Friendship & Family

Yunjae POV

"So, are you telling me those bulky guys wanted you guys to meet their boss?" Kris hyung asked us. We nodded. "Why would they do that? Aren't your Mom are influential enough for those guys to be afraid of?"

"We don't know." Jaeyun said to him. I kept quiet since he didn't know anything. I could feel Junhoe's eyes on me. Did he remembered what I said earlier? I gulped.

Junhoe moved closer to me. "Park Yunjae. You knew something, didn't you?" Jaeyun looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked me. Should I tell him? But I'm not sure if my guess are true.

Kris hyung sighed. "Yunjae, if you're hiding something we don't know, tell us now. We need to piece this together."

After keeping quiet for a moment, I decided to tell them what I've been guessing.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but I think those guys worked for my ex-girlfriend's father." Jaeyun's eyes went wider than usual.

"You mean, Jaekyung's father?! How did you know?"

"She told me once that her family was involved in some kind of crimes. I guess those guys were sent by his father to get me. Maybe Jaekyung's couldn't get over me and her father makes the decision to kidnap me. Both of you were happened to be there as well so, they kinda wanted to drag you along." I shrugged. "But this is only a guess. I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true, I will have to confront her father."

"And what if it's not?" Junhoe whispered, loud enough for us to hear.

"I don't know." Kris hyung looked at me.

"I think it will be better if you and also Jaeyun to know my group members."

"And why should we do that?" Jaeyun asked him, trying to keep his cool. I knew he was about to blow up.

"We could protect you when someone tries to do what those men does earlier. Our members all could fight better than what I've seen you guys did."

"What if we doesn't want to do that?" Jaeyun still couldn't trust people easily.

"Relax, I don't mean any harm. I'm just suggesting for both of you to be friends, or at least know my group members. If you still couldn't trust us, you can do what you want. I understand." Should I trust him like I trusted Junhoe? I looked at Junhoe. He nodded, encouraging me to trust Kris hyung.

I let out a sigh. I put a hand on Jaeyun's shoulder. He turned to look at me. We exchanged look. I nodded to him. He tries to find for uncertainty on my face. He sighed in a frustrated manner. He ran his fingers on his hair.

"Okay, we'll do what you said. But if I find it's hard to trust you, don't blame me. I have got trust issues." I smiled at Jaeyun.

"Now that it's dark outside, don't you both need to be at home by now?" I asked Junhoe and Kris hyung.

"You're right." Junhoe checked his phone. "Damn, I've got 19 missed calls from my Mom. I gotta go." He stood up and grabbed his bag.

"I'll get going as well." Kris hyung said. "Ah, I forgot to buy something." He scratched his head. "Tell Mrs. Park that we're going now and thank you for bringing me here." He grabbed Junhoe's hand. "Let's go." Junhoe was dragged before he get to say something.

"Thank you for bringing me here too. Tell your Mom that I love her." He shouted. Both Jaeyun and me laughed at him.

The door could be heard closed from here. I turned to look at Jaeyun.

"Should we go see Mom? She must be asleep because of our too long explaination to Kris hyung before." I asked him.

"Yeah, we should do that."


Mom's room was opened slightly. I peeked inside. There she is. I turned to Jaeyun.

"She's not asleep yet. She's seeing our photoalbum." I said to him. He pushed me aside gently and entered the room while I followed behind him.

I leaned on the wall and he sat beside Mom on the bed. Mom snapped from her thoughts and looked at us with a loving smile. "Are you done talking with your new friends?" We nodded. She closed the photoalbum and placed it on the desk. She patted the other side of the bed. "Come here." I sat on it.

She pulled us in a hug. "I'm glad my boys finally decided to have a friend." She broke the hug. "Have both of you eaten anything yet?" Just then, our stomachs rumbled angrily. She laughed. "I will go cook something." She stood up. "Why don't you go clean yourself while I'm cooking?"

"Okay, Mom." We said it at the same time. Our telepathy still works.


Joohyun POV

I know they're hiding something from me but I won't force them to tell me. About the school, I will ask them later. I don't want to rush it. Looking back at the photoalbum, I missed my old times. Meeting my old friends, playing and joking together. Now, I've lost contact with them and I don't know about their whereabouts. The only one who kept in contact with me was Siwon oppa. I could felt added weights on my bed. I snapped form my thoughts and looked at my boys, giving them a loving smile. 

"Are you done talking with your new friends?" They nodded. I closed the photoalbum and placed it on the desk. I patted the other side of the bed. "Come here." Yunjae sat on it.

I pulled them in a hug. "I'm glad my boys finally decided to have a friend." I broke the hug. "Have both of you eaten anything yet?" I could hear their stomachs rumbled angrily. I laughed at their cuteness. "I will go cook something." I stood up from the bed. "Why don't you go clean yourself while I'm cooking?"

