Friendship & Family

Jaeyun POV

I slept quiet early yet so late yesterday and I was able to wake up easily. I think it's the first time I woke up faster than Yunjae. Leaving Yunjae on the bed, I entered the bathroom to wash up.

I looked at my reflection at the mirror. My eyebags aren't that visible like the day before. But it's still there. Washing my face, I stripped from my pajamas and began to wash up.


When I came out from the bathroom, drying my hair with the towel, Yunjae was still in deep sleep. I glanced at the clock. We still have two and half hours before school start.

Today, I will cook for them. Whistling, I came down the stairs, obviously in a good mood and entered the kitchen.

Way to start a day with cooking for my family and so, an hour passed.


Mom soon entered the kitchen, already sat on the chair facing the food. But she's still sleepy.

Slurring like she was drunk, she said something that I couldn't make out. Laughing, I put the pot on it's place and wash my hands.

I sat in front of her. "Mom, are you still sleepy?"

"Hmmm, Iamstillbhjjfihdrh. Hmmm."

Chuckling, I leaned closer and ruffled her hair. I sat back on my chair. "If you're not going to the company today, why don't we go shopping later? Right after Yunjae and I come back from school. What do you think?"

Her eyes snapped open, revealing her bright, hazel coloured eyes. "Yeah, we are definitely going to do that." She then walked to the bathroom. "Oh! And I'm off from work today. Please call my secretary and tell her." She shouted from inside the bathroom.

I laughed and grabbed my phone. A chair then was pulled and someone sat on it. Yunjae.

"Um, smell delicious. Am I dreaming? You woke up earlier than me." He grinned.

"Appreciate the fact that I make the breakfast. I'm in a good mood today." Giving him the chopstick, I grabbed mine as well.

"I heard we're going shopping together with Mom today."

"Yep. She's really excited about it." Mom then came out from the bathroom. "Look at her. She's humming a song now."


Mom furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed we're staring at her.

"What are you two looking at?"

"Oh, nothing Mom." Yunjae smiled playfully.

"We're just looking at our gorgeous mom."

Both of us smiled sweetly.

She blushed. "Oh, stop it. You're making me embarrassed."

Today's morning were filled with talking and laughing together.


Yunjae POV
Today's classes were actually unnecessary for both Jaeyun and me. We already learned about it.


Putting all of my things into my bag, someone stood in front of me. I looked up.

"Jungkook, do you need anything?"

He rubbed his palms together. "Well, I was thinking if I can bring both of you to hang out with my group members."

Jaeyun then slung his arm on my shoulder. "Ah, too bad. We have something to do later."

I smiled apologitically. "I don't think we have to. We have tomorrow night until Sunday to camp and play together right?"

"We can use that time to hang out as well." Junhoe said. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Hanbin hyung and Jiwon hyung have planned something fun for us to do."

"Oh, that's right! I forgot about it. Well, if both of you couldn't make it, I'll get going first. Bye, see you guys tomorrow." He dashed off.

"Then, I'll go too. Bye, see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye." We both said and simply waved our hands.


I smiled at my own reflection. I looked great. I walked out from the room and leaned on the wall with Jaeyun, waiting for Mom to come out.

I knocked the door. "Mom! Are you done yet?" I shouted.

"Wait a minute. Or you two can get into the car first." She shouted back.

"We'll just going to wait here." I said to Jaeyun.

"Or we'll just barge into her room." Jaeyun smiled devilishly, an idea came into his mind. "What do you think?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" My eyes went wide than usual, which then retreated back to normal. "If yes.." I opened the door slowly. "We'll definitely doing that." I whispered, smirking playfully.

"Oh yeah!" He whispered back, rather quiet loud.

We could see Mom having a war inside her brain as she kept picking out the outfits from her wardrobe.

She kept frowning and shaking her head as she looked at all the outfits. Seems like she couldn't pick one for her to wear.

We then leaned on the door, the idea of pranking and making her suprised like hell, was dissappeared.

"Mom. If I were you, I will pick that outfit." Jaeyun pointed.

"This?" She picked it up. Both of us nodded. Her face brightens. "Thanks my boys. I will change in a minute. Wait outside."

 We both chuckled at how cute our Mom was being.


Mom came out from her room. And WOW, all people are going to stare at her beauty.

"How is it?" She asked.

We took both her hands and kneeled in front of her.

"My lady." Jaeyun recited.

"You look so gorgeous and dazzling now." I continued after him. Mom laughed at our dorkiness.

"Even if you wear something ugly, it would look really good on you." I scowled at Jaeyun.

"Such a great way to kill the beautiful mood." Mom laughed louder than before.

"What?! I'm saying the truth here." He rolled his eyes.

"Sure, whatever you say." I rolled my eyes at him, copying what he did seconds ago.

"Okay, okay. No fighting boys." Mom pulled us up, helping we stand up. "Now, let's go."


Joohyun POV

I laughed yet again as the scene from before kept playing in my mind.


After an hour journey to the shopping mall, we arrived safely at the place.

Jaeyun got off from the car, rushing to open the door for me. These boys really love to serve me.

"Thank you Jaeyun." I chuckled softly.

He closed the door. "You are most welcome, my princess." He smirked, knowing it would make me blush.


I found myself, both my arms linked with them as we walked into the mall.

People's attention went to us as we walked past them.

"Hey, isn't that the Park's family?"

"What are they doing here?"

"Of course they're coming here to shop, you ."

"Wah, Park Joohyun is really beautiful." I smiled shyly as I heard that.

Jaeyun smirked as he walked the aisle like a model would do a runway.

"Woah, his smirk is a bullet piercing my heart. Catch me, I think I'm going to faint." A girl passed out all of a sudden and we just continued walking as if nothing happened.

