That Fateful Night


He, Song Minho, the one whom people believes lived such a good life but in fact, he's not happy with any of it.

She, Shin Haerin, relieves her stress with shouting over a bridge.

He, Song Minho, heard all of her shouting and began to wonder who is the owner of the voice he heard on that night.

She, Shin Haerin, unknowingly becomes friend with Mino's friend whose name is Jiwon.

He, Song Minho, found himself being friends with Haerin thanks to Jiwon.


How will all of this turn out?


From Friendship & Family story, I've brought the side story. It's about Mino-Haerin couple. This is my suprise for my readers. I don't know if you guys will like it or not but hopefully, you guys will like it. Pleaser forgive me if my grammatical error was too many. Sorry if this story aren't beautifully written. I'm just a 16 years old who tried writing a story. Anyways, have a nice day. And enjoy!


P/S: I would appreciate it if anyone comments or point my mistake. So, I could fix my mistakes. Thank you for reading. ^-^


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Smitians #1
Chapter 1: SONG MINHO DAMN YOU why so cuteeee
Chapter 1: Daeeebaakkkk