said.

"That's a good idea, err.." Jaeyun pointed to me as a sing asking my name.

"Bobby. Call me Jiwon hyung or Bobby hyung. You can call me by my nickname too, Kimbap." I smiled to him.

"Yeah, Bobby hyung. I also would love to camp with you guys. We've never have many friends before, so we are kinda excited for it." Jaeyun smiled back to me.

"Are we going to meet many people tomorrow?" Yunjae asked to us, making all of laughed at his question.

"Yes, Yunjae. Be thrilled because our group members are all crazy." Yugyeom said to him.

"I think my group members are crazier than your group members. They're so embarrassing sometimes." Jungkook said making all of us laughed again, agreeing to what he said. BTS members are all crazy but that's what makes them special.

"I can't wait to meet them." Jaeyun said.

"You'll have a headache after meeting all of them because you gotta memorize many names." Jinhyeong said after staying quiet for a while.

"We don't mind if it means we get to have new friends." All of us smiled upon hearing Yunjae said this.


Today are one happier day for all of us.


A/N: The twin got themselves many new friend. So, iKON boys all have made their grand appearance. In the next chapter, there'll be many appearance. Be prepare. Thank you for reading. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..