"Even though I'm slightly uncomfortable with the stares we're getting, but I must admit, I do love the attention." Yunhae admitted.

"WOW! Park's visual sure don't lie." We could hear all the whispers and it's all pleasant thing.


It seems like forever because of those constants looks, whispers, talking about us until we finally reached the boutique.

We entered the boutique, and once again everyone's attention at us. The boutique owner which is one of my old friends, then came to us.

"Oh, what brings you here? Look at you. Looking young and your beauty seems to bloom more as you age. And I see, you brought your boys too."She pinched Jaeyun's cheek and does the same to Yunjae, which resulted a scowl forming on their faces. Both of them are rubbing their cheeks softly.

"Oh, thank you Nana." I patted her arms. "I could say the same about you. You looked more beautiful."

She laughed in pleasant. "Why are your boys so cute?" I smiled at her. "Let's go to my office. We'll get to talk more there." She leaned closer. "Plus, we can avoid from all of their stares." She whispered after she looked around.

"You always know what the best."


I observed her office. It's really nice being here, rather than outside. Outside was a little crowded, too many people. It even has a few comfy couch here. Three of us sat on one of it.

"Enjoy yourselves like you're at home." She proceeded to open the curtains, sunlight beamed inside alongside with the view of the other buildings outside.
She then sat in front of us. "Want me to get a coffee? Or maybe a tea?"

"It would be nice if you could get us coffee." Yunjae politely answered.

Nana nodded. "Then, coffee it is." She smiled and called in one of her staffs.

"Hyuna, could you make four cups of coffee? And if you're busy, just get Amber to bring it here."

"Yes, Ma'am. I will do that." A voice answered.

"Thank you Hyuna." Nana ended the call.

"So, what brings you here Joohyun?" My boys simply watched us in silent.

"I'm here to buy some clothes for myself and also my boys. It was obvious." I chuckled.

"Oh, silly me. I forgot for a moment that I'm running a boutique." She laughed. The door clicked open, revealing a short boy bringing a tray full of coffee cups. He looked like he's struggling to bring it. I nudged Yunjae and he quickly understood it.

Yunjae went to him and take the tray away from him. "S-sir, what are you doing?" A husky voice came out from his petite frame. His voice was quiet charming.

"Don't feel bad about it. I'm just helping you." Yunjae put the tray on the table.

"Nice son you got there, Joohyun. I'm jealous of you. My daughter don't even listen to me these days." She frowned, wrinkles forming on her beautiful face.

Yunjae sat back on his place while the boy was frozen on his place. Stunning over what had just happened.

"Amber, you could go now. I will call you if there is anything." Nana said, sipping her coffee.

Seconds later, Amber was back to reality. "Ah, yes Ma'am." He bowed and quickly ran, almost knocked his head on the door if not for Jaeyun.

"Hey, watch out!" She stopped abruptly.

"T-Thank you s-sir." He bowed once again and got out from the office.

"She is clumsy, isn't she?" I looked at Nana.

"She?!" Jaeyun asked her before I could.

"Don't tell me you guys thought she is a boy."

"Well, actually we did." Jaeyun muttered.

"No wonder her hands so soft." Yunjae mumbled.

"You guys were fooled by her appearanced." She laughed yet again. "But I don't blame you guys because I'm also like that when I first saw her." She raked a hand through her silky, long hair. "But, don't let that appearance fooled you again. She's really beautiful if she gets a makeover." She continued. "Back to the clothes, do you want to see the catalogues? In case if you want to see everything."

Yunjae looked up and smiled at her. "We'll be thankful if you could bring us that."


Flipping the pages one by one, carefully analyzing the clothes quality. The catalogues has all the informations about the details. Starting from the material until to from it was imported. It's not like I don't trust Nana but I want to buy a really quality clothes.

"Mom, I don't think this is a good idea." Jaeyun closed the catalogue and put in on the table.

"Yeah, I agree with him." Doing the same thing as Jaeyun did, Yunjae placed the catalogue aside. "I think we're just wasting our time." He said.

"Instead of browsing over these catalogues, I think it will be better if we go see the actual thing." Jaeyun asked.

"Besides, I believe they're all high quality clothes. So, there is no need for us to browse it one by one through this catalogues." Yunjae pointed out.

"But-" I was cut off by Jaeyun.

"Mom, we've got lots of thing we want to do after this."

"I know that but-" I was cut off. Again. I haven't finish talking yet. Boys!!! I mentally screamed in frustration.

"We'll save a lot of time if we go see the real thing by now." Yunjae spoke.

"Fine. We'll do what you two suggested." I figured that it will be useless if I try to say anything again. I can't beat them with words. Their words are really on point that it would make you give up instantenously. And that's what I just did. I gave up.

For parents out there. I have something to tell you guys.

Well, our kids behaviours at their ages were just like us when we was once on their age. No point on scolding them, since they're exactly like us. Instead, just let and watch they mature as time goes by. By the time, you would realize how much you missed their acts when they were younger and I speak from experiences. Just like how my parents taught me. And I taught my boys like that.


And I couldn't be any grateful than this.


Somebody POV

Don't you think it's about time for me to spice things up? Up until now, it's been so bland that it makes me bored. I've kept quiet for so long. And when I say something, I will do it.


Things should be more interesting when I decided to. 


A/N: And the 19th Chapter is up. Woohoo!~ Celebration mode. Honestly, I think I should find time to update more but what can I do? I only have a few days until holiday ends. T_T. And I think this year gonna be tough for me. Anyways, I have a suprise for you guys, my precious readers. Anticipate it. Thank you for reading my story. ^_^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..