Friendship & Family

Daehyun POV

I've been hearing rumors from this morning. I thought it's just rumors, but apparently I'm wrong. When I entered the office, I could see all teachers are talking with each other. Feeling curious, I hid behind Mr. Lee's desk.

"I've checked the new students’ background. And I found something interesting."

"What is it?"

"Both of the new students are twin and they're the son of Park Joo Hyun." I could hear gasps. Pak Joo Hyun? As if the most influential woman in this nation? Heck...

"Rumors going around that our principal, Mr. Choi is her friend. That's why she decided to enroll her children in this school."

"She must be didn't know the dark side of this school." Dark side?! What is it? As I'm too busy eavesdropping the teachers conversation, I didn't notice Mr. Lee was already tapping his foot beside me.

"Daehyun." Mr. Lee clears his throat. I jumped due to surprise. When I saw Mr. Lee, my eyes went wide and I straighten my back immediately. What to say? My eyes wandered to the paper on his desk. I grabbed the paper quickly.

"Uh, Mr. Lee. I was just putting this on your desk. Nothing more." I said to him nervously. He cocked his eyebrow.

"Are you sure?" He took a step closer to me while I was already stepped backward.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Lee. Can I go to the class now?" I could hear Mr. Lee sighing.

"You can go now." I quickly walked to the door and walked out.

Fuh. That was close. Good thing he let me go and didn't ask further. But what does they mean by dark side of this school? Does our school haunted or what? Suddenly, I felt goosebumps. Better run now. I looked at the painting on the wall. It does seems creepy. I should tell this to others. For now, let's go to class.


As I entered my class, Mr. Kim still haven't come. Weird, usually he's the first to come. I sat on my chair. I looked across D.O and Tao. They both belong to EXO group while I belong to B.A.P. I averted my eyes to Ravi and Hongbin, they're laughing at something I don't know. I rolled my eyes. Those two sure likes to laugh. Usually I will read book or solving some Math problem, being the nerd of I am. Today, I just felt not doing it. I could see Yoongi, Mark and Mino sitting together, probably gossiping or talking about girls. Should I go to them or not? Debating whether I should join or not, I could hear Mark calling me.

"Hey Daehyun. Come join us." He called me. Guess I will just join them. Joining wouldn't hurt right?

I walked to their desk and sat beside Mino.

"Earlier during recess, Jungkook told me that his class got two new students today. And they're twin." Yoongi said. Is it the new students that all teachers are talking about? I stayed quiet, only listening to them.

"The girls are all talking about both of them. They're literally crazy over the twin." Mino said, rolling his eyes. Are they that hot?

"Have you guys see them yet?" Mark asked both of them.

"Of course not, if I have seen them. I would've told the others." Yoongi said to him.

"Hey Daehyun, why didn't you say anything? Did you know about it already?" Mino nudged me.

"Uh, I just want to hear not talk." I told him.

"Okay, suit yourself. Anyways, Taehyun just texted me. He said the twin are both guy. How boring. I was hoping for at least one of them to be a girl." Mino said.

"How did he know?" Mark asked him.

"I don't know." Mino shrugged.

"Enough about it, have you guys create something?" Yoongi asked us. All three of us shaking our head.

"No." We said in unison. I sighed.

"At this rate, we're never going to graduate and stuck on this school." I said quietly.

"But why should we worry, we have friends right?" Mino said positively. Again with his positive mind.

"The question is do you want to stuck here forever like TASTY hyungs. Look at Yongguk hyung. He aced all of his examination in his year. But he never graduates." I said to him. I can't guarantee all of us are going to graduate by this year. Other people on my ages have already enter college but I'm still here. What a life.

"Oh, . You're right. I don't want to end like them. What should I do?" Yoongi said, panicking over the matter.

"I guess we just need to create something, right?" Mark rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's not that easy to create something, plus multiple students have created theirs and send it to the principal. But only a few make it through, the others were rejected. And TASTY hyungs was one of the rejected. For those who passed, they can graduate. Lucky those who passed." Mino said. "I don't want to think about this now."

"We should just think about it later." Yoongi said, his shoulder dropping down.

"Yeah." Mark's face looks like he aged 10 years forward.