"Okay, Mom."


I tied my hair in a messy bun. I take a look at the plastic bags which the groceries where at. All ingredients needed are here. I began my work.


After half an hour, my cooking was done. I'm quiet proud of my work. Jaeyun and Yunjae sat in front of me.

"Mmm. smells delicious. I will eat it well, Mom." Yunjae said.

"Thank you, Mom." Jaeyun grinned at me.

"Now, let's eat."

We ate in a comfortable silence. Each one of us savoring the food. To be honest, I haven't eat too. A lot of thoughts are running on my mind at this moment. Will we be able to be like this in the future? Will we still living together? Will we have time for bonding? Will they leave me once they find their love? Will they?


Jaeyun POV

I don't know what to say when Yunjae said that. I was speechless. I can't believe my ear. A sweet girl like Jaekyung has a family that's involved in some kind of crime. As far from what I know, they ended with a good term. Why did Jaekyung's father wanted to meet him? And why would they drag me together? A new year with many questions on my mind. From the school to this, how are we suppose to tell Mom? Will she freak out if she knows this?


After eating, we all went to bed. I stared at the ceiling as I lied comfortably on the bed. Should I trust Kris hyung? So far, I've only trusted Junhoe and.Hongseok hyung. I don't know about Hongseok hyung, I just felt like I could trust him. He looks trustable enough for me. I'm still not confident about the others. I'm not saying they're not trustable but my heart doesn't opened completely to do that. I will wait for the time when I've gained enough courage to trust them. By then, I will try to get close to them and learned about them. I only their names and birthdays. Maybe I'll suggest to do camping again on upcoming holiday since this Friday we'll do one.

Blending with rich peoples makes me lose trust on people but I'm slowly changing my belief. I can see some of them are nice, but it's me who turned my back against them, afraid of them betraying me. Just like my ex-girlfriend. I couldn't erase the painful memories. She used me for money and I'm blind for not seeing it earlier. After all of the obstacles we overcame, she broke up with me just because she found someone else who's more richer than me. At first, I couldn't get over it and tries to get her back but seeing her with another man makes my heart shattered. Only Yunjae and Mom knew how much I suffered for that. I learned how women loves money and I tried avoiding them as much as possible. I don't want to get tangle up with another woman just to get dumped. I'm not ready for it... yet.

"-Jaeyun! Do you hear me?" I blinked my eyes and turned to face Yunjae.

"Uh yeah?" He rolled his eyes.

"I said, do you hear what I said just now?" He asked with an annoyed face.

"What did you said?"

He sighed. "I asked if should we tell Mom about the school and what happened earlier or not?"

I looked at the ceiling back. "I don't think we should. I don't wish to see Mom fall sick again because of thinking too much."

He looked at the ceiling too. "Yeah, we better not tell her... yet." The last word came as a whisper.

Will we still living together once we find our soulmates? Will Mom be okay if we aren't here to take care of her? Will us?

The rest of the night was spent in silence as we both drifted to dreamland.


Kris POV

I dragged Junhoe along with me as we walked out from their house. He pulled his hand once we stepped out. 

"Hyung, don't drag me like that again." He rubbed his wrist in disgust. He hated to be touch by other people except his Mom.

I rolled my eyes. "I want to introduce them to my group members tomorrow. I'm telling you just in case if you have another plan to do." I began walking.

He walked beside me. "Aren't that too soon, hyung?"

"Introducing them earlier are better, since Jaeyun still couldn't trust me. I need to at least to do this for him to trust me." I knew what kind of people are Jaeyun is. He found it's difficult to trust people especially when he's already been too long, blending with other rich peoples. I was like that before. But the rest of EXO members teach me on how to trust people. They teach me that not all people are not trustworthy. "Besides, I'm sure they'll get along together since my group members all like to chit-chat." I kicked a stone that was on my way. "They'll get comfortable with them."

"Anything you say, hyung." He looked up in the sky. "Night view is beautiful, right?"

I looked up in the sky too. "Yeah." I closed my eyes before went walking again.



"Did you saw.. how I fight earlier?" I stopped for a brief moments before continuing walking.


"I don't want others to know about this."

"Why?" I asked him again.

"Just please... don't tell them."



I arrived at home safely. Not like someone will attack me from behind though. I've got a lot of things to think. What if Yunjae's wrong? What if it's not his ex's father who sent those guys? What if someone else want something from them? Are they safe for now? Did Mrs. Park know about the school yet? Did she know that our school's policy is stupid? What will she do once she knows it? Will she transfer her sons to another school? Will Mr. Choi allow it?

My head are throbbing badly because of a lot of thinking. I need to take a hot shower to clear all of this thoughts.