I don't know about what I should create. Even though I'm excellent on studies, that doesn't mean I can create something out of nowhere. Plus, I'm not really creative. About the dark side of this school, I don't know anything about it. It's the first time I've heard it in my 5 years in this school. Which means all this time, the teachers were all keeping it as a secret. The worst thing is I'm dying to know, and I couldn't just ask people, they will freak out. I need to find someone who knows about this. I've decided not to tell the others about this matter. Not until I know what it really is and why the teachers are keeping it from us, students. Unless, there is something all of us didn't know. Or, should I tell Youngjae? Yeah, I will tell to him only.



I was listening to Tao's blabbering about his Gucci when Sehun and Kai sat beside us. Aren't they supposed to be in their class right now?

"What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you two be studying in your class?" I asked both of them.

"Kyungsoo, did you hear me?" Tao asked me. "There is this shop at the town. I heard they're giving Gucci bag for free. Oh my god, I think I need to go there after this. Should I drag Kris hyung?" He began blabbering again.

"Tao, could you zip your mouth for a while before I stuffed cockroaches in your mouth?" I said softly, warning could be heard in my tone.

"But why-" I glared at him. He shut his mouth immediately.

"Okay. We just came out from our class to talk with you two." Kai said.

"Your class doesn't have teacher either?" I asked him. Kai and Sehun nodded. Weird. Usually, we're learning at this time. Plus, it's the first day, right?

"I've checked other classes, they're the same. No teacher." Sehun said. "I don't care anyways. I heard from Jinhwan that our school have got new students today."

"Today?" Kai asked him.

"Yeah, today." He replied.

"Are they guys or girls?" Kai asked him. I rolled my eyes.

"You guys will need to find out that by yourselves. The only hint I will tell you is they're twin." He said. If that was the hint, why bother telling us? This brat...

"But Sehun, today is first day of school, right?" Tao decided to talk. I thought I already scared him off.

"Yeah, what's wrong with today?" Sehun asked him. Is today wrong for new students to come? Wait! Oh... I think I know what he means.

"Usually our school accepted new students by the middle of year or the end of year." I said. "You mean that right, Tao?" He nodded.

"About that, no comment. I don't know. Maybe they've changed their policy. Who knows?" Sehun shrugged. "Hongseok told me that, the new students are both tied in first place in the ranking in this whole nation." Woah, they must be a genius. Really smart.

"First place?! Does that mean the B.A.P members ranking would get low this year?" Kai asked him.

"That's likely what's going to happen." I replied on Sehun's behalf. He only nodded. I looked at Daehyun. Does he know about it?

"I should tell Youngjae and Seungyoon about this. What do you guys think?" Kai asked us.

"It's up to you." Tao said.


It's been three hours and our class still doesn't have a teacher. Few minutes passed and the bell rang. Basically we only learned for two hours today. Where are all the teachers exactly? I looked around me. My classmates are all packing their things and running out from the class. Are they elementary schoolers or what? Running out, it's not like a bunch of zombies are chasing them. I slung my bag, ready to walk out from the class.

"Kyungsoo-ah, do you want to follow me go to the town? I want to get the free Gucci bag." Before I could say anything, he already dragged me to Kris's class.

Seems like today are going to be a long day.


Youngjae POV

Kai told me that our school have two new students. He said we, B.A.P members are going to step out from our first place in this school ranking because the two new students are smarter than us. He also said both of them are twin. Are they that smart? I won't say anything about it because I don't know if the information is true or not. Guess I will have to see it by myself. Until then, I will not make any speculations about both of them. The bell rang, marking today as a first day of school has ended. Just last year, around the June I think, this school accepted bunch of exchanged students from around the world. So that makes this school are going to be a national school. I could feel my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out. A new message from Daehyun.


From: Daehyun

Ya, Yoo Youngjae. Come to my place later. I need to tell you something.


Something? Is it that important enough that I need to go to his place? I scratched my obviously not-so-itchy head. Whatever, I will just go. Someone just slung his hand on my shoulder. I looked at that someone. And I was welcomed with Kai's face in front of my face. I backed away.

"YA! Why did you do that?" I patted my chest. Surprised by his face.

"Just wanna surprise you." He slung his hand back on my shoulder. "By the way, didn't you felt threaten?" He asked.

"Why should I? It's not like I'm going to die because of the low ranking." I shrugged.

"Didn't you treasure your ranking?" He said.

I do treasure my ranks but it's time for me to step out. About my parents, I've had enough with their pressure to ace my examination. I'm tired from being their puppy. The other B.A.P members must felt like me. They must be tired from their parent's constant pressuring them. I thought it's for my sake, but it's only for them. It's always for their sake. I envy those people with good parents. Their parents didn't push them as hard as our parents do to us. The reason why we became a group was because our parents are best friends. Before, we were really awkward with each other but as we learned about each other, we realized we all have many things in common. Now, our brotherhood are stronger than ever and I believed they're like me. Enough with all of the pressure given by our parents.

"I do treasure it. But I don't care anymore." I said to him. "Shouldn't you hang out with your group members?" I asked him. "Where is Sehun?"

"I do have to hang out with them and Sehun already goes to them. I just want to talk to you." He said.

"Okay. But, I need to go to Daehyun's place."

"Already?" I nodded. "Then, I guess we'll talk again tomorrow. I'll get going now. Bye." He bro-hugged me. I hugged him back.



Finally, I've arrived. His house are farther than I thought. I looked around his house. His house does seem creepy with the bushes around it. I ignored my thought. I knocked on Daehyun's door. It was two minutes I waited him to open the door.

"Come, come." He finally opened the door.

"What is the reason you asked me to come here? By the way, your house is creepy, you know? I felt like as if someone was following me and going to kill me." I exaggerated a bit. Okay... I exaggerated a LOT.

"I told you, there is something I need to tell you and this is important." He pushed me in his bedroom. He locked the door.

"Woah, no need to push me dude. I'm a person not a thing for you to push." He rolled his eyes at me. "And why did you locked the door?" I sat on his bed.

"We need to talk in private, I don't want my parents to know about this. They'll go crazy." He sat next to me.

"Is it about the new students?" I asked him. The only thing that will make his parents go crazy is Daehyun get a low ranking. That was enough for them to go crazy.

"How did you know about it?" I threw my bag across the door as I lie down on his bed.

"Kai told me. He said they're twin and apparently, they're tied in first place in the students ranking in this nation." I told him what Kai has told me earlier.

"Really? I didn't know about it. I only knew they're twin and their mother is Park Joo Hyun." He said. Instantaneously, I sat up, upon hearing the name.

"What?! Park Joo Hyun as in the most powerful woman in this country? The successful single mother? The owner of Park's Corporation? Are you serious?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm serious. Do I look like I'm kidding right now?" He pointed to his face. I shakes my head. "I heard it from the teachers earlier. I almost got caught by Mr. Lee because I eavesdropping on the teacher’s conversation."

"If the teachers said that, it's true then." I said, tapping my chin.

"Not only that, I also heard our school has dark side." Dark side? What does he mean by that?

"What dark side?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I only heard our school has dark side. If it's true, that means all of students including us didn't know anything about it. Actually, I want to keep it by myself until I find out what is the dark side but I think you deserve to know. Plus, you're smarter than me right? I'm dying to know but I don't have anyone to ask." He pulled his hair in frustration.

"Woah, relax Daehyun. I don't want to have a friend with a bald head." I pulled his hand down.

"So, I've decided to ask you to join me." Oh no, what is he planning?

"What are you planning Dae? I don't want to join your crazy plan." He only smirked at me.

"I've been thinking about it earlier, and we're going to find out about the school secret. No matter what, you have to join me. I don't care, you need to join me." I groaned.

"AH! You're really one sneaky bastard." This time, I pulled my hair.

"Woah, relax Youngjae. I don't want to have a friend with a bald head." He said my words back. I glared at him.

"How dare you used my word on me."

"Hahaha. Sorry." He grinned at me. "By the way, are you going to stay tonight?" He asked.

"Looks like it." I looked at my stopwatch. "Besides, my house is far away. Your house are just too farther than my house." He only laughed.

"You should text your parents before they go crazy."

"You're right. I don't want to deal with them again. I've had enough."


Little did we know, what we're going to find out isn't going to be pleasant at all.


A/N: So, what do you guys think? Is Daehyun's plan going to be okay or not? Thank you for reading. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..