I went to my bed straight after taking a long hot shower. Why Junhoe doesn't want the others to know that he could fight.. like that? Is it because he doesn't want the others to know the hidden beast inside him? I fell asleep thinking about it.


Yunjae POV

I groaned as my clock kept ringing. I turned it off and got up. I ruffled my already messed up hair. Yesterday was a mess. I couldn't believe I actually fought... again. I've promised myself to not fight but luck was never with me. Glancing to my side, Jaeyun's still sleeping. He looked peaceful. I entered to the bathroom. I looked at my own reflection on the mirror. Long hair, face scrunched up, dark circle. I looked like . I'm not kidding, I looked like a ghost trying to eat somebody's soul. That's my state right now.

I walked out from the bathroom after I finished taking a bath only to find Jaeyun's still didn't wake up.

"Yah. Hurry get up, or we'll be late." I shook his body. Still no answer from him. I leaned into his ear. "YAH!" Immediately, he woke up and running frantically to the bathroom. Once the bathroom's door closed, I laughed madly. His reaction was too funny. I wiped off my tears from laughing too hard.

I was styling my hair when he comes out with a frown on his face. "Why is your face like that?"

"You told me we'll be late if I don't get up. Look at the clock." I looked at the clock. "We still have a hour and 30 minutes before school starts." I grinned at him. "You prankster. It's good enough I didn't slip in the bathroom or I'll ended up in the hospital with a cracked skull, you know?"

"Sorry. you looked so peaceful that I decided to prank you. Hahaha, but your reaction was epic." I gave him thumbs up.

"Whatever, you silly kid." He rolled his eyes.


We ate in silence since Mom already prepared breakfast for us before she went to the company.


Our journey to the school was also in silence. We didn't talk at all. Both of us enjoying the silence. I looked at our surroundings. Students all walking in a pair or to be exactly with their partner and it's all boy-girl pair. Does this school full of couples being sweet with each other? This thought amused me to the point I want to vomit.

"Jaeyun, did you realize we're the only boy-boy pair walking in this path?"

He turned to take a look around us. "Are they all couples?" I shrugged at him.

"Whatever, we can be lovey-dovey like them too." I pulled him closer. Showing we could be more lovey-dovey than those couples. Hmph, puh-lease. We're better than them. I flipped my long hair.


I could see the school's gate from here and why are those guys including Kris hyung lined up in front of it? Jaeyun's expression hardens suddenly upon seeing him. I patted his back.

"Relax. Control yourself. We'll learn to trust them, okay? Give them a chance to prove that they're trustworthy for us." I put on a smile on my face. "Remember to at least give them a small smile."

We arrived in front of them. There are 12 of them including Kris hyung. What was their group names again? EKSO? XO? EXO?

"So, are they your group members, Kris hyung?" Jaeyun asked him, a smirk forming on his face.

"Yes, and now that you've seen their faces, during recess both of you are going to sit with us." His group members looked shocked, totally not expecting what he was saying just now. "You guys can get to know each other later." He looked at his phone. "Class are starting in 20 minutes. Guys, let's go. And both of you, we'll pick you at your class." He walked away from us.

Jaeyun and I were left dumbfounded. Just.. like that? Only that?

"What the hell just happened?" He asked.

I shrugged. How many times did I shrugged today? "Come on, let's go to our class."


Somebody POV

My plan was a failure. They've got EXO with them. Now, how am I suppose to get close to them? Just you wait, soon I'll make my appearance.


A/N: YAY! Another chapter is up. The introduction's almost over. It took longer than I thought. Anyways, thank you for reading my precious readers. I love you. ^-^

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Finally, I updated. I will consider it as my big achievement for this year. -self patting while sobbing ugly- Unfortunately, I might take on a hiatus again.


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Yerinator #1
Please update soon authornim (:
Chapter 19: Is that somebody bad? I got a feeling that whoever that someone will bring trouble in the future..
Syirrea #3
Chapter 17: Does that mean a new character would be added? If yes, I can't wait for it. Oh, you did mention about the love line, right? Maybe this is it. -wink wink- This story is getting interesting. Keep it up, Authornim. ~^O^~
zhenzhen12 #4
Nice story^^
Syirrea #5
Chapter 16: WINNER are here?! YEAY! Are they going to appear more? Or they just a cameo? O_o
Syirrea #6
Chapter 17: I will wait for you. Fighting.
Syirrea #7
Chapter 15: lolol Yunjae sassiness strikes again
Chapter 15: uh oh.. who is that somebody?? I smell something suspicious
Thank you for making this kind of story. It's hard to find male OC as lead character. Keep it up. ^O^
Chapter 13: Action..
Wow, that's interesting..